// tbd - not documented with other units in help unit Messages; interface type HDC = THandle; HMenu = THandle; TMessage = packed record Msg: Cardinal; case Integer of 0: ( WParam: Longint; LParam: Longint; Result: Longint); 1: ( WParamLo: Word; WParamHi: Word; LParamLo: Word; LParamHi: Word; ResultLo: Word; ResultHi: Word); end; TWMKey = packed record Msg: Cardinal; CharCode: Word; Unused: Word; KeyData: Longint; Result: Longint; end; TWMMouse = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Keys: Longint; case Integer of 0: ( XPos: Smallint; YPos: Smallint); 1: ( Pos: TSmallPoint; Result: Longint); end; TWMLButtonDown = TWMMouse; TWMPaint = packed record Msg: Cardinal; DC: HDC; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end; TWMMenuChar = record Msg: Cardinal; User: Char; Unused: Byte; MenuFlag: Word; Menu: HMENU; Result: Longint; end; TWMNotify = packed record Msg: Cardinal; IDCtrl: Longint; NMHdr: Integer; // tbd - PNMHdr, not in doc Result: Longint; end; implementation end.