COMMON/KEYINP/NORSET,NGLSET,NKYINT,NKYNAM,NKYSTR,LKYSTR,NKYCHR, 1 NORCOM(MXORST),KORCOM(MXORST),KEYREF(MXKEYS,7),KEYINT(MXKINT), 2 KNAMRF(MXKNAM,2),KSTREF(MXKNAM,2),KKYSTA(MXKNAM),KKYEND(MXKNAM) COMMON/SKEYNP/SKYSTR,SKEYLS(MXKNAM) CHARACTER SKYSTR*(MDIMST),SKEYLS*(MXNMCH) *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * NORSET = no. of OR-sets * NGLSET = no. of global commands * NKYNAM = no. of names in SKEYLS * NKYSTR = no. of strings in SKYSTR * LKYSTR = occupation of SKYSTR * NKYCHR = no. of string refs in KSTREF * NORCOM = no. of commands / OR-set * KORCOM = start-1 of each OR-set in KEYREF * KEYREF * (I,1) = ref. number (=pos.) of key * (I,2) = no. of integers in KEYINT * (I,3) = start-1 of integers in KEYINT * (I,4) = no. of names in SKEYLS * (I,5) = start-1 of names in SKEYLS * (I,6) = no. of string refs in KSTREF * (I,7) = start-1 of string refs in KSTREF * KEYINT = integer list for sub-keys etc. * KNAMRF * (I,1) = ref. to string following name, or zero if none, * or < 0 if to be ignored (illegal) * (I,2) = ref. to replacement string, or zero * KSTREF * (I,1) = ref. to string (stand alone), or < 0 if illegal * (I,2) = ref. to replacement string for above, or zero * KKYSTA = start of string in SKYSTR * KKYEND = end of string in SKYSTR * * SKEYLS = name list for input commands * SKYSTR = contains stand-alone or name-associated strings *-----------------------------------------------------------------------