METRICS VERSION 3 /* ap_cg_cycle : Computed by the API */ /* ap_cg_cycle : Call graph recursions */ /* Activating ap_cg_cycle will also activate : GA_CYCLE */ METRIC application ap_cg_cycle ON END METRIC /* ap_cg_edge : Computed by the API */ /* ap_cg_edge : Call graph edges */ /* Activating ap_cg_edge will also activate : GA_EDGE */ METRIC application ap_cg_edge ON END METRIC /* ap_cg_levl : Computed by the API */ /* ap_cg_levl : Call graph depth */ /* Activating ap_cg_levl will also activate : GA_LEVL */ METRIC application ap_cg_levl ON END METRIC /* ap_cg_maxdeg : Computed by the API */ /* ap_cg_maxdeg : Maximum callers/Called */ /* Activating ap_cg_maxdeg will also activate : GA_MAX_DEG */ METRIC application ap_cg_maxdeg ON END METRIC /* ap_cg_maxin : Computed by the API */ /* ap_cg_maxin : Maximum callers */ /* Activating ap_cg_maxin will also activate : GA_MAX_IN */ METRIC application ap_cg_maxin ON END METRIC /* ap_cg_maxout : Computed by the API */ /* ap_cg_maxout : Maximum of called */ /* Activating ap_cg_maxout will also activate : GA_MAX_OUT */ METRIC application ap_cg_maxout ON END METRIC /* ap_cg_node : Computed by the API */ /* ap_cg_node : Call graph nodes */ /* Activating ap_cg_node will also activate : GA_NODE */ METRIC application ap_cg_node ON END METRIC /* ap_cg_root : Computed by the API */ /* ap_cg_root : Call graph roots */ /* Activating ap_cg_root will also activate : GA_NSP */ METRIC application ap_cg_root ON END METRIC /* ap_cg_leaf : Computed by the API */ /* ap_cg_leaf : Call graph leaves */ /* Activating ap_cg_leaf will also activate : GA_NSS */ METRIC application ap_cg_leaf ON END METRIC /* ap_func : Computed by the API */ /* ap_func : Number of application functions */ /* Activating ap_func will also activate : LMA */ METRIC application ap_func ON END METRIC /* ap_line : Computed by the API */ /* ap_line : Number of lines */ METRIC application ap_line ON END METRIC /* ap_sline : Computed by a TCL parser metric */ /* ap_sline : Number of lines */ METRIC application ap_sline ON END METRIC /* ap_sloc : Computed by a TCL parser metric */ /* ap_sloc : Number of lines of code */ METRIC application ap_sloc ON END METRIC /* ap_scomm : Computed by a TCL parser metric */ /* ap_scomm : Number of lines of comments */ METRIC application ap_scomm ON END METRIC /* ap_sblank : Computed by a TCL parser metric */ /* ap_sblank : Number of empty lines */ METRIC application ap_sblank ON END METRIC /* ap_ssbra : Computed by a TCL parser metric */ /* ap_ssbra : Number of lines with lone braces */ METRIC application ap_ssbra ON END METRIC /* ap_stat : Computed by the API */ /* ap_stat : Number of statements */ METRIC application ap_stat ON END METRIC /* ap_vg : Computed by the API */ /* ap_vg : Sum of cyclomatic numbers of the application functions */ /* Activating ap_vg will also activate : ap_cyclo, VGA */ METRIC application ap_vg ON END METRIC /* md_consts : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_consts : Number of declared constants */ METRIC modules md_consts ON END METRIC /* md_excs : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_excs : Number of declared exceptions */ METRIC modules md_excs ON END METRIC /* md_types : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_types : Number of declared types */ METRIC modules md_types ON END METRIC /* md_vars : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_vars : Number of declared variables */ METRIC modules md_vars ON END METRIC /* md_D : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_D : Halstead modules difficulty */ METRIC modules md_D ON END METRIC /* md_n2 : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_n2 : Number of distinct operands */ METRIC modules md_n2 ON END METRIC /* md_n1 : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_n1 : Number of distinct operators */ METRIC modules md_n1 ON END METRIC /* md_E : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_E : Halstead module mental effort */ METRIC modules md_E ON END METRIC /* md_CN : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_CN : Halstead modules estimated length */ METRIC modules md_CN ON END METRIC /* md_I : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_I : Halstead module intelligent content */ METRIC modules md_I ON END METRIC /* md_L : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_L : Halstead module level */ METRIC modules md_L ON END METRIC /* md_N : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_N : Halstead module length */ METRIC modules md_N ON END METRIC /* md_N2 : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_N2 : Total number of operands */ METRIC modules md_N2 ON END METRIC /* md_N1 : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_N1 : Total number of operators */ METRIC modules md_N1 ON END METRIC /* md_n : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_n : Halstead module vocabulary */ METRIC modules md_n ON END METRIC /* md_V : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_V : Halstead module volume */ METRIC modules md_V ON END METRIC /* md_expco : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_expco : Number of exported constants */ METRIC modules md_expco ON END METRIC /* md_expex : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_expex : Number of exported exceptions */ METRIC modules md_expex ON END METRIC /* md_expfn : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_expfn : Number of exported functions */ METRIC modules md_expfn ON END METRIC /* md_expty : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_expty : Number of exported types */ METRIC modules md_expty ON END METRIC /* md_expva : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_expva : Number of exported variables */ METRIC modules md_expva ON END METRIC /* md_with : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_with : Number of with clauses */ METRIC modules md_with ON END METRIC /* md_algo : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_algo : Number of syntactic entities in algorithms */ METRIC modules md_algo ON END METRIC /* md_decl : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_decl : Number of syntactic entities in declarations */ METRIC modules md_decl ON END METRIC /* md_synt : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_synt : Number of syntactic entities */ METRIC modules md_synt ON END METRIC /* md_line : Computed by a TCL parser metric */ /* md_line : Number of lines */ METRIC modules md_line ON END METRIC /* md_comm : Computed by a TCL parser metric */ /* md_comm : Number of lines of comments */ METRIC modules md_comm ON END METRIC /* md_loc : Computed by a TCL parser metric */ /* md_loc : Number of lines of code */ METRIC modules md_loc ON END METRIC /* md_blank : Computed by a TCL parser metric */ /* md_blank : Number of empty lines */ METRIC modules md_blank ON END METRIC /* md_sbra : Computed by a TCL parser metric */ /* md_sbra : Number of lines with lone braces */ METRIC modules md_sbra ON END METRIC /* md_stat : Computed by the API */ /* md_stat : Number of statements */ /* Activating md_stat will also activate : lc_stat */ METRIC modules md_stat ON END METRIC /* DES_CPX : Computed by the API */ /* DES_CPX : Design complexity */ METRIC functions DES_CPX ON END METRIC /* ESS_CPX : Computed by the API */ /* ESS_CPX : Essential complexity */ METRIC functions ESS_CPX ON END METRIC /* cg_entropy : Computed by the API */ /* cg_entropy : Relative call graph entropy */ /* Activating cg_entropy will also activate : ENTROPY */ METRIC functions cg_entropy ON END METRIC /* cg_hiercpx : Computed by the API */ /* cg_hiercpx : Relative call graph hierarchical complexity */ /* Activating cg_hiercpx will also activate : HIER_CPX */ METRIC functions cg_hiercpx ON END METRIC /* IND_CALLS : Computed by the API */ /* IND_CALLS : Relative call graph call-paths */ METRIC functions IND_CALLS ON END METRIC /* cg_levels : Computed by the API */ /* cg_levels : Relative call graph levels */ /* Activating cg_levels will also activate : LEVELS */ METRIC functions cg_levels ON END METRIC /* dc_calling : Computed by the API */ /* dc_calling : Number of callers */ /* Activating dc_calling will also activate : NBCALLING */ METRIC functions dc_calling ON END METRIC /* ct_path : Computed by the API */ /* ct_path : Number of paths */ /* Activating ct_path will also activate : PATH */ METRIC functions ct_path ON END METRIC /* ct_npath : Computed by the API */ /* ct_npath : Number of paths */ METRIC functions ct_npath ON END METRIC /* cg_strucpx : Computed by the API */ /* cg_strucpx : Relative call graph structural complexity */ /* Activating cg_strucpx will also activate : STRU_CPX */ METRIC functions cg_strucpx ON END METRIC /* cg_testab : Computed by the API */ /* cg_testab : Relative call graph testability */ /* Activating cg_testab will also activate : TESTBTY */ METRIC functions cg_testab ON END METRIC /* dc_calls : Computed by the API */ /* dc_calls : Relative call graph testability */ /* Activating dc_calls will also activate : DRCT_CALLS */ METRIC functions dc_calls ON END METRIC /* ct_bran : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* ct_bran : Number of destructuring statements */ METRIC functions ct_bran ON END METRIC /* ct_cyclo : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* ct_cyclo : Cyclomatic number (VG) */ /* Activating ct_cyclo will also activate : ct_vg, VG */ METRIC functions ct_cyclo ON END METRIC /* ct_decis : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* ct_decis : Number of decisions */ /* Activating ct_decis will also activate : N_STRUCT */ METRIC functions ct_decis ON END METRIC /* ct_degree : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* ct_degree : Maximum degree */ METRIC functions ct_degree ON END METRIC /* ct_edge : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* ct_edge : Number of edges */ METRIC functions ct_edge ON END METRIC /* ct_exit : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* ct_exit : Number of out statements */ /* Activating ct_exit will also activate : N_OUT */ METRIC functions ct_exit ON END METRIC /* ct_goto : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* ct_goto : Number of gotos */ /* Activating ct_goto will also activate : GOTO */ METRIC functions ct_goto ON END METRIC /* ct_loop : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* ct_loop : Number of loops */ METRIC functions ct_loop ON END METRIC /* ct_nest : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* ct_nest : Maximum nesting level */ METRIC functions ct_nest ON END METRIC /* ct_node : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* ct_node : Number of nodes */ METRIC functions ct_node ON END METRIC /* dc_consts : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* dc_consts : Number of declared constants */ METRIC functions dc_consts ON END METRIC /* dc_excs : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* dc_excs : Number of declared exceptions */ METRIC functions dc_excs ON END METRIC /* dc_types : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* dc_types : Number of declared types */ METRIC functions dc_types ON END METRIC /* dc_vars : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* dc_vars : Number of declared variables */ METRIC functions dc_vars ON END METRIC /* D : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* D : Halstead difficulty */ /* Activating D will also activate : ha_dif */ METRIC functions D ON END METRIC /* n2 : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* n2 : Number of distinct operands */ /* Activating n2 will also activate : ha_dopd */ METRIC functions n2 ON "in_body" END METRIC /* n1 : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* n1 : Number of distinct operators */ /* Activating n1 will also activate : ha_dopt */ METRIC functions n1 ON "in_body" END METRIC /* E : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* E : Halstead mental effort */ /* Activating E will also activate : ha_eff */ METRIC functions E ON END METRIC /* CN : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* CN : Halstead estimated length */ /* Activating CN will also activate : ha_elg */ METRIC functions CN ON END METRIC /* I : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* I : Halstead intelligent content */ /* Activating I will also activate : ha_int */ METRIC functions I ON END METRIC /* L : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* L : Halstead level */ /* Activating L will also activate : ha_lev */ METRIC functions L ON END METRIC /* N : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* N : Halstead length */ /* Activating N will also activate : ha_olg */ METRIC functions N ON END METRIC /* N2 : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* N2 : Total number of operands */ /* Activating N2 will also activate : ha_topd */ METRIC functions N2 ON END METRIC /* N1 : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* N1 : Total number of operators */ /* Activating N1 will also activate : ha_topt */ METRIC functions N1 ON END METRIC /* n : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* n : Halstead vocabulary */ /* Activating n will also activate : ha_voc */ METRIC functions n ON END METRIC /* V : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* V : Halstead volume */ /* Activating V will also activate : ha_vol */ METRIC functions V ON END METRIC /* ic_param : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* ic_param : Number of parameters */ /* Activating ic_param will also activate : PARA */ METRIC functions ic_param ON END METRIC /* lc_ccomm : Computed by a TCL parser metric */ /* lc_ccomm : Number of lines of comments */ METRIC functions lc_ccomm ON END METRIC /* lc_cline : Computed by a TCL parser metric */ /* lc_cline : Number of lines */ METRIC functions lc_cline ON END METRIC /* lc_cloc : Computed by a TCL parser metric */ /* lc_cloc : Number of lines of code */ METRIC functions lc_cloc ON END METRIC /* lc_cblank : Computed by a TCL parser metric */ /* lc_cblank : Number of empty lines */ METRIC functions lc_cblank ON END METRIC /* lc_csbra : Computed by a TCL parser metric */ /* lc_csbra : Number of lines with lone braces */ METRIC functions lc_csbra ON END METRIC /* lc_stat : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* lc_stat : Number of statements */ /* Activating lc_stat will also activate : STMT */ METRIC functions lc_stat ON "no_null_stat" END METRIC /* ap_cr_sim_code_max : Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_sim_code_max : number of similarities found */ METRIC application ap_cr_sim_code_max ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_sim_code_med : Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_sim_code_med : number of similarities found */ METRIC application ap_cr_sim_code_med ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_sim_code_min : Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_sim_code_min : number of similarities found */ METRIC application ap_cr_sim_code_min ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_sim_pkg_max : Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_sim_pkg_max : number of similarities found */ METRIC application ap_cr_sim_pkg_max ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_sim_pkg_med : Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_sim_pkg_med : number of similarities found */ METRIC application ap_cr_sim_pkg_med ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_sim_pkg_min : Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_sim_pkg_min : number of similarities found */ METRIC application ap_cr_sim_pkg_min ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_sim_proc_max : Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_sim_proc_max : number of similarities found */ METRIC application ap_cr_sim_proc_max ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_sim_proc_med : Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_sim_proc_med : number of similarities found */ METRIC application ap_cr_sim_proc_med ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_sim_proc_min : Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_sim_proc_min : number of similarities found */ METRIC application ap_cr_sim_proc_min ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_sline_code_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_sline_code_max: number of similar lines */ METRIC application ap_cr_sline_code_max ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_sline_code_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_sline_code_med: number of similar lines */ METRIC application ap_cr_sline_code_med ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_sline_code_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_sline_code_min: number of similar lines */ METRIC application ap_cr_sline_code_min ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_sline_pkg_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_sline_pkg_max: number of similar lines */ METRIC application ap_cr_sline_pkg_max ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_sline_pkg_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_sline_pkg_med: number of similar lines */ METRIC application ap_cr_sline_pkg_med ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_sline_pkg_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_sline_pkg_min: number of similar lines */ METRIC application ap_cr_sline_pkg_min ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_sline_proc_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_sline_proc_max: number of similar lines */ METRIC application ap_cr_sline_proc_max ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_sline_proc_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_sline_proc_med: number of similar lines */ METRIC application ap_cr_sline_proc_med ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_sline_proc_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_sline_proc_min: number of similar lines */ METRIC application ap_cr_sline_proc_min ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_gain_code_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_gain_code_max: number of lines which, maybe, can be suppressed */ METRIC application ap_cr_gain_code_max ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_gain_code_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_gain_code_med: number of lines which, maybe, can be suppressed */ METRIC application ap_cr_gain_code_med ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_gain_code_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_gain_code_min: number of lines which, maybe, can be suppressed */ METRIC application ap_cr_gain_code_min ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_gain_pkg_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_gain_pkg_max: number of lines which, maybe, can be suppressed */ METRIC application ap_cr_gain_pkg_max ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_gain_pkg_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_gain_pkg_med: number of lines which, maybe, can be suppressed */ METRIC application ap_cr_gain_pkg_med ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_gain_pkg_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_gain_pkg_min: number of lines which, maybe, can be suppressed */ METRIC application ap_cr_gain_pkg_min ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_gain_proc_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_gain_proc_max: number of lines which, maybe, can be suppressed */ METRIC application ap_cr_gain_proc_max ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_gain_proc_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_gain_proc_med: number of lines which, maybe, can be suppressed */ METRIC application ap_cr_gain_proc_med ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_gain_proc_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_gain_proc_min: number of lines which, maybe, can be suppressed */ METRIC application ap_cr_gain_proc_min ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_compr_code_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_compr_code_max: compression ration for the application */ METRIC application ap_cr_compr_code_max ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_compr_code_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_compr_code_med: compression ration for the application */ METRIC application ap_cr_compr_code_med ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_compr_code_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_compr_code_min: compression ration for the application */ METRIC application ap_cr_compr_code_min ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_compr_pkg_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_compr_pkg_max: compression ration for the application */ METRIC application ap_cr_compr_pkg_max ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_compr_pkg_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_compr_pkg_med: compression ration for the application */ METRIC application ap_cr_compr_pkg_med ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_compr_pkg_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_compr_pkg_min: compression ration for the application */ METRIC application ap_cr_compr_pkg_min ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_compr_proc_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_compr_proc_max: compression ration for the application */ METRIC application ap_cr_compr_proc_max ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_compr_proc_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_compr_proc_med: compression ration for the application */ METRIC application ap_cr_compr_proc_med ON END METRIC /* ap_cr_compr_proc_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* ap_cr_compr_proc_min: compression ration for the application */ METRIC application ap_cr_compr_proc_min ON END METRIC /* md_cr_sim_code_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_sim_code_max: number of similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_sim_code_max ON END METRIC /* md_cr_sim_code_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_sim_code_med: number of similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_sim_code_med ON END METRIC /* md_cr_sim_code_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_sim_code_min: number of similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_sim_code_min ON END METRIC /* md_cr_sim_pkg_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_sim_pkg_max: number of similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_sim_pkg_max ON END METRIC /* md_cr_sim_pkg_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_sim_pkg_med: number of similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_sim_pkg_med ON END METRIC /* md_cr_sim_pkg_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_sim_pkg_min: number of similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_sim_pkg_min ON END METRIC /* md_cr_sim_proc_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_sim_proc_max: number of similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_sim_proc_max ON END METRIC /* md_cr_sim_proc_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_sim_proc_med: number of similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_sim_proc_med ON END METRIC /* md_cr_sim_proc_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_sim_proc_min: number of similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_sim_proc_min ON END METRIC /* md_cr_lsim_code_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_lsim_code_max: number of local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_lsim_code_max ON END METRIC /* md_cr_lsim_code_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_lsim_code_med: number of local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_lsim_code_med ON END METRIC /* md_cr_lsim_code_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_lsim_code_min: number of local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_lsim_code_min ON END METRIC /* md_cr_lsim_pkg_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_lsim_pkg_max: number of local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_lsim_pkg_max ON END METRIC /* md_cr_lsim_pkg_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_lsim_pkg_med: number of local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_lsim_pkg_med ON END METRIC /* md_cr_lsim_pkg_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_lsim_pkg_min: number of local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_lsim_pkg_min ON END METRIC /* md_cr_lsim_proc_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_lsim_proc_max: number of local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_lsim_proc_max ON END METRIC /* md_cr_lsim_proc_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_lsim_proc_med: number of local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_lsim_proc_med ON END METRIC /* md_cr_lsim_proc_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_lsim_proc_min: number of local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_lsim_proc_min ON END METRIC /* md_cr_occ_code_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_occ_code_max: number of occurences of similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_occ_code_max ON END METRIC /* md_cr_occ_code_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_occ_code_med: number of occurences of similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_occ_code_med ON END METRIC /* md_cr_occ_code_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_occ_code_min: number of occurences of similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_occ_code_min ON END METRIC /* md_cr_occ_pkg_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_occ_pkg_max: number of occurences of similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_occ_pkg_max ON END METRIC /* md_cr_occ_pkg_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_occ_pkg_med: number of occurences of similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_occ_pkg_med ON END METRIC /* md_cr_occ_pkg_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_occ_pkg_min: number of occurences of similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_occ_pkg_min ON END METRIC /* md_cr_occ_proc_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_occ_proc_max: number of occurences of similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_occ_proc_max ON END METRIC /* md_cr_occ_proc_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_occ_proc_med: number of occurences of similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_occ_proc_med ON END METRIC /* md_cr_occ_proc_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_occ_proc_min: number of occurences of similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_occ_proc_min ON END METRIC /* md_cr_locc_code_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_locc_code_max: number of occurences of local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_locc_code_max ON END METRIC /* md_cr_locc_code_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_locc_code_med: number of occurences of local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_locc_code_med ON END METRIC /* md_cr_locc_code_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_locc_code_min: number of occurences of local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_locc_code_min ON END METRIC /* md_cr_locc_pkg_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_locc_pkg_max: number of occurences of local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_locc_pkg_max ON END METRIC /* md_cr_locc_pkg_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_locc_pkg_med: number of occurences of local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_locc_pkg_med ON END METRIC /* md_cr_locc_pkg_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_locc_pkg_min: number of occurences of local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_locc_pkg_min ON END METRIC /* md_cr_locc_proc_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_locc_proc_max: number of occurences of local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_locc_proc_max ON END METRIC /* md_cr_locc_proc_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_locc_proc_med: number of occurences of local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_locc_proc_med ON END METRIC /* md_cr_locc_proc_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_locc_proc_min: number of occurences of local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_locc_proc_min ON END METRIC /* md_cr_sline_code_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_sline_code_max: number of lines in similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_sline_code_max ON END METRIC /* md_cr_sline_code_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_sline_code_med: number of lines in similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_sline_code_med ON END METRIC /* md_cr_sline_code_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_sline_code_min: number of lines in similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_sline_code_min ON END METRIC /* md_cr_sline_pkg_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_sline_pkg_max: number of lines in similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_sline_pkg_max ON END METRIC /* md_cr_sline_pkg_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_sline_pkg_med: number of lines in similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_sline_pkg_med ON END METRIC /* md_cr_sline_pkg_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_sline_pkg_min: number of lines in similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_sline_pkg_min ON END METRIC /* md_cr_sline_proc_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_sline_proc_max: number of lines in similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_sline_proc_max ON END METRIC /* md_cr_sline_proc_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_sline_proc_med: number of lines in similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_sline_proc_med ON END METRIC /* md_cr_sline_proc_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_sline_proc_min: number of lines in similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_sline_proc_min ON END METRIC /* md_cr_lline_code_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_lline_code_max: number of lines in local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_lline_code_max ON END METRIC /* md_cr_lline_code_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_lline_code_med: number of lines in local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_lline_code_med ON END METRIC /* md_cr_lline_code_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_lline_code_min: number of lines in local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_lline_code_min ON END METRIC /* md_cr_lline_pkg_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_lline_pkg_max: number of lines in local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_lline_pkg_max ON END METRIC /* md_cr_lline_pkg_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_lline_pkg_med: number of lines in local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_lline_pkg_med ON END METRIC /* md_cr_lline_pkg_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_lline_pkg_min: number of lines in local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_lline_pkg_min ON END METRIC /* md_cr_lline_proc_max: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_lline_proc_max: number of lines in local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_lline_proc_max ON END METRIC /* md_cr_lline_proc_med: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_lline_proc_med: number of lines in local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_lline_proc_med ON END METRIC /* md_cr_lline_proc_min: Computed by Code Reducer */ /* md_cr_lline_proc_min: number of lines in local similarities found */ METRIC modules md_cr_lline_proc_min ON END METRIC /**************************/ /* Deprecated, do not use */ /**************************/ /* ap_line : Computed by the API */ /* ap_line : Number of lines */ METRIC application ap_line ON END METRIC /* md_comm_old : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_comm_old : Number of lines of comments */ METRIC modules md_comm_old ON END METRIC /* md_line_old : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_line_old : Number of lines */ METRIC modules md_line_old ON END METRIC /* md_stat_old : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* md_stat_old : Number of statements */ METRIC modules md_stat_old ON "no_null_stat" END METRIC /* lc_comm : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* lc_comm : Number of lines of comments */ METRIC functions lc_comm ON END METRIC /* lc_comm_old : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* lc_comm_old : Number of lines of comments */ METRIC functions lc_comm_old OFF END METRIC /* lc_line : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* lc_line : Number of lines */ METRIC functions lc_line ON END METRIC /* lc_line_old : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* lc_line_old : Number of lines */ METRIC functions lc_line_old OFF END METRIC /* lc_decl : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* lc_decl : Number of syntactic entities in declarations */ METRIC functions lc_decl ON END METRIC /* lc_decl_old : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* lc_decl_old : Number of syntactic entities in declarations */ METRIC functions lc_decl_old OFF END METRIC /* lc_algo : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* lc_algo : Number of syntactic entities in algorithms */ METRIC functions lc_algo ON END METRIC /* lc_algo_old : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* lc_algo_old : Number of syntactic entities in algorithms */ METRIC functions lc_algo_old OFF END METRIC /* lc_synt : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* lc_synt : Number of syntactic entities */ METRIC functions lc_synt ON END METRIC /* lc_synt_old : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* lc_synt_old : Number of syntactic entities */ METRIC functions lc_synt_old OFF END METRIC /* D_old : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* D_old : Halstead difficulty */ METRIC functions D_old OFF END METRIC /* n2_old : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* n2_old : Number of distinct operands */ METRIC functions n2_old OFF "in_body" END METRIC /* n1_old : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* n1_old : Number of distinct operators */ METRIC functions n1_old OFF "in_body" END METRIC /* E_old : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* E_old : Halstead mental effort */ METRIC functions E_old OFF END METRIC /* CN_old : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* CN_old : Halstead estimated length */ METRIC functions CN_old OFF END METRIC /* I_old : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* I_old : Halstead intelligent content */ METRIC functions I_old OFF END METRIC /* L_old : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* L_old : Halstead level */ METRIC functions L_old OFF END METRIC /* N_old : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* N_old : Halstead length */ METRIC functions N_old OFF END METRIC /* N2_old : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* N2_old : Total number of operands */ METRIC functions N2_old OFF END METRIC /* N1_old : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* N1_old : Total number of operators */ METRIC functions N1_old OFF END METRIC /* V_old : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* V_old : Halstead volume */ METRIC functions V_old OFF END METRIC /* lc_stat_old : Computed by a buitlin parser metric */ /* lc_stat_old : Number of statements */ METRIC functions lc_stat_old OFF "no_null_stat" END METRIC /****************************************************************/ END METRICS