< !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN"> Interapplication Communication




Interapplication Communication

This chapter addresses communication between Source-Navigator and external applications, and provides examples of how to control Source-Navigator from other applications.

These examples use the Source-Navigator Tcl interpreter called hyper. To use the standard Tcl/Tk interpreter, replace the .../snavigator/bin/hyper string with the appropriate name; for example /usr/local/bin/wish.

After an external application connects to a Source-Navigator project, it may be controlled remotely using the Tk send command.

The Tk Send Command

The communication between external applications and Source-Navigator can be achieved using the Tk send command. Communicating with Source-Navigator from another application requires that the application know the name of the interpreter running Source-Navigator. The Tk command winfo interps is useful for determining the name of all the interpreters active on a host.

Further information on the Tk send command can be found in one of the Tcl/Tk texts mentioned in the introduction.

Multiple Source-Navigator Interpreters

An application may need to query every Source-Navigator interpreter name in the network. The example below queries every Source-Navigator interpreter name and fetches the name of the Source-Navigator projects. Then if the string c++_demo is found, the project name reloads files specified in the command line.

# REPLACE $HOME/snavigator/bin/hyper with the
# Source-Navigator installation directory! \
exec $HOME/snavigator/bin/hyper "$0" "$@"
# Don't forget the backslash!
# This program instructs all Red Hat Source-Navigator applications
# running on this host to reload the files specified on the
# command line. The project currently opened by each
# Source-Navigator application must contain the string
# "c++_demo". 
# The C++ demo project, c++_demo.proj, is optionally generated
# during the Source-Navigator installation process.
# We don't need the top-level window for this program.
wm withdraw .
# Scan through all the Tcl-based interpreters on this system
# and try and find running Source-Navigators.
foreach interpreter [winfo interps] {
  if {![string match "*navigato*" $interpreter]} {
    continue ;# not S-N, keep looking.
  } else {
    set sn $interpreter ;# found one.
  set msg ""
  # Set the command that we're going to send to the
  # application (using "set" on a temporary variable to
  # examine the name of the currently opened project).
  set cmd {set tmp sn_options(ProjectName)}
  # Send the command to the other application and capture the
  # results. 
  catch {set result [send $sn $cmd]} msg
  if {$msg != ""} {
    puts $msg
  # See if the project name contains the substring "c++_demo".
  # If so, then issue the command "paf_parse_uptodate" within
  # the remote interpreter.
  if {[string match "*c++_demo*" $result]} {
    send $sn_parse_uptodate [list $argv]

# Force our way out of this event-driven shell.

If the script above is executable and the path to the interpreter is correct, the script will reparse and reload all files specified on the command line. If a listed file is being edited in a Source-Navigator editor window, the contents of the editor window will be updated.


File names have to be used relative to the project root directory if the file is in a subdirectory of the project; otherwise, the file names must be specified with absolute path names (./ and ../ cannot be used in file names).


