Instrumentation class for Java. =============================== There are two files that implement Logiscope instrumentation function for Java:, ------------------ With this class, the instrumented Java application writes all execution traces on a Socket solution to communicate with the TestChecker Gateway (See TestChecker on line help and documentation (\doc) to have more information about the TestChecker Gateway). To use this class file, you must instrument your code with the log_inst.tcl file (default log_inst.tcl file). -------------- With this class, the instrumented Java application writes all execution traces in a result.trc file where is a number. The number is used to create a new trace file. You can import this file with TestChecker to exploit execution result. To use this class file, you must instrument your code with the log_inst_jvt.tcl file (log_inst -lang Java -tcl VlgTrace.tcl).