*CONFIG* ERROR '**ERROR**' BMOD 'Begin' COND '(Condition)' DCOM '(*' CHFIN ';' CHSEP ',' INDENT '2' FCOM '*)' THEN 'Then' CHOICE 'When' FCHOICE '=>' DO 'Do' MAXDEC '10' *CHAINE* CANS 'Goto on' CAS 'Case' ELSI 'Elsif' #ELSI '#Elif' ENAD 'Accept' ENTR 'Entry Point' ETIQ 'Labeled statement' EXAD 'Exception' EXBL 'Exit of Block' EXCA 'Exit of Case' EXCP 'Exception' EXDT 'Exit of Decision Table' EXIF 'Exit of If' EXLO 'Exit of Loop' EXPA 'Exit Pacbase' EXPO 'Exit of For' EXRE 'Exit of Repeat' EXSE 'Exit of Select' EXTQ 'Exit of While' FFFF 'End' FICA 'End of Case' FIDT 'End of Decision Table' FIEX 'End of Exception' FILO 'End of Loop' FIN 'Exit of Component' FINC 'End of Component' FIPO 'End For' FISE 'End Select' FISI 'End If' #FISI '#End If' FISW 'End of Switch' FITQ 'End of While' FNAD 'Ask for Rdv' FXAD 'End of Exception' IFNS 'Goto on' LEAV 'Leave' LOOP 'Loop' POUR 'For' RADA 'Raise' REBO 'Goto Begin of Structure' REDT 'GOTO Begin of Decision Table' REPE 'Repeat' REPO 'Goto Begin of For' RETQ 'Goto Begin of While' RERE 'Goto Begin of Repeat' RIEN 'Statement (s)' PERROR 'Parsing error (s)' SACO 'Goto undefined' SAUT 'Goto' SELE 'Select' SI 'If' #SI '#If' SINO 'Else' #SINO '#Else' SORT 'Exit of Structure' SWCH 'Switch' SYNO 'Reduced Set of Statements' TQUE 'While' UNTI 'Until' RETU 'Return' *LIMIT_ACCESS* 0.001 *LIMIT_TESTAB* 10