COMMON/FLAGS/ACTION(MXFLAG),STATUS(MXFLAG) LOGICAL ACTION,STATUS *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * +++++++++++++++++++++++++ action flags - as listed * 1 make namelist/routine * 2 make global namelist * 3 print illegal statements * 4 print changed statements * 5 print filtered statements * 6 print all statements * 7 write changed statements only on output file * 8 write filtered on output file * 9 write all on output file * 10 take first name only in statement * 11 convert hollerith to quotes * 12 string replacement requested * 13 resequence statement numbers * 14 FORMAT to end of routine * 15 name replacements requested * 16 routine filters given * 17 class filters given * 18 name filters given * 19 string filters given * 20 type variables * 21 indent * 22 USER command given * 23 compressed output file requested * 24 COMMON block option (signal unused and used C.B.) * 25 print namelist / routine * 26 print global namelist * 27 print COMMON block and variable usage * 28 adjust GOTO to the right * 29 write tree output file on unit 13 * 30 write HTML output on unit 80 * +++++++++++++++++++++++++ status flags - as listed * 1 no more lines on input * 2 no more lines to process * 3 illegal stmnt. detected in EXTRAC (unclosed string, or * illegal character '{', '}' ). * 4 end of program due to time limit * 5 currently buffered routine without end (split) * 6 currently buffered routine continuation (split) * 7 current routine filtered * 8 last filter passed * 9 routine header still to be printed * 10 statement still to be printed * 11 statement cannot be changed (length overflow,or illegal repl.) * 12 c.b. name list overflow in PROCOM, discard current routine * 13 true when equiv. groups and commons have been merged (PROCOM) * 14 true when current routine is a SUBROUTINE *-----------------------------------------------------------------------