- install Sun JRE1.5 or later - install Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers (eclipse-rcp-galileo-win32.zip) - add 'C and C++ Development' plug-ins from the 'Galileo' update site, 'Programming Languages' section - add 'Eclipse C/C++ Development Tooling Source' from the CDT update site http://download.eclipse.org/tools/cdt/releases/ganymede 'Uncategorized' section (without CDT sources the extension point schemas will not be available so attempts to add new elements to the extensions will not be possible, and only 'Generic' elements will be offered). - add 'Subversive SVN Team Provider' plug-ins from the 'Galileo' update site, 'Collaboration Tools' section - add Subversive SVN Connectors from http://community.polarion.com/projects/subversive/download/eclipse/2.0/galileo-site/ on Windows, install only the two JavaHL Win32 connectors; on Linux DO NOT try to install them, the default is the SVNKit. - on Linux, $ sudo apt-get install subversion if necessary, also install: $ sudo apt-get install libsvn-java and then add this to your eclipse.ini: -Djava.library.path=/usr/lib/jni (step not confirmed, I did my development on Windows) - create a new workspace - change workspace preferences General -> Workspace disable Build automatically enable Refresh automatically enable Save automatically before rebuild Text file encoding: UTF-8 - New Project -> Project from SVN URL: 'https://gnuarmeclipse.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gnuarmeclipse/' Next -> Select Resource Browse: gnuarmeclipse -> trunk iterrate the following 3 projects: org.eclipse.cdt.cross.arm.gnu org.eclipse.cdt.cross.arm.gnu-feature org.eclipse.cdt.cross.arm.gnu-updatesite Select 'Head Revision' press Finish Check Out As page: select 'Check out as a project with the name specified', Depth: Recursively press Finish (the project should be checked out now) - check if the references in the org.eclipse.cdt.cross.arm.gnu project were recognized. (open the project and check if JRE System Library and Plug-in Dependencies are populated) - Project properties -> Run/Debug Settings -> Eclipse Application -> Edit Plug-ins Tab Launch with: 'plug-ins selected below only' Select Workspace, org.eclipse.cdt.cross.arm.gnu Deselect 'Target Platform' Deselect 'Add new workspace plug-ins to this launch configuration automatically' - Run As -> Eclipse Application Help -> About Eclipse SDK -> Plug-in Details (the 'GNU ARM C/C++ Development Support' must be present) - in gnu-updatesite remove features/* plugins/* artifacts.* content.* (do not touch SVN files) - open site.xml - press the 'Build All' button - features/*.jar, plugins/*.jar, artifacts.jar and content.jar should be rebuild - pack the content of gnu-updatesite into a .zip archive - use this file as an archived update site