------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- S Y S T E M . S T A N D A R D _ L I B R A R Y -- -- -- -- S p e c -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1992-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write -- -- to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, -- -- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This package is included in all programs. It contains declarations that -- are required to be part of every Ada program. A special mechanism is -- required to ensure that these are loaded, since it may be the case in -- some programs that the only references to these required packages are -- from C code or from code generated directly by Gigi, an in both cases -- the binder is not aware of such references. -- System.Standard_Library also includes data that must be present in every -- program, in particular the definitions of all the standard and also some -- subprograms that must be present in every program. -- The binder unconditionally includes s-stalib.ali, which ensures that this -- package and the packages it references are included in all Ada programs, -- together with the included data. pragma Polling (Off); -- We must turn polling off for this unit, because otherwise we get -- elaboration circularities with Ada.Exceptions if polling is on. with System; with Unchecked_Conversion; package System.Standard_Library is pragma Warnings (Off); pragma Preelaborate_05; pragma Warnings (On); type Big_String_Ptr is access all String (Positive); -- A non-fat pointer type for null terminated strings function To_Ptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, Big_String_Ptr); --------------------------------------------- -- Type For Enumeration Image Index Tables -- --------------------------------------------- -- Note: these types are declared at the start of this unit, since -- they must appear before any enumeration types declared in this -- unit. Note that the spec of system is already elaborated at -- this point (since we are a child of system), which means that -- enumeration types in package System cannot use these types. type Image_Index_Table_8 is array (Integer range <>) of Short_Short_Integer; type Image_Index_Table_16 is array (Integer range <>) of Short_Integer; type Image_Index_Table_32 is array (Integer range <>) of Integer; -- These types are used to generate the index vector used for enumeration -- type image tables. See spec of Exp_Imgv in the main GNAT sources for a -- full description of the data structures that are used here. ------------------------------------- -- Exception Declarations and Data -- ------------------------------------- type Raise_Action is access procedure; -- A pointer to a procedure used in the Raise_Hook field type Exception_Data; type Exception_Data_Ptr is access all Exception_Data; -- An equivalent of Exception_Id that is public type Exception_Code is mod 2 ** Integer'Size; -- A scalar value bound to some exception data. Typically used for -- imported or exported exceptions on VMS. Having a separate type for this -- is useful to enforce consistency throughout the various run-time units -- handling such codes, and having it unsigned is the most appropriate -- choice for it's currently single use on VMS. -- ??? The construction in Cstand has no way to access the proper type -- node for Exception_Code, and currently uses Standard_Unsigned as a -- fallback. The representations shall match, and the size clause below -- is aimed at ensuring that. for Exception_Code'Size use Integer'Size; -- The following record defines the underlying representation of exceptions -- WARNING! Any changes to this may need to be reflectd in the following -- locations in the compiler and runtime code: -- 1. The Internal_Exception routine in s-exctab.adb -- 2. The processing in gigi that tests Not_Handled_By_Others -- 3. Expand_N_Exception_Declaration in Exp_Ch11 -- 4. The construction of the exception type in Cstand type Exception_Data is record Not_Handled_By_Others : Boolean; -- Normally set False, indicating that the exception is handled in the -- usual way by others (i.e. an others handler handles the exception). -- Set True to indicate that this exception is not caught by others -- handlers, but must be explicitly named in a handler. This latter -- setting is currently used by the Abort_Signal. Lang : Character; -- A character indicating the language raising the exception. -- Set to "A" for exceptions defined by an Ada program. -- Set to "V" for imported VMS exceptions. Name_Length : Natural; -- Length of fully expanded name of exception Full_Name : System.Address; -- Fully expanded name of exception, null terminated -- You can use To_Ptr to convert this to a string. HTable_Ptr : Exception_Data_Ptr; -- Hash table pointer used to link entries together in the hash table -- built (by Register_Exception in s-exctab.adb) for converting between -- identities and names. Import_Code : Exception_Code; -- Value for imported exceptions. Needed only for the handling of -- Import/Export_Exception for the VMS case, but present in all -- implementations (we might well extend this mechanism for other -- systems in the future). Raise_Hook : Raise_Action; -- This field can be used to place a "hook" on an exception. If the -- value is non-null, then it points to a procedure which is called -- whenever the exception is raised. This call occurs immediately, -- before any other actions taken by the raise (and in particular -- before any unwinding of the stack occurs). end record; -- Definitions for standard predefined exceptions defined in Standard, -- Why are the Nul's necessary here, seems like they should not be -- required, since Gigi is supposed to add a Nul to each name ??? Constraint_Error_Name : constant String := "CONSTRAINT_ERROR" & ASCII.NUL; Program_Error_Name : constant String := "PROGRAM_ERROR" & ASCII.NUL; Storage_Error_Name : constant String := "STORAGE_ERROR" & ASCII.NUL; Tasking_Error_Name : constant String := "TASKING_ERROR" & ASCII.NUL; Abort_Signal_Name : constant String := "_ABORT_SIGNAL" & ASCII.NUL; Numeric_Error_Name : constant String := "NUMERIC_ERROR" & ASCII.NUL; -- This is used only in the Ada 83 case, but it is not worth having a -- separate version of s-stalib.ads for use in Ada 83 mode. Constraint_Error_Def : aliased Exception_Data := (Not_Handled_By_Others => False, Lang => 'A', Name_Length => Constraint_Error_Name'Length, Full_Name => Constraint_Error_Name'Address, HTable_Ptr => null, Import_Code => 0, Raise_Hook => null); Numeric_Error_Def : aliased Exception_Data := (Not_Handled_By_Others => False, Lang => 'A', Name_Length => Numeric_Error_Name'Length, Full_Name => Numeric_Error_Name'Address, HTable_Ptr => null, Import_Code => 0, Raise_Hook => null); Program_Error_Def : aliased Exception_Data := (Not_Handled_By_Others => False, Lang => 'A', Name_Length => Program_Error_Name'Length, Full_Name => Program_Error_Name'Address, HTable_Ptr => null, Import_Code => 0, Raise_Hook => null); Storage_Error_Def : aliased Exception_Data := (Not_Handled_By_Others => False, Lang => 'A', Name_Length => Storage_Error_Name'Length, Full_Name => Storage_Error_Name'Address, HTable_Ptr => null, Import_Code => 0, Raise_Hook => null); Tasking_Error_Def : aliased Exception_Data := (Not_Handled_By_Others => False, Lang => 'A', Name_Length => Tasking_Error_Name'Length, Full_Name => Tasking_Error_Name'Address, HTable_Ptr => null, Import_Code => 0, Raise_Hook => null); Abort_Signal_Def : aliased Exception_Data := (Not_Handled_By_Others => True, Lang => 'A', Name_Length => Abort_Signal_Name'Length, Full_Name => Abort_Signal_Name'Address, HTable_Ptr => null, Import_Code => 0, Raise_Hook => null); pragma Export (C, Constraint_Error_Def, "constraint_error"); pragma Export (C, Numeric_Error_Def, "numeric_error"); pragma Export (C, Program_Error_Def, "program_error"); pragma Export (C, Storage_Error_Def, "storage_error"); pragma Export (C, Tasking_Error_Def, "tasking_error"); pragma Export (C, Abort_Signal_Def, "_abort_signal"); Local_Partition_ID : Natural := 0; -- This variable contains the local Partition_ID that will be used when -- building exception occurrences. In distributed mode, it will be -- set by each partition to the correct value during the elaboration. type Exception_Trace_Kind is (RM_Convention, -- No particular trace is requested, only unhandled exceptions -- in the environment task (following the RM) will be printed. -- This is the default behavior. Every_Raise, -- Denotes every possible raise event, either explicit or due to -- a specific language rule, within the context of a task or not. Unhandled_Raise -- Denotes the raise events corresponding to exceptions for which -- there is no user defined handler. ); -- Provide a way to denote different kinds of automatic traces related -- to exceptions that can be requested. Exception_Trace : Exception_Trace_Kind := RM_Convention; pragma Atomic (Exception_Trace); -- By default, follow the RM convention. ----------------- -- Subprograms -- ----------------- procedure Abort_Undefer_Direct; pragma Inline (Abort_Undefer_Direct); -- A little procedure that just calls Abort_Undefer.all, for use in -- clean up procedures, which only permit a simple subprogram name. procedure Adafinal; -- Performs the Ada Runtime finalization the first time it is invoked. -- All subsequent calls are ignored. end System.Standard_Library;