@@ There is no variable or column named "@" in the current scope.@@ Rank "@" is out of bounds.@@ The record "@" has no member named "@".@@ The member "@" of record "@" is of type "@" whereas the value to be assigned is of type "@".@ @ The function returned an undefined value : no table created.@@ The number of names must match the number of columns in the table.@@ The insertion of a table into itself should be written as follows: insert into @ select * from @ ;@@ The type of column "@.@" is "@", and the type of the value to be inserted is "@".@@ Cannot add rows to table "@".@@ The number of values to be inserted does not match the number of columns in table "@".@@ The number of columns in the table to be inserted does not match the number of columns in table "@".@@ It should be "create table ...".@@ The item of rank @ is not a list. @@ The expression below should be of boolean type: @@@ The "where" expression should be of boolean type.@@ The expression below should be of array or table type: @@@ The expression below should be a "select" query or a function which returns a table: @@@ There is no table named "@" in the current scope.@@ The index "@" is not created on table "@".@@ The index "@" does not match the description of table "@".@@ The table "@" contains duplicated values for unique index "@".@@ The "@" table is not internal@@ The expression below should be of table type: @@@ The expression below should not return an undef table: @@@ There is no table, alias or cursor named "@" in the current scope.@@ The expression below is not correct because there is no column named "@" in the current scope. If this expression is outside a "select" clause, the column name must be prefixed by the table name. "@"@@ Unable to set the table attribute "@".@@ The table "@" has no column named "@".@@ There is no column named "@".@@ The table referenced by cursor "@" has no column named "@".@@ The end of the table referenced by cursor "@" has been reached.@@ The function below is a group function: @ Group functions cannot be used outside a select statement.@@ The function below does not exist: @ Here are all existing functions named "@" (if any): @@@ A group function call is an argument of another group function call.@@ The request cannot be treated. If the request makes an outer join "(+)" on several tables, separate the outer join conditions relative to each table with "or" operators. For instance, write "t1.c1 = t2.c2 (+) or t1.c1 (+) = t2.c2" instead of "t1.c1 (+) = t2.c2 (+)" If the request accesses external tables which need index expressions, check that such expressions appear in the "where" clause. @@ Each column name should be unique (duplicate name "@").@@ The following expression does not return a value: @@@ In the list element access below, the index expression "@" should be of integer type: @@@ The following expression, should be of string type: @@@ The type "@" specified for parameter "@" does not exist.@@ Parameter "@" cannot be initialized because there is no function to convert a string into a value of type "@". A value of type can be used as a parameter if there is a CQL function with the signature: ( string ) -> @@ Parameter "@" cannot be initialized because the function that would normally convert a string into a value of type "@" (a function named "@" taking a string argument) returns a value of type "@" instead of "@". This denotes an inconsistent use of the CQL programmable interface, please report the problem.@@ There is already a type named "@" in the current scope.@@ The type "@" specified for variable "@" does not exist.@@ The type "@" specified for global variable "@" is different than the previous declared type "@".@@ The variable "@" is being declared of type "@", but it is assigned a value of type "@".@@ There is no cursor named "@" in the current scope.@@ The variable "@" is not a cursor. In the current scope, it is of type "@".@@ The cursor "@" was not initialised or has been freed. A cursor is initialised within a for loop that uses it to iterate on a table, or after an already initialised cursor has been assigned to it.@@ The variable "@" cannot be freed explicitly.@@ The variable "@" cannot be modified by the program. This means the CQL program can neither change its value using an assignment to the variable (or a create statement), nor free it explicitly using the "free" function. However, the value pointed to by the variable can be modified. For instance, the cursor in a for loop cannot be overwritten, so the following construct is illegal : for c1 in t1 loop for c2 in t1 loop c2 := c1; end loop; end loop; @@ The column named "@" in the table referenced by cursor "@" is of type "@" whereas the value to be assigned is of type "@".@@ The column named "@" in the table referenced by cursor "@" cannot be modified.@@ There is no variable named "@" in the current scope.@@ The variable "@" was declared of type "@", but it is assigned a value of type "@".@@ The variable "@" is of type "@". It should be a table.@@ The variable "@" is not of string type or contains the undefined string. It should contain the name of the column to be accessed.@@ The alias definition "@ @" is incorrect because "@" already refers to table "@".@@ Tables "@" and "@" both contain a column named "@". The columns name should be prefixed by the table name. The value will be that of "@.@".@@ The value which appears at line @, position @ of the file being loaded, cannot be read as a value of type "@".@@ The type "@", which appears at line @, position @ of the file being loaded, does not exist.@@ The table being dumped contains a value of type "@", which cannot be written within a table. Writing an undefined value instead.@@ The table is an external table. It cannot be written directly. To write its contents in a file, create an intermediate table by making a select request on the external table (an appropriate "where" clause may be necessary), then write the intermediate table. No output done.@@ Trying to convert a tagged value whose contents is of type "@" into a value of type "@". This returns an undefined @.@@ Cannot write into file "@".@@ Cannot read from file "@". Returning an undefined table.@@ The file "@" is not a correct CQL data file. Unexpected token (line @, position @). Returning an undefined table.@@ In file "@", "COLUMNS" should be followed by the number of columns in the table (integer). Returning an undefined table.@@ In file "@", the token at line @, position @ should be a column name. Check that the number of columns matches the COLUMNS field. Returning an undefined table.@@ In file "@", the token at line @, position @ should be a column type name. Check that the number of columns matches the COLUMNS field. Returning an undefined table.@@ In file "@", the type "@" (line @, position @) does not exist. Check that the number of columns matches the COLUMNS field. Returning an undefined table.@@ In file "@", the token at line @, position @ should be an attribute type name. Check that the type of the attribute is specified. Returning an undefined table.@@ In file "@", the type "@" (line @, position @) does not exist. Check that the type of the attribute is correct. Returning an undefined table.@@ In file "@", the attribute "@" (line @, position @) can not be set.@@ In file "@", expecting the "DATA" keyword (line @, position @). Returning an undefined table.@@ In file "@", there are not enough values to fill the table. Maybe some values are missing, or the file does not end with a newline. Returning an incomplete table.@@ The sublist which corresponds to line number @ of the table to be created contains @ elements instead of @. The table is undefined.@@ The list element which corresponds to line number @, column @ of the table to be created is of type "@" instead of "@". The table is undefined.@@ The element which corresponds to line number @ of the table to be created is not a list. The table is undefined.@@ Creating a table without columns is not allowed. The table is undefined.@@ There is a value of type "@" in the list. The list should contain strings (type names of the columns to be created). The table is undefined.@@ There is no type called "@". The table is undefined.@@ The type list contains an undefined value. The table is undefined.@@ The "group by" expression below does not appear in the select expressions: @@@ The "order by" expression below does not appear in the select expressions: @@@ The "group by" expression below contains a group function call: @@@ The "order by" expression below contains a group function call: @@@ The "group by" expression below is a constant (all lines will be grouped): @@@ The "order by" expression below is a constant. @@@ The expression below accesses a column value outside a group function: @@@ The expression below cannot be used in a select ... group by (it is not a constant, a group expression, or an expression mentioned in the "group by" clause): @@@ The select does not have a "group by" clause. If some select expressions contain group functions, then no select expression may access a column outside a group function call.@@ The "order by" clause cannot be used in a "select *".@@ The regular expression "@" is not correct. The error is: @@@ Error during function evaluation@@ No return in function "@" returning non void value of type @.@@ Bad return type (@) in function "@" returning value of type @.@@ Bad number of arguments in function call;@@ Library @ has not the correct format.@@ Syntax error at line @, col @ in library @. Unable to import library @.@@ Can not open file associated to library @ Unable to import library @.@@ Unable to import library @.in library @@@ Syntax error at line @, col @ in file @.@@ Can not open file @@@ The type of the variable "@" is "@", and the type of the value returned by the select clause is "@".@@ The types of the variables shall be all arrays if one of them is an array.@@ The number of values to be set does not match the number of columns returned by the select clause.@@ The select clause returns several rows, only the values of the first row are set to the variables.