NAME reg - an mwadm command, administers the MainWin System Core (MSC) registry services. SYNOPSIS mwadm reg -quota {-d [sizekb] | -u [sizekb] | -r | -a } mwadm reg -chmod [-r] mwadm reg -chown [-r] mwadm reg -chgrp [-r] mwadm reg -ls mwadm reg -ps mwadm reg -backup mwadm reg -auto_backup [ -on | -off | -n <#versions> -i <#hours_interval>] mwadm reg -restore [ | -v <#> ] DESCRIPTION The reg command is used to administer various aspects of the MSC registry services. OPTIONS -quota { -d [sizekb] | -u [sizekb] | -r | -a } Sets or displays a quota for the amount of data that can be allocated under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry entry. The quota size is measured in KB. -d [sizekb] Displays or sets the default user quota. -u [sizekb] Displays or sets the quota for a specific user. -r Removes a specific quota (that was set with the -u option) for a specific user, whereby the user re-acquires the default quota. -a Displays all quota settings. -chmod [-r] Changes a key's protection level in the Unix chmod format. Note: This option may only be executed by the key's owner or the MSC administrator. Note: This option has no effect on any of the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry keys. -r Causes changes to occur recursively. Represents the new mode in octal format. Represents the full path to the key. -chown [-r] Changes a key's owner in the Unix chown format. Note: This option may only be executed by the MSC administrator. Note: This option has no effect on any of the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry keys. -r Causes changes to occur recursively. Represents the new owner's name. Represents the full path to the key. -chgrp [-r] Changes a key's group in the Unix chgrp format. Note: This option may be executed by the MSC administrator to change any key to any group. In addition, owners may use this option to change one of their keys to a different group, if they belong to this group. Note: This option has no effect on any of the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry keys. -r Causes changes to occur recursively. Represents the new group's name. Represents the full path to the key. -ls Prints information about a specific key in the format of the Unix "ls -l" command. Note: This option has no effect on any of the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry keys. Represents the full path to the key. -ps Lists all the processes that are currently connected to the registry service. For each connected process it lists the process id, user id, and the path to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER file. -backup Saves the registry database (excluding the HKEY_CURRENT_USER) to a specified file. There is no need to stop the system services. Note: This option may only be executed by the MSC administrator. Represents the location of the file to be saved. In case the specified file already exists it will be overwritten. -auto_backup [ -on | -off | -n <#versions> -i <#hours_interval>] Sets or displays the automatic backup settings of the registry. When on, the automatic backup periodically backs ups the registry database (excluding HKEY_CURRENT_USER). The backed up versions may be restored later on by the -restore option. Note: This option may only be executed by the MSC administrator. -on Turns on the automatic backup. Note: By default, the automatic backup is on. -off Turns off the automatic backup. -n <#versions> Sets the amount of backup versions to store (default=1). -i <#hours_interval> Sets the interval time (in hours) between backups (default=24). -restore [ | -v <#> ] Restores the registry database from a backup. If automatic backup is on, then calling the -restore option without any parameters displays a list of the backup versions that were saved by the automatic backup. Each version is identified by a number (1,2,3, etc.) and by the date on which the backup occurred. It is then possible to restore a specific version by identifying its number, using the -v option. Note 1: This option may only be executed by the MSC administrator. Note 2: The restore operation requires that the system services be shut down. Represents the location of a backup file that was previously saved using the -backup option. Note that files that were backed up on one host cannot be restored on another host. -v <#> Identifies a specific backup version previously backed up by the automatic backup. EXAMPLES Example 1: Display the a list of all quota values including the default: example% mwadm reg -quota -a Example 2: Display the quota for the user joe: example% mwadm reg -quota -u joe Example 3: Display the default quota: example% mwadm reg -quota -d Example 4: Set the quota for the user joe to 280 KB: example% mwadm reg -quota -u joe 280 Example 5: Set the default quota to 200 KB: example% mwadm reg -quota -d 200 Example 6: Change the access permission for a specific key: example% mwadm reg -chmod 0644 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft' Example 7: Change the owner for a specific key: example% mwadm reg -chown root 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft' Example 8: Change the group for a specific key: example% mwadm reg -chgrp other 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft' Example 9: Display ownership, group, and permissions of a specific key: example% mwadm reg -ls 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft' Example 10: List all processes currently attached to the MSC registry services: example% mwadm reg -ps Example 11: Back up the registry data (excluding the HKEY_CURRENT_USER data) to a file: example% mwadm reg -backup /backups/regbu-28-dec-01 Example 12: Set the automatic backup to save 3 versions, backed up every 12 hours: example% mwadm reg -auto_backup -n 3 -i 12 Example 13: List the backed up versions saved by the automatic backup: example% mwadm reg -restore Example 14: Restore a specific version, backed up by the automatic backup: example% mwadm reg -restore 2