#!/bin/sh USAGE="Usage: mwcheck_comsrvrinit <init_file> <com_server> [com_server_arguments]" ############## init echo "----------------------------------------------------" if [ $# -gt 1 ] ;then INIT_FILE="$1" COM_SRVR="$2" else echo "" echo "$USAGE" echo "" echo "----------------------------------------------------" exit 1 fi ############# check init file permissions INIT_FILE_MODE=`ls -l $INIT_FILE | awk '{ print $1;}'` INIT_FILE_MODE_SHORT=`echo $INIT_FILE_MODE | sed 's/w//g'| sed 's/-//g' | sed 's/s/x/g' | sed 's/+//g'` if [ "$INIT_FILE_MODE_SHORT" != "rxrxrx" ]; then echo "" echo "WARNING" echo " Current init file mode is $INIT_FILE_MODE." echo " Please make sure, that the COM server activator" echo " has permissions to read/execute this file." echo "" fi ############# run exec mwcomchk $* & ############# get pid SRVR_EX_NAME=`echo $COM_SRVR | sed 's+^.*/++g'` sleep 2 SRVR_ALIVE=`ps -f | grep "$SRVR_EX_NAME" | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2; }'` ############# check if [ "$SRVR_ALIVE" ];then echo "" echo "CHECK SUCCEEDED" echo "" echo "----------------------------------------------------" kill "$SRVR_ALIVE" exit `echo $status` else echo "" echo "CHECK FAILED" echo "" echo "$USAGE" echo "" echo "----------------------------------------------------" exit 1 fi ############## end