NAME sec - an mwadm command, administers MainWin System Core (MSC) DCOM security settings. SYNOPSIS mwadm sec mwadm sec -passwd mwadm sec -type [unix | win] mwadm sec -port [port_id] mwadm sec -domain_name [] mwadm sec -domain_server [] DESCRIPTION The sec command is used to administer MSC security settings affecting DCOM communication between the local host and any other Unix or Windows host. To display the list of all security settings in effect, invoke the sec command with no options, as follows: % mwadm sec OPTIONS -passwd Interactively sets the DCOM Security Activation Password. To facilitate secure DCOM communication between machines that are set up with the MSC Services, all machines must be set up with an identical DCOM Security Activation Password. -type [unix | win] Displays or sets the security authentication type. When called without parameters, this command displays the security authentication type, which is currently in effect. Possible options for the security authentication type are: unix The MSC security mechanism relies on Unix security for authentication services. This authentication mode does not support DCOM communication with a Windows machine. Win The MSC security mechanism relies on a Windows domain server for authentication services. This mode must be used when DCOM communication is expected take place between Windows and Unix hosts. The default security type is: unix -port [port_id] Note: This command is only relevant when the security type is set to 'win'. Displays or sets the port number that is used for negotiating authentication information with the remote MainWin utility 'remotesa'. The default port used is: 667 -domain_name [] Note: This command is only relevant when the security type is set to 'win'. Displays or sets the domain name used by the MSC security mechanism when using a Windows domain server for authentication services. -domain_server [] Note: This command is only relevant when the security type is set to 'win'. Displays or sets the domain server used by the MSC security mechanism when using a Windows domain server for authentication services. The can be either a host name (recognized by the local Unix machine), or an IP address. EXAMPLES Example 1: Set the DCOM Security Activation Password: example% mwadm sec -passwd Example 2: Display the security authentication type that is in effect: example% mwadm sec -type Example 3: Set the security authentication type to 'win': example% mwadm sec -type win Example 4: Display the security authentication port number that is in effect: example% mwadm sec -port Example 5: Set the security authentication port number to 685: example% mwadm sec -port 685 Example 6: Display the domain name used by the MSC security mechanism: example% mwadm sec -domain_name Example 7: Set the domain name used by the MSC security mechanism to ACME: example% mwadm sec -domain_name ACME Example 8: Display the name of domain server used by the MSC security mechanism: example% mwadm sec -domain_server Example 9: Set the domain server used by the MSC security mechanism to a machine called 'purple': example% mwadm sec -domain_server purple Example 10: Set the domain server used by the MSC security mechanism to a machine whose IP address is example% mwadm sec -domain_server