Source-Navigator works with the Red Hat InsightTM debugger, which is based on gdb, a popular open-source debugger. To get Insight, go to
The following steps are necessary to start Insight from Source-Navigator:
On UNIX, change to the
<install directory>/bin directory and type ./snavigator
to launch Source-Navigator
putting it in the background.
On Windows, double-click the Source-Navigator icon
(or snavigator.exe). It is located in
<install directory>/bin.
From the Tools menu, select Debugger to launch the Program to Debug dialog box.
In the Program field, enter the name of the application you want to debug; you can also click the "..." button and browse to the application in the Open dialog box.
In the Working Directory field, enter (or browse to) a working directory.
On UNIX, in the Xterm field, enter xterm -e if you are debugging a console application.
The application name and command line you entered are saved in the project database, and are used as the default values the next time you launch the debugger from Source-Navigator.