NAME port - an mwadm command, administers the MainWin System Core (MSC) RPCSS port allocation. SYNOPSIS mwadm port [-amode {auto | {fixed }} ] DESCRIPTION The port command is used to control the port used by the MSC RPCSS service. When used with no parameters, this command prints the current setting. Note: Under the 'auto' mode, distributed COM is not supported. To enable distributed COM with other Unix hosts, the mode must be changed to 'fixed' and the port number must be set to the same port number on all Unix hosts that are to participate in the DCOM interaction. To enable DCOM interaction with Windows (and possibly Unix too), the fixed port number must be set to 135 on all relevant Unix hosts. Note: For the new setting to take effect, the MSC services must be restarted (see 'mwadm start'). OPTIONS -amode auto | {fixed } Defines how the MSC RPCSS service allocates the number of the port it attempts to attach to when it starts. auto Instructs the RPCSS service to use the first available port. This is the default. fixed Instructs the RPCSS service to attach itself to a specific, pre-defined port: . EXAMPLES Example 1: Instruct the RPCSS server to always use port 135: example% mwadm port -amode fixed 135 Example 2: Display the port allocation setting currently in effect: example% mwadm port example% fixed (135)