TELELOGIC RCL 1.0 RULES FILE NAME=NamingConvention "Use of characters in type identifiers" "../Ref/CRules/Naming_10_Type.rl" "Use of characters in structured type fields" "../Ref/CRules/Naming_11_StructField.rl" "Naming of the parameters of main." "../Ref/CRules/Naming_12_MainParam.rl" "Enum constants shall be written uppercase." "../Ref/CRules/Naming_13_EnumConstant.rl" "Module Naming." "../Ref/CRules/Naming_14U_Module.rl" "name prefix " "../Ref/CRules/Naming_15_Prefix.rl" "symbol naming" "../Ref/CRules/Naming_16_SymbolNaming.rl" "Identifiers must exceed X characters" "../Ref/CRules/Naming_1_MinLength.rl" "It is illegal to use the '_' character at the beginning or at the end of an identifier" "../Ref/CRules/Naming_2_Underscore.rl" "It is illegal to use two '_' characters consecutively in an identifier" "../Ref/CRules/Naming_3_DoubleUnderscore.rl" "It is illegal to use the '_' character in an identifier" "../Ref/CRules/Naming_4_NoUnderscore.rl" "Use of uppercase and lowercase characters in global variable identifiers" "../Ref/CRules/Naming_5_GlobalVariable.rl" "Use of uppercase and lowercase characters in local variable identifiers" "../Ref/CRules/Naming_6_LocalVariable.rl" "Use of uppercase and lowercase characters in function identifiers" "../Ref/CRules/Naming_7_Function.rl" "Use of characters in named constant identifiers" "../Ref/CRules/Naming_8_Constant.rl" "Use of characters in macro identifiers" "../Ref/CRules/Naming_9_Macro.rl"