NAME log - an mwadm command, administers the MainWin System Core (MSC) logs. SYNOPSIS mwadm log [-view |-level {1|2}|-maxsize | -basesize ] DESCRIPTION The log command is used to administer the logs that are created and maintained by the MSC. Use this command, to set a limit to the size of the logs, to set the level of details that should be registered by the MSC services into these logs or display the logs' contents. - Represents the name of the log, which must be one of the logs that are maintained by the MSC. Available options are: regss Stores messages generated by the registry server. rpcss Stores messages generated by the rpcss server. To display the list of all log settings that are in effect for a specific MSC log, invoke the log command with no options, as follows: % mwadm log Note: This command may only be executed by the MSC administrator. OPTIONS -view Prints the contents of the log into the standard output. -level {1|2} Determines the level of detail for the messages that will be logged into the log files according the following guidelines: 1 - basic logging 2 - detailed logging Note 1: The default log level is 1. -maxsize Sets a limit to the size of the log file. The MSC monitors the size and truncates the size of the log file when it reaches the maxsize size. The log is truncated to the size set by the -basesize option. -basesize Sets the size of the truncated log when reaching the log maxsize. Note: The value set with the -basesize option must be smaller than the value set with the -maxsize option. EXAMPLES Example 1: Display the settings for the regss log: example% mwadm log regss Example 2: Set the level of log details to 2 for the regss log: example% mwadm log -level 2 regss Example 3: Print the contents of the regss log into the standard output: example% mwadm log -view regss Example 4: Set the limit for the rpcss log to be 100 KB: example% mwadm log -maxsize 100 rpcss Example 5: Set the base size for the rpcss log to be 20 KB: example% mwadm log -basesize 20 rpcss