COMMON/CURSTA/NCHST,NSTREF,NLIMA,IFILTR,NLREF(20),ICURCL(2), + NEWOUT,NDUMMY *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * /CURSTA/ describes the "current" statement * (after calls to EXTRAC and CLASSF) * NCHST no. of ch. in statement * NSTREF no. of corresponding statement in SIMA * NLIMA no. of corresponding image lines of current stmt. * IFILTR flag: = -1 reset for routine, 0 reset for statement, * 1 do not reset * NLREF ref. to n-th corresponding line in SIMA * ICURCL(1) class of first part * ICURCL(2) class of second part ( if ICURCL(1)=IIF), else ILL * NEWOUT occupation of SNEWST in lines * NDUMMY true dummy argument (to avoid integer overflows) *-----------------------------------------------------------------------