------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- I N T E R F A C E S -- -- -- -- S p e c -- -- -- -- $Revision: 2 $ -- -- -- -- This specification is adapted from the Ada Reference Manual for use with -- -- GNAT. In accordance with the copyright of that document, you can freely -- -- copy and modify this specification, provided that if you redistribute a -- -- modified version, any changes that you have made are clearly indicated. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- At the moment there is only one version of this source package available. -- It assumes integer sizes of 8, 16, 32 and 64 are available, and that the -- floating-point formats are IEEE compatible. Specialization of this file -- may be required later if these assumptions are not correct for some target. package Interfaces is pragma Pure (Interfaces); type Integer_8 is range -2 ** 7 .. 2 ** 7 - 1; for Integer_8'Size use 8; type Integer_16 is range -2 ** 15 .. 2 ** 15 - 1; for Integer_16'Size use 16; type Integer_32 is range -2 ** 31 .. 2 ** 31 - 1; for Integer_32'Size use 32; type Integer_64 is range -2 ** 63 .. 2 ** 63 - 1; for Integer_64'Size use 64; type Unsigned_8 is mod 2 ** 8; for Unsigned_8'SIze use 8; type Unsigned_16 is mod 2 ** 16; for Unsigned_16'SIze use 16; type Unsigned_32 is mod 2 ** 32; for Unsigned_32'SIze use 32; type Unsigned_64 is mod 2 ** 64; for Unsigned_64'Size use 64; function Shift_Left (Value : Unsigned_8; Amount : Natural) return Unsigned_8; function Shift_Right (Value : Unsigned_8; Amount : Natural) return Unsigned_8; function Shift_Right_Arithmetic (Value : Unsigned_8; Amount : Natural) return Unsigned_8; function Rotate_Left (Value : Unsigned_8; Amount : Natural) return Unsigned_8; function Rotate_Right (Value : Unsigned_8; Amount : Natural) return Unsigned_8; function Shift_Left (Value : Unsigned_16; Amount : Natural) return Unsigned_16; function Shift_Right (Value : Unsigned_16; Amount : Natural) return Unsigned_16; function Shift_Right_Arithmetic (Value : Unsigned_16; Amount : Natural) return Unsigned_16; function Rotate_Left (Value : Unsigned_16; Amount : Natural) return Unsigned_16; function Rotate_Right (Value : Unsigned_16; Amount : Natural) return Unsigned_16; function Shift_Left (Value : Unsigned_32; Amount : Natural) return Unsigned_32; function Shift_Right (Value : Unsigned_32; Amount : Natural) return Unsigned_32; function Shift_Right_Arithmetic (Value : Unsigned_32; Amount : Natural) return Unsigned_32; function Rotate_Left (Value : Unsigned_32; Amount : Natural) return Unsigned_32; function Rotate_Right (Value : Unsigned_32; Amount : Natural) return Unsigned_32; function Shift_Left (Value : Unsigned_64; Amount : Natural) return Unsigned_64; function Shift_Right (Value : Unsigned_64; Amount : Natural) return Unsigned_64; function Shift_Right_Arithmetic (Value : Unsigned_64; Amount : Natural) return Unsigned_64; function Rotate_Left (Value : Unsigned_64; Amount : Natural) return Unsigned_64; function Rotate_Right (Value : Unsigned_64; Amount : Natural) return Unsigned_64; pragma Convention (Intrinsic, Shift_Left); pragma Convention (Intrinsic, Shift_Right); pragma Convention (Intrinsic, Shift_Right_Arithmetic); pragma Convention (Intrinsic, Rotate_Left); pragma Convention (Intrinsic, Rotate_Right); pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Left); pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Right); pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Right_Arithmetic); pragma Import (Intrinsic, Rotate_Left); pragma Import (Intrinsic, Rotate_Right); -- Floating point types. We assume that we are on an IEEE machine, and -- that the types Short_Float and Long_Float in Standard refer to the -- 32-bit short and 64-bit long IEEE forms. Furthermore, if there is -- an extended float, we assume that it is available as Long_Long_Float. -- Note: it is harmless, and explicitly permitted, to include additional -- types in interfaces, so it is not wrong to have IEEE_Extended_Float -- defined even if the extended format is not available. type IEEE_Float_32 is new Short_Float; type IEEE_Float_64 is new Long_Float; type IEEE_Extended_Float is new Long_Long_Float; end Interfaces;