[2009-08-22] - C/C++ linker options added --Xlinker --print-gc-sections --Xlinker --print-map --Xlinker --cref - C/C++ compiler options added -fno-inline-functions - C++ compiler options added -Wabi -Weffc++ - C/C++ compiler optimization default to -Os instead of -O3 - Browse type 'file' removed from Map Filename, since it is not properly rendered [2009-08-21] - patches from Freddie Chopin applied - C/C++ linker --gc-sections added - C/C++ linker -nostartfiles enabled for C, disabled for C++ - C/C++ linker -nostdlibs disabled - C++ compiler -no-rtti option added - C/C++ compiler signed char as option, default is unsigned (compiler default) - experimental toolchain presence support not completed, temporarily disabled until properly implemented [2009-04-18] - '-nostdlib' enabled by default for linkers - 'CodeSourcery G++ Lite' for Windows toolchain presence tested (by attempting to execute 'arm-none-eabi-gcc') [experimental] - 'CodeSourcery G++ Lite' for Linux toolchain presence tested (by attempting to execute 'arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc') [experimental] - 'GNUARM' (and derivatives) toolchain presence tested (by attempting to execute 'arm-elf-gcc') [experimental] - PATH automatic discovery for Windows versions of 'CodeSourcery G++ Lite' and 'GNUARM 4.1.1', by using Windows Registry information. No need to have them in the system PATH. [2009-04-07] - C Linker empty makefile bug fixed (spaces in secondaryOutputs/targetTool) - about.* files moved here from the feature project; the ARM icon is now visible in the Help -> About window. - update site URL renamed from http://gnuarmeclipse.sourceforge.net/update to http://gnuarmeclipse.sourceforge.net/updates [2009-04-03] - org.eclipse.cdt.core.templateAssociations (schema in org.eclipse.cdt.core) points to all toolchain bases, as specified in schema examples and used in org.eclipse.cdt.managebuilder.gnu.ui. (not yet functional)