package Audit_Instrum is -- to be called once for the application procedure Audit_Init_Application (Appli: String; Data: String; Max_Func: Natural); -- to be called for each instrumented function -- and each called extern function procedure Audit_Init_Function (Func_Id: Positive; Func_Name: String; Func_Date: String; Nb_Bran: Natural; Nb_Calls: Natural; Nb_Mcdcs: Natural); -- called at the beginning of each instrumented function function Audit_Start_Func (Func_Id: Positive; Vect_Size: Natural) return Boolean; -- called for each branch of a function procedure Audit_Set_Branch (Func_Id: Positive; Bran_Id: Natural); -- called for each call in a function procedure Audit_Set_Call (Func_Id: Positive; Called_Func_Id: Positive); -- called for each call in a function function Audit_Set_Call (Func_Id: Positive; Called_Func_Id: Positive) return Boolean; -- called for each MCDC in a function function Audit_Set_Mcdc (Func_Id: Positive; Mcdc_Id: Positive; Nb_Cond: Positive; Exp: Boolean) return Boolean; -- called for each single condition in a MCDC function Audit_Set_Sgl_Cond (Func_Id: Positive; Mcdc_Id: Positive; Index: Positive; Exp: Boolean) return Boolean; -- instrumentation of a boolean expression in a if or exit when statement function Audit_Set_Bool_Exp (Func_Id: Positive; Bran_T, Bran_F: Natural; Exp: Boolean) return Boolean; -- to be called when the instrumentation dump must be done procedure Audit_Stop; end Audit_Instrum;