package com.nomagic.magicdraw.examples.autoid.callbehavior; import com.nomagic.magicdraw.autoid.INumberingAction; import com.nomagic.magicdraw.autoid.NumberingInfo; import com.nomagic.magicdraw.autoid.NumberingInfoHelper; import com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.Project; import com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.Finder; import com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.actions.mdbasicactions.CallBehaviorAction; import com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.classes.mdkernel.Element; import com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.commonbehaviors.mdbasicbehaviors.Behavior; import javax.annotation.CheckForNull; import java.util.*; import; /** * Example class shows the source code for Call Behavior Numbering ( Nested numbers, where the call-behavior action might be "4" * and the call-behavior actions inside the called behavior (these actions are related via behavior property) are "4.1" and "4.2". * That is the way which the reader can tell that 4.1 and 4.2 are details of 4. ). * * @since August 6, 2012 * * @author teerawat chaiyakijpichet * */ public class CallBehaviorActionNumbering implements INumberingAction { // @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Map generateIds(List elements, NumberingInfo nInfo) { Map idMap = new HashMap<>(); if (! elements.isEmpty()) { String baseId = nInfo.getPrefix(); // when creating an Call Behavior Action, this will be called with a single element if (elements.size() == 1 && elements.get(0) instanceof CallBehaviorAction) { CallBehaviorAction rootCallBehaviorAction = (CallBehaviorAction)elements.get(0); rootCallBehaviorAction = getRootCallBehaviorAction(rootCallBehaviorAction); assignNumberToCurrentLevel(idMap, nInfo , baseId, rootCallBehaviorAction); // when renumbering in the dialog this will be called with multiple elements } else { CallBehaviorAction rootCallBehaviorAction = .filter(e -> e instanceof CallBehaviorAction) .findFirst() .map(e -> getRootCallBehaviorAction((CallBehaviorAction) e)) .orElse(null); assignNumberToCurrentLevel(idMap, nInfo , baseId, rootCallBehaviorAction); } } return idMap; } /** * Assign number to all elements in current level and also the children of each element in the current level. * @param idMap the id map. * @param nInfo the number info. * @param baseId the base id. * @param root the element which is in the current level. */ private static void assignNumberToCurrentLevel(Map idMap, NumberingInfo nInfo, String baseId, @CheckForNull CallBehaviorAction root) { if(root != null && root.getOwner() != null) { int counter = 1; for (Element checkElement : root.getOwner().getOwnedElement()) { if (checkElement instanceof CallBehaviorAction) { if(!idMap.containsKey(checkElement)) { String id = baseId + counter; counter++; Behavior behavior = ((CallBehaviorAction)checkElement).getBehavior(); idMap.put(checkElement, id); //noinspection ConstantConditions assignNumberForCallBehaviorAction(idMap, nInfo, id, behavior); } } } } } /** * Assign the number for call behavior actions in behavior element and also the children of each call behavior action. * @param idMap the id map. * @param nInfo the number info. * @param parentID the parent id. * @param element the behavior element. */ private static void assignNumberForCallBehaviorAction(Map idMap, NumberingInfo nInfo, String parentID, Behavior element) { if(element != null) { Collection collection = element.getOwnedElement(); List actList = .filter(ele -> ele instanceof CallBehaviorAction) .map(ele -> (CallBehaviorAction) ele) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if(actList.size() > 0) { int counter = 1; for (CallBehaviorAction activity : actList) { String id = parentID + getSeparator(nInfo) + counter; counter++; if(!idMap.containsKey(activity)) { idMap.put(activity, id); //noinspection ConstantConditions assignNumberForCallBehaviorAction(idMap, nInfo, id, activity.getBehavior()); } } } } } /** * Return the override separator status. * @param nInfo the number info. * @return the boolean. */ private static boolean overrideSeparator(NumberingInfo nInfo) { return nInfo.getSeparator() != null && nInfo.getSeparator().length() > 0; } /** * Get the separator value. If the override separator is true, it will return the separator value from the number info, * the otherwise returns from the schema of the number info. * * @param nInfo the number info. * @return the separator value. */ private static String getSeparator(NumberingInfo nInfo) { return overrideSeparator(nInfo) ? nInfo.getSeparator() : NumberingInfoHelper.extractSeparator(nInfo); } /** * Get the root of current call behavior action in order to assign the number from the root. * @param child the current call behavior action. * @return the root of current call behavior action. */ private static CallBehaviorAction getRootCallBehaviorAction(CallBehaviorAction child) { Class[] types = new Class[]{CallBehaviorAction.class}; Object[] callBehaviorAction = Finder.byTypeRecursively().find(Project.getProject(child), types, false).toArray(); Collection visitedCallBehaviorAction = new ArrayList<>(); visitedCallBehaviorAction.add(child); CallBehaviorAction parent = child; while(true) { boolean foundParent = false; for (Object obj : callBehaviorAction) { CallBehaviorAction findCallBehaviorAction = (CallBehaviorAction) obj; if(findCallBehaviorAction.getBehavior() == parent.getOwner()) { parent = findCallBehaviorAction; if (visitedCallBehaviorAction.contains(parent)) { break; } else { visitedCallBehaviorAction.add(parent); } foundParent = true; break; } } if(!foundParent) { break; } } return parent; } }