COMMON/ALCAZA/SCROUT,SSTM,SNAM,SSTA,SSTR,SNEWST(100),SIMA(MXSIMD), 1 SNAMES(MXNAME),SCBVAR(MXNAME),SCBNAM(MAXGRP) CHARACTER SCROUT*(MXNMCH),SSTM*(MXSSTM),SNAM*(MXSSTM), 1 SSTA*(MDIMST),SSTR*(MDIMST),SNEWST*(MXLINE),SIMA*(MXLINE), 2 SNAMES*(MXNMCH),SCBVAR*(MXNMCH),SCBNAM*(MXNMCH) *----------------------------------------------------------------------- *--- SCROUT = name of current routine being processed *--- SSTM = string containing all statement descriptions *--- SNAM = string containing all statement descriptors *--- SSTA = string containing the actual statement, col. 7-72 (all) *--- SSTR = temporary statement buffer during replacement *--- SNEWST = temporary statement image buffer during reformatting *--- SIMA = string containing one complete routine *--- SNAMES = name list for global, routine, and statement names *--- SCBVAR = list of c.b. variables in one routine (ACTION(24)) *--- SCBNAM = list of c.b. names in one routine *-----------------------------------------------------------------------