< reference $Id: QualityModelWithReducer.ref,v 2009/07/03 16:36:18 frpasa Exp $ > # # Version: April 2009 by Kalimetrix on behalf of IBM Rational. # Applicable to Logiscope 6.6 QualityChecker Projects # where the CodeReducer Module is selected # #------------------------------------------------------------------ # This file is an EXAMPLE of a LOGISCOPE QUALITY MODEL FILE or | # Reference file that is used to evaluate the MAINTAINABILITY of | # Ada, C, C++, or Java source code files in compliance with the | # ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001 international standard [9126-1]. | # | # The ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001 international standard defines the | # external and internal quality of software products according | # to the following six characteristics: | # - FUNCTIONALITY | # - RELIABILITY | # - USABILITY | # - EFFICIENCY | # - MAINTAINABILITY | # - PORTABILITY | # | # MAINTAINABILITY is defined as "the capability of the software | # product to be modified. Modifications may include corrections, | # improvements or adaptation of the software to changes in | # environment, and in requirements and functional specifications" | # It is broken down into the following four sub-characteristics: | # - ANALYZABILITY | # - CHANGEABILITY | # - STABILITY | # - TESTABILITY | # | # For a standardized definitions of these characteristics and | # sub-characteristics, please refer to [9126-1] or | # to the document "Kalimetrix Logiscope Audit - Basic Concepts | # | # The present Logiscope Quality Model complies with the | # ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001 Quality Model and follows recommendations | # of the software product evaluation international standard | # by rating software components according to four levels of | # performance: | # | # EXCELLENT : All metrics respect the specified thresholds. | # GOOD : When it does not deviate much from the model. | # FAIR : When some component attributes may undermine the | # optimal level of maintainability. | # POOR : When the component attributes cannot guarantee an | # optimal level of maintainability. | # Such a component shall be subject to code review | # to state if the complexity is justified or not | # | # The Logiscope Audit quality models are presented in this order: | # /ADA | # /C | # /C++ | # /JAVA | # | # The detailed specification of the structure of this file is | # available in "Kalimetrix Logiscope Audit - Basic Concepts | #------------------------------------------------------------------ /ADA *MD* # User Defined Metric Section : # ----------------------------- # Function Scope: "Average size of statements": avg_size = (N1+N2) / MAX(lc_stat,1) { Average number of operands and operators per executable statement: avg_size = N1+N2 / lc_stat; where: N1 is the number of operator occurrences, N2 is the number of operand occurrences, lc_stat is the number of statements in the function. } "Vocabulary frequency": voc_freq = MAX((N1+N2),1) / MAX((n1+n2),1) { Average number of times the vocabulary is used: voc_freq = (N1+N2) / (n1+n2) where : N1 is the number of operator occurrences, N2 is the number of operand occurrences, n1 is the number of distinct operators, n2 is the number of distinct operands. } "Comment frequency": com_freq = lc_comm / MAX(lc_stat,1) { Ratio between the number of lines of comments in the function and the number of statements: com_freq = lc_comm / lc_stat where: lc_comm is the number of lines of comments in the function, lc_stat is the number of instructions in the function. } "Structuring": struc_pg = ct_bran + ct_exit { Number of violations of Structured Programming: - ct_bran : No destructuring branchings - ct_exit : No auxilary exit } # Module Scope: "Module comment rate": md_comf = md_comm / md_line { Percentage of comments in the module: md_comf = md_comm / md_line where: md_comm is the number of lines of comments in the module, md_line is the total number of lines in the module. } "Module declarations": md_dcl = md_vars + md_consts + md_types { Number of data declared in the module: md_dcl = md_vars + md_consts + md_types where: md_vars is the number of declared variables, md_consts is the number of declared constants. md_types is the number of declared types. } "Module fan out": md_fanout = md_expva + md_expco + md_expty + md_expex { Number of data exported by the module: md_fanout = md_expva + md_expco + md_expty + md_expex where: md_expva is the number of exported variables, md_expco is the number of exported constants. md_expty is the number of exported types, md_expex is the number of exported exceptions. } # Application Scope: "Average complexity of functions": ap_wmc = ap_vg / ap_func { Average cyclomatic number (VG) of the functions defined in the project: ap_wmc = ap_vg / ap_func where: ap_vg is the sum of the cyclomatic numbers of the functions, ap_func is the number of functions in the application. } "Application comment rate": ap_comf = ap_scomm / ap_sline { Percentage of comments in the project source files: ap_comf = ap_scomm / ap_sline where: ap_scomm is the number of lines of comments in the project source files, md_line is the total number of lines in the project source files. } "Application effective lines of code": ap_eloc = ap_sloc - ap_ssbra { Total number of effective lines of code in the project source files; Empty lines, lines of comments or lines containing only block tags (e.g. begin, end) are not counted: ap_eloc = ap_sloc - ap_ssbra where: ap_sloc is the number of lines of code in the project source files, ap_ssbra is the number of lines containing block tags in the project source files. } "Application Code Compression Ratio": ap_cr_code = MAX(DEF(ap_cr_compr_code_max,0),MAX(DEF(ap_cr_compr_code_med,0),DEF(ap_cr_compr_code_min,0))) { Maximum Application Compression Ratio estimated by CodeReducer for the configuration "Ada similarities everywhere" For mode details, refer to CodeReducer documentation } "Application Package Compression Ratio": ap_cr_pkg = MAX(DEF(ap_cr_compr_pkg_max,0),MAX(DEF(ap_cr_compr_pkg_med,0),DEF(ap_cr_compr_pkg_min,0))) { Maximum Application Compression Ratio estimated by CodeReducer for the configuration "Ada similar packages" For mode details, refer to CodeReducer documentation } "Application Procedure Compression Ratio": ap_cr_proc = MAX(DEF(ap_cr_compr_proc_max,0),MAX(DEF(ap_cr_compr_proc_med,0),DEF(ap_cr_compr_proc_min,0))) { Maximum Application Compression Ratio estimated by CodeReducer for the configuration "Ada similar procedures" For mode details, refer to CodeReducer documentation } "Application Compression Ratio": ap_cr = MAX(ap_cr_code,MAX(ap_cr_proc,ap_cr_pkg)) { Maximum Application Compression Ratio estimated by CodeReducer. The compression Ratio is the ratio between the number of similar lines that could be factorised in the application divided by the total number of lines. The compression Ratio depends of the user-selected scenario: search configuration and similarity degree For mode details, refer to CodeReducer documentation } *ME* # Metric Thresholds Specification Section: # ---------------------------------------- # Function scope: avg_size F 0.00 9.00 com_freq F 0.20 +oo ct_nest I 0 4 ct_npath I 0 80 struc_pg I 0 1 ct_vg I 0 10 dc_calling I 0 7 ic_param I 0 5 lc_stat I 0 50 n2 I 0 30 voc_freq F 0.00 4.00 # Module scope: md_n2 I 0 100 md_dcl I 0 25 md_line I 0 1000 md_comf F 0.20 +oo md_excs I 0 0 md_stat I 0 500 md_expfn I 0 15 md_fanout I 0 7 md_types I 0 5 md_vars I 0 10 md_with I 0 4 # Application scope: ap_stat I 0 100000 ap_func I 0 3000 ap_sline I 0 300000 ap_vg I 0 6000 ap_cg_levl I 1 12 ap_wmc F 1 4.00 ap_comf F 0.20 +oo ap_eloc I 0 200000 ap_cr F 0.00 10.00 *MC* # Criteria / Sub-characteristics Specification Section: # ----------------------------------------------------- # Function scope: ANALYZABILITY = ct_vg + avg_size + com_freq + lc_stat { ANALYZABILITY: the capability of the sofware product to be diagnosed for deficiencies or causes of failures in the software, or for the parts to be modified to be indentified [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 4 4 3 GOOD 3 3 2 FAIR 2 2 1 POOR 0 1 0 CHANGEABILITY = voc_freq + n2 + ct_nest { CHANGEABILITY: the capability of the software product to enable a specified modification to be implemented [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 STABILITY = struc_pg + dc_calling + ct_npath { STABILITY: the capability of the software product to avoid unexpected effects from modifications of the software [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 TESTABILITY = ct_vg + ic_param + ct_npath { TESTABILITY: the capability of the software product to enable modified software to be validated [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 # Module scope: ANALYZABILITYm = md_comf + md_line + md_with { ANALYZABILITY: the capability of the sofware product to be diagnosed for deficiencies or causes of failures in the software, or for the parts to be modified to be indentified [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 CHANGEABILITYm = md_n2 + md_types + md_vars { CHANGEABILITY: the capability of the software product to enable a specified modification to be implemented [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 STABILITYm = md_dcl + md_fanout + md_expfn { STABILITY: the capability of the software product to avoid unexpected effects from modifications of the software [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 TESTABILITYm = md_expfn + md_stat + md_excs { TESTABILITY: the capability of the software product to enable modified software to be validated [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 # Application scope: SIZE = ap_stat + ap_func + ap_sline + ap_vg + ap_wmc + ap_cg_levl + ap_eloc + ap_comf + ap_cr { Application Size is based on : - Number of executable statements - Number of functions - Total number of lines - Sum of cyclomatic numbers - Weighted methods per application - Depth of Call Graph - Number of effective lines of code - Comment rate - CodeReducer Compression Ratio } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ LOW 6 9 2 MEDIUM 3 5 1 LARGE 0 2 0 *BQ* # Factors / characteristics specification Section: # ------------------------------------------------ MAINTAINABILITY: component = ANALYZABILITY + CHANGEABILITY + STABILITY + TESTABILITY { MAINTAINABILITY: the capability of the software product to be modified. Modifications may include corrections, improvements or adaptation of the software to changes in environment, and in requirements and functional specifications [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Sum of the weights of | #| Performance | the subcharacteristics | #| | minimum | maximum | #+--------------|------------|------------+ EXCELLENT 12 12 GOOD 9 11 FAIR 6 8 POOR 0 5 MAINTAINABILITY: module = ANALYZABILITYm + CHANGEABILITYm + STABILITYm + TESTABILITYm { MAINTAINABILITY: the capability of the software product to be modified. Modifications may include corrections, improvements or adaptation of the software to changes in environment, and in requirements and functional specifications [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Sum of the weights of | #| Performance | the subcharacteristics | #| | minimum | maximum | #+--------------|------------|------------+ EXCELLENT 12 12 GOOD 9 11 FAIR 6 8 POOR 0 5 STATISTICS: application = SIZE { Application statistics: for statistical and information purposes only. } LOW 2 2 MEDIUM 1 1 LARGE 0 0 #-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o /C *MD* # User Defined Metric Section : # ----------------------------- # Function Scope : "Average size of statements" : avg_size = (N1+N2) / MAX(lc_stat,1) { Average number of operands and operators per executable statement: avg_size = N1+N2 / lc_stat; where: N1 is the number of operator occurrences, N2 is the number of operand occurrences, lc_stat is the number of statements in the function. } "Vocabulary frequency" : voc_freq = MAX((N1+N2),1) / MAX((n1+n2),1) { Average number of times the vocabulary is used: voc_freq = (N1+N2) / (n1+n2) where : N1 is the number of operator occurrences, N2 is the number of operand occurrences, n1 is the number of distinct operators, n2 is the number of distinct operands. } "Comment frequency": com_freq = lc_comm / MAX(lc_stat,1) { Ratio between the number of lines of comments in the function and the number of statements: com_freq = lc_comm / lc_stat where: lc_comm is the number of lines of comments in the function, lc_stat is the number of instructions in the function. } "McCabe cyclomatic number": mc_vg = ct_vg + ct_ternary + ct_andthen + ct_orelse { McCabe Cyclomatic number of the function: mc_vg = ct_vg + ct_ternary + ct_andthen + ct_orelse where: ct_vg is the control graph cyclomatic number, ct_ternary is the number of occurrences of the "?:" operator, ct_andthen is the number of occurrences of the "&&" operator, ct_orelse is the number of occurrences of the "||" operator. The later 3 measures add all conditions to the "branch" oriented control graph cyclomatic number. } "Structuring": struc_pg = ct_bran + ct_exit { Number of violations of Structured Programming: - ct_bran : No break or continue in a loop, No goto - ct_exit : No auxilary exit } # Application Scope: "Average complexity of functions": ap_wmc = ap_vg / ap_func { Average cyclomatic number (VG) of the functions defined in the project: ap_wmc = ap_vg / ap_func where: ap_vg is the sum of the cyclomatic numbers of the functions, ap_func is the number of functions in the application. } "Application comment rate": ap_comf = ap_scomm / ap_sline { Percentage of comments in the project source files: ap_comf = ap_scomm / ap_sline where: ap_scomm is the number of lines of comments in the project source files, md_line is the total number of lines in the project source files. } "Application effective lines of code": ap_eloc = ap_sloc - ap_ssbra { Total number of effective lines of code in the project source files; Empty lines, lines of comments or lines containing only lone braces are not counted: ap_eloc = ap_sloc - ap_ssbra where: ap_sloc is the number of lines of code in the project source files, ap_ssbra is the number of lines containing only lone braces in the project source files. } "Application Code Compression Ratio": ap_cr_code = MAX(DEF(ap_cr_compr_code_max,0),MAX(DEF(ap_cr_compr_code_med,0),DEF(ap_cr_compr_code_min,0))) { Maximum Application Compression Ratio estimated by CodeReducer for the configuration "C similarities everywhere" For mode details, refer to CodeReducer documentation } "Application Function Compression Ratio": ap_cr_func = MAX(DEF(ap_cr_compr_func_max,0),MAX(DEF(ap_cr_compr_func_med,0),DEF(ap_cr_compr_func_min,0))) { Maximum Application Compression Ratio estimated by CodeReducer for the configuration "C similar functions" For mode details, refer to CodeReducer documentation } "Application Compression Ratio": ap_cr = MAX(ap_cr_code,ap_cr_func) { Maximum Application Compression Ratio estimated by CodeReducer. The compression Ratio is the ratio between the number of similar lines that could be factorised in the application divided by the total number of lines. The compression Ratio depends of the user-selected scenario: search configuration and similarity degree For mode details, refer to CodeReducer documentation } *ME* # Metric Thresholds Specification Section: # ---------------------------------------- # Function scope: avg_size F 0.00 9.00 com_freq F 0.20 +oo ct_nest I 0 4 ct_npath I 0 80 struc_pg I 0 1 ct_vg I 0 10 dc_calls I 0 7 dc_calling I 0 7 ic_param I 0 5 lc_stat I 0 50 mc_vg I 0 15 n2 I 0 30 voc_freq F 0.00 4.00 # Application scope: ap_stat I 0 100000 ap_func I 0 3000 ap_sline I 0 300000 ap_vg I 0 6000 ap_cg_levl I 1 12 ap_wmc F 1 5.00 ap_comf F 0.20 +oo ap_eloc I 0 200000 ap_cr F 0.0 10.00 *MC* # Criteria / Sub-characteristics specification Section: # ----------------------------------------------------- ANALYZABILITY = ct_vg + avg_size + com_freq + lc_stat { ANALYZABILITY: the capability of the sofware product to be diagnosed for deficiencies or causes of failures in the software, or for the parts to be modified to be indentified [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 4 4 3 GOOD 3 3 2 FAIR 2 2 1 POOR 0 1 0 CHANGEABILITY = voc_freq + n2 + ct_nest { CHANGEABILITY: the capability of the software product to enable a specified modification to be implemented [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 STABILITY = struc_pg + dc_calling + ct_npath { STABILITY: the capability of the software product to avoid unexpected effects from modifications of the software [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 TESTABILITY = mc_vg + ic_param + dc_calls + ct_npath { TESTABILITY: the capability of the software product to enable modified software to be validated [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 4 4 3 GOOD 3 3 2 FAIR 2 2 1 POOR 0 1 0 SIZE = ap_stat + ap_func + ap_sline + ap_vg + ap_wmc + ap_cg_levl + ap_eloc + ap_comf + ap_cr { Application Size is based on : - Number of executable statements - Number of functions - Total number of lines - Sum of cyclomatic numbers - Weighted methods per application - Depth of Call Graph - Number of effective lines of code - Comment rate - CodeReducer Compression Ratio } LOW 6 9 2 MEDIUM 3 5 1 LARGE 0 2 0 *BQ* # Factors / characteristics specification Section: # ------------------------------------------------ MAINTAINABILITY: component = ANALYZABILITY + CHANGEABILITY + STABILITY + TESTABILITY { MAINTAINABILITY: the capability of the software product to be modified. Modifications may include corrections, improvements or adaptation of the software to changes in environment, and in requirements and functional specifications [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Sum of the weights of | #| Performance | the subcharacteristics | #| | minimum | maximum | #+--------------|------------|------------+ EXCELLENT 12 12 GOOD 9 11 FAIR 6 8 POOR 0 5 STATISTICS: application = SIZE { Application statistics: for statistical and information purposes only. } LOW 2 2 MEDIUM 1 1 LARGE 0 0 #-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o /C++ *MD* # User Defined Metric Section : # ----------------------------- # Function Scope : "Average size of statements" : avg_size = (N1+N2) / MAX(lc_stat,1) { Average number of operands and operators per executable statement: avg_size = N1+N2 / lc_stat; where: N1 is the number of operator occurrences, N2 is the number of operand occurrences, lc_stat is the number of statements in the function. } "Vocabulary frequency" : voc_freq = MAX((N1+N2),1) / MAX((n1+n2),1) { Average number of times the vocabulary is used: voc_freq = (N1+N2) / (n1+n2) where : N1 is the number of operator occurrences, N2 is the number of operand occurrences, n1 is the number of distinct operators, n2 is the number of distinct operands. } "Comment frequency": com_freq = lc_comm / MAX(lc_stat,1) { Ratio between the number of lines of comments in the function and the number of statements: com_freq = lc_comm / lc_stat where: lc_comm is the number of lines of comments in the function, lc_stat is the number of instructions in the function. } "Structuring": struc_pg = ct_bran + ct_exit { Number of violations of Structured Programming: - ct_bran: no break or continue in a loop, no goto, - ct_exit: no auxilary exit. } # Module Scope: "Module comment rate": md_comf = md_comm / md_line { Ratio between the number of lines of comments in the module and the total number of lines: md_comf = md_comm / md_line where: md_comm is the number of lines of comments in the module, md_line is the total number of lines in the module. } "Module declarations": md_dcl = md_vars + md_consts + md_types { Number of data declared in the module: md_dcl = md_vars + md_consts + md_types where: md_vars is the number of declared variables, md_consts is the number of declared constants. md_types is the number of declared types. } # Class scope: "Class comment rate": cl_comf = cl_bcom / MAX(cl_wmc,1) { Ratio between the number of blocks of comments in the class and the total number of statements: cl_comf = cl_bcom / cl_wmc where: cl_bcom is the number of lines of comments in the class, cl_wmc is the sum of cyclomatic numbers of the methods in the class. } "Total number of attributes": cl_data = cl_data_prot + cl_data_publ + cl_data_priv { Total number of private, protected and public attributes in the class. } "Total number of methods" : cl_func = cl_func_priv + cl_func_prot + cl_func_publ { Total number of private, protected and public methods in the class. } # Application Scope: "Average complexity of functions": ap_wmc = ap_vg / ap_func { Average cyclomatic number (VG) of the functions defined in the project: ap_wmc = ap_vg / ap_func where: ap_vg is the sum of the cyclomatic numbers of the functions, ap_func is the number of functions in the application. } "Application comment rate": ap_comf = ap_scomm / ap_sline { Percentage of comments in the project source files: ap_comf = ap_scomm / ap_sline where: ap_scomm is the number of lines of comments in the project source files, md_line is the total number of lines in the project source files. } "Application effective lines of code": ap_eloc = ap_sloc - ap_ssbra { Total number of effective lines of code in the project source files; Empty lines, lines of comments or lines containing only lone braces are not counted: ap_eloc = ap_sloc - ap_ssbra where: ap_sloc is the number of lines of code in the project source files, ap_ssbra is the number of lines containing only lone braces in the project source files. } "Application Code Compression Ratio": ap_cr_code = MAX(DEF(ap_cr_compr_code_max,0),MAX(DEF(ap_cr_compr_code_med,0),DEF(ap_cr_compr_code_min,0))) { Maximum Application Compression Ratio estimated by CodeReducer for the configuration "C++ similarities everywhere" For mode details, refer to CodeReducer documentation } "Application Class Compression Ratio": ap_cr_class = MAX(DEF(ap_cr_compr_class_max,0),MAX(DEF(ap_cr_compr_class_med,0),DEF(ap_cr_compr_class_min,0))) { Maximum Application Compression Ratio estimated by CodeReducer for the configuration "C++ similar packages" For mode details, refer to CodeReducer documentation } "Application Function Compression Ratio": ap_cr_func = MAX(DEF(ap_cr_compr_func_max,0),MAX(DEF(ap_cr_compr_func_med,0),DEF(ap_cr_compr_func_min,0))) { Maximum Application Compression Ratio estimated by CodeReducer for the configuration "C++ similar functions" For mode details, refer to CodeReducer documentation } "Application Compression Ratio": ap_cr = MAX(ap_cr_code,MAX(ap_cr_func,ap_cr_class)) { Maximum Application Compression Ratio estimated by CodeReducer. The compression Ratio is the ratio between the number of similar lines that could be factorised in the application divided by the total number of lines. The compression Ratio depends of the user-selected scenario: search configuration and similarity degree For mode details, refer to CodeReducer documentation } *ME* # Metric Thresholds Specification Section: # ---------------------------------------- # Function scope: avg_size F 0.00 9.00 com_freq F 0.20 +oo ct_nest I 0 3 ct_npath I 0 80 struc_pg I 0 1 ct_vg I 0 10 dc_calls I 0 7 dc_calling I 0 7 ic_param I 0 5 lc_stat I 0 30 n2 I 0 20 voc_freq F 0.00 4.00 # Module scope: md_n2 I 0 100 md_dcl I 0 25 md_line I 0 600 md_comf F 0.20 +oo md_stat I 0 250 md_expfn I 0 15 md_expva I 0 1 md_types I 0 5 md_vars I 0 10 md_impmo I 0 4 # Class scope: cl_comf F 1.00 +oo cl_data I 0 7 cl_func I 0 25 cl_wmc I 0 80 cu_cdused I 0 10 cu_cdusers I 0 5 in_bases I 0 3 in_noc I 0 3 cl_func_publ I 0 15 cl_data_publ I 0 0 cl_dep_meth I 0 10 # Application scope: ap_stat I 0 100000 ap_func I 0 3000 ap_sline I 0 300000 ap_vg I 0 6000 ap_cg_levl I 1 12 ap_wmc F 1 3.00 ap_comf F 0.20 +oo ap_eloc I 0 200000 ap_inhg_levl I 1 5 ap_cr F 0.00 10.00 # MOOD metrics: ap_mhf F 0.1 0.4 ap_ahf F 0.7 1.0 ap_mif F 0.6 0.8 ap_aif F 0.3 0.6 ap_pof F 0.0 0.2 ap_cof F 0.0 0.18 *MC* # Criteria / Sub-characteristics specification Section: # ----------------------------------------------------- # Function Scope: ANALYZABILITY = ct_vg + avg_size + com_freq + lc_stat { ANALYZABILITY: the capability of the sofware product to be diagnosed for deficiencies or causes of failures in the software, or for the parts to be modified to be identified [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 4 4 3 GOOD 3 3 2 FAIR 2 2 1 POOR 0 1 0 CHANGEABILITY = voc_freq + n2 + ct_nest { CHANGEABILITY: the capability of the software product to enable a specified modification to be implemented [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 STABILITY = struc_pg + dc_calling + ct_npath { STABILITY: the capability of the software product to avoid unexpected effects from modifications of the software [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 TESTABILITY = ct_vg + ic_param + dc_calls + ct_npath { TESTABILITY: the capability of the software product to enable modified software to be validated [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 4 4 3 GOOD 3 3 2 FAIR 2 2 1 POOR 0 1 0 # Module Scope: ANALYZABILITYm = md_line + md_comf + md_impmo { ANALYZABILITY: the capability of the sofware product to be diagnosed for deficiencies or causes of failures in the software, or for the parts to be modified to be identified [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 CHANGEABILITYm = md_n2 + md_types + md_vars { CHANGEABILITY: the capability of the software product to enable a specified modification to be implemented [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 STABILITYm = md_dcl + md_expfn + md_expva { STABILITY: the capability of the software product to avoid unexpected effects from modifications of the software [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 TESTABILITYm = md_stat + md_expfn + md_vars { TESTABILITY: the capability of the software product to enable modified software to be validated [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 # Class scope: ANALYZABILITYc = cl_wmc + cl_comf + in_bases + cu_cdused { ANALYZABILITY: the capability of the sofware product to be diagnosed for deficiencies or causes of failures in the software, or for the parts to be modified to be identified [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 4 4 3 GOOD 3 3 2 FAIR 2 2 1 POOR 0 1 0 CHANGEABILITYc = cl_wmc + cl_func + cl_data { CHANGEABILITY: the capability of the software product to enable a specified modification to be implemented [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 STABILITYc = cl_data_publ + cu_cdusers + in_noc + cl_func_publ { STABILITY: the capability of the software product to avoid unexpected effects from modifications of the software [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 4 4 3 GOOD 3 3 2 FAIR 2 2 1 POOR 0 1 0 TESTABILITYc = cl_wmc + cl_func + cu_cdused + cl_dep_meth { TESTABILITY: the capability of the software product to enable modified software to be validated [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 4 4 3 GOOD 3 3 2 FAIR 2 2 1 POOR 0 1 0 # Application Scope: SIZE = ap_stat + ap_func + ap_sline + ap_vg + ap_wmc + ap_cg_levl + ap_eloc + ap_comf + ap_inhg_levl + ap_cr { Application Size is based on : - Number of executable statement - Number of functions - Total number of lines - Sum of cyclomatic numbers - Weighted methods per application - Depth of Call Graph - Number of effective lines of code - Comment rate - Depth of inheritance - CodeReducer Compression Ratio } LOW 7 10 2 MEDIUM 3 6 1 LARGE 0 2 0 MOOD = ap_mhf + ap_ahf + ap_mif + ap_aif + ap_pof + ap_cof { The Metrics for Object Oriented Design (MOOD) have been introduced by F. Brito E Abreu [BRI, 94]: - MHF: Method Hiding factor - AHF: Attribute Hiding factor - MIF: Method Inheritance Factor - AIF: Attribute Inheritance Factor - POF: Polymorphism Factor - COF: Coupling Factor } LOW 5 6 0 MEDIUM 2 4 0 LARGE 0 1 0 *BQ* # Factors / characteristics specification Section: # ------------------------------------------------ MAINTAINABILITY: component = ANALYZABILITY + CHANGEABILITY + STABILITY + TESTABILITY { MAINTAINABILITY: the capability of the software product to be modified. Modifications may include corrections, improvements or adaptation of the software to changes in environment, and in requirements and functional specifications [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Sum of the weights of | #| Performance | the subcharacteristics | #| | minimum | maximum | #+--------------|------------|------------+ EXCELLENT 12 12 GOOD 9 11 FAIR 6 8 POOR 0 5 MAINTAINABILITY: module = ANALYZABILITYm + CHANGEABILITYm + STABILITYm + TESTABILITYm { MAINTAINABILITY: the capability of the software product to be modified. Modifications may include corrections, improvements or adaptation of the software to changes in environment, and in requirements and functional specifications [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Sum of the weights of | #| Performance | the subcharacteristics | #| | minimum | maximum | #+--------------|------------|------------+ EXCELLENT 12 12 GOOD 9 11 FAIR 6 8 POOR 0 5 MAINTAINABILITY: class = ANALYZABILITYc + CHANGEABILITYc + STABILITYc + TESTABILITYc { MAINTAINABILITY: the capability of the software product to be modified. Modifications may include corrections, improvements or adaptation of the software to changes in environment, and in requirements and functional specifications [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Sum of the weights of | #| Performance | the subcharacteristics | #| | minimum | maximum | #+--------------|------------|------------+ EXCELLENT 12 12 GOOD 9 11 FAIR 6 8 POOR 0 5 STATISTICS: application = SIZE + MOOD { Application statistics: for statistical and information purposes only. } LOW 2 2 MEDIUM 1 1 LARGE 0 0 #-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o /JAVA *MD* # User Defined Metric Section : # ----------------------------- # Function Scope : "Average size of statements": avg_size = (N1+N2) / MAX(lc_stat,1) { Average number of operands and operators per executable statement: avg_size = N1+N2 / lc_stat; where: N1 is the number of operator occurrences, N2 is the number of operand occurrences, lc_stat is the number of statements in the function. } "Vocabulary frequency": voc_freq = MAX((N1+N2),1) / MAX((n1+n2),1) { Average number of times the vocabulary is used: voc_freq = (N1+N2) / (n1+n2) where : N1 is the number of operator occurrences, N2 is the number of operand occurrences, n1 is the number of distinct operators, n2 is the number of distinct operands. } "Comment frequency": com_freq = lc_comm / MAX(lc_stat,1) { Ratio between the number of lines of comments in the function and the number of statements: com_freq = lc_comm / lc_stat where: lc_comm is the number of lines of comments in the function, lc_stat is the number of instructions in the function. } "Structuring": struc_pg = ct_bran + MAX(ct_exit,1) { Number of violations of Structured Programming: - ct_bran : No break or continue in a loop, - ct_exit : No auxilary exit. } # Module Scope: "Module comment rate": md_comf = md_comm / md_line { Ratio between the number of lines of comments in the module and the number of lines: md_comf = md_comm / md_line where: md_comm is the number of lines of comments in the module, md_line is the total number of lines in the module. } "Module declarations": md_import = md_import_demd + md_import_pack + md_import_type { Number of data imported in the module: md_import = md_import_pack + md_import_type + md_import_demd where: md_import_pack is the number of imported packages, md_import_type is the number of imported types, md_import_demd is the number of importation on demand. } # Class scope: "Class comment rate": cl_comf = cl_comm / MAX(cl_line,1) { Ratio between the number of lines of comments in the module and the total number of lines: cl_comf = cl_comm / cl_line where: cl_comm is the number of lines of comments in the package, cl_line is the total number of lines in the package. } # Package scope: "Package comment rate": pk_comf = pk_com / MAX(pk_line,1) { Ratio between the number of lines of comments in the package and the total number of statements: pk_comf = pk_comm / pk_line where: pk_comm is the number of lines of comments in the package, pk_stmt is the total number of lines in the package. } "Total number of inheritance" : pk_inh = pk_extend + pk_implement { Number of inheritance using extend and/or implement in the package } # Application scope: "Average complexity of functions": ap_wmc = ap_vg / ap_func { Average cyclomatic number (VG) of the functions defined in the project: ap_wmc = ap_vg / ap_func where: ap_vg is the sum of the cyclomatic numbers of the functions, ap_func is the number of functions in the application. } "Application comment rate": ap_comf = ap_scomm / ap_sline { Percentage of comments in the project source files: ap_comf = ap_scomm / ap_sline where: ap_scomm is the number of lines of comments in the project source files, md_line is the total number of lines in the project source files. } "Application effective lines of code": ap_eloc = ap_sloc - ap_ssbra { Total number of effective lines of code in the project source files; Empty lines, lines of comments or lines containing only lone braces are not counted: ap_eloc = ap_sloc - ap_ssbra where: ap_sloc is the number of lines of code in the project source files, ap_ssbra is the number of lines containing only lone braces in the project source files. } "Application Code Compression Ratio": ap_cr_code = MAX(DEF(ap_cr_compr_code_max,0),MAX(DEF(ap_cr_compr_code_med,0),DEF(ap_cr_compr_code_min,0))) { Maximum Application Compression Ratio estimated by CodeReducer for the configuration "Java similarities everywhere" For mode details, refer to CodeReducer documentation } "Application Package Compression Ratio": ap_cr_pkg = MAX(DEF(ap_cr_compr_pkg_max,0),MAX(DEF(ap_cr_compr_pkg_med,0),DEF(ap_cr_compr_pkg_min,0))) { Maximum Application Compression Ratio estimated by CodeReducer for the configuration "Java similar packages" For mode details, refer to CodeReducer documentation } "Application Class Compression Ratio": ap_cr_class = MAX(DEF(ap_cr_compr_class_max,0),MAX(DEF(ap_cr_compr_class_med,0),DEF(ap_cr_compr_class_min,0))) { Maximum Application Compression Ratio estimated by CodeReducer for the configuration "Java similar packages" For mode details, refer to CodeReducer documentation } "Application Function Compression Ratio": ap_cr_func = MAX(DEF(ap_cr_compr_func_max,0),MAX(DEF(ap_cr_compr_func_med,0),DEF(ap_cr_compr_func_min,0))) { Maximum Application Compression Ratio estimated by CodeReducer for the configuration "Java similar functions" For mode details, refer to CodeReducer documentation } "Application Compression Ratio": ap_cr = MAX(ap_cr_code,MAX(ap_cr_func,MAX(ap_cr_class,ap_cr_pkg))) { Maximum Application Compression Ratio estimated by CodeReducer. The compression Ratio is the ratio between the number of similar lines that could be factorised in the application divided by the total number of lines. The compression Ratio depends of the user-selected scenario: search configuration and similarity degree For mode details, refer to CodeReducer documentation } *ME* # Metric Thresholds Specification Section: # ---------------------------------------- # Function scope: avg_size F 1.00 9.00 com_freq F 0.20 +oo ct_nest I 0 3 ct_npath I 0 80 struc_pg I 1 1 ct_vg I 0 7 ic_param I 0 5 lc_stat I 0 30 n2 I 0 20 voc_freq F 1.00 4.00 # Module scope: md_class I 0 1 md_interf I 0 1 md_line I 0 500 md_comf F 0.20 +oo md_stat I 0 200 md_dclstat I 0 20 md_import I 0 10 md_import_pack I 0 4 # Class scope: cl_comf F 0.20 +oo cl_data I 0 7 cl_func I 0 25 cl_stat I 0 100 cl_wmc I 0 60 cu_cdused I 0 10 cu_cdusers I 0 5 in_bases I 0 3 in_noc I 0 3 cl_func_publ I 0 15 cl_data_publ I 0 0 # Package scope: pk_class I 0 20 pk_comf F 0.20 +oo pk_data I 0 100 pk_data_publ I 0 0 pk_func I 0 250 pk_func_publ I 0 200 pk_extend I 0 15 pk_implement I 0 10 pk_interf I 0 3 pk_inh I 0 20 pk_file I 0 20 pk_inh_levl_max I 0 4 pk_pkused I 0 50 pk_stmt I 0 1500 pk_vg I 0 400 # Application scope: ap_stat I 0 100000 ap_func I 0 3000 ap_sline I 0 300000 ap_vg I 0 6000 ap_wmc F 1 3.00 ap_comf F 0.20 +oo ap_eloc I 0 200000 ap_inhg_levl I 1 5 ap_cr F 0.00 10.00 *MC* # Criteria / Sub-characteristics specification Section: # ----------------------------------------------------- ANALYZABILITY = ct_vg + avg_size + com_freq + lc_stat { ANALYZABILITY: the capability of the sofware product to be diagnosed for deficiencies or causes of failures in the software, or for the parts to be modified to be indentified [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 4 4 3 GOOD 3 3 2 FAIR 2 2 1 POOR 0 1 0 CHANGEABILITY = voc_freq + n2 + ct_nest { CHANGEABILITY: the capability of the software product to enable a specified modification to be implemented [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 STABILITY = struc_pg + ct_nest + ct_npath { STABILITY: the capability of the software product to avoid unexpected effects from modifications of the software [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 TESTABILITY = ct_vg + ic_param + ct_npath { TESTABILITY: the capability of the software product to enable modified software to be validated [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 # Module scope: ANALYZABILITYm = md_comf + md_line + md_import_pack { ANALYZABILITY: the capability of the sofware product to be diagnosed for deficiencies or causes of failures in the software, or for the parts to be modified to be identified [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 CHANGEABILITYm = md_stat + md_dclstat + md_class { CHANGEABILITY: the capability of the software product to enable a specified modification to be implemented [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 STABILITYm = md_dclstat + md_class + md_interf { STABILITY: the capability of the software product to avoid unexpected effects from modifications of the software [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 TESTABILITYm = md_stat + md_class + md_import { TESTABILITY: the capability of the software product to enable modified software to be validated [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 # Class scope: ANALYZABILITYc = cl_wmc + cl_comf + in_bases + cu_cdused { ANALYZABILITY: the capability of the sofware product to be diagnosed for deficiencies or causes of failures in the software, or for the parts to be modified to be identified [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 4 4 3 GOOD 3 3 2 FAIR 2 2 1 POOR 0 1 0 CHANGEABILITYc = cl_stat + cl_func + cl_data { CHANGEABILITY: the capability of the software product to enable a specified modification to be implemented [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 STABILITYc = cl_data_publ + cu_cdusers + in_noc + cl_func_publ { STABILITY: the capability of the software product to avoid unexpected effects from modifications of the software [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 4 4 3 GOOD 3 3 2 FAIR 2 2 1 POOR 0 1 0 TESTABILITYc = cl_wmc + cl_func + cu_cdused { TESTABILITY: the capability of the software product to enable modified software to be validated [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 3 3 3 GOOD 2 2 2 FAIR 1 1 1 POOR 0 0 0 # Package scope: ANALYZABILITYp = pk_vg + pk_comf + pk_inh_levl_max + pk_pkused { ANALYZABILITY: the capability of the sofware product to be diagnosed for deficiencies or causes of failures in the software, or for the parts to be modified to be identified [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 4 4 3 GOOD 3 3 2 FAIR 2 2 1 POOR 0 1 0 CHANGEABILITYp = pk_stmt + pk_file + pk_func + pk_data { CHANGEABILITY: the capability of the software product to enable a specified modification to be implemented [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 4 4 3 GOOD 3 3 2 FAIR 2 2 1 POOR 0 1 0 STABILITYp = pk_data_publ + pk_func_publ + pk_class + pk_inh { STABILITY: the capability of the software product to avoid unexpected effects from modifications of the software [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 4 4 3 GOOD 3 3 2 FAIR 2 2 1 POOR 0 1 0 TESTABILITYp = pk_vg + pk_func + pk_inh + pk_class { TESTABILITY: the capability of the software product to enable modified software to be validated [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Number of metrics OK | Weight in | #| Performance | min | max | the report | #+--------------|----------|-----------|--------------+ EXCELLENT 4 4 3 GOOD 3 3 2 FAIR 2 2 1 POOR 0 1 0 # Application scope: SIZE = ap_stat + ap_func + ap_sline + ap_vg + ap_wmc + ap_eloc + ap_comf + ap_inhg_levl + ap_cr { Application Size is based on : - Number of executable statements - Number of functions - Total number of lines - Sum of cyclomatic numbers - Weighted methods per application - Number of effective lines of code - Comment rate - Depth of inheritance - CodeReducer Compression Ratio } LOW 6 9 2 MEDIUM 3 5 1 LARGE 0 2 0 *BQ* # Factors / characteristics specification Section: # ------------------------------------------------ MAINTAINABILITY: component = ANALYZABILITY + CHANGEABILITY + STABILITY + TESTABILITY { MAINTAINABILITY: the capability of the software product to be modified. Modifications may include corrections, improvements or adaptation of the software to changes in environment, and in requirements and functional specifications [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Sum of the weights of | #| Performance | the subcharacteristics | #| | minimum | maximum | #+--------------|------------|------------+ EXCELLENT 12 12 GOOD 9 11 FAIR 6 8 POOR 0 5 MAINTAINABILITY: module = ANALYZABILITYm + CHANGEABILITYm + STABILITYm + TESTABILITYm { MAINTAINABILITY: the capability of the software product to be modified. Modifications may include corrections, improvements or adaptation of the software to changes in environment, and in requirements and functional specifications [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Sum of the weights of | #| Performance | the subcharacteristics | #| | minimum | maximum | #+--------------|------------|------------+ EXCELLENT 12 12 GOOD 9 11 FAIR 6 8 POOR 0 5 MAINTAINABILITY: class = ANALYZABILITYc + CHANGEABILITYc + STABILITYc + TESTABILITYc { MAINTAINABILITY: the capability of the software product to be modified. Modifications may include corrections, improvements or adaptation of the software to changes in environment, and in requirements and functional specifications [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Sum of the weights of | #| Performance | the subcharacteristics | #| | minimum | maximum | #+--------------|------------|------------+ EXCELLENT 12 12 GOOD 9 11 FAIR 6 8 POOR 0 5 MAINTAINABILITY: package = ANALYZABILITYp + CHANGEABILITYp + STABILITYp + TESTABILITYp { MAINTAINABILITY: the capability of the software product to be modified. Modifications may include corrections, improvements or adaptation of the software to changes in environment, and in requirements and functional specifications [ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001]. } #+----------------------------------------+ #| Level of | Sum of the weights of | #| Performance | the subcharacteristics | #| | minimum | maximum | #+--------------|------------|------------+ EXCELLENT 12 12 GOOD 9 11 FAIR 6 8 POOR 0 5 STATISTICS: application = SIZE { Application statistics: for statistical and information purposes only. } LOW 2 2 MEDIUM 1 1 LARGE 0 0 #-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o