PARAMETER(MXNAME=30000,MXSSTM=2000,MXSTAT=75,MCLASS=22,MXLINE=80, 1 MXLENG=1320,MXSIMA=2000,MXSIMD=MXSIMA+500,MCUNIT=9,MPUNIT=6, 2 MIUNIT=11,MTUNIT=13,MOUNIT=14,MXFLAG=30,MXNMCH=32,MXORST=20, 3 MDIMST=2000,MGLOKY=9,MLOCKY=4,MSUBKY=24,MTOTKY=MGLOKY+MLOCKY, 4 MXKEYS=MGLOKY+MXORST*MLOCKY,MXKINT=100,MXKNAM=500,MXTYPE=20, 5 MAXNUM=1000,MAXGRP=100,TIMLIM=1.,MHUNIT=80,MDUNIT=81, + VERSIO=7.00, 6 KALL=100,KENT=20,NOARG=50) *----------------------------------------------------------------------- *--- MXNAME = dimension of IWS, COMMON/FLWORK/, and of SNAMES /ALCAZA/ * MXSSTM = length of string SSTM, COMMON/ALCAZA/ * MXSTAT = max. no. of statement definitions * MCLASS = first dim. of ISTMDS( , ) = no. of control words/statement * MXLENG = max. length of statement field (20*66) * MXLINE = line length of input image * MXSIMA = max. no. of lines in input image (one routine) * MXSIMD = dim. of SIMA (excess for replacement overflows) * MCUNIT = file for command input (data cards) * MPUNIT = file for printed output * MIUNIT = FORTRAN code input unit * MTUNIT = TREE output unit * MOUNIT = FORTRAN code output unit * MHUNIT = HTML source with Anchors output unit * MDUNIT = Dictionary for anchor point translations * MXFLAG = no. of status and action flags * MXNMCH = max. no. of characters per name * MXORST = max. no. of OR-sets in control commands * MDIMST = dimension of SSTA, SSTR, SKYSTR * MGLOKY = no. of global command keys * MLOCKY = no. of local (in each OR-set) command keys * MSUBKY = no. of command sub-keys * MXKINT = dim. of KEYINT /KEYINP/ * MXKNAM = max. no. of names or strings on input commands (total) * MXTYPE = max. no. of variable types * MAXNUM = max. no. of statement numbers per routine * MAXGRP = max. no. of c.b. names or equiv. groups (for ACTION(24)) * TIMLIM = if less time left, refrain from reading next routine * VERSIO = program version * KALL = max. no. of different externals / routine (TREE) * KENT = max. no. of ENTRY statements / routine (TREE) * NOARG = max. no. of arguments / call (TREE) *-----------------------------------------------------------------------