SUBROUTINE TOHTML(NUMBER,ICL1) *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Generates a new statement with statement names replaced * by HTML anchor points, if defined in the dictionary on unit MDUNIT. * Local variables are anchored automatically be Floppy * *---Input * SSTA, NCHST, JPLINK, NUMBER, ICL1 *--- Output * CLOUT (new line) for each statement line in SIMA * *----------------------------------------------------------------------- include 'param.h' include 'alcaza.h' include 'cursta.h' include 'state.h' include 'jobsum.h' include 'class.h' include 'usltyd.h' include 'usinfn.h' include 'ushtml.h' c common /thtml/ ncll,callis character*(mxnmch) callis(300) integer ncll(300) c logical declare,external,fixup c integer issim(700),ifsim(700),insim(700) integer ncallis,curcal c character*1500 clout,anchor,cname,ctemp1,ctemp2 character*80 ctemp0,cseq character*(mxnmch) tname,curmod,touppr character*1 ssta1 c external anchor,touppr save curmod,ncallis c ifi = nfline(number) ila = nlline(number) c c If statement is a comment, or has no names, write it out neat c if(icl1.eq.0.or.nsname.eq.0) then write(mhunit,'(a)') (sima(i)(:lenocc(sima(i))),i=ifi,ila) if (icl1.eq.iend.or.icl1.eq.iend+71) & write(mhunit,'(a)') '' goto 999 endif c declare = ldeclr(icl1) c c Prepare indexing for each name in SSTA to SIMA c jname = 1 do 6 in=1,nsname issim(in) = 0 ifsim(in) = 0 insim(in) = 0 6 continue nc = 0 fixup = .false. do 1 i=ifi,ila clout = sima(i) iendl = lenocc(clout) if (jplink(i).ne.0) iendl = jplink(i)-1 jfirst = jname noff = 0 if(fixup) nc = nc + 1 fixup = .false. ipos = 6 2 ipos = ipos+1 if(ipos.le.iendl) then ssta1 = ssta(nc+1:nc+1) if(ssta1.eq.'{'.or.ssta1.eq.'}') then nc = nc+1 else if(ssta1.eq.' '.and.ssta(nc+2:nc+2).eq. & clout(ipos:ipos)) then nc = nc+1 c c set fixup for strange feature of MARKST which adds extra blanks c fixup = .true. endif if(ssta(nc+1:nc+1).ne.clout(ipos:ipos)) goto 2 nc = nc+1 jjname = jname do 3 j=jjname,nsname if(nsstrt(j) then issim(j) = ipos endif if(nsend(j) then ifsim(j) = ipos insim(j) = i jname = jname+1 endif 3 continue goto 2 endif jlast = jname-1 1 continue c c Check we found all the names c do 7 in=1,nsname if(insim(in).eq.0) then write(mpunit,500) write(mpunit,510) (sima(i),i=ifi,ila) goto 999 endif 7 continue c c if statement is module start, write out the headers c c first assign the types ... c call settyp(1) c if(lmodus(icl1)) then ctemp0 = snames(isname+1) lt0 = lenocc(ctemp0) write(mhunit,'(a)') '*=*=*=*= '//ctemp0(:lt0)// & '.html =*=*=*=*' write(mhunit,'(a)') '
' write(mhunit,'(a)') ''//sima(ifi)(7:ifsim(1))// & '' write(mhunit,'(a)') '
' write(mhunit,'(a)') '' write(mhunit,'(a)') '

'//sima(ifi)(7:ifsim(1))// & '

' write(mhunit,'(/,a,/)') '
         curmod = snames(isname+1)
         ncallis = 0
c Loop over all lines and write out the new lines with replacements
      do 4 i=ifi,ila
         clout = sima(i)
         ioff = 0
         do 5 j=1,nsname
            if(insim(j).ne.i) goto 5
            tname = snames(isname+j)
            lt = lenocc(tname)
            ntype = namtyp(isname+j)
            external = itbit(ntype,17).ne.0.or.
     &                 itbit(ntype,12).ne.0.or.
     &                 itbit(ntype,15).ne.0
            if(external) then
c check not an intrinsic function
               do 8 in=1,lif
                  if(lenocc(cinfun(in)) goto 8
                  if(cinfun(in).ne.tname) goto 8
                  external = .false.
                  goto 9
    8          continue
    9          continue
            if(linclu(icl1)) then
c name is an include file ... special treatment for TAG
               ctemp0 = tname
               lt0 = lenocc(ctemp0)
c               if(ctemp0(1:1).eq.'''') ctemp0 = ctemp0(2:)
c               if(ctemp0(1:1).eq.'(') ctemp0 = ctemp0(2:)
c               if(ctemp0(1:1).eq.'<') ctemp0 = '/usr/include/'//
c     &            ctemp0(:lenocc(ctemp0))
c               lt0 = lenocc(ctemp0)
c               if(index(ctemp0,'''').ne.0) lt0=index(ctemp0,'''')-1
c               if(index(ctemp0,')').ne.0) lt0=index(ctemp0,')')-1
c               if(index(ctemp0,'>').ne.0) lt0=index(ctemp0,'>')-1
               cname = anchor(ctemp0(:lt0))
               if(cname.eq.' ') then
c                   cname = ''//
c     &                     tname(:lt)//''
            else if(declare.or.(lmodus(icl1).and.j.eq.1)) then
c local name is declared ... place NAME URL
               cname = ''//
     &                 tname(:lt)//''
            else if(.not.external.or.(lmodus(icl1).and.j.eq.1)) then
c local name is referenced
               cname = anchor(tname(:lt))
               if(cname.eq.' ') then
                  cname = ''//
     &                    tname(:lt)//''
c name is key into anchor dictionary
               cname = anchor(tname(:lt))
c do not anchor externals if they do not appear in the dictionary
               if(external.and.cname.eq.' ') then
                  cname = ''//tname(:lt)//''
               if(external) then
                  do 10 icallis=1,ncallis
                     if(callis(icallis).eq.touppr(tname)) then
                        ncll(icallis) = ncll(icallis)+1
                        goto 11
   10             continue  
                  ncallis = ncallis+1
                  ncll(ncallis) = 1
                  callis(ncallis) = touppr(tname)
                  icallis = ncallis
   11             continue
                  curcal = ncll(icallis)
                  lcurmod = lenocc(curmod)
                  cseq = curmod(:lcurmod)//'_'//tname(:lt)//'_'
                  cseq = touppr(cseq)
                  lseq = lt + 2 + lcurmod
                  if(curcal.le.9) then
                     write(cseq(lseq+1:lseq+1),'(i1)') curcal
                     lseq = lseq+1 
                  else if(curcal.le.99) then
                     write(cseq(lseq+1:lseq+2),'(i2)') curcal
                     lseq = lseq+2
                  else if(curcal.le.999) then
                     write(cseq(lseq+1:lseq+2),'(i3)') curcal
                     lseq = lseq+3