^call start_document^ ^call ProjectName^ SOFTWARE COVERAGE REPORT Date: ^call ProjectDate^ Document: ^call ProjectRef^ ^call get_nb_title1^ Purpose of this document --------------------------- This document presents the results of the tests performed on the application ^call ProjectName^. All the results described in this report were generated using the Kalimetrix Logiscope TestChecker software. This document is made up of the following chapters: Source files: Lists of all source code files to which the results provided apply. Test Suites: Lists of the test suites which have produced the results presented in this document. ^call get_nb_title1^ Project properties --------------------- Pathname: ^call ProjectPathName^ Number of components: ^call ProjectNbComponent^ Number of DDPs: ^call ProjectDDP^ Number of executed DDPs: ^call ProjectExecDDP^ Overall DDP coverage: ^call ProjectCoverage^ Number of MCDCs: ^call ProjectMCDC^ Number of executed MCDCs: ^call ProjectExecMCDC^ Overall MCDC coverage: ^call ProjectMcDcCoverage^ ^call get_nb_title1^ Results per source files --------------------------- This chapter gives detailed descriptions of the project source files. ^loop SourceFile^^call StartSourceFile^ ^call get_nb_title2^ File: ^call SourceName^ ^call get_nb_title3^ File properties Pathname: ^call SourcePathName^ Number of components: ^call SourceNbComponent^ Number of DDPs: ^call SourceDDP^ Number of executed DDPs: ^call SourceExecDDP^ Overall DDP coverage: ^call SourceCoverage^ Number of MCDCs: ^call SourceMCDC^ Number of executed MCDCs: ^call SourceExecMCDC^ Overall MCDC coverage: ^call SourceMcDcCoverage^ ^if UntestedComponentExist^ ^call get_nb_title3^ Untested components N° Component Name Source Line ^r0c0 UntestedComponentArray^ ^r0c1^ ^r0c2^ ^r1c0^ ^r1c1^ ^r1c2^ ^r2c0^ ^r2c1^ ^r2c2^ ^endif^ ^call get_nb_title3^ Overall component DDP coverage N° Component Name Executed DDPs Number of DDPs Coverage ^r0c0 SourceArray^ ^r0c1^ ^r0c2^ ^r0c3^ ^r0c4^ ^r1c0^ ^r1c1^ ^r1c2^ ^r1c3^ ^r1c4^ ^r2c0^ ^r2c1^ ^r2c2^ ^r2c3^ ^r2c4^ ^loop Component^^call StartComponent^^if ComponentTested^ ^call get_nb_title3^ Detailed component coverage: ^call ComponentName^ List of tests which affect the coverage of the component ^call ComponentName^ N° Test Name Coverage Improvement ^r0c0 ComponentArray^ ^r0c1^ ^r0c2^ ^r0c3^ ^r1c0^ ^r1c1^ ^r1c2^ ^r1c3^ ^r2c0^ ^r2c1^ ^r2c2^ ^r2c3^ ^if ExistUnsatisfiedDdp^ List of unexecuted DDPs N° Source Line Condition to be satisfied ^r0c0 UnsatisfiedDdpArray^ ^r0c1^ ^r0c2^ ^r1c0^ ^r1c1^ ^r1c2^ ^r2c0^ ^r2c1^ ^r2c2^ ^endif^^endif^^endloop^ ^call get_nb_title3^ MCDC coverage ^loop Component^^call StartComponent^^if McdcExist^Detail for component: ^call ComponentName^ List of MCDC of the component ^call ComponentName^. N° Source line N° DDP Decision Coverage ^r0c0 McdcArray^ ^r0c1^ ^r0c2^ ^r0c3^ ^r0c4^ ^r1c0^ ^r1c1^ ^r1c2^ ^r1c3^ ^r1c4^ ^r2c0^ ^r2c1^ ^r2c2^ ^r2c3^ ^r2c4^ ^loop Mcdc^^call StartMcdc^ Detail for Decision ^call McdcNumber^ List of Condition N° Condition ^r0c0 ConditionListArray^ ^r0c1^ ^r1c0^ ^r1c1^ ^r2c0^ ^r2c1^ Condition Table ^r0c0 ConditionTableArray^ ^r0c1^ ^r0c2^ ^r1c0^ ^r1c1^ ^r1c2^ ^r2c0^ ^r2c1^ ^r2c2^ ^endloop^^endif^^endloop^ ^endloop^ ^call get_nb_title1^ Result per test suites This chapter gives detailed for each Test Suites of the project. ^loop TestSuites^^call StartTestSuites^ ^call get_nb_title2^ Test suite: ^call TestSuiteName^ ^call get_nb_title3^ Test suite properties Related file path name: ^call TestSuitePathName^ Number of executed DDPs: ^call TestSuiteExecDDP^ DDP coverage: ^call TestSuiteCoverage^ DDP Improvement: ^call TestSuiteImprovement^ Number of executed MCDCs: ^call TestSuiteExecMCDC^ MCDC coverage: ^call TestSuiteMcDcCoverage^ MCDC improvement: ^call TestSuiteMcDcImprovement^ ^call get_nb_title3^ Overall test case coverage N° Test Name Executed DDPs Coverage Improvement ^r0c0 TestSuiteArray^ ^r0c1^ ^r0c2^ ^r0c3^ ^r0c4^ ^r1c0^ ^r1c1^ ^r1c2^ ^r1c3^ ^r1c4^ ^r2c0^ ^r2c1^ ^r2c2^ ^r2c3^ ^r2c4^ ^loop Tests^^call StartTests^ ^call get_nb_title3^ Detailed test coverage: ^call TestName^ Test properties Coverage: ^call TestCoverage^ Improvement: ^call TestImprovement^ Description: ^call TestDescription^ Test results per component N° Component Name Executed DDPs Number of DDPs Coverage Improvement ^r0c0 TestArray^ ^r0c1^ ^r0c2^ ^r0c3^ ^r0c4^ ^r0c5^ ^r1c0^ ^r1c1^ ^r1c2^ ^r1c3^ ^r1c4^ ^r1c5^ ^r2c0^ ^r2c1^ ^r2c2^ ^r2c3^ ^r2c4^ ^r2c5^ ^endloop^^endloop^