platform features to detect:
# NOTE: everything from here down to "Definitions:" is in fact #
# ignored by our scripts                                       #

	Solaris		uname -s
		2.6	uname -r	5.6
	Irix		uname -s	IRIX64
	AIX		uname -s	AIX
		4.3.3	oslevel
	Linux		uname -s	Linux
			uname -r	2.2.12-20
	HP-UX		uname -s	HP-UX
		11	uname -r	B.11.00
		10	uname -r	B.10.20

Platform specific


	PGX		if ls /dev/fbs | grep m64>/dev/null ; then echo PGX;fi
	GX		if ls /dev/fbs | grep cgsix>/dev/null ; then echo GX;fi
	Creator		if ls /dev/fbs | grep ffb>/dev/null ; then echo Creator;fi
	TCX		if ls /dev/fbs | grep tcx>/dev/null; then echo TCX;fi
	Elite		if ls /dev/fbs | grep afb>/dev/null; then echo TCX;fi
	OpenGL		if pkginfo -q SUNWglrt; then echo Yes;fi
	OpenGLVersion	pkginfo -l SUNWglrt | awk "/DESC/{ print \$4}"
	If Group = not defined - component will be not analized

OS components:		MWPlatform OSLevel KernelVersion MU4 MU6 ML2 Architecture MU
Hardware components:	M64Graphics CreatorGraphics GXGGraphics TCXGraphics EliteGraphics Expert3DGraphics OSFINCLUDE OSFSDE OSFPGMR Open3D driver_link lockmgr ACE CriticalPatches
Software components:	OpenGLVersion glibc binutils Telnetd Ftpd QualityPack XFree86-OpenGL Mesasoft-OpenGL ELF Lockd Locale
Compiler components:    CCompiler CPPCompiler JavaSDK
ComponentFullName:	Host=Host Name,MWPlatform=OS Name,OSLevel=OS Version,KernelVersion=OS Kernel Version,MU4=Maintenance Update 4,MU6=Maintenance Update 6,Platform=no,OpenGL=no,OpenGLVersion=OpenGL,CCompiler=C Compiler,CPPCompiler=C++ Compiler,glibc=glibc,binutils=binutils,JavaSDK=Java SDK,Telnetd=Telnet Server,Ftpd=FTP Server,XFree86-OpenGL=XFree86 OpenGL,Mesasoft-OpenGL=Mesasoft OpenGL,QualityPack=Quality Pack,CriticalPatches=Hardware Enablement and Critical Patches,ML2=Maintenance Level 2,MU=Maintenance Update,ELF=ELF Library,Lockd=NFS Lock Daemon,Locale=Locale
MandatoryRequirements:	CCompiler CPPCompiler OSLevel
Linux_MandatoryRequirements: Telnetd Ftpd
HP-UX_MandatoryRequirements: QualityPack

Category_OS: OSLevel KernelVersion ML2 MU4 MU6 Architecture MU
Category_OpenGL: OpenGL OpenGLVersion XFree86-OpenGL Mesasoft-OpenGL
Category_Compiler: CCompiler CPPCompiler JavaSDK
ExactRequirements:	OSLevel OpenGL ML2 QualityPack Architecture
End Definitions

Ruleset: PlatformLevelIdentificationTable
Strategy: ScanOnce

Rule 0:
Prereq:		None
Property:	Host
Group:		not defined
Command:	uname -n

Rule 1: first command to execute with the None prerequisite
Prereq:		None
Property:	Platform
Group:		not defined
Command:	uname -s

Rule 2:
Prereq:		Platform/SunOS
Property:	MWPlatform
Group:		OS
Command:	echo Solaris

Rule 3:
Prereq:		Platform/AIX
Property:	MWPlatform
Group:		OS
Command:	echo AIX

Rule 4:
Prereq:		Platform/IRIX*
Property:	MWPlatform
Group:		OS
Command:	echo Irix

Rule 5:
Prereq:		Platform/OSF1
Property:	MWPlatform
Group:		OS
Command:	echo Tru64

Rule 6:
Prereq:		Platform/HP-UX
Property:	MWPlatform
Group:		OS
Command:	echo HP-UX

Rule 7:
Prereq:		Platform/Linux
Property:	MWPlatform
Group:		OS
Command:	echo Linux

Rule 8:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Solaris
Property:	OpenGL
Group:		not defined
Command:	if [ -x /bin/pkginfo ]; then if pkginfo -q SUNWglrt; then echo Yes;fi;fi

Rule 9:
Prereq:		OpenGL/Yes
Property:	OpenGLVersion
Group:		Software
Command:	pkginfo -l "SUNWglrt"  2> /dev/null

Rule 10:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Solaris
Property:	M64Graphics
Group:		Hardware
Command:	if ls /dev/fbs 2>&1 | grep m64>/dev/null ; then echo Yes;fi

Rule 11:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Solaris
Property:	CreatorGraphics
Group:		Hardware
Command:	if ls /dev/fbs 2>&1 | grep ffb>/dev/null ; then echo Yes;fi

Rule 12:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Solaris
Property:	GXGGraphics
Group:		Hardware
Command:	if ls /dev/fbs 2>&1 | grep cgsix>/dev/null ; then echo Yes;fi

Rule 13:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Solaris
Property:	TCXGraphics
Group:		Hardware
Command:	if ls /dev/fbs 2>&1 | grep tcx>/dev/null; then echo Yes;fi

Rule 14:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Solaris
Property:	EliteGraphics
Group:		Hardware
Command:	if ls /dev/fbs 2>&1 | grep afb>/dev/null; then echo Yes;fi

Rule 1401:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Solaris
Property:	Expert3DGraphics
Group:		Hardware
Command:	if ls /dev/fbs 2>&1 | grep ifb>/dev/null; then echo Yes;fi

Rule 15:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Solaris
Property:	OSLevel
Group:		OS
Command:	case `uname -r` in 5.5.1) echo 2.5.1;; 5.6) echo 2.6;; 5.7) echo 7;; 5.8) echo 8;; 5.9) echo 9;; 5.10) echo 10;; *) uname -r;;esac

Rule 16:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/HP-UX
Property:	OSLevel
Group:		OS
Command:	uname -r | sed 's/^B.//'

Rule 17:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/AIX
Property:	OSLevel
Group:		OS
Command:	ver="`uname -v`.`uname -r`"; if [ "$ver" = "4.3" ]; then oslevel -l 2>/dev/null | egrep -q -v '^4\.3\.3\.0$|^IMNSearch\.rte\.' && oslevel | sed 's:\.[0-9]$::' || echo 4.3.3; else oslevel -l 2>/dev/null | egrep -q -v '^5\.1\.1\.0$|^xlsmp\.(rte|msg)' && oslevel | sed 's:\.[0-9]\.[0-9]$::' || echo 5.1; fi

Rule 18:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Tru64
Property:	OSLevel
Group:		OS
Command:	/usr/sbin/sizer -v|awk '{print $3}'|sed 's/V//'

Rule 19:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Irix
Property:	OSLevel
Group:		OS
Command:	if uname -R 2>/dev/null >/dev/null; then uname -R | sed 's/^.* \([0-9].*\).$/\1/'; else uname -r;fi

Rule 19.5:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Linux
Property:	OSLevel
Group:		OS
Command:	if grep -qi SuSE /etc/issue; then grep -i SuSE /etc/issue | sed -e 's/^.*S[uU]SE/SuSE/' -e 's/LINUX Enterprise Server/SLES/' -e 's/  *(.*$//' | tr " " "-" ; else grep '^Red Hat' /etc/issue | sed -e 's/ *release */ /' -e 's/ *(.*) *//' -e 's/ Linux / Linux - /' | tr " " "\012" | sed '1,/^-/s/^\(.\).*$/\1/' | tr "\012" "@" | sed 's/@//g' ; fi

Rule 20:	returns 700 or 800
Prereq:		MWPlatform/HP-UX
Property:	Hardware
Group:		Hardware
Command:	uname -m |sed 's,^9000/\([0-9]\)..$,\100,'

Rule 20.5:
Prereq:         MWPlatform/HP-UX
Property:       Architecture
Group:          OSLevel
Command:        uname -m

Rule 21:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Linux
Property:	glibc
Group:		Software
Command:	ver=`rpm -q glibc|sed -e 's/glibc-//' -e 's/-/./'`;echo "Software/glibc::$ver"

Rule 211:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Linux
Property:	ELF
Group:		Software
Command:	if rpm -qa | egrep -q '(libelf|elfutils)'; then ver=Yes; else ver=No; fi; echo "Software/ELF::$ver"

Rule 22:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Solaris
Property:	CCompiler
Group:		Software
Command:	pkginfo -l  "SPROcc*" 2> /dev/null

Rule 23:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Solaris
Property:	CPPCompiler
Group:		Software
Command:	pkginfo -l "SPROcpl*" 2> /dev/null

Rule 24:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/HP-UX && ! Architecture/ia64
Property:	CCompiler
Group:		Software
Command:	for prod in `swlist -l product | grep -i "c compiler" | grep -v PH|awk '{print $1}'`;do comp=`swlist -l file $prod | grep "/bin/c89"|awk '{print $2}'`;if [ "$comp" = "" ];then comp=`swlist -l file $prod | grep "/bin/cc" |awk '{print $2}'`;fi; if [ "$comp" != "" ];then for compiler in $comp;do ver=`what $compiler 2>/dev/null | awk 'NR==3 {print $2}'`;list="$list Software/CCompiler:$comp:$ver";done;fi;done;echo $list

Rule 24.5:
Prereq:         MWPlatform/HP-UX && Architecture/ia64
Property:       CCompiler
Group:          Software
Command:        for prod in `swlist -l product | grep -i "c compiler" | grep -v PH|awk '{print $1}'`;do comp=`swlist -l file $prod | grep "/bin/cc"|awk '{print $2}'`;if [ "$comp" = "" ];then comp=`swlist -l file $prod | grep "/bin/c89" |awk '{print $2}'`;fi; if [ "$comp" != "" ];then for compiler in $comp;do ver=`what $compiler 2>/dev/null | sed 's/\[.*$//' | awk '/\/C / {print $NF;exit}'`;list="$list Software/CCompiler:$compiler:$ver";done;fi;done;echo $list

Rule 25:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/HP-UX
Property:	CPPCompiler
Group:		Software
Command:	for prod in `swlist -l product | grep C++ | grep -v PH|awk '{print $1}'`;do comp=`swlist -l file $prod | grep /bin/aCC | awk '{print $2}'`;if [ "$comp" = "" ];then comp=`swlist -l file $prod | grep /bin/CC |awk '{print $2}'`;fi;if [ "$comp" != "" ];then for compiler in $comp;do ver=`$compiler -V 2>&1 | sed 's/\[.*$//' | awk '{print $NF;exit}'`;list="$list Software/CPPCompiler:$comp:$ver";done;fi;done; echo $list

Rule 26:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/AIX
Property:	CCompiler
Group:		Software
Command:	for prod in vac.C ibmcxx.cmp ;do ver=`lslpp -Lqc $prod 2>/dev/null | awk -F: '{print $3}'`; if [ -z "$ver" ] ;then continue ;fi; dir=`lslpp -f $prod 2>/dev/null | grep bin/xlc | head -1 | sed 's:[^/]*\(/[^ ]*\)/bin/[^ /]*.*:\1:'`; list="$list Software/CCompiler:$dir:$ver" ;done; echo $list

Rule 27:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/AIX
Property:	CPPCompiler
Group:		Software
Command:	prod=vacpp.cmp.lib; ver=`lslpp -Lqc $prod 2>/dev/null | awk -F: '{print $3}'`;  prod=vacpp.cmp.batch ; dir=`lslpp -f $prod 2>/dev/null | grep bin/xlC | head -1 | sed 's:[^/]*\(/[^ ]*\)/bin/[^ /]*.*:\1:'`; list="Software/CPPCompiler:$dir:$ver" ; echo $list

Rule 28:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Irix
Property:	CCompiler
Group:		Software
Command:	showprods | grep c_dev | awk 'NR==1 {print $NF}'

Rule 30:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Irix
Property:	CPPCompiler
Group:		Software
Command:	showprods | grep c++_dev | awk 'NR==1 {print $NF}'

Rule 31:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Tru64
Property:	CCompiler
Group:		Software
Command:	cc -V | awk 'NR==1 {print $3}' | sed 's/^.//'

Rule 32:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Tru64
Property:	CPPCompiler
Group:		Software
Command:	ccx -V | awk 'NR==1 {print $3}' | sed 's/^.//'

Rule 33:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Linux
Property:	CCompiler
Group:		Software
Command:	dir=`dirname $MWCC`;ver=`$MWCC -v 2>&1 | tail -1 | sed -e 's/^[^0-9]*//' -e 's/ /-/g' -e 's/[()]//g'`;echo "Software/CCompiler:$dir:$ver"

Rule 34:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Linux
Property:	CPPCompiler
Group:		Software
Command:	dir=`dirname $MWCCPP`;ver=`$MWCCPP -v 2>&1 | tail -1 | sed -e 's/^[^0-9]*//' -e 's/ /-/g' -e 's/[()]//g'`;echo "Software/CPPCompiler:$dir:$ver"

Rule 35:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Tru64
Group:		Hardware
Command:	export check=`/usr/sbin/setld -i |grep "OSFINCLUDE[0-9][0-9][0-9]" | grep installed`;if [ "$check" ];then echo Yes;fi

Rule 36:
Prereq:         MWPlatform/Tru64
Property:       OSFSDE
Group:		Hardware
Command:        export check=`/usr/sbin/setld -i |grep "OSFSDE[0-9][0-9][0-9]" | grep installed`;if [ "$check" ];then echo Yes;fi

Rule 37:
Prereq:         MWPlatform/Tru64
Property:       OSFPGMR
Group:		Hardware
Command:        export check=`/usr/sbin/setld -i |grep "OSFPGMR[0-9][0-9][0-9]" | grep installed`;if [ "$check" ];then echo Yes;fi

Rule 38:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Tru64
Property:	Open3D
Group:		Hardware
Command:	/usr/sbin/setld -i |grep Open3D | awk '{ if ($3 == "Open3D") print $1}' | sort +0n -u

Rule 39:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Solaris
Property:	KernelVersion
Group:		OS
Command:	showrev -a | grep "Kernel version" | awk '{ if (NF == 8) print $6}'

Rule 40:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Tru64
Property:	driver_link
Group:		Hardware
Command:	cd /usr/lib/cmplrs/cc.dtk;if [ ! -f driver ];then echo "";exit;fi;if [ ! -f driver.compat ]; then echo "";exit;fi;export check=`sum driver driver.compat|sort -u +0n|grep compat`;if [ "$check" ]; then echo "" ;else echo "driver.compat";fi

Rule 41:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Tru64
Property:	lockmgr
Group:		Hardware
Command:	export nlock=`/usr/sbin/rpcinfo -p | grep nlockmgr | sort -u +4`; export llock=`/usr/sbin/rpcinfo -p |grep llockmgr| sort -u +4`; if [ "$nlock" ];then if [ "$llock" ];then echo "Yes";fi;fi

Rule 42:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Tru64
Group:		Hardware
Command:	sum /usr/lib/cmplrs/cxx/ |awk '{print $1"-"$2}'

Rule 43:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/HP-UX && OSLevel/10.20
Property:	ACE
Group:		Hardware
Command:	/usr/sbin/swlist |grep ACE |grep Workstation| awk '{print $8 $9}'| sed 's/(//'|sed 's/)//'

Rule 44:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Linux
Property:	binutils
Group:		Software
Command:	ver=`ld -v | awk '/ld  *version/ { print $4 }'`;echo "Software/binutils::$ver"

Rule 47:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Solaris && OSLevel/7
Property:	MU4
Group:		OS
Command:	a=`egrep "s998s_u4|Maintenance Update 4 applied" /etc/release`;if [ "$a" = "" ];then echo "No";else echo "Yes";fi

Rule 471:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Solaris && OSLevel/8
Property:	MU
Group:		OS
Command:	a=`egrep "Maintenance Update" /etc/release`;if [ "$a" != "" ];then update=`echo $a | awk '{print $5}'`;else update=`cat /etc/release | head -1 | awk '{print $4}' | awk -F_ '{print $2}'| sed 's/^u//' | sed 's/wos$//'`;fi;echo $update 

Rule 48:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Solaris
Property:	JavaSDK
Group:		Software
Command:	files="";prods=`pkginfo -i | egrep 'dev.*J(ava|DK|2SDK)' | awk '{print $2}'`; for prod in $prods ;do files="$files `/usr/sbin/pkgchk -av $prod 2>&1 | grep '/bin/javah$' | grep -v /usr/bin/javah`";done;files=`ls -i $files /usr/j*/bin/javah /opt/j*/bin/javah | sort -nu | awk '{print $2}'`;for f in $files ;do ver=`$f -version 2>&1 | sed -n 's:[^1]*\(1\.[0-9]*.*\)\":\1:p'`;dir=`echo $f | sed 's:/bin/javah::'`;if [ "$ver" != "" ] ;then list="$list Software/JavaSDK:$dir:$ver";fi;done;echo "$list"

Rule 49:
Prereq:         MWPlatform/AIX
Property:       JavaSDK
Group:          Software
Command:	files="";prods=`lslpp -L | egrep ' [Jj]ava.*(bin|sdk) ' | grep -v '_64\.' | awk '{print $1}'`;for prod in $prods ;do files="$files `lslpp -f $prod | awk '{print $NF}' | grep 'bin/javah$'`";done;for f in $files ;do ver=`$f -version 2>&1 | sed -n 's:[^1]*\(1\.[0-9]*.*\)".*:\1:p'`; dir=`echo $f | sed 's:/bin/javah::'`; if [ "$ver" ] ;then list="$list Software/JavaSDK:$dir:$ver";fi;done;echo "$list"

Rule 50:
Prereq:         MWPlatform/HP-UX
Property:       JavaSDK
Group:          Software
Command:	files="";prods=`swlist -l product | grep Java | grep -v PH | awk '{print $1}'`; for prod in $prods ;do files="$files `swlist -l file $prod | grep '/bin/javah[^a-z_-]' | awk '{print $NF}'`";done; for f in $files ;do ver=`$f -version 2>&1 | sed -n 's:[^1]*\(1\.[0-9]*.*\)".*:\1:p'`; dir=`echo $f | sed 's:/bin/javah::'`;if [ "$ver" ] ;then list="$list Software/JavaSDK:$dir:$ver";fi;done;echo "$list"

Rule 51:
Prereq:         MWPlatform/Linux
Property:       JavaSDK
Group:          Software
Command:	if [ -x /usr/bin/locate ]; then files=`/usr/bin/locate /bin/javah | grep '/bin/javah$'`; else files=`find /usr -mount -name javah -path '*/bin/javah' | grep '/bin/javah$'`; fi; for f in $files ;do ver=`$f -version 2>&1 | sed -n 's:[^1]*\(1\.[0-9]*.*\)".*:\1:p'`;dir=`echo $f | sed 's:/bin/javah::'`; if [ "$ver" ] ;then list="$list Software/JavaSDK:$dir:$ver";fi;done; echo "$list"

Rule 52:
Prereq:         MWPlatform/Linux
Property:       Telnetd
Group:          Software
Command:	rpm -q telnet-server >/dev/null 2>&1  && echo "Software/Telnetd::Yes" || echo "Software/Telnetd::No"

Rule 53:
Prereq:         MWPlatform/Linux
Property:       Ftpd
Group:          Software
Command:	test=`/bin/netstat -a | grep ftp | wc -l` ;if [ $test = 1 ];then echo "Software/Ftpd::Yes"; else echo "Software/Ftpd::No";fi

Rule 54:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/HP-UX
Property:	KernelVersion
Group:		OS
Command:	ver=`getconf KERNEL_BITS 2>/dev/null` && echo ${ver}_bit

Rule 55:
Prereq:         MWPlatform/HP-UX && OSLevel/11.00
Property:       QualityPack
Group:          Software
Command:	ver=`swlist -l bundle QPK1100 2>&1 | /sbin/awk '$1=="QPK1100" {print $(NF-1) "_" $NF}' | tail -1`; if [ "$ver" ] ;then echo "Software/QualityPack::$ver" ;fi

Rule 551:
Prereq:         MWPlatform/HP-UX && OSLevel/11.11
Property:       QualityPack
Group:          Software
Command:	ver=`swlist -l bundle GOLDBASE11i 2>&1 | /sbin/awk '/^ *GOLD/ {print $(NF-1) "_" $NF}' | tail -1`; if [ "$ver" ] ;then echo "Software/QualityPack::$ver";else echo "Software/QualityPack::None";fi

Rule 56:
Prereq:         MWPlatform/Linux
Property:       XFree86-OpenGL
Group:          Software
Command:        ver=`/bin/rpm -q -f /usr/lib/ | sed 's/[.a-zA-Z]*$//' | sed 's/-\([-.0-9]*\)$/|\1/' | sed 's/^.*|//'`;if [ "$ver" ];then echo "Software/XFree86-OpenGL::$ver";fi

Rule 561:
Prereq:         MWPlatform/Linux
Property:       Mesasoft-OpenGL
Group:          Software
Command:        ogl_file=`ls -l /usr/lib/ | awk '{print "/usr/lib/" $NF}'`; ver=`/bin/rpm -q -f $ogl_file | sed 's/[.a-zA-Z]*$//' | sed 's/-\([-.0-9]*\)$/|\1/' | sed 's/^.*|//'`;if [ "$ver" ];then echo "Software/Mesasoft-OpenGL::$ver";fi

Rule 58:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/HP-UX && ! Architecture/ia64
Property:	OpenGLVersion
Group:		Software
Command:	ver=`swlist -l product | grep OpenGL |grep OpenGLDevKit|awk '{print $2}'`; if [ "$ver" ];then echo "Software/OpenGLVersion::$ver";fi

Rule 581:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/HP-UX && Architecture/ia64
Property:	OpenGLVersion
Group:		Software
Command:	ver=`swlist -l product | egrep 'Graphics3D|OpenGL' | sort -r -k 2,2 | head -1 | awk '{print $2}'`; if [ "$ver" ];then echo "Software/OpenGLVersion::$ver";fi

Rule 60:
Prereq:         MWPlatform/HP-UX
Property:       CriticalPatches
Group:          Hardware
Command:	ver=`swlist -l bundle XSWHWCR1100 2>&1 | /sbin/awk '$1=="XSWHWCR1100" {print $2}' | tail -1`; if [ "$ver" ] ;then echo "$ver";fi

Rule 61:
Prereq:         MWPlatform/AIX
Property:       OpenGLVersion
Group:          Software
Command:        ver=`lslpp -Lqc OpenGL.OpenGL_X.adt.include | awk -F: '{print $3}' | sed 's/\.[^.]*$//'`;if [ "$ver" ] ;then basedir=`lslpp -f OpenGL.OpenGL_X.adt.include|grep /include/gl.h|sed 's:/include/gl.h::;s: *::g'`; if [ "$base" = "4.3.3" -o "$base" = "5.1.0" ];then echo "Software/OpenGLVersion:$basedir:1.2.1";else echo "Software/OpenGLVersion:$basedir:$ver";fi;fi
.OpenGL_X.adt.include|grep /include/gl.h|sed 's:/include/gl.h::;s: *::g'`; if [ "$base" = "4.3.3" ];then echo "Software/OpenGLVersion:$basedir:
1.2.1";else echo "Software/OpenGLVersion:$basedir:$ver";fi;fi

Rule 62:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/AIX
Property:	ML2
Group:		OSLevel
Command:	for patch in 'bos.[mu]p' bos.rte.libc bos.rte.libpthreads; do ver=`lslpp -L $patch |awk '/bos/ {print $2; exit}'|sed 's/\.//g'`;if [ $ver -lt 51025 ];then ml="no";break;fi;done;if [ "$ml" = "no" ];then echo "no";else echo "yes";fi

Rule 63:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Linux
Property:	Lockd
Group:          Software
Command:	if ps -aux | grep lockd | grep -q -v grep  ; then echo "Software/Lockd::Yes"; else echo "Software/Lockd::No"; fi

Rule 64:
Prereq:		MWPlatform/Linux
Property:	Locale
Group:          Software
Command:	loc=`if [ "x$LANG" = "x" ]; then echo $LC_ALL; else echo $LANG; fi`;loc_utf=`if echo $loc | grep -q -i utf; then echo UTF_Locale; else echo Non_UTF_Locale; fi`;echo "Software/Locale:$loc:$loc_utf"
