# Copyright (c) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, Red Hat, Inc. # # This file is part of Source-Navigator. # # Source-Navigator is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # Source-Navigator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with Source-Navigator; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, # MA 02111-1307, USA. # # english.txt # # Description: # This file maps short tokens which are used in the program source onto the # strings that are actually displayed at run-time. # # The format is: # # , # # A cannot have embedded newlines. # # In some contexts, a left bracket indicates that the next character # will be underlined in the interface; for instance this works for # menu items. # # Entries in this file can appear in any order. # # Any changes to this file must be mirrored in the other message catalogs. # If you don't know other languages, put an entry into those catalogs with # `???' as the "translation". Then send email to the S-N list asking that # someone update the entry. # # Part of the token name is sometimes used to indicate usage. # Balloon help text tokens are usually suffixed with "INFO". # ############################################################################### #Product Name string ProductName,Source-Navigator Format,For[mat Work,Work Layout,Layout Project,Project Window,Window FilePermRead,r FilePermWrite,w FilePermUser,user FilePermGroup,group FilePermOther,other KBytes,KBytes HierarchyLayout,Hierarchy Layout CrossReferencing,Cross-referencing Database,Database Class,Class Name,Name Parameters,Parameters Type,Type Public,Public Static,Static Protected,Protected Virtual,Virtual Private,Private Related,Related Loading,Loading... Untitled,(untitled) AllRightsReserved,All rights reserved. Internationalization,Internationalization Encoding,Character set encodin[g WaitingForXref,Waiting for cross-referencing to complete ProjectBatchBuilt,Project has been built ScanningFile,Scanning: %s Continue,Continue DefaultTitle,Select file(s) SelFileColHelp,You have to select at least one directory or file. Error,Error ErrorInvalidProjectFile,Error while opening project. Please check that %s is a valid project file. ErrorImportFileDoesNotExists,Error while opening import file, %s does not exist. ErrorImportFileIsADirectory,Error while opening import file, %s is a directory. FileExists,File already exists. File,File Filter,Filter: Open,[Open Overwrite,Overwrite PermRead,Read PermWrite,Write PermUser,User PermGroup,Group PermOthers,Others Print,[Print... Search,[Search SQLFfor,For[ward SQLPcolor,Color SQLPcolormodell,Color SQLPcopies,Copies SQLPfile,into file SQLPform,Page Format: SQLPformland,Landscape SQLPformnorm,Portrait SQLPgrey,Greyscale SQLPmono,Monochrome SQLPname,Printing SQLPprintall,All SQLPprintwidth,Page width SQLPprintercmd,Printer command SQLPprintit,Print SQLPprintleftm,Left margin SQLPprinttopm,Top margin SQLPprintrange,Range SQLPprintheight,height SQLPprintfactor,[Scale % SQLPprintPageV,Pages [vertical SQLPprintPageH,[horizontal SQLPPrintPageNum,Print page number SQLPPage,Page cancel,[Cancel ok,OK # preference,[Preferences... View,[View ViewINFO,View selected files PafCrossRef,[Xref StartXRefINFO,Launch Cross-Reference for selected item PafCrossToDetail,[Details To PafCrossByDetail,D[etails By PafWrap,[Wrap PafOverWrite,O[verwrite ODDReportrightm,Right margin ODDReportbotm,Bottom margin PafExecFilter,[Filter... Marked,Selection PrintFile,Print file Symbols,[Symbols SymbolicTags,Symbolic tags Abrav,[Abbreviations... ListSize,Total: %s Selected: %s UnknownDir,Directory "%s" does not exist. ShowFNames,[File names ShowFNamesInfo,Show file names Access,Access Read,Read Written,Written Passed,Passed Unused,Unused DrawProjTree,Drawing project tree ... WaitForStatistics,Statistics are being calculated. Please Wait. Statistics,[Statistics StatisticsINFO,Display Statistics for selected files HTMLDoc,[HTML Documentation HTMLDocAll,Pr[oject HTML Documentation Languages,Languages Extensions,Extensions SelectAll,Select [All SelectOnly,Select only "%s" Windows,[Windows Root,Root: TakeRoot,[Make Current To Root LimitOpenProjError,This version of Source-Navigator cannot open this project. ChangeFontSize,Changes font size Warning,Warning SelMrkFiles,Select marked files SelAllFiles,Select all files DelMrkFiles,Unselect the marked files DelAllFiles,Unselect all files #Page formats PrtPageFormat,Page Size PageFormatLetter,Letter PageFormatLegal,Legal PageFormatExecutive,Executive PageFormatA4,A4 Recursive,Recursive list TreeButton,Sort (Left-Click),\nColumn filter (Right-Click) TreeColumn,Size (Left-Click),\nSplit lines (Right-Click) CrossBoxes,Display [boxes CrossBoxesINFO,Display boxes around entries CrossAcceptParam,Co[mpare parameters CrossAcceptParamINFO,Compare parameter list and location (C++) CrossAcceptStatic,Compare static in[formation CrossAcceptStaticINFO,Look for static information to locate references CrossDispParam,[Display parameter list CrossDispParamINFO,View parameter XReferences,References TreeBestFit,[Best fit TreeTruncate,[Truncate TreeViewSplitLines,[View split lines HoldWindow,hold HoldWindowINFO,Hold window IgnoredDirectories,Ignored directories Indent,[Indent Sort,[Sort Toggle,[View/Hide SaveDiasabled,'Save' is disabled. Parent,Go to upper Reread,Refresh current BackProcsRun,Operation can not be completed because a background process is running. OwnerRead,Read permission for owner OwnerWrite,Write permission for owner GroupRead,Read permission for group GroupWrite,Write permission for group OthersRead,Read permission for others OthersWrite,Write permission for others DirReadWriteExec,must be readable, writable and executable. Permissions,Per[missions DatabaseLocked,The database is locked. DataBaseUnusable,A database process has crashed. The project might be corrupt. DataBaseCrashed,A database process has crashed. You will need to reparse the\nproject before Source-Navigator can open it. Mixer,[Filter MixerINFO,Set filter for members Or,OR OrINFO,At least one flag is true And,AN[D AndINFO,All flags must be true ClassAllINFO,Set all flags ClassNoneINFO,Disable filter ProjTitle,Project title PafCloseProj,[Close project... XrefSortFile,Fast X-Ref Update XrefSortFileInfo,Allow fast update for cross-reference generation. ProjClone,Do you want to duplicate the project? Close,[Close CreatProjFile,Creating project file CloseProj,[Close project... ProjectINFO,Project menu LoadNewFiles,[Add... LoadNewFilesINFO,Add new files to project LoadDirectory,Add [Directory... LoadDirectoryINFO,Add all matching files from specified directory ProjectEditor,Project [Editor ProjectEditorMenu,Project [Editor... EditSymbol,Edit symbol SaveChanges,[Save changes Quit,[Quit NewProj,[New Project... DeleteProject,[Delete Current Project Grep,[Grep Hide,[Hide HideINFO,Hide selected files Make,[Build EditMakeCommand,Edit m[ake command... Undefined,Undefined Functions,[Functions FunctionsDec,Function [Declarations Commons,C[ommons CommonsVars,Common Varia[bles Classes,[Classes Methods,Met[hods Friends,Fr[iends MethodImps,Method Im[plementations ClassVars,Inst[ance Variables Files,File[s Typedefs,[Typedefs ClassHierarchy,Cl[ass Hierarchy ReadOnly,R[ead-only project Enums,[Enums Variables,[Variables Defines,[Macros FileBrowTitle,File browser: ComBrowTitle,Common browser: ClassBrowTitle,[Class Browser,[Browser Browse,[Browse ClassBrowOverridden,[overridden PafAbrOverride,Override member of base class PafAbrOverridden,Overridden in subclass CloseTool,Close [tool History,Histor[y Help,[Help HelpContents,[Online Manuals... Version,About [Source-Navigator Copyright,Copyright INFOHide,Iconize [Project INFOGrep,Grep selected pattern in project INFOHierarchy,Launch Class Hierarchy Browser for selected class INFOClasses,List classes INFOMethods,List methods INFOFunctions,List functions INFOFiles,List files INFOTypedefs,List typedefs FileNotExist,Files do not exist. Yes,[Yes No,[No Cancel,[Cancel ProjectCancelINFO,Undo changes and close Project Editor ProjectOkINFO,Apply changes and close Project Editor NoRegInter,Source-Navigator cannot communicate with an unregistered project SendTo,send to : SearchingSubDirectories,Searching through subdirectories... Scanning, Scanning Project... ProjectDelete,[Delete project... DeleteProjectQuestion,Do you want to delete the project NoProjectFile,is not a project file. RestoreWindows,Restoring windows ... ClassTree,Class Tree TitleReadOnly, (Read-only) Lines,lines IsNotReadable,is not readable. LineNumber,[Line Number : Goto,Go [To ReplacePattern,Replace pa[ttern: Next,[Next NextINFO,Find Next FindReplace,Find - Replace All,[All IgnoreCase,[Ignore case RegExp,Regular e[xpression HasBeenModified,has been modified. NewFile,New file OpenFile,Open file... BrowseProj,[Browse... RevertFile,Re[vert file Revert,Re[vert Exit,E[xit Save,Save DonotSave,Do not Save EditSave,[Save EditFastSave,[Fast Save EditDelete,De[lete EditCut,Cu[t EditPaste,[Paste EditReplace,[Replace... EditCopy,[Copy EditPattern,[Pattern... EditNext,[Next EditGotoLine,[Go to line... EditGotoError,Go to [error EditFile,[File EditNewFile,[New EditFind,Fi[nd EditInsertFile,In[sert... EditSaveFileAs,Save [as... EditViewFile,[View EditQuit,[Quit EditEdit,[Edit EditSelectTop,Select [top EditSelectBottom,Select [bottom EditIdent,[Indent Text EditOutdent,[Outdent Text EditSelection,[Selection EditSearchFor,Search for EditGrepSelection,Grep for EditGoto,[Go to EditLastPosition,[Last position EditSetMark,[Set Mark EditGotoMark,Go To [Mark EditGotoTop,Go To [Top EditGotoEnd,Go To E[nd FileViewOnly,(Read-only) EditExtras,E[xtras EditCreateBackFiles,Create *.ba[k Files EditUpdateHighlights,[Update highlights EditSoftTabWidth,Tab [width EditAutoIndentWidth,Auto [Indent width EditBracketMatchDelay,Bracket [match delay EditDefaultHeight,Default [height EditDefaultWidth,[Default width # # Infotexte f?r den Editor # NewFileINFO,Edit new file EINFOSearchHistory,History for Search patterns EINFOOpenFile,Open file EINFOSaveChanges,Save changes EINFODeleteSection,Delete selection EINFOCutSelection,Cut to clipboard EINFOCopySelection,Copy to clipboard EINFOPasteSelection,Paste from clipboard EINFOEnterPattern,Enter search pattern EINFOFindPattern,Find pattern EINFOFindNext,Find next pattern EINFOGotoLine,Go to line EINFOStartMake,Build the Current Project EINFOActivateBrowser,Activate Symbol Browser EINFODragDrop,Pull tab to resize the window Ok,[OK Apply,Appl[y DonotApply,Do not apply ApplyINFO,Apply changes Select,Select ErrorNotWrite,is not writable. SearchPattern,Search [pattern: UtilSearch,[Search RetrieverSearchINFO,Search for symbols matching pattern and filter UtilEdit,edit UtilView,view UtilFiles,Fi[les: ErrorNoMatches,No files match GrepStrings,Grep string: Strings,Strings Kill,Kill MakeKilled,+++ Killed +++ MakeEnd,+++ End +++ # # RCS in Choose # ChooseHiddenFiles,Hidden Files CHooseUnloadFiles,Unload ChooseFiles,Project files ChooseHistory,Histor[y ChooseRevisionControl,Re[vision control ChooseDiff,[Compare Revisions... ChooseLock,[Lock... ChooseDel,[Delete version... ChooseUnlock,[Unlock... ChooseCheckIn,Check [In... ChooseCheckOut,Check [Out... ChooseWithLock,With lock ChooseDiscard,[Discard Changes ChooseRevision,Revision: ChooseInfoDeselectOne,Hide selected files ChooseInfoDeselectAll,Hide all files ChooseInfoSelectOne,Revert selected files ChooseInfoSelectAll,Revert all files ChooseInfoRevisionControl,Activate/deactivate revision control RCS,Re[vision Control DiscardNotSupported,This version control system does not have a command to discard changes. RCSRelativePathWarning,Error while deriving relative pathname. Prev,Prev PrevINFO,Go to previous Of,of ChooseNothingCheckedOut,Nothing has been checked out PafExpand,E[xpand PafUnexpand,[Unexpand PafCindent,[C indent PafTclindent,[Tcl indent INFOGlob,Browse global variables Reparse,Re[parse Project DonotReparse,Do not Re[parse PafReplace,[Replace EDITTagStop,Tab st[op EditUndo,[Undo EditUndoINFO,Undo changes UndoINFO,Undo all changes Retriever,Retrie[ver PrefRetriever,Retriever Retrieve,R[etrieve PafWdDir,D[atabase directory name PafOpenProj,Projects HierDefINFO,Show the superclasses of selected class HierDef,[Superclasses HierRelINFO,Show subclasses of the selected class HierRel,S[ubclasses HierDispFiles,Display file names Topdown,[Top to Bottom LeftRight,[Left to right ISI,[ISI Tree,Tr[ee CrfRefTo,Refers [To CrfRefToINFO,Show references CrfRemRefTo,Remove Refers T[o CrfRemRefToINFO,Remove references CrfRefBy,Referred [By CrfRefByINFO,Show referenced-by CrfRemRefBy,Remove Referred B[y CrfRemRefByINFO,Remove referenced-by CrfRemSubN,[Remove Subnodes XRefLocalVars,[Generate references to local variables Subr,Sub[routines Const,Co[nstants EnumCons,Enum Va[lues Unions,[Unions ProjExit,Do you really want to quit? ProjSet,Project settings PAfIgnDirs,Ignored directories CommentDB,[Build comment database CommentDBINFO,Generate database of comments PafHtmlView,HTML viewer PafLocVars,Local variables IgnoreWS,Ignore whitespace Comment,Comment CacheSize,Database cac[he size xrefCacheSize,X-reference database cache si[ze FileTrans,Output [File Translation: imp,[Implementation of def,[Definition of IncBroTit,I[nclude browser INFOStartClassBrw,Launch Class Browser for selected class Include,I[nclude IncludeLaunch,Launch Include Browser for selected file IncludeTree,[Include IncLevelTit,[Levels Includes,[Includes IncludesINFO,Show files included by the selected file IncludedFrom,Included B[y IncludedFromINFO,Show files that include selected file RemIncludedFrom,Hide Included-By [Subtree RemIncludes,[Hide Include Subtree ParserOpt,Parser options: ParserIgn,Ignored words: EditorOpt,Editor options: EditM3Sup,Ri[ght mouse supports: EditM3Scroll,Scrolling EditM3Menu,Edit menu ################################################ ProjectMenu,P[roject DbgTitle,Deb[ugger MultiEditor,E[dit MultiClass,[Class MultiClassHierarchy,Hie[rarchy MultiXRef,[Xref MultiInclude,I[nclude MultiBrowser,[Symbols MultiRetriever,Retrie[ver RetrieverINFO,Searches selected pattern in project databases for matching symbols OpenProject,[Open Project... SaveProject,Save Pro[ject CloseProject,C[lose Project EditRedo,[Redo EditSaveAll,Fas[t Save All WantToFastSave,Do you want to 'Fast Save' modified files before building your project? EditClear,U[nselect EditPreferences,View Pre[ferences... ProjectPreferences,Project [Preferences ProjectPreferencesMenu,Project [Preferences... Preferences,[Preferences SearchFind,[Find... SearchNext,Find [Next SearchPrev,Find [Previous SearchReplace,[Replace... SearchGoto,[Go To... SearchGotoLine,Go To [Line... SearchSetMark,[Set Mark SearchGotoMark,Go To [Mark SearchGotoError,Go To [Error SearchDefinition,Find De[claration SearchImplementation,Find [Implementation SearchGrep,[Grep... SearchFindSelectionINFO,Find selection or next pattern WindowsClose,[Close WindowsNew,[Editor WindowsIconize,Iconize [Project AlighmentHorizontal,Horizontal AlighmentVertical,Vertical Alighment,[Alignment SplitWindows,Sp[lit Windows: SplitInto,[Add View SplitIntoEditor,[Editor SplitIntoClass,[Class SplitIntoClassHierarchy,Hie[rarchy SplitIntoXRef,[XRef SplitIntoInclude,[Include BuildMenuItem,[Build SplitDeleteLast,[Delete Last View VMakeTitle,VMa[ke Tools,[Tools #Multi Hierarchy MultiHierDef,Show [Superclasses MultiHierDefINFO,Show Classes, Base Classes & Superclasses MultiHierRel,Show S[ubclasses MultiHierRelINFO,Show Classes & Superclasses MultiHierAll,Show [All MultiHierAllINFO,Shows Entire Class Hierarchy SaveBufferAs,Save Buffer As SaveAsFastSaveTitle,Save As... SaveAsFastSave,'Save' is not possible while the database is being generated\nDo you want to 'Fast Save' the file? XRefIsRunning,Source-Navigator is building the cross-reference database Justify,Right [Justify Others,[Others Reuse,Reuse Reusable,Reuseable NewReusableINFO,Reuse current window for another view Switchable,Keep context NewSwitchableINFO,Maintain context of selected symbol in other views CreateNewWindow,New [Windows Choose,[... ChooseINFO,Choose file... Keep,Context KeepINFO,Maintain context of symbol in other views ReusableINFO,Reuse current window for another view XRefFilter,[Filter... XRefFilterINFO,Filter... XRefCancelINFO,Cancels current Cross-Referencing process CrossRetriever,[XRef Retriever MultiRetrieverPattern,[Pattern: OpenNewBuffer,is modified.\nDo you want to open in another window? MultiGrep,[Grep MultiMake,[Build... MultiGrepPattern,[Pattern: MultiGrepFormat,F[ormat: MultiGrepMaxMatches,Find f[irst: MultiGrepLines,Entries MultiGrepStop,[Stop MultiMisc,[Miscellaneous ColorAndFont,[Colors&Fonts Color,[Color FgColor,Fore[ground BgColor,[Background Font,[Font Reset,[Reset Sample,Sample PrefTabWidth,Inserted Tab width: PrefTabStop,T[ab stop PrefInNewWindows,Some of the options will only take effect in new windows. PrefAfterRestart,Some of the options will only take effect\nafter Source-Navigator has been restarted. PrefAfterReparse,Some options will only take effect after the project is reparsed. Wrap,[Wrap by None,[None Char,[Character Word,[Word AutoIndentWidth,A[uto Indent width PrefOverwrite,[Overwrite mode: PrefDispOrder,D[isplay order: PrefDispLayout,Displ[ay layout style: SpaceVertical,Vertica[l space: SpaceHorizontal,[Horizontal space: GenerateXRef,B[uild Cross-Reference database TermoGenerateXRef,Click mouse button to cancel Cross-Reference generation GenerateXRefINFO,Build Cross-Reference database Parser,[Parser Rcs,[Version Control LanguageExt,Language Extensions LanguageExtLanguage,Language LanguageExtFileExtensions,File Extensions ExternalEditor,Externa[l Editor ExternalEditors,External Editors ExternalEditorAlways,Use external editor instead of b[uiltin ExternalEditorOpenIn,Open in external editor ExternalEditorNotDefined,No external editor defined.\nPlease define one in the project preferences. PrefRcs,Version control system PrefMailhost,[Mailhost PrefBugReport,Bug reports Orientation,Ori[entation First,[First Second,[Second MembersOrder,Display [members PrefInclude,I[nclude directories PrefClassAndHierarchy,Class/Hierarchy PrefMake,Bui[ld PrefMakeCmd,[Build command PrefUnknownError,Unable to apply changes to the project. PrefPrinter,[Printer PrefAsciiPrintCommand,[ASCII Print Command PrefPrintCommand,[Print Command ChooseColor,Choose Color ChooseFont,Choose Font Views,[Open Views Family,[Family FontName,[Name FontSize,[Size FontBold,[Bold FontCursive,[Italics ParserCommands,Parser commands ReparseINFO,This will reparse the project Start,[Start StartMake,[Start StartMakeINFO,Start Build CancelMakeINFO,Cancel Build MakeEntry,Build command MakeEntryINFO,Enter your build command MakeStartDir,Directory Directory,Directory MakeStartDirINFO,Starting directory PrefScanProject,Re[fresh project upon startup PrefScanProjectINFO,Rescan project upon opening (large projects may take some time) OfScreenSize,of screen size WindowSize,W[indow size is WindowSizeINFO,Window size relative to screen size RetrieverFilter,[Filter RetrieverFilterINFO,Select filter options for Retriever Definition,[Declaration Implementation,[Implementation GotoDefImp,[Go To goto,Go To: GrepFormat,Forma[t GrepSearchINFO,Start grep GrepCancelINFO,Cancel grep GrepCanceledString,*** CANCELED *** GrepTruncatedString,*** TRUNCATED *** GrepFileDoesNotExist,File does not exist GrepFormatINFO,Format current pattern AllFiles,All Files UsedFileDialog,File dialog box UsedFileDialogSN,[S-N UsedFileDialogSystem,[System UsedFileDialogSNINFO,Uses Source-Navigator file dialog box UsedFileDialogSystemINFO,Uses system file dialog box WindowLayout,User Interface look and feel TkINFO,Uses Tk interface look and feel MotifINFO,Uses Motif interface look and feel New,[New NewWork,[New View WindowsNewCTreeClass,[Hierarchy - Class WindowsNewClassEditor,Cl[ass - Editor WindowsNewClassXRef,Class - XRe[f WindowsNewFindEditor,[Grep - Editor WindowsNewRetrEditor,Retrie[ver - Editor WindowsNewCTreeClassEditor,Hierarch[y - Class - Editor ExclusiveMode,E[xclusive Search ExclusiveModeINFO,Set filter to single category and execute search NoSelection,Nothing is selected RecentProjects,Recent Pro[jects XRefBell,Audible alert [when complete XRefBellINFO,Sound audible alert when Cross-Reference generation is complete DeleteColumnFilters,Reset all column filters DebuggerCommand,[Insight Debugger command ScanProject,[Refresh Project XRefReenabled,Cross-Referencing has been re-enabled. You should reparse the project. ProjectName,Project File ProjectLocation,[Location HiddenFiles,Hidden ViewMode,[Display project files as: Categorie,[Category List,[List Unload,Un[load UnloadINFO,Unload selected files from project UnloadedFiles,[Unloaded LoadFiles,Add [Files... Rename,[Rename Delete,[Delete CannotDeleteProject,The selected project was not deleted.\nPlease check permissions and try again. ProjectVerifyError,Unknown error opening project. ProjectFiles,[Files InvalidProjectName,Invalid project name. InvalidProjectDir,Invalid directory name. AskForNewView,This view is not availiable.\nDo you want to create a new view? Disp_Directories,show full path names Fullpath,Full path names LoadFromProject,Add P[roject... LoadFromProjectINFO,Add files from existing project RevisionControlEditor,[Revision Control Editor... RevisionControlEditorNoKey,Revision Control Editor SaveDefault,Save as Defaul[t SaveAsDefault,Some preferences have been changed\nthat could affect the default settings.\nDo you want to save those changes as default? GrepProcessing,Grep processing.... ScanningHasBeenCanceled,Cancel the parsing process?\nRemaining files will not be part of the project. ErrorByScanning,An error has been detected during the parsing process.\nDo you want to skip the file and continue parsing? Stop,[Stop Processing,[Parsing Project ContinueParsingOtherTypes,The parsing process has been stopped.\nThere may be additional language files to parse.\nDo you want to continue parsing additional languages? XRefHasBeenCrashed,Source-Navigator had a problem generating Cross-Reference information.\nCross-Reference information is not complete. UnableToExecuteParser,Source-Navigator could not find a specific language parser.\nWould you like to continue parsing the remaining files? ContinueParsing,Do you want to continue parsing? Parsing,[Parsing Project MacroFiles,[C/C++ macro filename(s) AddYourMacroFiles,Specify filename(s) for the C/C++ parser ProjAlreadyOpenedThisProcess,You already have the project '%s' open in this session. ProjAlreadyOpenedOtherSystem,User '%s' already has the project '%s' open on the system '%s'. ProjAlreadyOpenedThisUser,You already have the project '%s' open on this machine. It appears that the process '%d' is using it. ProjAlreadyOpenedThisSystem,User '%s' already has the project '%s' open on this machine. It appears that the process '%d' is using it. ProjForceUnlock,Force unlock MoreEditorToolbarButtons,[Extended toolbar buttons MoreEditorToolbarButtonsINFO,Add extended toolbar to Editor GotoPrevPosition,Go to previous page GotoNextPosition,Go to next page FastCreateProject,Auto-Create Project FastCreateProjectQuestion,Do you want to automatically create a Source-Navigator Project based on: ScanRecursive,Include Subdirectories ScanRecursiveINFO,Include all subdirectories in the selected directory ManyMatchesTitle,Retriever: Found Matches ManyMatchesINFO,Based on the selected symbol information, Source-Navigator has found more than one match.\nYou must select one match to continue. DonotDisplay,Do not display this dialog box. DoNotDisplayINFO,Do not show this dialog box again DonotDisplayWarning,[Do not display the warning dialog for multiple matches DonotDisplayWarningINFO,Enable or disable warning dialog prior to listing multiple symbols that match the search criteria CannotCloseWindow,There is an active Source-Navigator process and this window cannot be closed.\nYou must cancel that process or wait until it is finished. CannotProceed,The Source-Navigator Database is in use by another process.\nYou must cancel that process or wait until it is finished. CancelXref,Source-Navigator is building the Cross-Reference Database\nCancelling this process will delete all related cross-reference files. XrefGeneration,Cross-Reference Process DoYouWantToReparse,Reparse the project?\nCross-Reference information may take some time to rebuild. AddDirectory,Add Directory YouHaveAddedSomeDirectories,You have specified the following directories DoYouWantToInitProjEditor,Do you want to initialize the project editor with these contents? more,more SelectDirectory,Select directory Pattern,Pattern: WaitOrCancelXRef,Cross-reference information is being loaded.\nPlease wait WaitOrCancelRetriever,Symbols are being loaded.\nPlease wait. ActiveSymbol,Active symbol in view ListRelatedSymbols,Select another view-related symbol Compile,[Compile CompileINFO,Compile this file FilesNotFound,Source-Navigator cannot locate the following files.\nDo you want to delete them from the project? TryAgain,[Always look for missing files TryAgainINFO,[Always display this dialog if a file is missing. TryToLocalizeFile,This file is missing. Please locate it. Localize,[Locate File... EditorFileTranslation,File [Translation EditorFileTranslationAutoINFO,Save files based on the current platform EditorFileTranslationUnixINFO,Save files in UNIX format EditorFileTranslationWindowsINFO,Save files in Windows format EditorFileTranslationCRINFO,Save files with Macintosh format EditorFileTranslationKeepINFO,Save file in its original format KeepLF,Keep AutoLF,Auto UNIXLF,UNIX WindowsCRLF,Windows MacintoshCR,Macintosh CannotSaveIncludeDirectories,Source-Navigator is unable to save the include directories. LocateIncludeFiles,Locate Hea[ders LocateIncludeFilesINFO,Locate header files. This might slow down the programm. NowPrintingPage,Printing page number %d NowPrinting,Printing... EditorTranslateTabs,Translate Ta[bs To Spaces EditorTranslateTabsINFO,Replace tabs with spaces CannotFindDllLibrary,Source-Navigator needs the '%s' library to print in PostScript Format.\nPrinting has been cancelled. PrintSelection,Do you want to print the entire file? OlderProjectOpened,This project was created with an older version of Source-Navigator.\nYou must reparse the project. Some preferences might be lost. NewerProjectCannotBeOpened,This project was created with a newer version of Source-Navigator. UnableToReparse,Source-Navigator is unable to reparse this project. You must rebuild it. CurrentLinesOfSourceCode,Project has %s lines of code. ScanningCanceld,Do you really want to stop scanning? DatabaseFilesCouldNotBeDeleted,Source-Navigator was unable to delete older database files.\nDo you wish to continue? WrongProjectName,Invalid project name '%s' WrongDatabaseDirectory,Invalid database directory name '%s' SplashCopyrightText,Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Sourcenav NG Development Group SplashSubCopyrightText,(c) 1990-2009 Oracle.\n(c) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Red Hat, Inc.\n(c) 1989-1994 The Regents of the University of California.\n(c) 1994 The Australian National University.\n(c) 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.\n(c) 1993 AT&T Bell Laboratories.\n(c) 1998-1999 Scriptics, Inc.\n SplashAllRightsReserved,Released under GPL.\nAll rights reserved. Red Hat Embedded DevKit, Source-Navigator, and the "shadow man" logo are trademarks of Red Hat, Inc.. All other product names are trademarks or their respective owners. FileModifiedOutsideTitle,File Modified FileModifiedOutside,File %s has been modified outside.\nSave anyway? #Debugger text variables (DON'T REMOVE!) DbgProgram,[Program DbgWorkdir,[Working directory DbgProgXterm,[Xterm DbgExecutable,[Program to debug SDK_UnknownRequest,Source-Navigator has received an unregistered request,\nplease verify if the request is authorized.\nThe command received:\n<%s> #Others tab in Preferences (those not in other places) Default,Default General,General Standard,Standard Highlighting,Highlighting Balloon,Balloon BoldFont,Bold Font Editor,Editor Text,Text FunctionsNoKey,Functions FunctionsDecNoKey,Function Declarations SubroutinesNoKey,Subroutines Comments,Comments Keywords,Keywords ClassesNoKey,Classes EnumConsNoKey,Enum Values MethodsNoKey,Method Definitions FriendsNoKey,Friends MethodImpsNoKey,Method Implementations ClassVarsNoKey,Instance Variables VariablesNoKey,Global Variables ConstantsNoKey,Constants CommonsNoKey,Commons CommonsVarsNoKey,Common Variables DefinesNoKey,Macros Brackets,Brackets HierarchyNoKey,Hierarchy AbstractClass,AbstractClass CrossReference,Cross-Reference StandardFont,Standard Font BranchFont,Branch Font IncludeNoKey,Include OthersNoKey,Others Drawing,Drawing LinesTo,Lines To LinesBy,Lines By SelectedLines,Selected Lines BranchToLines,Branch-To Lines BranchByLines,Branch-By Lines Listing,Listing FoundText,Found Text Checkbutton,Checkbutton UnionsNoKey,Unions ClassNoKey,Class ButtonDismiss,Dismiss ErrorOccured,An error has occured: #Ide strings BuildTargetManager,Build [Settings... #target manager (gui/targetmgr.tcl) IDETargetMgrTitle,Build Settings IDETMBuildTargets,[Build Targets: IDETMCreateTarget,[Create IDETMCopyTarget,D[uplicate IDETMRenameTarget,[Rename IDETMEditTarget,[Edit IDETMDeleteTarget,[Delete IDETargetMgrDone,D[one #target editor IDETargetEdTitle,Edit Target: IDETEBuildDir,Build [Directory: IDETETargetType,[Target Type: IDETEToolChain,Tool [Chain: IDETEOK,OK IDETECancel,Cancel #target editor -> Source Files page IDETESourceFilesTab,[Source Files IDETEAddFiles,> [Add Files > IDETEProjectFiles,Project Files: IDETETargetFile,Target Files: IDETEClearFile,Cl[ear IDETEClearAllFiles,Clear All IDETEImportLabel,Import: IDETEImportFiles,Files IDETEImportDir,Directory #target editor -> Libs page IDETELibraryFileTab,[Library Files IDETELibraryLabel,Libraries: IDETEAddLib,[Add... IDETERemoveLib,R[emove IDETEMoveUp,Move [Up IDETEMoveDown,Move Dow[n #target editor -> Build rules tab IDETEBuildRulesTab,[Build Rules IDETEBuildRuleDisable,Disabl[e IDETEBuildRuleEnable,Enabl[e IDETEBuildRuleEdit,Ed[it Rule #target editor -> Link Rules tab IDETELinkRulesTab,Link [Rules IDETELinkOutputFile,[Output File: IDETELinkEntryPoint,Entry Point: IDETELinkFlags,Link [flags: IDETELinkerExe,Li[nker: IDETELaunchSettingsLabel,Debug/Execute Settings: IDETELaunchCommand,Command to launch Application: IDETELaunchDebug,Debu[g IDETELaunchExecute,[Execute #Build Rule settings. IDEBuildRuleTitle,Build Rule Settings IDEBRSettingsTab,[Settings IDEBRIncludesTab,[Includes IDEBRDefinesTab,[Defines IDEBROK,OK IDEBRCancel,Cancel #Settings tab IDEBRDebugCombo,Debug: IDEBROptimizationCombo,Optimization: IDEBRWarningCombo,Warnings: IDEBRCodeGenCombo,Code Generation: IDEBRUserFlags,User Flags: IDEBRExecLocation,Executable: #Includes tab IDEBRAutoGenPathsLabel,Auto-Generated Include Paths: IDEBRUserGenPathsLabel,User Specified Include Paths: IDEBRGeneratePaths,[Generate IDEBRDeletePath,D[elete IDEBRAddPath,[Add... #defines tab IDEBRMacroDefinesLabel,Macro defines: IDEBRDeleteMacro,D[elete IDEBRCreateMacro,[New IDEBRChangeMacro,[Change # EL/IX ElixFilesys,Filesystem ElixDebug,Debugging ElixKernel,Kernel ElixTarget,Target ElixPreferences,ED[K Preferences... ElixEthernet,Ethernet ElixSerial,Serial ElixTargetname,Target Hostname ElixPortnumber,Port Number ElixTargetport,Target Port ElixHostport,Host Port ElixSpeed,Speed (bps) ElixKernelArgs,Arguments ElixKernelImage,Image ElixKernelSources,Source Path ElixROMfs,RAM Disk / ROMfs ElixNFS,NFS Root ElixMinix,RAM Disk / Minix ElixKernelModules,Modules ElixKernelAll,All Modules ElixKernelMonolithic,Monolithic ElixKernelModuleList,Module Options ElixKernelSome,Named Modules ElixTargetKernel,Kernel ElixTargetDHCP,DHCP ElixTargetStatic,Static ElixTargetIP,Networking IP ElixTargetStaticIP,IP Address ElixTargetStaticMask,Mask ElixTargetStaticBroadcast,Broadcast ElixTargetStaticGateway,Gateway ElixTargetHostname,Hostname ElixFilesysROMPath,Template Directory ElixFilesysNFSPath,Root Directory ElixFilesysMinixPath,Template Directory ElixFilesysBootimage,Boot Image ElixRelative,Relative Size ElixAbsolute,Absolute Size ElixExtra,Extra Space (Percentage) ElixBlocks,Blocks ElixInodes,Inodes ElixMounts,Mount Points