# Color Scheme preferences dialog for Insight.
# Copyright (C) 2004 Red Hat
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  CONSTRUCTOR - create new source preferences window
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body CSPref::constructor {args} {
  window_name "Color Scheme Preferences"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  METHOD:  init_var - initialize preference variables
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body CSPref::_init_var {} {
  for {set i 0} {$i < 16} {incr i} {
    lappend vlist gdb/bg/$i

  foreach var $vlist {
    set _saved($var) [pref get $var]
    set _new($var) $_saved($var)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  METHOD:  build_win - build the dialog
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body CSPref::_build_win {} {
  frame $itk_interior.f
  frame $itk_interior.f.a
  frame $itk_interior.f.b
  set f $itk_interior.f.a

  # Description frame
  set d [labelframe $f.desc -text "Description"]
  label $d.txt -justify left -wraplength 6i -background $::Colors(textbg) \
    -text "There are many situations where multiple instances\
of Insight may be running.  Some examples are when debugging itself, when debugging\
client and server programs, or multiprocessor systems. In these situations, it is easy\
to get confused by the many different windows.  Insight provides a simple way to have\
all the windows belonging to a particular Insight instance use the same background color.\
\n\nClick on a color below to edit it. This is a text background color.  Other colors are\
computed based on it."
  pack $d.txt -side top
  pack $f.desc -expand yes -fill both 

  set w [labelframe $f.colors -text "Text Backgrounds"]
  for {set i 0} {$i < 16} {incr i} {
    set color $_new(gdb/bg/$i)
    button $w.$i -text [format "%X" $i] -activebackground $color -bg $color \
      -command [code $this _pick $color $w.$i  $i]

  grid $w.0 $w.1 $w.2 $w.3 $w.4 $w.5 $w.6 $w.7 -padx 10 -pady 10 -sticky we
  grid $w.8 $w.9 $w.10 $w.11 $w.12 $w.13 $w.14 $w.15 -padx 10 -pady 10 -sticky we

  pack $w -fill both -expand yes
  pack $f.colors -fill both -expand yes

  button $itk_interior.f.b.ok -text OK -width 7 -underline 0 -command [code $this _save]
  button $itk_interior.f.b.apply -text Apply -width 7 -underline 0 -command [code $this _apply]
  button $itk_interior.f.b.quit -text Cancel -width 7 -underline 0 -command [code $this _cancel]
  standard_button_box $itk_interior.f.b
  pack $itk_interior.f.a $itk_interior.f.b $itk_interior.f -expand yes -fill both -padx 5 -pady 5

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  METHOD:  apply - apply changes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body CSPref::_apply {} {
  foreach var [array names _new] {
    if {$_new($var) != [pref get $var]} {
      pref set $var $_new($var)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  METHOD:  _cancel
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body CSPref::_cancel {} {
  set bg_changed 0

  if {[string compare [pref get gdb/bg/$::gdb_bg_num] $_saved(gdb/bg/$::gdb_bg_num)] != 0} {
    set bg_changed 1
  foreach elem [array names _saved] {
    set cur_val [pref get $elem]
    if {[string compare $cur_val $_saved($elem)] != 0} {
      pref set $elem $_saved($elem)

  if {$bg_changed} {
  } else {

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  METHOD:  save - apply changes and quit
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body CSPref::_save {} {

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  METHOD:  reconfig - called when windows are reconfigured
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

itcl::body CSPref::reconfig {} {
  # Unfortunately, r_setcolors recolors buttons if we do an Apply, 
  # so fix them up here.

  for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
    set color $_new(gdb/bg/$i)
    $w.$i configure -activebackground $color -bg $color

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  METHOD:  pick - pick colors
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body CSPref::_pick {color win num} {
  #debug "$color $win $num"
  set new_color [tk_chooseColor -initialcolor $color -title "Choose color"]
  if {$new_color != $color && $new_color != {}} {
    $win configure -activebackground $new_color -bg $new_color \
      -command [code $this _pick $new_color $w.${num}b  $num]
    set _new(gdb/bg/$num) $new_color
    pref set gdb/bg/$num $new_color