sources_files [-Idirectory] [-Dname[=def]] [-Uname] [-dial { kr78 | ansi | sun | hp | hp_ansi | mcc_std | mcc | gnu | gnu_rhel_3 | gnu_rhel_4 | gnu_d950 | iar | diab | microsoft_15 | microsoft_20 | microsoft_50 | microsoft_60 } ] [-ddef file] [-ign file] [-longname] [-extensions ]* [-o file | directory] [-mode={exp | noexp}] [-mac file] [-tcl file] [-inst [prefix=...] [suffix=...]] [-cond] [-cc[=compiler]] [-c] [-help] [-v] Where: source_files: Lists absolute or relative pathnames of C source code files. Example: file_1.c file_2.c or file_*.c -Idirectory: Modifies the file search algorithm so that directory is used before the standard list of directories. -Dname[=def]: Defines name as though it were in a #define directive. If the part =def is missing, name takes the value 1 by default. -Uname: Considers name as undefined as though it were in an #undef directive. -dial { kr78 | ansi | sun | hp | hp_ansi | mcc_std | mcc | gnu | gnu_rhel_3 | gnu_rhel_4 | gnu_d950 | iar | diab | microsoft_15 | microsoft_20 | microsoft_50 | microsoft_60 }: C dialects of the source code to be analyzed. The default dialect is the one handled by the C compiler of the host machine. -ddef file: The set of predefined macros is defined in this file. -ign file: Ignores portions of code not written in C. File contains keyword sequences which delimit the portion of code to be ignored. -longname: Allows to use long names instead of short names (default). -extensions : is used to specify C files extensions (e.g. "*.c;*.cx") The default is "*.c". -o file | directory: Indicates that file will be used as root name of the files from the source file analysis or that directory will be used to generate the file from the source file analysis. The default is the current directory. For several source files analysis only a directory name must be supplied. -mode={exp | noexp}: Macro handling mode: exp for expansion, noexp for no expansion. The default handling mode is exp. -mac file: Inverts the macro handling mode for the macros listed (one per line) in file. This option is related to the -mode option. -tcl file: Allows to change the TCL script which is used to generate files included by each instrumented C file. The file will be searched in the current directory, in the home directory and then in /util. Default is instrument.tcl. -inst [prefix=...] [suffix=...]: Activates the generation of the instrumented source files. The prefix is attached to the beginning of the base name of the analyzed source file and the suffix is attached to the end of the base name of the analyzed source file. By default, there is no prefix and the default suffix is ".inst". -cond: Activates the modified conditions/decisions generation (only if -inst is also activated). -cc[=compiler]: Activates the C compiler "compiler" (by default /bin/cc) on all C source code files if -inst option is not present and on all instrumented source code files if -inst option is used. -c: The link edit operation is not made. -help: Displays a brief description of the Logiscope C Analyzer startup syntax. -v: Displays the version.