PARAMETER (MXIGNV=50,MXIGNS=50,MUUNIT=15) COMMON /USIGNO/ GALEPH,ADAMO,USAGE,UNFLP,atlas, & NIGNOR,NIGNOS, & CIGNOR(MXIGNV),LIGNOR(MXIGNS), & CIGNOS(MXIGNS),LIGNOS(MXIGNS) CHARACTER*(MXNMCH) CIGNOR,CIGNOS LOGICAL GALEPH,ADAMO,USAGE,UNFLP,atlas *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * MXIGNV = Maximum number of variable names to ignore * MUUNIT = LUN of USER list of variable names to ignore * NIGNOR = Number of variable names found * NIGNOS = Number of subroutine names found * CIGNOR = Array of ignorable variable names * CIGNOS = Array of ignorable subroutine names * LIGNOR = Length of variable name * LIGNOS = Length of subroutine name * GALEPH = set .TRUE. if special GALEPH processing * ADAMO = set .TRUE. if special ADAMO processing * USAGE = set .TRUE. if check of COMMON variable usage * UNFLP = set .TRUE. if NO coding convention checks ! * ATLAS = set .TRUE. if special ATLAS processing *-----------------------------------------------------------------------