-- Actions return { zoomin = { name = tr("Zoom &In"), sequence = 16, message = 2333, desc = tr("Increase font size.") }, zoomout = { name = tr("Zoom &Out"), sequence = 17, message = 2334, desc = tr("Decrease font size.") }, resetzoom = { name = tr("&Reset Zoom"), message = 10035, desc = tr("Restore default zoom.") }, undo = { name = tr("&Undo"), sequence = 11, altsequence = tr("Alt+Backspace"), message = 2176, desc = tr("Undo the previous edit.") }, redo = { name = tr("&Redo"), sequence = 12, altsequence = tr("Alt+Shift+Backspace"), message = 2011, desc = tr("Redo the previous undo.") }, cut = { name = tr("&Cut"), sequence = 8, altsequence = tr("Shift+Del"), message = 2177, desc = tr("Cut the selected text to the clipboard.") }, copy = { name = tr("C&opy"), sequence = 9, altsequence = tr("Ctrl+Ins"), message = 2178, desc = tr("Copy the selected text to the clipboard.") }, paste = { name = tr("&Paste"), sequence = 10, altsequence = tr("Shift+Ins"), message = 2179, desc = tr("Paste the clipboard text into the document.") }, selectall = { name = tr("&Select All"), sequence = 26, message = 2013, desc = tr("Select the entire document.") }, autocomplete = { name = tr("Autocomplete"), sequence = tr("Esc"), message = 10000, desc = tr("Invoke the auto-complete list.") }, find = { name = tr("Fin&d && Replace..."), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Alt+F"), message = 10005, desc = tr("Show the find/replace dialog.") }, incfind = { name = tr("&Incremental Find..."), message = 10008, desc = tr("Invoke the incremental find and search forward.") }, setfind = { name = tr("Use Selection for Find"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+E"), message = 10001, desc = tr("Fill the find buffer with the current selection.") }, setreplace = { name = tr("Use Selection for Replace"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Shift+E"), message = 10013, desc = tr("Fill the replace buffer with the current selection.") }, findsel = { name = tr("Find Selection"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+F3"), message = 10009, desc = tr("Fill find buffer and find next match.") }, findnext = { name = tr("Find Next"), sequence = 23, message = 10002, desc = tr("Find next match.") }, findprev = { name = tr("Find Previous"), sequence = 24, message = 10003, desc = tr("Find previous match.") }, gotoline = { name = tr("Go to &Line..."), sequence = tr("Ctrl+L"), message = 10004, desc = tr("Show the go to line dialog.") }, ["print"] = { name = tr("&Print..."), message = 10006, desc = tr("Show the print dialog.") }, pagesetup = { name = tr("Page Setup..."), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Shift+P"), message = 10007, desc = tr("Show the page setup dialog.") }, replace = { name = tr("Replace"), message = 10010, desc = tr("Replace the current selection.") }, replaceandfind = { name = tr("Replace and Find Next"), message = 10011, desc = tr("Replace the current selection and find the next match.") }, replaceall = { name = tr("Replace All"), message = 10012, desc = tr("Replace all matches.") }, commentsel = { name = tr("Co&mment Selection"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+."), message = 10014, desc = tr("Comment the selected range.") }, uncommentsel = { name = tr("Uncomme&nt Selection"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Shift+."), message = 10015, desc = tr("Uncomment the selected range.") }, jump = { objname = tr("Jump to Matching Token"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+J"), message = 10016, desc = tr("Jump to the matching token.") }, selectblock = { name = tr("Select Block"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Shift+J"), message = 10017, desc = tr("Select the current block.") }, revert = { name = tr("Revert"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Shift+Meta+R"), message = 10018, desc = tr("Revert file to the saved copy.") }, cutline = { name = tr("Cut Line"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+K"), message = 2337, desc = tr("Cut the current line to the clipboard.") }, deleteline = { name = tr("Delete Line"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Shift+K"), message = 2338, desc = tr("Delete the current line.") }, copyline = { name = tr("Copy Line"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Shift+T"), message = 2455, desc = tr("Copy the current line to the clipboard.") }, transposeline = { name = tr("Transpose Line"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+T"), message = 2339, desc = tr("Transpose the current line with the line above.") }, duplicatesel = { name = tr("Duplicate Selection"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+D"), message = 2469, desc = tr("Duplicate the current selection.") }, lowercase = { name = tr("&Lowercase"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+U"), message = 2340, desc = tr("Convert the current selection to lowercase.") }, uppercase = { name = tr("&Uppercase"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Shift+U"), message = 2341, desc = tr("Convert the current selection to uppercase.") }, foldall = { name = tr("F&old All"), objname = tr("Fold/Unfold All"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Shift+H"), message = 10019, desc = tr("Toggle all fold points.") }, backspace = { name = tr("Backspace"), sequence = tr("Backspace"), message = 2326, desc = tr("Delete the character before the caret.") }, delete = { name = tr("Delete"), sequence = tr("Del"), message = 2180, desc = tr("Delete the character after the caret.") }, deletetoend = { name = tr("Delete to End of Line"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Shift+Del"), message = 2396, desc = tr("Delete to the end of the line.") }, deletefromstart = { name = tr("Delete from Start of Line"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Shift+Backspace"), message = 2395, desc = tr("Delete from the start of the line.") }, deletewordright = { name = tr("Delete Word Right"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Del"), message = 2336, desc = tr("Delete to the end of the word.") }, deletewordleft = { name = tr("Delete Word Left"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Backspace"), message = 2335, desc = tr("Delete from the start of the word.") }, linedown = { name = tr("Line Down"), sequence = tr("Down"), message = 2300, desc = tr("Move the caret down one line.") }, lineup = { name = tr("Line Up"), sequence = tr("Up"), message = 2302, desc = tr("Move the caret up one line.") }, linescrolldown = { name = tr("Line Scroll Down"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Down"), message = 2342, desc = tr("Scroll down one line.") }, linescrollup = { name = tr("Line Scroll Up"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Up"), message = 2343, desc = tr("Scroll up one line.") }, lineend = { name = tr("Line End"), sequence = tr("End"), message = 2314, desc = tr("Move the caret to the end of the line.") }, linehome = { name = tr("Line Home"), sequence = tr("Home"), message = 2331, desc = tr("Move the caret to the start of the line.") }, linestart = { name = tr("Line Start"), message = 10036, desc = tr("Move the caret to the start of the line.") }, pageup = { name = tr("Page Up"), sequence = tr("PgUp"), message = 2320, desc = tr("Move the caret up by one page.") }, pagedown = { name = tr("Page Down"), sequence = tr("PgDown"), message = 2322, desc = tr("Move the caret down by one page.") }, record = { name = tr("R&ecord Macro"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Alt+M"), message = 10020, desc = tr("Start/stop macro recording."), icon = ":icons/macro_record_start.png", alticon = ":icons/macro_record_stop.png", checkable = true }, replay = { name = tr("Re&play Macro"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+M"), message = 10021, desc = tr("Replay last macro."), icon = ":icons/macro_play.png" }, capitalize = { name = tr("Capitalize"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Alt+U"), message = 10022, desc = tr("Capitalize the current word.") }, anchorsel = { name = tr("Anchor Selection"), sequence = (platform == "mac") and tr("Meta+Space") or tr("Ctrl+Space"), message = 10023, desc = tr("Toggle the selection anchor.") }, invertcase = { name = tr("Invert Case"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Shift+I"), message = 10024, desc = tr("Invert the case of the current word.") }, cuttoend = { name = tr("Cut to End of Line"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Alt+K"), message = 10025, desc = tr("Cut to the end of the current line.") }, cutfromstart = { name = tr("Cut from Start of Line"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Shift+Alt+K"), message = 10026, desc = tr("Cut from the start of the current line.") }, cutwordleft = { name = tr("Cut Word Left"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Alt+Backspace"), message = 10037, desc = tr("Cut from the start of the word.") }, cutwordright = { name = tr("Cut Word Right"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Alt+Del"), message = 10038, desc = tr("Cut to the end of the word.") }, incfindprev = { name = tr("Incremental Find Previous..."), message = 10027, desc = tr("Invoke the incremental find and search backward.") }, hideinactive = { name = tr("Hide I&nactive Lines"), objname = tr("Hide/Show Inactive Lines"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Alt+I"), message = 10028, desc = tr("Toggle the visibility of inactive regions.") }, togglebookmark = { objname = tr("Add/Remove Bookmark"), name = tr("Toggle Bookmark"), message = 10031, desc = tr("Toggle bookmark for the current line.") }, nextbookmark = { name = tr("Next Bookmark"), message = 10032, desc = tr("Jump to the next bookmark.") }, prevbookmark = { name = tr("Previous Bookmark"), message = 10033, desc = tr("Jump to the previous bookmark.") }, tab = { name = tr("Tab"), sequence = tr("Tab"), message = 2327, desc = tr("Increase indent by the width of a tab.") }, backtab = { name = tr("Back Tab"), sequence = tr("Shift+Tab"), message = 2328, desc = tr("Decrease indent by the width of a tab.") }, newline = { name = tr("Newline"), sequence = tr("Return"), altsequence = (platform == "mac") and tr("Enter") or "", message = 2329, desc = tr("Add newline.") }, docstart = { name = tr("Document Start"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Home"), message = 2316, desc = tr("Move the caret to the beginning of the document.") }, docend = { name = tr("Document End"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+End"), message = 2318, desc = tr("Move the caret to the end of the document.") }, overtype = { name = tr("Toggle Overtype"), sequence = tr("Ins"), message = 2324, desc = tr("Toggle overtype mode.") }, wrap = { name = tr("&Soft Wrap"), sequence = tr("Ctrl+Alt+W"), message = 10034, desc = tr("Toggle the wrap mode of the document."), checkable = true }, center = { name = tr("Center on Caret"), message = 2619, desc = tr("Center the scroll position around the caret") }, sortselection = { name = tr("Sort Selection"), message = 10039, desc = tr("Sort the lines in the current selection.") }, inserttab = { name = tr("Insert Tab"), message = 10040, desc = tr("Insert tab character.") }, indentsel = { name = tr("Reindent Selection"), message = 10041, desc = tr("Reindent the current selection.") }, indentfile = { name = tr("Reindent File"), message = 10042, desc = tr("Reindent the current file.") } }