#!/bin/sh ################################################################## # The new utilities have to be added to the list between # 'Start Commands' and 'End Commands' flags. # For each utility 3 fields has to be defined, separated by ':' # 1. command - e.g lsainit - this is the name of the command as # it will be documented and known to the user # 2. invoke - e.g. $mwcore_dir/mw/bin-$mwos_optimized/mwlsainit - # this is the actual invocation line for executing this command # 3. short description - a one liner explaining the command ################################################################## #Start Commands #version:cat "$mwcore_dir/tools/core_version":displays the version number of the MSC. #help:cat "$mwcore_dir/tools/mwadm.txt":displays help on using mwadm and its commands. #stop:mwcore stop:stops all MSC services in an orderly manner. #start:mwcore start:manually starts all MSC services. #status:mwstatus:provides vital signs of the MSC services. #log:mwlog:administers the MSC logs. #sec:mwsetsec:administers MSC DCOM security settings. #port:mwsetport.sh:administers RPC endpoint #reg:mwreg:administers the MSC registry service. #location:echo "$mwcore_inst":return MSC installation directory #chadm:mwchadm:changes MSC Administrator #End Commands ################################################# PATH="$PATH:/bin:/usr/bin" #PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH export PATH curdir=`dirname "$0"` absolute=`expr "$0" : '/.*'` if [ $absolute = 0 ];then curdir="`pwd`/$curdir" fi # if mwadm run from /usr/bin ( mwadm -> /utils/mwadm ) we want to set 'curdir' to the real path is_sym=`ls -l "$0" |cut -c1` if [ "$is_sym" = "l" ];then mwadm=`ls -l "$0"|sed 's/^.*-> //'` curdir=`dirname "$mwadm"` fi # The mwadm can run from mainsoft installation or from local installation of Core Services type="" if [ -f "$curdir/../setupmainwin" ];then type="mainwin" else type="local" fi MWOS=`"$curdir/getplatinfo" os` MWARCH=`"$curdir/getplatinfo" arch` MWCONFIG_NAME=`"$curdir/getplatinfo" config` export MWOS MWARCH MWCONFIG_NAME if [ $MWOS = "linux" ];then MWENV="/usr/bin/env" else MWENV="/bin/env" fi if [ ! -x $MWENV ];then MWENV="env" fi #Setting lib_path_name if [ $MWOS = "ux11" ];then lib_path_name="SHLIB_PATH" elif [ $MWOS = "aix4" ];then lib_path_name="LIBPATH" else lib_path_name="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" fi myPath="${curdir}:${curdir}/../bin-${MWCONFIG_NAME}:${curdir}/../bin-${MWCONFIG_NAME}_optimized:${PATH}" if [ $type = "mainwin" ];then eval libpath='"'"\${$lib_path_name}"'"' else eval libpath='"'"$curdir/exe/$MWCONFIG_NAME:$curdir/../lib-${MWCONFIG_NAME}_optimized:\${$lib_path_name}"'"' if [ $MWOS = "linux" ];then libpath="${libpath}:$curdir/../../misc/linux/gcc/fixed3/lib" fi fi MWPERL="$curdir/../bin-${MWARCH}_${MWOS}/mwperl" MWINCLUDE="-I$curdir/../bin-${MWARCH}_${MWOS} -I$curdir/../lib/stdperl" if [ "$MWHOME" = "" ];then MWHOME="$curdir/.." fi if [ "$TZ" != "" ]; then SETTZ="TZ=$TZ" fi if [ $# -gt 0 ];then $MWENV -i HOME="$HOME" MWTEMP="$MWTEMP" MWRT_MODE=$MWRT_MODE MWCORE_PRIVATE_DATA="$MWCORE_PRIVATE_DATA" MWREGISTRY="$MWREGISTRY" MWHOME="$MWHOME" MWOS=$MWOS MWCONFIG_NAME=$MWCONFIG_NAME PATH="$myPath" MWDEBUG=$MWDEBUG MWINGNOR_ERRORS=$mwingnor $lib_path_name="$libpath" MSOFTLM_HOST=$MSOFTLM_HOST MWRPC_ENDPOINT="$MWRPC_ENDPOINT" MWUSER_DIRECTORY="$MWUSER_DIRECTORY" PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 SPINLOOPTIME=$SPINLOOPTIME AIXTHREAD_MNRATIO=$AIXTHREAD_MNRATIO MWCS_AUTOMATIC=$MWCS_AUTOMATIC MWPERL="$MWPERL" $SETTZ MWNO_STATVFS=$MWNO_STATVFS "$MWPERL" "$MWINCLUDE" "$curdir/tools/mwadm.pl" $type $@ else $MWENV -i HOME="$HOME" MWTEMP="$MWTEMP" MWRT_MODE=$MWRT_MODE MWCORE_PRIVATE_DATA="$MWCORE_PRIVATE_DATA" MWREGISTRY="$MWREGISTRY" MWHOME="$MWHOME" MWOS=$MWOS MWCONFIG_NAME=$MWCONFIG_NAME PATH="$myPath" MWDEBUG=$MWDEBUG MWINGNOR_ERRORS=$mwingnor $lib_path_name="$libpath" MSOFTLM_HOST=$MSOFTLM_HOST MWRPC_ENDPOINT="$MWRPC_ENDPOINT" MWUSER_DIRECTORY="$MWUSER_DIRECTORY" PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 SPINLOOPTIME=$SPINLOOPTIME AIXTHREAD_MNRATIO=$AIXTHREAD_MNRATIO MWCS_AUTOMATIC=$MWCS_AUTOMATIC MWPERL="$MWPERL" $SETTZ MWNO_STATVFS=$MWNO_STATVFS "$MWPERL" "$MWINCLUDE" "$curdir/tools/mwadm.pl" $type fi