This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.11 from ../.././gdb/doc/gdb.texinfo. INFO-DIR-SECTION Software development START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Gdb: (gdb). The GNU debugger. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY This file documents the GNU debugger GDB. This is the Ninth Edition, of `Debugging with GDB: the GNU Source-Level Debugger' for GDB Version 6.8. Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the Invariant Sections being "Free Software" and "Free Software Needs Free Documentation", with the Front-Cover Texts being "A GNU Manual," and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below. (a) The FSF's Back-Cover Text is: "You are free to copy and modify this GNU Manual. Buying copies from GNU Press supports the FSF in developing GNU and promoting software freedom."  File:, Node: Automatic Overlay Debugging, Next: Overlay Sample Program, Prev: Overlay Commands, Up: Overlays 11.3 Automatic Overlay Debugging ================================ GDB can automatically track which overlays are mapped and which are not, given some simple co-operation from the overlay manager in the inferior. If you enable automatic overlay debugging with the `overlay auto' command (*note Overlay Commands::), GDB looks in the inferior's memory for certain variables describing the current state of the overlays. Here are the variables your overlay manager must define to support GDB's automatic overlay debugging: `_ovly_table': This variable must be an array of the following structures: struct { /* The overlay's mapped address. */ unsigned long vma; /* The size of the overlay, in bytes. */ unsigned long size; /* The overlay's load address. */ unsigned long lma; /* Non-zero if the overlay is currently mapped; zero otherwise. */ unsigned long mapped; } `_novlys': This variable must be a four-byte signed integer, holding the total number of elements in `_ovly_table'. To decide whether a particular overlay is mapped or not, GDB looks for an entry in `_ovly_table' whose `vma' and `lma' members equal the VMA and LMA of the overlay's section in the executable file. When GDB finds a matching entry, it consults the entry's `mapped' member to determine whether the overlay is currently mapped. In addition, your overlay manager may define a function called `_ovly_debug_event'. If this function is defined, GDB will silently set a breakpoint there. If the overlay manager then calls this function whenever it has changed the overlay table, this will enable GDB to accurately keep track of which overlays are in program memory, and update any breakpoints that may be set in overlays. This will allow breakpoints to work even if the overlays are kept in ROM or other non-writable memory while they are not being executed.  File:, Node: Overlay Sample Program, Prev: Automatic Overlay Debugging, Up: Overlays 11.4 Overlay Sample Program =========================== When linking a program which uses overlays, you must place the overlays at their load addresses, while relocating them to run at their mapped addresses. To do this, you must write a linker script (*note Overlay Description: ( Description.). Unfortunately, since linker scripts are specific to a particular host system, target architecture, and target memory layout, this manual cannot provide portable sample code demonstrating GDB's overlay support. However, the GDB source distribution does contain an overlaid program, with linker scripts for a few systems, as part of its test suite. The program consists of the following files from `gdb/testsuite/gdb.base': `overlays.c' The main program file. `ovlymgr.c' A simple overlay manager, used by `overlays.c'. `foo.c' `bar.c' `baz.c' `grbx.c' Overlay modules, loaded and used by `overlays.c'. `d10v.ld' `m32r.ld' Linker scripts for linking the test program on the `d10v-elf' and `m32r-elf' targets. You can build the test program using the `d10v-elf' GCC cross-compiler like this: $ d10v-elf-gcc -g -c overlays.c $ d10v-elf-gcc -g -c ovlymgr.c $ d10v-elf-gcc -g -c foo.c $ d10v-elf-gcc -g -c bar.c $ d10v-elf-gcc -g -c baz.c $ d10v-elf-gcc -g -c grbx.c $ d10v-elf-gcc -g overlays.o ovlymgr.o foo.o bar.o \ baz.o grbx.o -Wl,-Td10v.ld -o overlays The build process is identical for any other architecture, except that you must substitute the appropriate compiler and linker script for the target system for `d10v-elf-gcc' and `d10v.ld'.  File:, Node: Languages, Next: Symbols, Prev: Overlays, Up: Top 12 Using GDB with Different Languages ************************************* Although programming languages generally have common aspects, they are rarely expressed in the same manner. For instance, in ANSI C, dereferencing a pointer `p' is accomplished by `*p', but in Modula-2, it is accomplished by `p^'. Values can also be represented (and displayed) differently. Hex numbers in C appear as `0x1ae', while in Modula-2 they appear as `1AEH'. Language-specific information is built into GDB for some languages, allowing you to express operations like the above in your program's native language, and allowing GDB to output values in a manner consistent with the syntax of your program's native language. The language you use to build expressions is called the "working language". * Menu: * Setting:: Switching between source languages * Show:: Displaying the language * Checks:: Type and range checks * Supported Languages:: Supported languages * Unsupported Languages:: Unsupported languages  File:, Node: Setting, Next: Show, Up: Languages 12.1 Switching Between Source Languages ======================================= There are two ways to control the working language--either have GDB set it automatically, or select it manually yourself. You can use the `set language' command for either purpose. On startup, GDB defaults to setting the language automatically. The working language is used to determine how expressions you type are interpreted, how values are printed, etc. In addition to the working language, every source file that GDB knows about has its own working language. For some object file formats, the compiler might indicate which language a particular source file is in. However, most of the time GDB infers the language from the name of the file. The language of a source file controls whether C++ names are demangled--this way `backtrace' can show each frame appropriately for its own language. There is no way to set the language of a source file from within GDB, but you can set the language associated with a filename extension. *Note Displaying the Language: Show. This is most commonly a problem when you use a program, such as `cfront' or `f2c', that generates C but is written in another language. In that case, make the program use `#line' directives in its C output; that way GDB will know the correct language of the source code of the original program, and will display that source code, not the generated C code. * Menu: * Filenames:: Filename extensions and languages. * Manually:: Setting the working language manually * Automatically:: Having GDB infer the source language  File:, Node: Filenames, Next: Manually, Up: Setting 12.1.1 List of Filename Extensions and Languages ------------------------------------------------ If a source file name ends in one of the following extensions, then GDB infers that its language is the one indicated. `.ada' `.ads' `.adb' `.a' Ada source file. `.c' C source file `.C' `.cc' `.cp' `.cpp' `.cxx' `.c++' C++ source file `.m' Objective-C source file `.f' `.F' Fortran source file `.mod' Modula-2 source file `.s' `.S' Assembler source file. This actually behaves almost like C, but GDB does not skip over function prologues when stepping. In addition, you may set the language associated with a filename extension. *Note Displaying the Language: Show.  File:, Node: Manually, Next: Automatically, Prev: Filenames, Up: Setting 12.1.2 Setting the Working Language ----------------------------------- If you allow GDB to set the language automatically, expressions are interpreted the same way in your debugging session and your program. If you wish, you may set the language manually. To do this, issue the command `set language LANG', where LANG is the name of a language, such as `c' or `modula-2'. For a list of the supported languages, type `set language'. Setting the language manually prevents GDB from updating the working language automatically. This can lead to confusion if you try to debug a program when the working language is not the same as the source language, when an expression is acceptable to both languages--but means different things. For instance, if the current source file were written in C, and GDB was parsing Modula-2, a command such as: print a = b + c might not have the effect you intended. In C, this means to add `b' and `c' and place the result in `a'. The result printed would be the value of `a'. In Modula-2, this means to compare `a' to the result of `b+c', yielding a `BOOLEAN' value.  File:, Node: Automatically, Prev: Manually, Up: Setting 12.1.3 Having GDB Infer the Source Language ------------------------------------------- To have GDB set the working language automatically, use `set language local' or `set language auto'. GDB then infers the working language. That is, when your program stops in a frame (usually by encountering a breakpoint), GDB sets the working language to the language recorded for the function in that frame. If the language for a frame is unknown (that is, if the function or block corresponding to the frame was defined in a source file that does not have a recognized extension), the current working language is not changed, and GDB issues a warning. This may not seem necessary for most programs, which are written entirely in one source language. However, program modules and libraries written in one source language can be used by a main program written in a different source language. Using `set language auto' in this case frees you from having to set the working language manually.  File:, Node: Show, Next: Checks, Prev: Setting, Up: Languages 12.2 Displaying the Language ============================ The following commands help you find out which language is the working language, and also what language source files were written in. `show language' Display the current working language. This is the language you can use with commands such as `print' to build and compute expressions that may involve variables in your program. `info frame' Display the source language for this frame. This language becomes the working language if you use an identifier from this frame. *Note Information about a Frame: Frame Info, to identify the other information listed here. `info source' Display the source language of this source file. *Note Examining the Symbol Table: Symbols, to identify the other information listed here. In unusual circumstances, you may have source files with extensions not in the standard list. You can then set the extension associated with a language explicitly: `set extension-language EXT LANGUAGE' Tell GDB that source files with extension EXT are to be assumed as written in the source language LANGUAGE. `info extensions' List all the filename extensions and the associated languages.  File:, Node: Checks, Next: Supported Languages, Prev: Show, Up: Languages 12.3 Type and Range Checking ============================ _Warning:_ In this release, the GDB commands for type and range checking are included, but they do not yet have any effect. This section documents the intended facilities. Some languages are designed to guard you against making seemingly common errors through a series of compile- and run-time checks. These include checking the type of arguments to functions and operators, and making sure mathematical overflows are caught at run time. Checks such as these help to ensure a program's correctness once it has been compiled by eliminating type mismatches, and providing active checks for range errors when your program is running. GDB can check for conditions like the above if you wish. Although GDB does not check the statements in your program, it can check expressions entered directly into GDB for evaluation via the `print' command, for example. As with the working language, GDB can also decide whether or not to check automatically based on your program's source language. *Note Supported Languages: Supported Languages, for the default settings of supported languages. * Menu: * Type Checking:: An overview of type checking * Range Checking:: An overview of range checking  File:, Node: Type Checking, Next: Range Checking, Up: Checks 12.3.1 An Overview of Type Checking ----------------------------------- Some languages, such as Modula-2, are strongly typed, meaning that the arguments to operators and functions have to be of the correct type, otherwise an error occurs. These checks prevent type mismatch errors from ever causing any run-time problems. For example, 1 + 2 => 3 but error--> 1 + 2.3 The second example fails because the `CARDINAL' 1 is not type-compatible with the `REAL' 2.3. For the expressions you use in GDB commands, you can tell the GDB type checker to skip checking; to treat any mismatches as errors and abandon the expression; or to only issue warnings when type mismatches occur, but evaluate the expression anyway. When you choose the last of these, GDB evaluates expressions like the second example above, but also issues a warning. Even if you turn type checking off, there may be other reasons related to type that prevent GDB from evaluating an expression. For instance, GDB does not know how to add an `int' and a `struct foo'. These particular type errors have nothing to do with the language in use, and usually arise from expressions, such as the one described above, which make little sense to evaluate anyway. Each language defines to what degree it is strict about type. For instance, both Modula-2 and C require the arguments to arithmetical operators to be numbers. In C, enumerated types and pointers can be represented as numbers, so that they are valid arguments to mathematical operators. *Note Supported Languages: Supported Languages, for further details on specific languages. GDB provides some additional commands for controlling the type checker: `set check type auto' Set type checking on or off based on the current working language. *Note Supported Languages: Supported Languages, for the default settings for each language. `set check type on' `set check type off' Set type checking on or off, overriding the default setting for the current working language. Issue a warning if the setting does not match the language default. If any type mismatches occur in evaluating an expression while type checking is on, GDB prints a message and aborts evaluation of the expression. `set check type warn' Cause the type checker to issue warnings, but to always attempt to evaluate the expression. Evaluating the expression may still be impossible for other reasons. For example, GDB cannot add numbers and structures. `show type' Show the current setting of the type checker, and whether or not GDB is setting it automatically.  File:, Node: Range Checking, Prev: Type Checking, Up: Checks 12.3.2 An Overview of Range Checking ------------------------------------ In some languages (such as Modula-2), it is an error to exceed the bounds of a type; this is enforced with run-time checks. Such range checking is meant to ensure program correctness by making sure computations do not overflow, or indices on an array element access do not exceed the bounds of the array. For expressions you use in GDB commands, you can tell GDB to treat range errors in one of three ways: ignore them, always treat them as errors and abandon the expression, or issue warnings but evaluate the expression anyway. A range error can result from numerical overflow, from exceeding an array index bound, or when you type a constant that is not a member of any type. Some languages, however, do not treat overflows as an error. In many implementations of C, mathematical overflow causes the result to "wrap around" to lower values--for example, if M is the largest integer value, and S is the smallest, then M + 1 => S This, too, is specific to individual languages, and in some cases specific to individual compilers or machines. *Note Supported Languages: Supported Languages, for further details on specific languages. GDB provides some additional commands for controlling the range checker: `set check range auto' Set range checking on or off based on the current working language. *Note Supported Languages: Supported Languages, for the default settings for each language. `set check range on' `set check range off' Set range checking on or off, overriding the default setting for the current working language. A warning is issued if the setting does not match the language default. If a range error occurs and range checking is on, then a message is printed and evaluation of the expression is aborted. `set check range warn' Output messages when the GDB range checker detects a range error, but attempt to evaluate the expression anyway. Evaluating the expression may still be impossible for other reasons, such as accessing memory that the process does not own (a typical example from many Unix systems). `show range' Show the current setting of the range checker, and whether or not it is being set automatically by GDB.  File:, Node: Supported Languages, Next: Unsupported Languages, Prev: Checks, Up: Languages 12.4 Supported Languages ======================== GDB supports C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Java, Pascal, assembly, Modula-2, and Ada. Some GDB features may be used in expressions regardless of the language you use: the GDB `@' and `::' operators, and the `{type}addr' construct (*note Expressions: Expressions.) can be used with the constructs of any supported language. The following sections detail to what degree each source language is supported by GDB. These sections are not meant to be language tutorials or references, but serve only as a reference guide to what the GDB expression parser accepts, and what input and output formats should look like for different languages. There are many good books written on each of these languages; please look to these for a language reference or tutorial. * Menu: * C:: C and C++ * Objective-C:: Objective-C * Fortran:: Fortran * Pascal:: Pascal * Modula-2:: Modula-2 * Ada:: Ada  File:, Node: C, Next: Objective-C, Up: Supported Languages 12.4.1 C and C++ ---------------- Since C and C++ are so closely related, many features of GDB apply to both languages. Whenever this is the case, we discuss those languages together. The C++ debugging facilities are jointly implemented by the C++ compiler and GDB. Therefore, to debug your C++ code effectively, you must compile your C++ programs with a supported C++ compiler, such as GNU `g++', or the HP ANSI C++ compiler (`aCC'). For best results when using GNU C++, use the DWARF 2 debugging format; if it doesn't work on your system, try the stabs+ debugging format. You can select those formats explicitly with the `g++' command-line options `-gdwarf-2' and `-gstabs+'. *Note Options for Debugging Your Program or GCC: ( Options. * Menu: * C Operators:: C and C++ operators * C Constants:: C and C++ constants * C Plus Plus Expressions:: C++ expressions * C Defaults:: Default settings for C and C++ * C Checks:: C and C++ type and range checks * Debugging C:: GDB and C * Debugging C Plus Plus:: GDB features for C++ * Decimal Floating Point:: Numbers in Decimal Floating Point format  File:, Node: C Operators, Next: C Constants, Up: C C and C++ Operators ............................ Operators must be defined on values of specific types. For instance, `+' is defined on numbers, but not on structures. Operators are often defined on groups of types. For the purposes of C and C++, the following definitions hold: * _Integral types_ include `int' with any of its storage-class specifiers; `char'; `enum'; and, for C++, `bool'. * _Floating-point types_ include `float', `double', and `long double' (if supported by the target platform). * _Pointer types_ include all types defined as `(TYPE *)'. * _Scalar types_ include all of the above. The following operators are supported. They are listed here in order of increasing precedence: `,' The comma or sequencing operator. Expressions in a comma-separated list are evaluated from left to right, with the result of the entire expression being the last expression evaluated. `=' Assignment. The value of an assignment expression is the value assigned. Defined on scalar types. `OP=' Used in an expression of the form `A OP= B', and translated to `A = A OP B'. `OP=' and `=' have the same precedence. OP is any one of the operators `|', `^', `&', `<<', `>>', `+', `-', `*', `/', `%'. `?:' The ternary operator. `A ? B : C' can be thought of as: if A then B else C. A should be of an integral type. `||' Logical OR. Defined on integral types. `&&' Logical AND. Defined on integral types. `|' Bitwise OR. Defined on integral types. `^' Bitwise exclusive-OR. Defined on integral types. `&' Bitwise AND. Defined on integral types. `==, !=' Equality and inequality. Defined on scalar types. The value of these expressions is 0 for false and non-zero for true. `<, >, <=, >=' Less than, greater than, less than or equal, greater than or equal. Defined on scalar types. The value of these expressions is 0 for false and non-zero for true. `<<, >>' left shift, and right shift. Defined on integral types. `@' The GDB "artificial array" operator (*note Expressions: Expressions.). `+, -' Addition and subtraction. Defined on integral types, floating-point types and pointer types. `*, /, %' Multiplication, division, and modulus. Multiplication and division are defined on integral and floating-point types. Modulus is defined on integral types. `++, --' Increment and decrement. When appearing before a variable, the operation is performed before the variable is used in an expression; when appearing after it, the variable's value is used before the operation takes place. `*' Pointer dereferencing. Defined on pointer types. Same precedence as `++'. `&' Address operator. Defined on variables. Same precedence as `++'. For debugging C++, GDB implements a use of `&' beyond what is allowed in the C++ language itself: you can use `&(&REF)' to examine the address where a C++ reference variable (declared with `&REF') is stored. `-' Negative. Defined on integral and floating-point types. Same precedence as `++'. `!' Logical negation. Defined on integral types. Same precedence as `++'. `~' Bitwise complement operator. Defined on integral types. Same precedence as `++'. `., ->' Structure member, and pointer-to-structure member. For convenience, GDB regards the two as equivalent, choosing whether to dereference a pointer based on the stored type information. Defined on `struct' and `union' data. `.*, ->*' Dereferences of pointers to members. `[]' Array indexing. `A[I]' is defined as `*(A+I)'. Same precedence as `->'. `()' Function parameter list. Same precedence as `->'. `::' C++ scope resolution operator. Defined on `struct', `union', and `class' types. `::' Doubled colons also represent the GDB scope operator (*note Expressions: Expressions.). Same precedence as `::', above. If an operator is redefined in the user code, GDB usually attempts to invoke the redefined version instead of using the operator's predefined meaning.  File:, Node: C Constants, Next: C Plus Plus Expressions, Prev: C Operators, Up: C C and C++ Constants ............................ GDB allows you to express the constants of C and C++ in the following ways: * Integer constants are a sequence of digits. Octal constants are specified by a leading `0' (i.e. zero), and hexadecimal constants by a leading `0x' or `0X'. Constants may also end with a letter `l', specifying that the constant should be treated as a `long' value. * Floating point constants are a sequence of digits, followed by a decimal point, followed by a sequence of digits, and optionally followed by an exponent. An exponent is of the form: `e[[+]|-]NNN', where NNN is another sequence of digits. The `+' is optional for positive exponents. A floating-point constant may also end with a letter `f' or `F', specifying that the constant should be treated as being of the `float' (as opposed to the default `double') type; or with a letter `l' or `L', which specifies a `long double' constant. * Enumerated constants consist of enumerated identifiers, or their integral equivalents. * Character constants are a single character surrounded by single quotes (`''), or a number--the ordinal value of the corresponding character (usually its ASCII value). Within quotes, the single character may be represented by a letter or by "escape sequences", which are of the form `\NNN', where NNN is the octal representation of the character's ordinal value; or of the form `\X', where `X' is a predefined special character--for example, `\n' for newline. * String constants are a sequence of character constants surrounded by double quotes (`"'). Any valid character constant (as described above) may appear. Double quotes within the string must be preceded by a backslash, so for instance `"a\"b'c"' is a string of five characters. * Pointer constants are an integral value. You can also write pointers to constants using the C operator `&'. * Array constants are comma-separated lists surrounded by braces `{' and `}'; for example, `{1,2,3}' is a three-element array of integers, `{{1,2}, {3,4}, {5,6}}' is a three-by-two array, and `{&"hi", &"there", &"fred"}' is a three-element array of pointers.  File:, Node: C Plus Plus Expressions, Next: C Defaults, Prev: C Constants, Up: C C++ Expressions ........................ GDB expression handling can interpret most C++ expressions. _Warning:_ GDB can only debug C++ code if you use the proper compiler and the proper debug format. Currently, GDB works best when debugging C++ code that is compiled with GCC 2.95.3 or with GCC 3.1 or newer, using the options `-gdwarf-2' or `-gstabs+'. DWARF 2 is preferred over stabs+. Most configurations of GCC emit either DWARF 2 or stabs+ as their default debug format, so you usually don't need to specify a debug format explicitly. Other compilers and/or debug formats are likely to work badly or not at all when using GDB to debug C++ code. 1. Member function calls are allowed; you can use expressions like count = aml->GetOriginal(x, y) 2. While a member function is active (in the selected stack frame), your expressions have the same namespace available as the member function; that is, GDB allows implicit references to the class instance pointer `this' following the same rules as C++. 3. You can call overloaded functions; GDB resolves the function call to the right definition, with some restrictions. GDB does not perform overload resolution involving user-defined type conversions, calls to constructors, or instantiations of templates that do not exist in the program. It also cannot handle ellipsis argument lists or default arguments. It does perform integral conversions and promotions, floating-point promotions, arithmetic conversions, pointer conversions, conversions of class objects to base classes, and standard conversions such as those of functions or arrays to pointers; it requires an exact match on the number of function arguments. Overload resolution is always performed, unless you have specified `set overload-resolution off'. *Note GDB Features for C++: Debugging C Plus Plus. You must specify `set overload-resolution off' in order to use an explicit function signature to call an overloaded function, as in p 'foo(char,int)'('x', 13) The GDB command-completion facility can simplify this; see *note Command Completion: Completion. 4. GDB understands variables declared as C++ references; you can use them in expressions just as you do in C++ source--they are automatically dereferenced. In the parameter list shown when GDB displays a frame, the values of reference variables are not displayed (unlike other variables); this avoids clutter, since references are often used for large structures. The _address_ of a reference variable is always shown, unless you have specified `set print address off'. 5. GDB supports the C++ name resolution operator `::'--your expressions can use it just as expressions in your program do. Since one scope may be defined in another, you can use `::' repeatedly if necessary, for example in an expression like `SCOPE1::SCOPE2::NAME'. GDB also allows resolving name scope by reference to source files, in both C and C++ debugging (*note Program Variables: Variables.). In addition, when used with HP's C++ compiler, GDB supports calling virtual functions correctly, printing out virtual bases of objects, calling functions in a base subobject, casting objects, and invoking user-defined operators.  File:, Node: C Defaults, Next: C Checks, Prev: C Plus Plus Expressions, Up: C C and C++ Defaults ........................... If you allow GDB to set type and range checking automatically, they both default to `off' whenever the working language changes to C or C++. This happens regardless of whether you or GDB selects the working language. If you allow GDB to set the language automatically, it recognizes source files whose names end with `.c', `.C', or `.cc', etc, and when GDB enters code compiled from one of these files, it sets the working language to C or C++. *Note Having GDB Infer the Source Language: Automatically, for further details.  File:, Node: C Checks, Next: Debugging C, Prev: C Defaults, Up: C C and C++ Type and Range Checks ........................................ By default, when GDB parses C or C++ expressions, type checking is not used. However, if you turn type checking on, GDB considers two variables type equivalent if: * The two variables are structured and have the same structure, union, or enumerated tag. * The two variables have the same type name, or types that have been declared equivalent through `typedef'. Range checking, if turned on, is done on mathematical operations. Array indices are not checked, since they are often used to index a pointer that is not itself an array.  File:, Node: Debugging C, Next: Debugging C Plus Plus, Prev: C Checks, Up: C GDB and C .................. The `set print union' and `show print union' commands apply to the `union' type. When set to `on', any `union' that is inside a `struct' or `class' is also printed. Otherwise, it appears as `{...}'. The `@' operator aids in the debugging of dynamic arrays, formed with pointers and a memory allocation function. *Note Expressions: Expressions.  File:, Node: Debugging C Plus Plus, Next: Decimal Floating Point, Prev: Debugging C, Up: C GDB Features for C++ ............................. Some GDB commands are particularly useful with C++, and some are designed specifically for use with C++. Here is a summary: `breakpoint menus' When you want a breakpoint in a function whose name is overloaded, GDB breakpoint menus help you specify which function definition you want. *Note Breakpoint Menus: Breakpoint Menus. `rbreak REGEX' Setting breakpoints using regular expressions is helpful for setting breakpoints on overloaded functions that are not members of any special classes. *Note Setting Breakpoints: Set Breaks. `catch throw' `catch catch' Debug C++ exception handling using these commands. *Note Setting Catchpoints: Set Catchpoints. `ptype TYPENAME' Print inheritance relationships as well as other information for type TYPENAME. *Note Examining the Symbol Table: Symbols. `set print demangle' `show print demangle' `set print asm-demangle' `show print asm-demangle' Control whether C++ symbols display in their source form, both when displaying code as C++ source and when displaying disassemblies. *Note Print Settings: Print Settings. `set print object' `show print object' Choose whether to print derived (actual) or declared types of objects. *Note Print Settings: Print Settings. `set print vtbl' `show print vtbl' Control the format for printing virtual function tables. *Note Print Settings: Print Settings. (The `vtbl' commands do not work on programs compiled with the HP ANSI C++ compiler (`aCC').) `set overload-resolution on' Enable overload resolution for C++ expression evaluation. The default is on. For overloaded functions, GDB evaluates the arguments and searches for a function whose signature matches the argument types, using the standard C++ conversion rules (see *note C++ Expressions: C Plus Plus Expressions, for details). If it cannot find a match, it emits a message. `set overload-resolution off' Disable overload resolution for C++ expression evaluation. For overloaded functions that are not class member functions, GDB chooses the first function of the specified name that it finds in the symbol table, whether or not its arguments are of the correct type. For overloaded functions that are class member functions, GDB searches for a function whose signature _exactly_ matches the argument types. `show overload-resolution' Show the current setting of overload resolution. `Overloaded symbol names' You can specify a particular definition of an overloaded symbol, using the same notation that is used to declare such symbols in C++: type `SYMBOL(TYPES)' rather than just SYMBOL. You can also use the GDB command-line word completion facilities to list the available choices, or to finish the type list for you. *Note Command Completion: Completion, for details on how to do this.  File:, Node: Decimal Floating Point, Prev: Debugging C Plus Plus, Up: C Decimal Floating Point format ...................................... GDB can examine, set and perform computations with numbers in decimal floating point format, which in the C language correspond to the `_Decimal32', `_Decimal64' and `_Decimal128' types as specified by the extension to support decimal floating-point arithmetic. There are two encodings in use, depending on the architecture: BID (Binary Integer Decimal) for x86 and x86-64, and DPD (Densely Packed Decimal) for PowerPC. GDB will use the appropriate encoding for the configured target. Because of a limitation in `libdecnumber', the library used by GDB to manipulate decimal floating point numbers, it is not possible to convert (using a cast, for example) integers wider than 32-bit to decimal float. In addition, in order to imitate GDB's behaviour with binary floating point computations, error checking in decimal float operations ignores underflow, overflow and divide by zero exceptions. In the PowerPC architecture, GDB provides a set of pseudo-registers to inspect `_Decimal128' values stored in floating point registers. See *note PowerPC: PowerPC. for more details.  File:, Node: Objective-C, Next: Fortran, Prev: C, Up: Supported Languages 12.4.2 Objective-C ------------------ This section provides information about some commands and command options that are useful for debugging Objective-C code. See also *note info classes: Symbols, and *note info selectors: Symbols, for a few more commands specific to Objective-C support. * Menu: * Method Names in Commands:: * The Print Command with Objective-C::  File:, Node: Method Names in Commands, Next: The Print Command with Objective-C, Up: Objective-C Method Names in Commands ................................. The following commands have been extended to accept Objective-C method names as line specifications: * `clear' * `break' * `info line' * `jump' * `list' A fully qualified Objective-C method name is specified as -[CLASS METHODNAME] where the minus sign is used to indicate an instance method and a plus sign (not shown) is used to indicate a class method. The class name CLASS and method name METHODNAME are enclosed in brackets, similar to the way messages are specified in Objective-C source code. For example, to set a breakpoint at the `create' instance method of class `Fruit' in the program currently being debugged, enter: break -[Fruit create] To list ten program lines around the `initialize' class method, enter: list +[NSText initialize] In the current version of GDB, the plus or minus sign is required. In future versions of GDB, the plus or minus sign will be optional, but you can use it to narrow the search. It is also possible to specify just a method name: break create You must specify the complete method name, including any colons. If your program's source files contain more than one `create' method, you'll be presented with a numbered list of classes that implement that method. Indicate your choice by number, or type `0' to exit if none apply. As another example, to clear a breakpoint established at the `makeKeyAndOrderFront:' method of the `NSWindow' class, enter: clear -[NSWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:]  File:, Node: The Print Command with Objective-C, Prev: Method Names in Commands, Up: Objective-C The Print Command With Objective-C ........................................... The print command has also been extended to accept methods. For example: print -[OBJECT hash] will tell GDB to send the `hash' message to OBJECT and print the result. Also, an additional command has been added, `print-object' or `po' for short, which is meant to print the description of an object. However, this command may only work with certain Objective-C libraries that have a particular hook function, `_NSPrintForDebugger', defined.  File:, Node: Fortran, Next: Pascal, Prev: Objective-C, Up: Supported Languages 12.4.3 Fortran -------------- GDB can be used to debug programs written in Fortran, but it currently supports only the features of Fortran 77 language. Some Fortran compilers (GNU Fortran 77 and Fortran 95 compilers among them) append an underscore to the names of variables and functions. When you debug programs compiled by those compilers, you will need to refer to variables and functions with a trailing underscore. * Menu: * Fortran Operators:: Fortran operators and expressions * Fortran Defaults:: Default settings for Fortran * Special Fortran Commands:: Special GDB commands for Fortran  File:, Node: Fortran Operators, Next: Fortran Defaults, Up: Fortran Fortran Operators and Expressions .......................................... Operators must be defined on values of specific types. For instance, `+' is defined on numbers, but not on characters or other non- arithmetic types. Operators are often defined on groups of types. `**' The exponentiation operator. It raises the first operand to the power of the second one. `:' The range operator. Normally used in the form of array(low:high) to represent a section of array.  File:, Node: Fortran Defaults, Next: Special Fortran Commands, Prev: Fortran Operators, Up: Fortran Fortran Defaults ......................... Fortran symbols are usually case-insensitive, so GDB by default uses case-insensitive matches for Fortran symbols. You can change that with the `set case-insensitive' command, see *note Symbols::, for the details.  File:, Node: Special Fortran Commands, Prev: Fortran Defaults, Up: Fortran Special Fortran Commands ................................. GDB has some commands to support Fortran-specific features, such as displaying common blocks. `info common [COMMON-NAME]' This command prints the values contained in the Fortran `COMMON' block whose name is COMMON-NAME. With no argument, the names of all `COMMON' blocks visible at the current program location are printed.  File:, Node: Pascal, Next: Modula-2, Prev: Fortran, Up: Supported Languages 12.4.4 Pascal ------------- Debugging Pascal programs which use sets, subranges, file variables, or nested functions does not currently work. GDB does not support entering expressions, printing values, or similar features using Pascal syntax. The Pascal-specific command `set print pascal_static-members' controls whether static members of Pascal objects are displayed. *Note pascal_static-members: Print Settings.  File:, Node: Modula-2, Next: Ada, Prev: Pascal, Up: Supported Languages 12.4.5 Modula-2 --------------- The extensions made to GDB to support Modula-2 only support output from the GNU Modula-2 compiler (which is currently being developed). Other Modula-2 compilers are not currently supported, and attempting to debug executables produced by them is most likely to give an error as GDB reads in the executable's symbol table. * Menu: * M2 Operators:: Built-in operators * Built-In Func/Proc:: Built-in functions and procedures * M2 Constants:: Modula-2 constants * M2 Types:: Modula-2 types * M2 Defaults:: Default settings for Modula-2 * Deviations:: Deviations from standard Modula-2 * M2 Checks:: Modula-2 type and range checks * M2 Scope:: The scope operators `::' and `.' * GDB/M2:: GDB and Modula-2  File:, Node: M2 Operators, Next: Built-In Func/Proc, Up: Modula-2 Operators .................. Operators must be defined on values of specific types. For instance, `+' is defined on numbers, but not on structures. Operators are often defined on groups of types. For the purposes of Modula-2, the following definitions hold: * _Integral types_ consist of `INTEGER', `CARDINAL', and their subranges. * _Character types_ consist of `CHAR' and its subranges. * _Floating-point types_ consist of `REAL'. * _Pointer types_ consist of anything declared as `POINTER TO TYPE'. * _Scalar types_ consist of all of the above. * _Set types_ consist of `SET' and `BITSET' types. * _Boolean types_ consist of `BOOLEAN'. The following operators are supported, and appear in order of increasing precedence: `,' Function argument or array index separator. `:=' Assignment. The value of VAR `:=' VALUE is VALUE. `<, >' Less than, greater than on integral, floating-point, or enumerated types. `<=, >=' Less than or equal to, greater than or equal to on integral, floating-point and enumerated types, or set inclusion on set types. Same precedence as `<'. `=, <>, #' Equality and two ways of expressing inequality, valid on scalar types. Same precedence as `<'. In GDB scripts, only `<>' is available for inequality, since `#' conflicts with the script comment character. `IN' Set membership. Defined on set types and the types of their members. Same precedence as `<'. `OR' Boolean disjunction. Defined on boolean types. `AND, &' Boolean conjunction. Defined on boolean types. `@' The GDB "artificial array" operator (*note Expressions: Expressions.). `+, -' Addition and subtraction on integral and floating-point types, or union and difference on set types. `*' Multiplication on integral and floating-point types, or set intersection on set types. `/' Division on floating-point types, or symmetric set difference on set types. Same precedence as `*'. `DIV, MOD' Integer division and remainder. Defined on integral types. Same precedence as `*'. `-' Negative. Defined on `INTEGER' and `REAL' data. `^' Pointer dereferencing. Defined on pointer types. `NOT' Boolean negation. Defined on boolean types. Same precedence as `^'. `.' `RECORD' field selector. Defined on `RECORD' data. Same precedence as `^'. `[]' Array indexing. Defined on `ARRAY' data. Same precedence as `^'. `()' Procedure argument list. Defined on `PROCEDURE' objects. Same precedence as `^'. `::, .' GDB and Modula-2 scope operators. _Warning:_ Set expressions and their operations are not yet supported, so GDB treats the use of the operator `IN', or the use of operators `+', `-', `*', `/', `=', , `<>', `#', `<=', and `>=' on sets as an error.  File:, Node: Built-In Func/Proc, Next: M2 Constants, Prev: M2 Operators, Up: Modula-2 Built-in Functions and Procedures .......................................... Modula-2 also makes available several built-in procedures and functions. In describing these, the following metavariables are used: A represents an `ARRAY' variable. C represents a `CHAR' constant or variable. I represents a variable or constant of integral type. M represents an identifier that belongs to a set. Generally used in the same function with the metavariable S. The type of S should be `SET OF MTYPE' (where MTYPE is the type of M). N represents a variable or constant of integral or floating-point type. R represents a variable or constant of floating-point type. T represents a type. V represents a variable. X represents a variable or constant of one of many types. See the explanation of the function for details. All Modula-2 built-in procedures also return a result, described below. `ABS(N)' Returns the absolute value of N. `CAP(C)' If C is a lower case letter, it returns its upper case equivalent, otherwise it returns its argument. `CHR(I)' Returns the character whose ordinal value is I. `DEC(V)' Decrements the value in the variable V by one. Returns the new value. `DEC(V,I)' Decrements the value in the variable V by I. Returns the new value. `EXCL(M,S)' Removes the element M from the set S. Returns the new set. `FLOAT(I)' Returns the floating point equivalent of the integer I. `HIGH(A)' Returns the index of the last member of A. `INC(V)' Increments the value in the variable V by one. Returns the new value. `INC(V,I)' Increments the value in the variable V by I. Returns the new value. `INCL(M,S)' Adds the element M to the set S if it is not already there. Returns the new set. `MAX(T)' Returns the maximum value of the type T. `MIN(T)' Returns the minimum value of the type T. `ODD(I)' Returns boolean TRUE if I is an odd number. `ORD(X)' Returns the ordinal value of its argument. For example, the ordinal value of a character is its ASCII value (on machines supporting the ASCII character set). X must be of an ordered type, which include integral, character and enumerated types. `SIZE(X)' Returns the size of its argument. X can be a variable or a type. `TRUNC(R)' Returns the integral part of R. `TSIZE(X)' Returns the size of its argument. X can be a variable or a type. `VAL(T,I)' Returns the member of the type T whose ordinal value is I. _Warning:_ Sets and their operations are not yet supported, so GDB treats the use of procedures `INCL' and `EXCL' as an error.  File:, Node: M2 Constants, Next: M2 Types, Prev: Built-In Func/Proc, Up: Modula-2 Constants .................. GDB allows you to express the constants of Modula-2 in the following ways: * Integer constants are simply a sequence of digits. When used in an expression, a constant is interpreted to be type-compatible with the rest of the expression. Hexadecimal integers are specified by a trailing `H', and octal integers by a trailing `B'. * Floating point constants appear as a sequence of digits, followed by a decimal point and another sequence of digits. An optional exponent can then be specified, in the form `E[+|-]NNN', where `[+|-]NNN' is the desired exponent. All of the digits of the floating point constant must be valid decimal (base 10) digits. * Character constants consist of a single character enclosed by a pair of like quotes, either single (`'') or double (`"'). They may also be expressed by their ordinal value (their ASCII value, usually) followed by a `C'. * String constants consist of a sequence of characters enclosed by a pair of like quotes, either single (`'') or double (`"'). Escape sequences in the style of C are also allowed. *Note C and C++ Constants: C Constants, for a brief explanation of escape sequences. * Enumerated constants consist of an enumerated identifier. * Boolean constants consist of the identifiers `TRUE' and `FALSE'. * Pointer constants consist of integral values only. * Set constants are not yet supported.  File:, Node: M2 Types, Next: M2 Defaults, Prev: M2 Constants, Up: Modula-2 Modula-2 Types ....................... Currently GDB can print the following data types in Modula-2 syntax: array types, record types, set types, pointer types, procedure types, enumerated types, subrange types and base types. You can also print the contents of variables declared using these type. This section gives a number of simple source code examples together with sample GDB sessions. The first example contains the following section of code: VAR s: SET OF CHAR ; r: [20..40] ; and you can request GDB to interrogate the type and value of `r' and `s'. (gdb) print s {'A'..'C', 'Z'} (gdb) ptype s SET OF CHAR (gdb) print r 21 (gdb) ptype r [20..40] Likewise if your source code declares `s' as: VAR s: SET ['A'..'Z'] ; then you may query the type of `s' by: (gdb) ptype s type = SET ['A'..'Z'] Note that at present you cannot interactively manipulate set expressions using the debugger. The following example shows how you might declare an array in Modula-2 and how you can interact with GDB to print its type and contents: VAR s: ARRAY [-10..10] OF CHAR ; (gdb) ptype s ARRAY [-10..10] OF CHAR Note that the array handling is not yet complete and although the type is printed correctly, expression handling still assumes that all arrays have a lower bound of zero and not `-10' as in the example above. Here are some more type related Modula-2 examples: TYPE colour = (blue, red, yellow, green) ; t = [blue..yellow] ; VAR s: t ; BEGIN s := blue ; The GDB interaction shows how you can query the data type and value of a variable. (gdb) print s $1 = blue (gdb) ptype t type = [blue..yellow] In this example a Modula-2 array is declared and its contents displayed. Observe that the contents are written in the same way as their `C' counterparts. VAR s: ARRAY [1..5] OF CARDINAL ; BEGIN s[1] := 1 ; (gdb) print s $1 = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0} (gdb) ptype s type = ARRAY [1..5] OF CARDINAL The Modula-2 language interface to GDB also understands pointer types as shown in this example: VAR s: POINTER TO ARRAY [1..5] OF CARDINAL ; BEGIN NEW(s) ; s^[1] := 1 ; and you can request that GDB describes the type of `s'. (gdb) ptype s type = POINTER TO ARRAY [1..5] OF CARDINAL GDB handles compound types as we can see in this example. Here we combine array types, record types, pointer types and subrange types: TYPE foo = RECORD f1: CARDINAL ; f2: CHAR ; f3: myarray ; END ; myarray = ARRAY myrange OF CARDINAL ; myrange = [-2..2] ; VAR s: POINTER TO ARRAY myrange OF foo ; and you can ask GDB to describe the type of `s' as shown below. (gdb) ptype s type = POINTER TO ARRAY [-2..2] OF foo = RECORD f1 : CARDINAL; f2 : CHAR; f3 : ARRAY [-2..2] OF CARDINAL; END  File:, Node: M2 Defaults, Next: Deviations, Prev: M2 Types, Up: Modula-2 Modula-2 Defaults .......................... If type and range checking are set automatically by GDB, they both default to `on' whenever the working language changes to Modula-2. This happens regardless of whether you or GDB selected the working language. If you allow GDB to set the language automatically, then entering code compiled from a file whose name ends with `.mod' sets the working language to Modula-2. *Note Having GDB Infer the Source Language: Automatically, for further details.  File:, Node: Deviations, Next: M2 Checks, Prev: M2 Defaults, Up: Modula-2 Deviations from Standard Modula-2 .......................................... A few changes have been made to make Modula-2 programs easier to debug. This is done primarily via loosening its type strictness: * Unlike in standard Modula-2, pointer constants can be formed by integers. This allows you to modify pointer variables during debugging. (In standard Modula-2, the actual address contained in a pointer variable is hidden from you; it can only be modified through direct assignment to another pointer variable or expression that returned a pointer.) * C escape sequences can be used in strings and characters to represent non-printable characters. GDB prints out strings with these escape sequences embedded. Single non-printable characters are printed using the `CHR(NNN)' format. * The assignment operator (`:=') returns the value of its right-hand argument. * All built-in procedures both modify _and_ return their argument.  File:, Node: M2 Checks, Next: M2 Scope, Prev: Deviations, Up: Modula-2 Modula-2 Type and Range Checks ....................................... _Warning:_ in this release, GDB does not yet perform type or range checking. GDB considers two Modula-2 variables type equivalent if: * They are of types that have been declared equivalent via a `TYPE T1 = T2' statement * They have been declared on the same line. (Note: This is true of the GNU Modula-2 compiler, but it may not be true of other compilers.) As long as type checking is enabled, any attempt to combine variables whose types are not equivalent is an error. Range checking is done on all mathematical operations, assignment, array index bounds, and all built-in functions and procedures.  File:, Node: M2 Scope, Next: GDB/M2, Prev: M2 Checks, Up: Modula-2 The Scope Operators `::' and `.' ......................................... There are a few subtle differences between the Modula-2 scope operator (`.') and the GDB scope operator (`::'). The two have similar syntax: MODULE . ID SCOPE :: ID where SCOPE is the name of a module or a procedure, MODULE the name of a module, and ID is any declared identifier within your program, except another module. Using the `::' operator makes GDB search the scope specified by SCOPE for the identifier ID. If it is not found in the specified scope, then GDB searches all scopes enclosing the one specified by SCOPE. Using the `.' operator makes GDB search the current scope for the identifier specified by ID that was imported from the definition module specified by MODULE. With this operator, it is an error if the identifier ID was not imported from definition module MODULE, or if ID is not an identifier in MODULE.  File:, Node: GDB/M2, Prev: M2 Scope, Up: Modula-2 GDB and Modula-2 ......................... Some GDB commands have little use when debugging Modula-2 programs. Five subcommands of `set print' and `show print' apply specifically to C and C++: `vtbl', `demangle', `asm-demangle', `object', and `union'. The first four apply to C++, and the last to the C `union' type, which has no direct analogue in Modula-2. The `@' operator (*note Expressions: Expressions.), while available with any language, is not useful with Modula-2. Its intent is to aid the debugging of "dynamic arrays", which cannot be created in Modula-2 as they can in C or C++. However, because an address can be specified by an integral constant, the construct `{TYPE}ADREXP' is still useful. In GDB scripts, the Modula-2 inequality operator `#' is interpreted as the beginning of a comment. Use `<>' instead.  File:, Node: Ada, Prev: Modula-2, Up: Supported Languages 12.4.6 Ada ---------- The extensions made to GDB for Ada only support output from the GNU Ada (GNAT) compiler. Other Ada compilers are not currently supported, and attempting to debug executables produced by them is most likely to be difficult. * Menu: * Ada Mode Intro:: General remarks on the Ada syntax and semantics supported by Ada mode in GDB. * Omissions from Ada:: Restrictions on the Ada expression syntax. * Additions to Ada:: Extensions of the Ada expression syntax. * Stopping Before Main Program:: Debugging the program during elaboration. * Ada Glitches:: Known peculiarities of Ada mode.  File:, Node: Ada Mode Intro, Next: Omissions from Ada, Up: Ada Introduction ..................... The Ada mode of GDB supports a fairly large subset of Ada expression syntax, with some extensions. The philosophy behind the design of this subset is * That GDB should provide basic literals and access to operations for arithmetic, dereferencing, field selection, indexing, and subprogram calls, leaving more sophisticated computations to subprograms written into the program (which therefore may be called from GDB). * That type safety and strict adherence to Ada language restrictions are not particularly important to the GDB user. * That brevity is important to the GDB user. Thus, for brevity, the debugger acts as if there were implicit `with' and `use' clauses in effect for all user-written packages, making it unnecessary to fully qualify most names with their packages, regardless of context. Where this causes ambiguity, GDB asks the user's intent. The debugger will start in Ada mode if it detects an Ada main program. As for other languages, it will enter Ada mode when stopped in a program that was translated from an Ada source file. While in Ada mode, you may use `-' for comments. This is useful mostly for documenting command files. The standard GDB comment (`#') still works at the beginning of a line in Ada mode, but not in the middle (to allow based literals). The debugger supports limited overloading. Given a subprogram call in which the function symbol has multiple definitions, it will use the number of actual parameters and some information about their types to attempt to narrow the set of definitions. It also makes very limited use of context, preferring procedures to functions in the context of the `call' command, and functions to procedures elsewhere.  File:, Node: Omissions from Ada, Next: Additions to Ada, Prev: Ada Mode Intro, Up: Ada Omissions from Ada ........................... Here are the notable omissions from the subset: * Only a subset of the attributes are supported: - 'First, 'Last, and 'Length on array objects (not on types and subtypes). - 'Min and 'Max. - 'Pos and 'Val. - 'Tag. - 'Range on array objects (not subtypes), but only as the right operand of the membership (`in') operator. - 'Access, 'Unchecked_Access, and 'Unrestricted_Access (a GNAT extension). - 'Address. * The names in `Characters.Latin_1' are not available and concatenation is not implemented. Thus, escape characters in strings are not currently available. * Equality tests (`=' and `/=') on arrays test for bitwise equality of representations. They will generally work correctly for strings and arrays whose elements have integer or enumeration types. They may not work correctly for arrays whose element types have user-defined equality, for arrays of real values (in particular, IEEE-conformant floating point, because of negative zeroes and NaNs), and for arrays whose elements contain unused bits with indeterminate values. * The other component-by-component array operations (`and', `or', `xor', `not', and relational tests other than equality) are not implemented. * There is limited support for array and record aggregates. They are permitted only on the right sides of assignments, as in these examples: set An_Array := (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) set An_Array := (1, others => 0) set An_Array := (0|4 => 1, 1..3 => 2, 5 => 6) set A_2D_Array := ((1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9)) set A_Record := (1, "Peter", True); set A_Record := (Name => "Peter", Id => 1, Alive => True) Changing a discriminant's value by assigning an aggregate has an undefined effect if that discriminant is used within the record. However, you can first modify discriminants by directly assigning to them (which normally would not be allowed in Ada), and then performing an aggregate assignment. For example, given a variable `A_Rec' declared to have a type such as: type Rec (Len : Small_Integer := 0) is record Id : Integer; Vals : IntArray (1 .. Len); end record; you can assign a value with a different size of `Vals' with two assignments: set A_Rec.Len := 4 set A_Rec := (Id => 42, Vals => (1, 2, 3, 4)) As this example also illustrates, GDB is very loose about the usual rules concerning aggregates. You may leave out some of the components of an array or record aggregate (such as the `Len' component in the assignment to `A_Rec' above); they will retain their original values upon assignment. You may freely use dynamic values as indices in component associations. You may even use overlapping or redundant component associations, although which component values are assigned in such cases is not defined. * Calls to dispatching subprograms are not implemented. * The overloading algorithm is much more limited (i.e., less selective) than that of real Ada. It makes only limited use of the context in which a subexpression appears to resolve its meaning, and it is much looser in its rules for allowing type matches. As a result, some function calls will be ambiguous, and the user will be asked to choose the proper resolution. * The `new' operator is not implemented. * Entry calls are not implemented. * Aside from printing, arithmetic operations on the native VAX floating-point formats are not supported. * It is not possible to slice a packed array.  File:, Node: Additions to Ada, Next: Stopping Before Main Program, Prev: Omissions from Ada, Up: Ada Additions to Ada ......................... As it does for other languages, GDB makes certain generic extensions to Ada (*note Expressions::): * If the expression E is a variable residing in memory (typically a local variable or array element) and N is a positive integer, then `E@N' displays the values of E and the N-1 adjacent variables following it in memory as an array. In Ada, this operator is generally not necessary, since its prime use is in displaying parts of an array, and slicing will usually do this in Ada. However, there are occasional uses when debugging programs in which certain debugging information has been optimized away. * `B::VAR' means "the variable named VAR that appears in function or file B." When B is a file name, you must typically surround it in single quotes. * The expression `{TYPE} ADDR' means "the variable of type TYPE that appears at address ADDR." * A name starting with `$' is a convenience variable (*note Convenience Vars::) or a machine register (*note Registers::). In addition, GDB provides a few other shortcuts and outright additions specific to Ada: * The assignment statement is allowed as an expression, returning its right-hand operand as its value. Thus, you may enter set x := y + 3 print A(tmp := y + 1) * The semicolon is allowed as an "operator," returning as its value the value of its right-hand operand. This allows, for example, complex conditional breaks: break f condition 1 (report(i); k += 1; A(k) > 100) * Rather than use catenation and symbolic character names to introduce special characters into strings, one may instead use a special bracket notation, which is also used to print strings. A sequence of characters of the form `["XX"]' within a string or character literal denotes the (single) character whose numeric encoding is XX in hexadecimal. The sequence of characters `["""]' also denotes a single quotation mark in strings. For example, "One line.["0a"]Next line.["0a"]" contains an ASCII newline character (`Ada.Characters.Latin_1.LF') after each period. * The subtype used as a prefix for the attributes 'Pos, 'Min, and 'Max is optional (and is ignored in any case). For example, it is valid to write print 'max(x, y) * When printing arrays, GDB uses positional notation when the array has a lower bound of 1, and uses a modified named notation otherwise. For example, a one-dimensional array of three integers with a lower bound of 3 might print as (3 => 10, 17, 1) That is, in contrast to valid Ada, only the first component has a `=>' clause. * You may abbreviate attributes in expressions with any unique, multi-character subsequence of their names (an exact match gets preference). For example, you may use a'len, a'gth, or a'lh in place of a'length. * Since Ada is case-insensitive, the debugger normally maps identifiers you type to lower case. The GNAT compiler uses upper-case characters for some of its internal identifiers, which are normally of no interest to users. For the rare occasions when you actually have to look at them, enclose them in angle brackets to avoid the lower-case mapping. For example, gdb print [0] * Printing an object of class-wide type or dereferencing an access-to-class-wide value will display all the components of the object's specific type (as indicated by its run-time tag). Likewise, component selection on such a value will operate on the specific type of the object.  File:, Node: Stopping Before Main Program, Next: Ada Glitches, Prev: Additions to Ada, Up: Ada Stopping at the Very Beginning ....................................... It is sometimes necessary to debug the program during elaboration, and before reaching the main procedure. As defined in the Ada Reference Manual, the elaboration code is invoked from a procedure called `adainit'. To run your program up to the beginning of elaboration, simply use the following two commands: `tbreak adainit' and `run'.  File:, Node: Ada Glitches, Prev: Stopping Before Main Program, Up: Ada Known Peculiarities of Ada Mode ........................................ Besides the omissions listed previously (*note Omissions from Ada::), we know of several problems with and limitations of Ada mode in GDB, some of which will be fixed with planned future releases of the debugger and the GNU Ada compiler. * Currently, the debugger has insufficient information to determine whether certain pointers represent pointers to objects or the objects themselves. Thus, the user may have to tack an extra `.all' after an expression to get it printed properly. * Static constants that the compiler chooses not to materialize as objects in storage are invisible to the debugger. * Named parameter associations in function argument lists are ignored (the argument lists are treated as positional). * Many useful library packages are currently invisible to the debugger. * Fixed-point arithmetic, conversions, input, and output is carried out using floating-point arithmetic, and may give results that only approximate those on the host machine. * The type of the 'Address attribute may not be `System.Address'. * The GNAT compiler never generates the prefix `Standard' for any of the standard symbols defined by the Ada language. GDB knows about this: it will strip the prefix from names when you use it, and will never look for a name you have so qualified among local symbols, nor match against symbols in other packages or subprograms. If you have defined entities anywhere in your program other than parameters and local variables whose simple names match names in `Standard', GNAT's lack of qualification here can cause confusion. When this happens, you can usually resolve the confusion by qualifying the problematic names with package `Standard' explicitly.  File:, Node: Unsupported Languages, Prev: Supported Languages, Up: Languages 12.5 Unsupported Languages ========================== In addition to the other fully-supported programming languages, GDB also provides a pseudo-language, called `minimal'. It does not represent a real programming language, but provides a set of capabilities close to what the C or assembly languages provide. This should allow most simple operations to be performed while debugging an application that uses a language currently not supported by GDB. If the language is set to `auto', GDB will automatically select this language if the current frame corresponds to an unsupported language.  File:, Node: Symbols, Next: Altering, Prev: Languages, Up: Top 13 Examining the Symbol Table ***************************** The commands described in this chapter allow you to inquire about the symbols (names of variables, functions and types) defined in your program. This information is inherent in the text of your program and does not change as your program executes. GDB finds it in your program's symbol table, in the file indicated when you started GDB (*note Choosing Files: File Options.), or by one of the file-management commands (*note Commands to Specify Files: Files.). Occasionally, you may need to refer to symbols that contain unusual characters, which GDB ordinarily treats as word delimiters. The most frequent case is in referring to static variables in other source files (*note Program Variables: Variables.). File names are recorded in object files as debugging symbols, but GDB would ordinarily parse a typical file name, like `foo.c', as the three words `foo' `.' `c'. To allow GDB to recognize `foo.c' as a single symbol, enclose it in single quotes; for example, p 'foo.c'::x looks up the value of `x' in the scope of the file `foo.c'. `set case-sensitive on' `set case-sensitive off' `set case-sensitive auto' Normally, when GDB looks up symbols, it matches their names with case sensitivity determined by the current source language. Occasionally, you may wish to control that. The command `set case-sensitive' lets you do that by specifying `on' for case-sensitive matches or `off' for case-insensitive ones. If you specify `auto', case sensitivity is reset to the default suitable for the source language. The default is case-sensitive matches for all languages except for Fortran, for which the default is case-insensitive matches. `show case-sensitive' This command shows the current setting of case sensitivity for symbols lookups. `info address SYMBOL' Describe where the data for SYMBOL is stored. For a register variable, this says which register it is kept in. For a non-register local variable, this prints the stack-frame offset at which the variable is always stored. Note the contrast with `print &SYMBOL', which does not work at all for a register variable, and for a stack local variable prints the exact address of the current instantiation of the variable. `info symbol ADDR' Print the name of a symbol which is stored at the address ADDR. If no symbol is stored exactly at ADDR, GDB prints the nearest symbol and an offset from it: (gdb) info symbol 0x54320 _initialize_vx + 396 in section .text This is the opposite of the `info address' command. You can use it to find out the name of a variable or a function given its address. `whatis [ARG]' Print the data type of ARG, which can be either an expression or a data type. With no argument, print the data type of `$', the last value in the value history. If ARG is an expression, it is not actually evaluated, and any side-effecting operations (such as assignments or function calls) inside it do not take place. If ARG is a type name, it may be the name of a type or typedef, or for C code it may have the form `class CLASS-NAME', `struct STRUCT-TAG', `union UNION-TAG' or `enum ENUM-TAG'. *Note Expressions: Expressions. `ptype [ARG]' `ptype' accepts the same arguments as `whatis', but prints a detailed description of the type, instead of just the name of the type. *Note Expressions: Expressions. For example, for this variable declaration: struct complex {double real; double imag;} v; the two commands give this output: (gdb) whatis v type = struct complex (gdb) ptype v type = struct complex { double real; double imag; } As with `whatis', using `ptype' without an argument refers to the type of `$', the last value in the value history. Sometimes, programs use opaque data types or incomplete specifications of complex data structure. If the debug information included in the program does not allow GDB to display a full declaration of the data type, it will say `'. For example, given these declarations: struct foo; struct foo *fooptr; but no definition for `struct foo' itself, GDB will say: (gdb) ptype foo $1 = "Incomplete type" is C terminology for data types that are not completely specified. `info types REGEXP' `info types' Print a brief description of all types whose names match the regular expression REGEXP (or all types in your program, if you supply no argument). Each complete typename is matched as though it were a complete line; thus, `i type value' gives information on all types in your program whose names include the string `value', but `i type ^value$' gives information only on types whose complete name is `value'. This command differs from `ptype' in two ways: first, like `whatis', it does not print a detailed description; second, it lists all source files where a type is defined. `info scope LOCATION' List all the variables local to a particular scope. This command accepts a LOCATION argument--a function name, a source line, or an address preceded by a `*', and prints all the variables local to the scope defined by that location. (*Note Specify Location::, for details about supported forms of LOCATION.) For example: (gdb) info scope command_line_handler Scope for command_line_handler: Symbol rl is an argument at stack/frame offset 8, length 4. Symbol linebuffer is in static storage at address 0x150a18, length 4. Symbol linelength is in static storage at address 0x150a1c, length 4. Symbol p is a local variable in register $esi, length 4. Symbol p1 is a local variable in register $ebx, length 4. Symbol nline is a local variable in register $edx, length 4. Symbol repeat is a local variable at frame offset -8, length 4. This command is especially useful for determining what data to collect during a "trace experiment", see *note collect: Tracepoint Actions. `info source' Show information about the current source file--that is, the source file for the function containing the current point of execution: * the name of the source file, and the directory containing it, * the directory it was compiled in, * its length, in lines, * which programming language it is written in, * whether the executable includes debugging information for that file, and if so, what format the information is in (e.g., STABS, Dwarf 2, etc.), and * whether the debugging information includes information about preprocessor macros. `info sources' Print the names of all source files in your program for which there is debugging information, organized into two lists: files whose symbols have already been read, and files whose symbols will be read when needed. `info functions' Print the names and data types of all defined functions. `info functions REGEXP' Print the names and data types of all defined functions whose names contain a match for regular expression REGEXP. Thus, `info fun step' finds all functions whose names include `step'; `info fun ^step' finds those whose names start with `step'. If a function name contains characters that conflict with the regular expression language (e.g. `operator*()'), they may be quoted with a backslash. `info variables' Print the names and data types of all variables that are declared outside of functions (i.e. excluding local variables). `info variables REGEXP' Print the names and data types of all variables (except for local variables) whose names contain a match for regular expression REGEXP. `info classes' `info classes REGEXP' Display all Objective-C classes in your program, or (with the REGEXP argument) all those matching a particular regular expression. `info selectors' `info selectors REGEXP' Display all Objective-C selectors in your program, or (with the REGEXP argument) all those matching a particular regular expression. Some systems allow individual object files that make up your program to be replaced without stopping and restarting your program. For example, in VxWorks you can simply recompile a defective object file and keep on running. If you are running on one of these systems, you can allow GDB to reload the symbols for automatically relinked modules: `set symbol-reloading on' Replace symbol definitions for the corresponding source file when an object file with a particular name is seen again. `set symbol-reloading off' Do not replace symbol definitions when encountering object files of the same name more than once. This is the default state; if you are not running on a system that permits automatic relinking of modules, you should leave `symbol-reloading' off, since otherwise GDB may discard symbols when linking large programs, that may contain several modules (from different directories or libraries) with the same name. `show symbol-reloading' Show the current `on' or `off' setting. `set opaque-type-resolution on' Tell GDB to resolve opaque types. An opaque type is a type declared as a pointer to a `struct', `class', or `union'--for example, `struct MyType *'--that is used in one source file although the full declaration of `struct MyType' is in another source file. The default is on. A change in the setting of this subcommand will not take effect until the next time symbols for a file are loaded. `set opaque-type-resolution off' Tell GDB not to resolve opaque types. In this case, the type is printed as follows: {} `show opaque-type-resolution' Show whether opaque types are resolved or not. `maint print symbols FILENAME' `maint print psymbols FILENAME' `maint print msymbols FILENAME' Write a dump of debugging symbol data into the file FILENAME. These commands are used to debug the GDB symbol-reading code. Only symbols with debugging data are included. If you use `maint print symbols', GDB includes all the symbols for which it has already collected full details: that is, FILENAME reflects symbols for only those files whose symbols GDB has read. You can use the command `info sources' to find out which files these are. If you use `maint print psymbols' instead, the dump shows information about symbols that GDB only knows partially--that is, symbols defined in files that GDB has skimmed, but not yet read completely. Finally, `maint print msymbols' dumps just the minimal symbol information required for each object file from which GDB has read some symbols. *Note Commands to Specify Files: Files, for a discussion of how GDB reads symbols (in the description of `symbol-file'). `maint info symtabs [ REGEXP ]' `maint info psymtabs [ REGEXP ]' List the `struct symtab' or `struct partial_symtab' structures whose names match REGEXP. If REGEXP is not given, list them all. The output includes expressions which you can copy into a GDB debugging this one to examine a particular structure in more detail. For example: (gdb) maint info psymtabs dwarf2read { objfile /home/gnu/build/gdb/gdb ((struct objfile *) 0x82e69d0) { psymtab /home/gnu/src/gdb/dwarf2read.c ((struct partial_symtab *) 0x8474b10) readin no fullname (null) text addresses 0x814d3c8 -- 0x8158074 globals (* (struct partial_symbol **) 0x8507a08 @ 9) statics (* (struct partial_symbol **) 0x40e95b78 @ 2882) dependencies (none) } } (gdb) maint info symtabs (gdb) We see that there is one partial symbol table whose filename contains the string `dwarf2read', belonging to the `gdb' executable; and we see that GDB has not read in any symtabs yet at all. If we set a breakpoint on a function, that will cause GDB to read the symtab for the compilation unit containing that function: (gdb) break dwarf2_psymtab_to_symtab Breakpoint 1 at 0x814e5da: file /home/gnu/src/gdb/dwarf2read.c, line 1574. (gdb) maint info symtabs { objfile /home/gnu/build/gdb/gdb ((struct objfile *) 0x82e69d0) { symtab /home/gnu/src/gdb/dwarf2read.c ((struct symtab *) 0x86c1f38) dirname (null) fullname (null) blockvector ((struct blockvector *) 0x86c1bd0) (primary) linetable ((struct linetable *) 0x8370fa0) debugformat DWARF 2 } } (gdb)  File:, Node: Altering, Next: GDB Files, Prev: Symbols, Up: Top 14 Altering Execution ********************* Once you think you have found an error in your program, you might want to find out for certain whether correcting the apparent error would lead to correct results in the rest of the run. You can find the answer by experiment, using the GDB features for altering execution of the program. For example, you can store new values into variables or memory locations, give your program a signal, restart it at a different address, or even return prematurely from a function. * Menu: * Assignment:: Assignment to variables * Jumping:: Continuing at a different address * Signaling:: Giving your program a signal * Returning:: Returning from a function * Calling:: Calling your program's functions * Patching:: Patching your program  File:, Node: Assignment, Next: Jumping, Up: Altering 14.1 Assignment to Variables ============================ To alter the value of a variable, evaluate an assignment expression. *Note Expressions: Expressions. For example, print x=4 stores the value 4 into the variable `x', and then prints the value of the assignment expression (which is 4). *Note Using GDB with Different Languages: Languages, for more information on operators in supported languages. If you are not interested in seeing the value of the assignment, use the `set' command instead of the `print' command. `set' is really the same as `print' except that the expression's value is not printed and is not put in the value history (*note Value History: Value History.). The expression is evaluated only for its effects. If the beginning of the argument string of the `set' command appears identical to a `set' subcommand, use the `set variable' command instead of just `set'. This command is identical to `set' except for its lack of subcommands. For example, if your program has a variable `width', you get an error if you try to set a new value with just `set width=13', because GDB has the command `set width': (gdb) whatis width type = double (gdb) p width $4 = 13 (gdb) set width=47 Invalid syntax in expression. The invalid expression, of course, is `=47'. In order to actually set the program's variable `width', use (gdb) set var width=47 Because the `set' command has many subcommands that can conflict with the names of program variables, it is a good idea to use the `set variable' command instead of just `set'. For example, if your program has a variable `g', you run into problems if you try to set a new value with just `set g=4', because GDB has the command `set gnutarget', abbreviated `set g': (gdb) whatis g type = double (gdb) p g $1 = 1 (gdb) set g=4 (gdb) p g $2 = 1 (gdb) r The program being debugged has been started already. Start it from the beginning? (y or n) y Starting program: /home/smith/cc_progs/a.out "/home/smith/cc_progs/a.out": can't open to read symbols: Invalid bfd target. (gdb) show g The current BFD target is "=4". The program variable `g' did not change, and you silently set the `gnutarget' to an invalid value. In order to set the variable `g', use (gdb) set var g=4 GDB allows more implicit conversions in assignments than C; you can freely store an integer value into a pointer variable or vice versa, and you can convert any structure to any other structure that is the same length or shorter. To store values into arbitrary places in memory, use the `{...}' construct to generate a value of specified type at a specified address (*note Expressions: Expressions.). For example, `{int}0x83040' refers to memory location `0x83040' as an integer (which implies a certain size and representation in memory), and set {int}0x83040 = 4 stores the value 4 into that memory location.  File:, Node: Jumping, Next: Signaling, Prev: Assignment, Up: Altering 14.2 Continuing at a Different Address ====================================== Ordinarily, when you continue your program, you do so at the place where it stopped, with the `continue' command. You can instead continue at an address of your own choosing, with the following commands: `jump LINESPEC' `jump LOCATION' Resume execution at line LINESPEC or at address given by LOCATION. Execution stops again immediately if there is a breakpoint there. *Note Specify Location::, for a description of the different forms of LINESPEC and LOCATION. It is common practice to use the `tbreak' command in conjunction with `jump'. *Note Setting Breakpoints: Set Breaks. The `jump' command does not change the current stack frame, or the stack pointer, or the contents of any memory location or any register other than the program counter. If line LINESPEC is in a different function from the one currently executing, the results may be bizarre if the two functions expect different patterns of arguments or of local variables. For this reason, the `jump' command requests confirmation if the specified line is not in the function currently executing. However, even bizarre results are predictable if you are well acquainted with the machine-language code of your program. On many systems, you can get much the same effect as the `jump' command by storing a new value into the register `$pc'. The difference is that this does not start your program running; it only changes the address of where it _will_ run when you continue. For example, set $pc = 0x485 makes the next `continue' command or stepping command execute at address `0x485', rather than at the address where your program stopped. *Note Continuing and Stepping: Continuing and Stepping. The most common occasion to use the `jump' command is to back up--perhaps with more breakpoints set--over a portion of a program that has already executed, in order to examine its execution in more detail.  File:, Node: Signaling, Next: Returning, Prev: Jumping, Up: Altering 14.3 Giving your Program a Signal ================================= `signal SIGNAL' Resume execution where your program stopped, but immediately give it the signal SIGNAL. SIGNAL can be the name or the number of a signal. For example, on many systems `signal 2' and `signal SIGINT' are both ways of sending an interrupt signal. Alternatively, if SIGNAL is zero, continue execution without giving a signal. This is useful when your program stopped on account of a signal and would ordinary see the signal when resumed with the `continue' command; `signal 0' causes it to resume without a signal. `signal' does not repeat when you press a second time after executing the command. Invoking the `signal' command is not the same as invoking the `kill' utility from the shell. Sending a signal with `kill' causes GDB to decide what to do with the signal depending on the signal handling tables (*note Signals::). The `signal' command passes the signal directly to your program.  File:, Node: Returning, Next: Calling, Prev: Signaling, Up: Altering 14.4 Returning from a Function ============================== `return' `return EXPRESSION' You can cancel execution of a function call with the `return' command. If you give an EXPRESSION argument, its value is used as the function's return value. When you use `return', GDB discards the selected stack frame (and all frames within it). You can think of this as making the discarded frame return prematurely. If you wish to specify a value to be returned, give that value as the argument to `return'. This pops the selected stack frame (*note Selecting a Frame: Selection.), and any other frames inside of it, leaving its caller as the innermost remaining frame. That frame becomes selected. The specified value is stored in the registers used for returning values of functions. The `return' command does not resume execution; it leaves the program stopped in the state that would exist if the function had just returned. In contrast, the `finish' command (*note Continuing and Stepping: Continuing and Stepping.) resumes execution until the selected stack frame returns naturally.  File:, Node: Calling, Next: Patching, Prev: Returning, Up: Altering 14.5 Calling Program Functions ============================== `print EXPR' Evaluate the expression EXPR and display the resulting value. EXPR may include calls to functions in the program being debugged. `call EXPR' Evaluate the expression EXPR without displaying `void' returned values. You can use this variant of the `print' command if you want to execute a function from your program that does not return anything (a.k.a. "a void function"), but without cluttering the output with `void' returned values that GDB will otherwise print. If the result is not void, it is printed and saved in the value history. It is possible for the function you call via the `print' or `call' command to generate a signal (e.g., if there's a bug in the function, or if you passed it incorrect arguments). What happens in that case is controlled by the `set unwindonsignal' command. `set unwindonsignal' Set unwinding of the stack if a signal is received while in a function that GDB called in the program being debugged. If set to on, GDB unwinds the stack it created for the call and restores the context to what it was before the call. If set to off (the default), GDB stops in the frame where the signal was received. `show unwindonsignal' Show the current setting of stack unwinding in the functions called by GDB. Sometimes, a function you wish to call is actually a "weak alias" for another function. In such case, GDB might not pick up the type information, including the types of the function arguments, which causes GDB to call the inferior function incorrectly. As a result, the called function will function erroneously and may even crash. A solution to that is to use the name of the aliased function instead.  File:, Node: Patching, Prev: Calling, Up: Altering 14.6 Patching Programs ====================== By default, GDB opens the file containing your program's executable code (or the corefile) read-only. This prevents accidental alterations to machine code; but it also prevents you from intentionally patching your program's binary. If you'd like to be able to patch the binary, you can specify that explicitly with the `set write' command. For example, you might want to turn on internal debugging flags, or even to make emergency repairs. `set write on' `set write off' If you specify `set write on', GDB opens executable and core files for both reading and writing; if you specify `set write off' (the default), GDB opens them read-only. If you have already loaded a file, you must load it again (using the `exec-file' or `core-file' command) after changing `set write', for your new setting to take effect. `show write' Display whether executable files and core files are opened for writing as well as reading.  File:, Node: GDB Files, Next: Targets, Prev: Altering, Up: Top 15 GDB Files ************ GDB needs to know the file name of the program to be debugged, both in order to read its symbol table and in order to start your program. To debug a core dump of a previous run, you must also tell GDB the name of the core dump file. * Menu: * Files:: Commands to specify files * Separate Debug Files:: Debugging information in separate files * Symbol Errors:: Errors reading symbol files  File:, Node: Files, Next: Separate Debug Files, Up: GDB Files 15.1 Commands to Specify Files ============================== You may want to specify executable and core dump file names. The usual way to do this is at start-up time, using the arguments to GDB's start-up commands (*note Getting In and Out of GDB: Invocation.). Occasionally it is necessary to change to a different file during a GDB session. Or you may run GDB and forget to specify a file you want to use. Or you are debugging a remote target via `gdbserver' (*note file: Server.). In these situations the GDB commands to specify new files are useful. `file FILENAME' Use FILENAME as the program to be debugged. It is read for its symbols and for the contents of pure memory. It is also the program executed when you use the `run' command. If you do not specify a directory and the file is not found in the GDB working directory, GDB uses the environment variable `PATH' as a list of directories to search, just as the shell does when looking for a program to run. You can change the value of this variable, for both GDB and your program, using the `path' command. You can load unlinked object `.o' files into GDB using the `file' command. You will not be able to "run" an object file, but you can disassemble functions and inspect variables. Also, if the underlying BFD functionality supports it, you could use `gdb -write' to patch object files using this technique. Note that GDB can neither interpret nor modify relocations in this case, so branches and some initialized variables will appear to go to the wrong place. But this feature is still handy from time to time. `file' `file' with no argument makes GDB discard any information it has on both executable file and the symbol table. `exec-file [ FILENAME ]' Specify that the program to be run (but not the symbol table) is found in FILENAME. GDB searches the environment variable `PATH' if necessary to locate your program. Omitting FILENAME means to discard information on the executable file. `symbol-file [ FILENAME ]' Read symbol table information from file FILENAME. `PATH' is searched when necessary. Use the `file' command to get both symbol table and program to run from the same file. `symbol-file' with no argument clears out GDB information on your program's symbol table. The `symbol-file' command causes GDB to forget the contents of some breakpoints and auto-display expressions. This is because they may contain pointers to the internal data recording symbols and data types, which are part of the old symbol table data being discarded inside GDB. `symbol-file' does not repeat if you press again after executing it once. When GDB is configured for a particular environment, it understands debugging information in whatever format is the standard generated for that environment; you may use either a GNU compiler, or other compilers that adhere to the local conventions. Best results are usually obtained from GNU compilers; for example, using `GCC' you can generate debugging information for optimized code. For most kinds of object files, with the exception of old SVR3 systems using COFF, the `symbol-file' command does not normally read the symbol table in full right away. Instead, it scans the symbol table quickly to find which source files and which symbols are present. The details are read later, one source file at a time, as they are needed. The purpose of this two-stage reading strategy is to make GDB start up faster. For the most part, it is invisible except for occasional pauses while the symbol table details for a particular source file are being read. (The `set verbose' command can turn these pauses into messages if desired. *Note Optional Warnings and Messages: Messages/Warnings.) We have not implemented the two-stage strategy for COFF yet. When the symbol table is stored in COFF format, `symbol-file' reads the symbol table data in full right away. Note that "stabs-in-COFF" still does the two-stage strategy, since the debug info is actually in stabs format. `symbol-file FILENAME [ -readnow ]' `file FILENAME [ -readnow ]' You can override the GDB two-stage strategy for reading symbol tables by using the `-readnow' option with any of the commands that load symbol table information, if you want to be sure GDB has the entire symbol table available. `core-file [FILENAME]' `core' Specify the whereabouts of a core dump file to be used as the "contents of memory". Traditionally, core files contain only some parts of the address space of the process that generated them; GDB can access the executable file itself for other parts. `core-file' with no argument specifies that no core file is to be used. Note that the core file is ignored when your program is actually running under GDB. So, if you have been running your program and you wish to debug a core file instead, you must kill the subprocess in which the program is running. To do this, use the `kill' command (*note Killing the Child Process: Kill Process.). `add-symbol-file FILENAME ADDRESS' `add-symbol-file FILENAME ADDRESS [ -readnow ]' `add-symbol-file FILENAME -sSECTION ADDRESS ...' The `add-symbol-file' command reads additional symbol table information from the file FILENAME. You would use this command when FILENAME has been dynamically loaded (by some other means) into the program that is running. ADDRESS should be the memory address at which the file has been loaded; GDB cannot figure this out for itself. You can additionally specify an arbitrary number of `-sSECTION ADDRESS' pairs, to give an explicit section name and base address for that section. You can specify any ADDRESS as an expression. The symbol table of the file FILENAME is added to the symbol table originally read with the `symbol-file' command. You can use the `add-symbol-file' command any number of times; the new symbol data thus read keeps adding to the old. To discard all old symbol data instead, use the `symbol-file' command without any arguments. Although FILENAME is typically a shared library file, an executable file, or some other object file which has been fully relocated for loading into a process, you can also load symbolic information from relocatable `.o' files, as long as: * the file's symbolic information refers only to linker symbols defined in that file, not to symbols defined by other object files, * every section the file's symbolic information refers to has actually been loaded into the inferior, as it appears in the file, and * you can determine the address at which every section was loaded, and provide these to the `add-symbol-file' command. Some embedded operating systems, like Sun Chorus and VxWorks, can load relocatable files into an already running program; such systems typically make the requirements above easy to meet. However, it's important to recognize that many native systems use complex link procedures (`.linkonce' section factoring and C++ constructor table assembly, for example) that make the requirements difficult to meet. In general, one cannot assume that using `add-symbol-file' to read a relocatable object file's symbolic information will have the same effect as linking the relocatable object file into the program in the normal way. `add-symbol-file' does not repeat if you press after using it. `add-symbol-file-from-memory ADDRESS' Load symbols from the given ADDRESS in a dynamically loaded object file whose image is mapped directly into the inferior's memory. For example, the Linux kernel maps a `syscall DSO' into each process's address space; this DSO provides kernel-specific code for some system calls. The argument can be any expression whose evaluation yields the address of the file's shared object file header. For this command to work, you must have used `symbol-file' or `exec-file' commands in advance. `add-shared-symbol-files LIBRARY-FILE' `assf LIBRARY-FILE' The `add-shared-symbol-files' command can currently be used only in the Cygwin build of GDB on MS-Windows OS, where it is an alias for the `dll-symbols' command (*note Cygwin Native::). GDB automatically looks for shared libraries, however if GDB does not find yours, you can invoke `add-shared-symbol-files'. It takes one argument: the shared library's file name. `assf' is a shorthand alias for `add-shared-symbol-files'. `section SECTION ADDR' The `section' command changes the base address of the named SECTION of the exec file to ADDR. This can be used if the exec file does not contain section addresses, (such as in the `a.out' format), or when the addresses specified in the file itself are wrong. Each section must be changed separately. The `info files' command, described below, lists all the sections and their addresses. `info files' `info target' `info files' and `info target' are synonymous; both print the current target (*note Specifying a Debugging Target: Targets.), including the names of the executable and core dump files currently in use by GDB, and the files from which symbols were loaded. The command `help target' lists all possible targets rather than current ones. `maint info sections' Another command that can give you extra information about program sections is `maint info sections'. In addition to the section information displayed by `info files', this command displays the flags and file offset of each section in the executable and core dump files. In addition, `maint info sections' provides the following command options (which may be arbitrarily combined): `ALLOBJ' Display sections for all loaded object files, including shared libraries. `SECTIONS' Display info only for named SECTIONS. `SECTION-FLAGS' Display info only for sections for which SECTION-FLAGS are true. The section flags that GDB currently knows about are: `ALLOC' Section will have space allocated in the process when loaded. Set for all sections except those containing debug information. `LOAD' Section will be loaded from the file into the child process memory. Set for pre-initialized code and data, clear for `.bss' sections. `RELOC' Section needs to be relocated before loading. `READONLY' Section cannot be modified by the child process. `CODE' Section contains executable code only. `DATA' Section contains data only (no executable code). `ROM' Section will reside in ROM. `CONSTRUCTOR' Section contains data for constructor/destructor lists. `HAS_CONTENTS' Section is not empty. `NEVER_LOAD' An instruction to the linker to not output the section. `COFF_SHARED_LIBRARY' A notification to the linker that the section contains COFF shared library information. `IS_COMMON' Section contains common symbols. `set trust-readonly-sections on' Tell GDB that readonly sections in your object file really are read-only (i.e. that their contents will not change). In that case, GDB can fetch values from these sections out of the object file, rather than from the target program. For some targets (notably embedded ones), this can be a significant enhancement to debugging performance. The default is off. `set trust-readonly-sections off' Tell GDB not to trust readonly sections. This means that the contents of the section might change while the program is running, and must therefore be fetched from the target when needed. `show trust-readonly-sections' Show the current setting of trusting readonly sections. All file-specifying commands allow both absolute and relative file names as arguments. GDB always converts the file name to an absolute file name and remembers it that way. GDB supports GNU/Linux, MS-Windows, HP-UX, SunOS, SVr4, Irix, and IBM RS/6000 AIX shared libraries. On MS-Windows GDB must be linked with the Expat library to support shared libraries. *Note Expat::. GDB automatically loads symbol definitions from shared libraries when you use the `run' command, or when you examine a core file. (Before you issue the `run' command, GDB does not understand references to a function in a shared library, however--unless you are debugging a core file). On HP-UX, if the program loads a library explicitly, GDB automatically loads the symbols at the time of the `shl_load' call. There are times, however, when you may wish to not automatically load symbol definitions from shared libraries, such as when they are particularly large or there are many of them. To control the automatic loading of shared library symbols, use the commands: `set auto-solib-add MODE' If MODE is `on', symbols from all shared object libraries will be loaded automatically when the inferior begins execution, you attach to an independently started inferior, or when the dynamic linker informs GDB that a new library has been loaded. If MODE is `off', symbols must be loaded manually, using the `sharedlibrary' command. The default value is `on'. If your program uses lots of shared libraries with debug info that takes large amounts of memory, you can decrease the GDB memory footprint by preventing it from automatically loading the symbols from shared libraries. To that end, type `set auto-solib-add off' before running the inferior, then load each library whose debug symbols you do need with `sharedlibrary REGEXP', where REGEXP is a regular expression that matches the libraries whose symbols you want to be loaded. `show auto-solib-add' Display the current autoloading mode. To explicitly load shared library symbols, use the `sharedlibrary' command: `info share' `info sharedlibrary' Print the names of the shared libraries which are currently loaded. `sharedlibrary REGEX' `share REGEX' Load shared object library symbols for files matching a Unix regular expression. As with files loaded automatically, it only loads shared libraries required by your program for a core file or after typing `run'. If REGEX is omitted all shared libraries required by your program are loaded. `nosharedlibrary' Unload all shared object library symbols. This discards all symbols that have been loaded from all shared libraries. Symbols from shared libraries that were loaded by explicit user requests are not discarded. Sometimes you may wish that GDB stops and gives you control when any of shared library events happen. Use the `set stop-on-solib-events' command for this: `set stop-on-solib-events' This command controls whether GDB should give you control when the dynamic linker notifies it about some shared library event. The most common event of interest is loading or unloading of a new shared library. `show stop-on-solib-events' Show whether GDB stops and gives you control when shared library events happen. Shared libraries are also supported in many cross or remote debugging configurations. A copy of the target's libraries need to be present on the host system; they need to be the same as the target libraries, although the copies on the target can be stripped as long as the copies on the host are not. For remote debugging, you need to tell GDB where the target libraries are, so that it can load the correct copies--otherwise, it may try to load the host's libraries. GDB has two variables to specify the search directories for target libraries. `set sysroot PATH' Use PATH as the system root for the program being debugged. Any absolute shared library paths will be prefixed with PATH; many runtime loaders store the absolute paths to the shared library in the target program's memory. If you use `set sysroot' to find shared libraries, they need to be laid out in the same way that they are on the target, with e.g. a `/lib' and `/usr/lib' hierarchy under PATH. The `set solib-absolute-prefix' command is an alias for `set sysroot'. You can set the default system root by using the configure-time `--with-sysroot' option. If the system root is inside GDB's configured binary prefix (set with `--prefix' or `--exec-prefix'), then the default system root will be updated automatically if the installed GDB is moved to a new location. `show sysroot' Display the current shared library prefix. `set solib-search-path PATH' If this variable is set, PATH is a colon-separated list of directories to search for shared libraries. `solib-search-path' is used after `sysroot' fails to locate the library, or if the path to the library is relative instead of absolute. If you want to use `solib-search-path' instead of `sysroot', be sure to set `sysroot' to a nonexistent directory to prevent GDB from finding your host's libraries. `sysroot' is preferred; setting it to a nonexistent directory may interfere with automatic loading of shared library symbols. `show solib-search-path' Display the current shared library search path.  File:, Node: Separate Debug Files, Next: Symbol Errors, Prev: Files, Up: GDB Files 15.2 Debugging Information in Separate Files ============================================ GDB allows you to put a program's debugging information in a file separate from the executable itself, in a way that allows GDB to find and load the debugging information automatically. Since debugging information can be very large--sometimes larger than the executable code itself--some systems distribute debugging information for their executables in separate files, which users can install only when they need to debug a problem. GDB supports two ways of specifying the separate debug info file: * The executable contains a "debug link" that specifies the name of the separate debug info file. The separate debug file's name is usually `EXECUTABLE.debug', where EXECUTABLE is the name of the corresponding executable file without leading directories (e.g., `ls.debug' for `/usr/bin/ls'). In addition, the debug link specifies a CRC32 checksum for the debug file, which GDB uses to validate that the executable and the debug file came from the same build. * The executable contains a "build ID", a unique bit string that is also present in the corresponding debug info file. (This is supported only on some operating systems, notably those which use the ELF format for binary files and the GNU Binutils.) For more details about this feature, see the description of the `--build-id' command-line option in *note Command Line Options: ( The debug info file's name is not specified explicitly by the build ID, but can be computed from the build ID, see below. Depending on the way the debug info file is specified, GDB uses two different methods of looking for the debug file: * For the "debug link" method, GDB looks up the named file in the directory of the executable file, then in a subdirectory of that directory named `.debug', and finally under the global debug directory, in a subdirectory whose name is identical to the leading directories of the executable's absolute file name. * For the "build ID" method, GDB looks in the `.build-id' subdirectory of the global debug directory for a file named `NN/NNNNNNNN.debug', where NN are the first 2 hex characters of the build ID bit string, and NNNNNNNN are the rest of the bit string. (Real build ID strings are 32 or more hex characters, not 10.) So, for example, suppose you ask GDB to debug `/usr/bin/ls', which has a debug link that specifies the file `ls.debug', and a build ID whose value in hex is `abcdef1234'. If the global debug directory is `/usr/lib/debug', then GDB will look for the following debug information files, in the indicated order: - `/usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ab/cdef1234.debug' - `/usr/bin/ls.debug' - `/usr/bin/.debug/ls.debug' - `/usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/ls.debug'. You can set the global debugging info directory's name, and view the name GDB is currently using. `set debug-file-directory DIRECTORY' Set the directory which GDB searches for separate debugging information files to DIRECTORY. `show debug-file-directory' Show the directory GDB searches for separate debugging information files. A debug link is a special section of the executable file named `.gnu_debuglink'. The section must contain: * A filename, with any leading directory components removed, followed by a zero byte, * zero to three bytes of padding, as needed to reach the next four-byte boundary within the section, and * a four-byte CRC checksum, stored in the same endianness used for the executable file itself. The checksum is computed on the debugging information file's full contents by the function given below, passing zero as the CRC argument. Any executable file format can carry a debug link, as long as it can contain a section named `.gnu_debuglink' with the contents described above. The build ID is a special section in the executable file (and in other ELF binary files that GDB may consider). This section is often named `', but that name is not mandatory. It contains unique identification for the built files--the ID remains the same across multiple builds of the same build tree. The default algorithm SHA1 produces 160 bits (40 hexadecimal characters) of the content for the build ID string. The same section with an identical value is present in the original built binary with symbols, in its stripped variant, and in the separate debugging information file. The debugging information file itself should be an ordinary executable, containing a full set of linker symbols, sections, and debugging information. The sections of the debugging information file should have the same names, addresses, and sizes as the original file, but they need not contain any data--much like a `.bss' section in an ordinary executable. The GNU binary utilities (Binutils) package includes the `objcopy' utility that can produce the separated executable / debugging information file pairs using the following commands: objcopy --only-keep-debug foo foo.debug strip -g foo These commands remove the debugging information from the executable file `foo' and place it in the file `foo.debug'. You can use the first, second or both methods to link the two files: * The debug link method needs the following additional command to also leave behind a debug link in `foo': objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=foo.debug foo Ulrich Drepper's `elfutils' package, starting with version 0.53, contains a version of the `strip' command such that the command `strip foo -f foo.debug' has the same functionality as the two `objcopy' commands and the `ln -s' command above, together. * Build ID gets embedded into the main executable using `ld --build-id' or the GCC counterpart `gcc -Wl,--build-id'. Build ID support plus compatibility fixes for debug files separation are present in GNU binary utilities (Binutils) package since version 2.18. Since there are many different ways to compute CRC's for the debug link (different polynomials, reversals, byte ordering, etc.), the simplest way to describe the CRC used in `.gnu_debuglink' sections is to give the complete code for a function that computes it: unsigned long gnu_debuglink_crc32 (unsigned long crc, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { static const unsigned long crc32_table[256] = { 0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xee0e612c, 0x990951ba, 0x076dc419, 0x706af48f, 0xe963a535, 0x9e6495a3, 0x0edb8832, 0x79dcb8a4, 0xe0d5e91e, 0x97d2d988, 0x09b64c2b, 0x7eb17cbd, 0xe7b82d07, 0x90bf1d91, 0x1db71064, 0x6ab020f2, 0xf3b97148, 0x84be41de, 0x1adad47d, 0x6ddde4eb, 0xf4d4b551, 0x83d385c7, 0x136c9856, 0x646ba8c0, 0xfd62f97a, 0x8a65c9ec, 0x14015c4f, 0x63066cd9, 0xfa0f3d63, 0x8d080df5, 0x3b6e20c8, 0x4c69105e, 0xd56041e4, 0xa2677172, 0x3c03e4d1, 0x4b04d447, 0xd20d85fd, 0xa50ab56b, 0x35b5a8fa, 0x42b2986c, 0xdbbbc9d6, 0xacbcf940, 0x32d86ce3, 0x45df5c75, 0xdcd60dcf, 0xabd13d59, 0x26d930ac, 0x51de003a, 0xc8d75180, 0xbfd06116, 0x21b4f4b5, 0x56b3c423, 0xcfba9599, 0xb8bda50f, 0x2802b89e, 0x5f058808, 0xc60cd9b2, 0xb10be924, 0x2f6f7c87, 0x58684c11, 0xc1611dab, 0xb6662d3d, 0x76dc4190, 0x01db7106, 0x98d220bc, 0xefd5102a, 0x71b18589, 0x06b6b51f, 0x9fbfe4a5, 0xe8b8d433, 0x7807c9a2, 0x0f00f934, 0x9609a88e, 0xe10e9818, 0x7f6a0dbb, 0x086d3d2d, 0x91646c97, 0xe6635c01, 0x6b6b51f4, 0x1c6c6162, 0x856530d8, 0xf262004e, 0x6c0695ed, 0x1b01a57b, 0x8208f4c1, 0xf50fc457, 0x65b0d9c6, 0x12b7e950, 0x8bbeb8ea, 0xfcb9887c, 0x62dd1ddf, 0x15da2d49, 0x8cd37cf3, 0xfbd44c65, 0x4db26158, 0x3ab551ce, 0xa3bc0074, 0xd4bb30e2, 0x4adfa541, 0x3dd895d7, 0xa4d1c46d, 0xd3d6f4fb, 0x4369e96a, 0x346ed9fc, 0xad678846, 0xda60b8d0, 0x44042d73, 0x33031de5, 0xaa0a4c5f, 0xdd0d7cc9, 0x5005713c, 0x270241aa, 0xbe0b1010, 0xc90c2086, 0x5768b525, 0x206f85b3, 0xb966d409, 0xce61e49f, 0x5edef90e, 0x29d9c998, 0xb0d09822, 0xc7d7a8b4, 0x59b33d17, 0x2eb40d81, 0xb7bd5c3b, 0xc0ba6cad, 0xedb88320, 0x9abfb3b6, 0x03b6e20c, 0x74b1d29a, 0xead54739, 0x9dd277af, 0x04db2615, 0x73dc1683, 0xe3630b12, 0x94643b84, 0x0d6d6a3e, 0x7a6a5aa8, 0xe40ecf0b, 0x9309ff9d, 0x0a00ae27, 0x7d079eb1, 0xf00f9344, 0x8708a3d2, 0x1e01f268, 0x6906c2fe, 0xf762575d, 0x806567cb, 0x196c3671, 0x6e6b06e7, 0xfed41b76, 0x89d32be0, 0x10da7a5a, 0x67dd4acc, 0xf9b9df6f, 0x8ebeeff9, 0x17b7be43, 0x60b08ed5, 0xd6d6a3e8, 0xa1d1937e, 0x38d8c2c4, 0x4fdff252, 0xd1bb67f1, 0xa6bc5767, 0x3fb506dd, 0x48b2364b, 0xd80d2bda, 0xaf0a1b4c, 0x36034af6, 0x41047a60, 0xdf60efc3, 0xa867df55, 0x316e8eef, 0x4669be79, 0xcb61b38c, 0xbc66831a, 0x256fd2a0, 0x5268e236, 0xcc0c7795, 0xbb0b4703, 0x220216b9, 0x5505262f, 0xc5ba3bbe, 0xb2bd0b28, 0x2bb45a92, 0x5cb36a04, 0xc2d7ffa7, 0xb5d0cf31, 0x2cd99e8b, 0x5bdeae1d, 0x9b64c2b0, 0xec63f226, 0x756aa39c, 0x026d930a, 0x9c0906a9, 0xeb0e363f, 0x72076785, 0x05005713, 0x95bf4a82, 0xe2b87a14, 0x7bb12bae, 0x0cb61b38, 0x92d28e9b, 0xe5d5be0d, 0x7cdcefb7, 0x0bdbdf21, 0x86d3d2d4, 0xf1d4e242, 0x68ddb3f8, 0x1fda836e, 0x81be16cd, 0xf6b9265b, 0x6fb077e1, 0x18b74777, 0x88085ae6, 0xff0f6a70, 0x66063bca, 0x11010b5c, 0x8f659eff, 0xf862ae69, 0x616bffd3, 0x166ccf45, 0xa00ae278, 0xd70dd2ee, 0x4e048354, 0x3903b3c2, 0xa7672661, 0xd06016f7, 0x4969474d, 0x3e6e77db, 0xaed16a4a, 0xd9d65adc, 0x40df0b66, 0x37d83bf0, 0xa9bcae53, 0xdebb9ec5, 0x47b2cf7f, 0x30b5ffe9, 0xbdbdf21c, 0xcabac28a, 0x53b39330, 0x24b4a3a6, 0xbad03605, 0xcdd70693, 0x54de5729, 0x23d967bf, 0xb3667a2e, 0xc4614ab8, 0x5d681b02, 0x2a6f2b94, 0xb40bbe37, 0xc30c8ea1, 0x5a05df1b, 0x2d02ef8d }; unsigned char *end; crc = ~crc & 0xffffffff; for (end = buf + len; buf < end; ++buf) crc = crc32_table[(crc ^ *buf) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8); return ~crc & 0xffffffff; } This computation does not apply to the "build ID" method.  File:, Node: Symbol Errors, Prev: Separate Debug Files, Up: GDB Files 15.3 Errors Reading Symbol Files ================================ While reading a symbol file, GDB occasionally encounters problems, such as symbol types it does not recognize, or known bugs in compiler output. By default, GDB does not notify you of such problems, since they are relatively common and primarily of interest to people debugging compilers. If you are interested in seeing information about ill-constructed symbol tables, you can either ask GDB to print only one message about each such type of problem, no matter how many times the problem occurs; or you can ask GDB to print more messages, to see how many times the problems occur, with the `set complaints' command (*note Optional Warnings and Messages: Messages/Warnings.). The messages currently printed, and their meanings, include: `inner block not inside outer block in SYMBOL' The symbol information shows where symbol scopes begin and end (such as at the start of a function or a block of statements). This error indicates that an inner scope block is not fully contained in its outer scope blocks. GDB circumvents the problem by treating the inner block as if it had the same scope as the outer block. In the error message, SYMBOL may be shown as "`(don't know)'" if the outer block is not a function. `block at ADDRESS out of order' The symbol information for symbol scope blocks should occur in order of increasing addresses. This error indicates that it does not do so. GDB does not circumvent this problem, and has trouble locating symbols in the source file whose symbols it is reading. (You can often determine what source file is affected by specifying `set verbose on'. *Note Optional Warnings and Messages: Messages/Warnings.) `bad block start address patched' The symbol information for a symbol scope block has a start address smaller than the address of the preceding source line. This is known to occur in the SunOS 4.1.1 (and earlier) C compiler. GDB circumvents the problem by treating the symbol scope block as starting on the previous source line. `bad string table offset in symbol N' Symbol number N contains a pointer into the string table which is larger than the size of the string table. GDB circumvents the problem by considering the symbol to have the name `foo', which may cause other problems if many symbols end up with this name. `unknown symbol type `0xNN'' The symbol information contains new data types that GDB does not yet know how to read. `0xNN' is the symbol type of the uncomprehended information, in hexadecimal. GDB circumvents the error by ignoring this symbol information. This usually allows you to debug your program, though certain symbols are not accessible. If you encounter such a problem and feel like debugging it, you can debug `gdb' with itself, breakpoint on `complain', then go up to the function `read_dbx_symtab' and examine `*bufp' to see the symbol. `stub type has NULL name' GDB could not find the full definition for a struct or class. `const/volatile indicator missing (ok if using g++ v1.x), got...' The symbol information for a C++ member function is missing some information that recent versions of the compiler should have output for it. `info mismatch between compiler and debugger' GDB could not parse a type specification output by the compiler.  File:, Node: Targets, Next: Remote Debugging, Prev: GDB Files, Up: Top 16 Specifying a Debugging Target ******************************** A "target" is the execution environment occupied by your program. Often, GDB runs in the same host environment as your program; in that case, the debugging target is specified as a side effect when you use the `file' or `core' commands. When you need more flexibility--for example, running GDB on a physically separate host, or controlling a standalone system over a serial port or a realtime system over a TCP/IP connection--you can use the `target' command to specify one of the target types configured for GDB (*note Commands for Managing Targets: Target Commands.). It is possible to build GDB for several different "target architectures". When GDB is built like that, you can choose one of the available architectures with the `set architecture' command. `set architecture ARCH' This command sets the current target architecture to ARCH. The value of ARCH can be `"auto"', in addition to one of the supported architectures. `show architecture' Show the current target architecture. `set processor' `processor' These are alias commands for, respectively, `set architecture' and `show architecture'. * Menu: * Active Targets:: Active targets * Target Commands:: Commands for managing targets * Byte Order:: Choosing target byte order  File:, Node: Active Targets, Next: Target Commands, Up: Targets 16.1 Active Targets =================== There are three classes of targets: processes, core files, and executable files. GDB can work concurrently on up to three active targets, one in each class. This allows you to (for example) start a process and inspect its activity without abandoning your work on a core file. For example, if you execute `gdb a.out', then the executable file `a.out' is the only active target. If you designate a core file as well--presumably from a prior run that crashed and coredumped--then GDB has two active targets and uses them in tandem, looking first in the corefile target, then in the executable file, to satisfy requests for memory addresses. (Typically, these two classes of target are complementary, since core files contain only a program's read-write memory--variables and so on--plus machine status, while executable files contain only the program text and initialized data.) When you type `run', your executable file becomes an active process target as well. When a process target is active, all GDB commands requesting memory addresses refer to that target; addresses in an active core file or executable file target are obscured while the process target is active. Use the `core-file' and `exec-file' commands to select a new core file or executable target (*note Commands to Specify Files: Files.). To specify as a target a process that is already running, use the `attach' command (*note Debugging an Already-running Process: Attach.).  File:, Node: Target Commands, Next: Byte Order, Prev: Active Targets, Up: Targets 16.2 Commands for Managing Targets ================================== `target TYPE PARAMETERS' Connects the GDB host environment to a target machine or process. A target is typically a protocol for talking to debugging facilities. You use the argument TYPE to specify the type or protocol of the target machine. Further PARAMETERS are interpreted by the target protocol, but typically include things like device names or host names to connect with, process numbers, and baud rates. The `target' command does not repeat if you press again after executing the command. `help target' Displays the names of all targets available. To display targets currently selected, use either `info target' or `info files' (*note Commands to Specify Files: Files.). `help target NAME' Describe a particular target, including any parameters necessary to select it. `set gnutarget ARGS' GDB uses its own library BFD to read your files. GDB knows whether it is reading an "executable", a "core", or a ".o" file; however, you can specify the file format with the `set gnutarget' command. Unlike most `target' commands, with `gnutarget' the `target' refers to a program, not a machine. _Warning:_ To specify a file format with `set gnutarget', you must know the actual BFD name. *Note Commands to Specify Files: Files. `show gnutarget' Use the `show gnutarget' command to display what file format `gnutarget' is set to read. If you have not set `gnutarget', GDB will determine the file format for each file automatically, and `show gnutarget' displays `The current BDF target is "auto"'. Here are some common targets (available, or not, depending on the GDB configuration): `target exec PROGRAM' An executable file. `target exec PROGRAM' is the same as `exec-file PROGRAM'. `target core FILENAME' A core dump file. `target core FILENAME' is the same as `core-file FILENAME'. `target remote MEDIUM' A remote system connected to GDB via a serial line or network connection. This command tells GDB to use its own remote protocol over MEDIUM for debugging. *Note Remote Debugging::. For example, if you have a board connected to `/dev/ttya' on the machine running GDB, you could say: target remote /dev/ttya `target remote' supports the `load' command. This is only useful if you have some other way of getting the stub to the target system, and you can put it somewhere in memory where it won't get clobbered by the download. `target sim' Builtin CPU simulator. GDB includes simulators for most architectures. In general, target sim load run works; however, you cannot assume that a specific memory map, device drivers, or even basic I/O is available, although some simulators do provide these. For info about any processor-specific simulator details, see the appropriate section in *note Embedded Processors: Embedded Processors. Some configurations may include these targets as well: `target nrom DEV' NetROM ROM emulator. This target only supports downloading. Different targets are available on different configurations of GDB; your configuration may have more or fewer targets. Many remote targets require you to download the executable's code once you've successfully established a connection. You may wish to control various aspects of this process. `set hash' This command controls whether a hash mark `#' is displayed while downloading a file to the remote monitor. If on, a hash mark is displayed after each S-record is successfully downloaded to the monitor. `show hash' Show the current status of displaying the hash mark. `set debug monitor' Enable or disable display of communications messages between GDB and the remote monitor. `show debug monitor' Show the current status of displaying communications between GDB and the remote monitor. `load FILENAME' Depending on what remote debugging facilities are configured into GDB, the `load' command may be available. Where it exists, it is meant to make FILENAME (an executable) available for debugging on the remote system--by downloading, or dynamic linking, for example. `load' also records the FILENAME symbol table in GDB, like the `add-symbol-file' command. If your GDB does not have a `load' command, attempting to execute it gets the error message "`You can't do that when your target is ...'" The file is loaded at whatever address is specified in the executable. For some object file formats, you can specify the load address when you link the program; for other formats, like a.out, the object file format specifies a fixed address. Depending on the remote side capabilities, GDB may be able to load programs into flash memory. `load' does not repeat if you press again after using it.  File:, Node: Byte Order, Prev: Target Commands, Up: Targets 16.3 Choosing Target Byte Order =============================== Some types of processors, such as the MIPS, PowerPC, and Renesas SH, offer the ability to run either big-endian or little-endian byte orders. Usually the executable or symbol will include a bit to designate the endian-ness, and you will not need to worry about which to use. However, you may still find it useful to adjust GDB's idea of processor endian-ness manually. `set endian big' Instruct GDB to assume the target is big-endian. `set endian little' Instruct GDB to assume the target is little-endian. `set endian auto' Instruct GDB to use the byte order associated with the executable. `show endian' Display GDB's current idea of the target byte order. Note that these commands merely adjust interpretation of symbolic data on the host, and that they have absolutely no effect on the target system.  File:, Node: Remote Debugging, Next: Configurations, Prev: Targets, Up: Top 17 Debugging Remote Programs **************************** If you are trying to debug a program running on a machine that cannot run GDB in the usual way, it is often useful to use remote debugging. For example, you might use remote debugging on an operating system kernel, or on a small system which does not have a general purpose operating system powerful enough to run a full-featured debugger. Some configurations of GDB have special serial or TCP/IP interfaces to make this work with particular debugging targets. In addition, GDB comes with a generic serial protocol (specific to GDB, but not specific to any particular target system) which you can use if you write the remote stubs--the code that runs on the remote system to communicate with GDB. Other remote targets may be available in your configuration of GDB; use `help target' to list them. * Menu: * Connecting:: Connecting to a remote target * File Transfer:: Sending files to a remote system * Server:: Using the gdbserver program * Remote Configuration:: Remote configuration * Remote Stub:: Implementing a remote stub  File:, Node: Connecting, Next: File Transfer, Up: Remote Debugging 17.1 Connecting to a Remote Target ================================== On the GDB host machine, you will need an unstripped copy of your program, since GDB needs symbol and debugging information. Start up GDB as usual, using the name of the local copy of your program as the first argument. GDB can communicate with the target over a serial line, or over an IP network using TCP or UDP. In each case, GDB uses the same protocol for debugging your program; only the medium carrying the debugging packets varies. The `target remote' command establishes a connection to the target. Its arguments indicate which medium to use: `target remote SERIAL-DEVICE' Use SERIAL-DEVICE to communicate with the target. For example, to use a serial line connected to the device named `/dev/ttyb': target remote /dev/ttyb If you're using a serial line, you may want to give GDB the `--baud' option, or use the `set remotebaud' command (*note set remotebaud: Remote Configuration.) before the `target' command. `target remote `HOST:PORT'' `target remote `tcp:HOST:PORT'' Debug using a TCP connection to PORT on HOST. The HOST may be either a host name or a numeric IP address; PORT must be a decimal number. The HOST could be the target machine itself, if it is directly connected to the net, or it might be a terminal server which in turn has a serial line to the target. For example, to connect to port 2828 on a terminal server named `manyfarms': target remote manyfarms:2828 If your remote target is actually running on the same machine as your debugger session (e.g. a simulator for your target running on the same host), you can omit the hostname. For example, to connect to port 1234 on your local machine: target remote :1234 Note that the colon is still required here. `target remote `udp:HOST:PORT'' Debug using UDP packets to PORT on HOST. For example, to connect to UDP port 2828 on a terminal server named `manyfarms': target remote udp:manyfarms:2828 When using a UDP connection for remote debugging, you should keep in mind that the `U' stands for "Unreliable". UDP can silently drop packets on busy or unreliable networks, which will cause havoc with your debugging session. `target remote | COMMAND' Run COMMAND in the background and communicate with it using a pipe. The COMMAND is a shell command, to be parsed and expanded by the system's command shell, `/bin/sh'; it should expect remote protocol packets on its standard input, and send replies on its standard output. You could use this to run a stand-alone simulator that speaks the remote debugging protocol, to make net connections using programs like `ssh', or for other similar tricks. If COMMAND closes its standard output (perhaps by exiting), GDB will try to send it a `SIGTERM' signal. (If the program has already exited, this will have no effect.) Once the connection has been established, you can use all the usual commands to examine and change data and to step and continue the remote program. Whenever GDB is waiting for the remote program, if you type the interrupt character (often `Ctrl-c'), GDB attempts to stop the program. This may or may not succeed, depending in part on the hardware and the serial drivers the remote system uses. If you type the interrupt character once again, GDB displays this prompt: Interrupted while waiting for the program. Give up (and stop debugging it)? (y or n) If you type `y', GDB abandons the remote debugging session. (If you decide you want to try again later, you can use `target remote' again to connect once more.) If you type `n', GDB goes back to waiting. `detach' When you have finished debugging the remote program, you can use the `detach' command to release it from GDB control. Detaching from the target normally resumes its execution, but the results will depend on your particular remote stub. After the `detach' command, GDB is free to connect to another target. `disconnect' The `disconnect' command behaves like `detach', except that the target is generally not resumed. It will wait for GDB (this instance or another one) to connect and continue debugging. After the `disconnect' command, GDB is again free to connect to another target. `monitor CMD' This command allows you to send arbitrary commands directly to the remote monitor. Since GDB doesn't care about the commands it sends like this, this command is the way to extend GDB--you can add new commands that only the external monitor will understand and implement.  File:, Node: File Transfer, Next: Server, Prev: Connecting, Up: Remote Debugging 17.2 Sending files to a remote system ===================================== Some remote targets offer the ability to transfer files over the same connection used to communicate with GDB. This is convenient for targets accessible through other means, e.g. GNU/Linux systems running `gdbserver' over a network interface. For other targets, e.g. embedded devices with only a single serial port, this may be the only way to upload or download files. Not all remote targets support these commands. `remote put HOSTFILE TARGETFILE' Copy file HOSTFILE from the host system (the machine running GDB) to TARGETFILE on the target system. `remote get TARGETFILE HOSTFILE' Copy file TARGETFILE from the target system to HOSTFILE on the host system. `remote delete TARGETFILE' Delete TARGETFILE from the target system.  File:, Node: Server, Next: Remote Configuration, Prev: File Transfer, Up: Remote Debugging 17.3 Using the `gdbserver' Program ================================== `gdbserver' is a control program for Unix-like systems, which allows you to connect your program with a remote GDB via `target remote'--but without linking in the usual debugging stub. `gdbserver' is not a complete replacement for the debugging stubs, because it requires essentially the same operating-system facilities that GDB itself does. In fact, a system that can run `gdbserver' to connect to a remote GDB could also run GDB locally! `gdbserver' is sometimes useful nevertheless, because it is a much smaller program than GDB itself. It is also easier to port than all of GDB, so you may be able to get started more quickly on a new system by using `gdbserver'. Finally, if you develop code for real-time systems, you may find that the tradeoffs involved in real-time operation make it more convenient to do as much development work as possible on another system, for example by cross-compiling. You can use `gdbserver' to make a similar choice for debugging. GDB and `gdbserver' communicate via either a serial line or a TCP connection, using the standard GDB remote serial protocol. _Warning:_ `gdbserver' does not have any built-in security. Do not run `gdbserver' connected to any public network; a GDB connection to `gdbserver' provides access to the target system with the same privileges as the user running `gdbserver'. 17.3.1 Running `gdbserver' -------------------------- Run `gdbserver' on the target system. You need a copy of the program you want to debug, including any libraries it requires. `gdbserver' does not need your program's symbol table, so you can strip the program if necessary to save space. GDB on the host system does all the symbol handling. To use the server, you must tell it how to communicate with GDB; the name of your program; and the arguments for your program. The usual syntax is: target> gdbserver COMM PROGRAM [ ARGS ... ] COMM is either a device name (to use a serial line) or a TCP hostname and portnumber. For example, to debug Emacs with the argument `foo.txt' and communicate with GDB over the serial port `/dev/com1': target> gdbserver /dev/com1 emacs foo.txt `gdbserver' waits passively for the host GDB to communicate with it. To use a TCP connection instead of a serial line: target> gdbserver host:2345 emacs foo.txt The only difference from the previous example is the first argument, specifying that you are communicating with the host GDB via TCP. The `host:2345' argument means that `gdbserver' is to expect a TCP connection from machine `host' to local TCP port 2345. (Currently, the `host' part is ignored.) You can choose any number you want for the port number as long as it does not conflict with any TCP ports already in use on the target system (for example, `23' is reserved for `telnet').(1) You must use the same port number with the host GDB `target remote' command. Attaching to a Running Program ....................................... On some targets, `gdbserver' can also attach to running programs. This is accomplished via the `--attach' argument. The syntax is: target> gdbserver --attach COMM PID PID is the process ID of a currently running process. It isn't necessary to point `gdbserver' at a binary for the running process. You can debug processes by name instead of process ID if your target has the `pidof' utility: target> gdbserver --attach COMM `pidof PROGRAM` In case more than one copy of PROGRAM is running, or PROGRAM has multiple threads, most versions of `pidof' support the `-s' option to only return the first process ID. Multi-Process Mode for `gdbserver' ........................................... When you connect to `gdbserver' using `target remote', `gdbserver' debugs the specified program only once. When the program exits, or you detach from it, GDB closes the connection and `gdbserver' exits. If you connect using `target extended-remote', `gdbserver' enters multi-process mode. When the debugged program exits, or you detach from it, GDB stays connected to `gdbserver' even though no program is running. The `run' and `attach' commands instruct `gdbserver' to run or attach to a new program. The `run' command uses `set remote exec-file' (*note set remote exec-file::) to select the program to run. Command line arguments are supported, except for wildcard expansion and I/O redirection (*note Arguments::). To start `gdbserver' without supplying an initial command to run or process ID to attach, use the `--multi' command line option. Then you can connect using `target extended-remote' and start the program you want to debug. `gdbserver' does not automatically exit in multi-process mode. You can terminate it by using `monitor exit' (*note Monitor Commands for gdbserver::). Other Command-Line Arguments for `gdbserver' ..................................................... You can include `--debug' on the `gdbserver' command line. `gdbserver' will display extra status information about the debugging process. This option is intended for `gdbserver' development and for bug reports to the developers. 17.3.2 Connecting to `gdbserver' -------------------------------- Run GDB on the host system. First make sure you have the necessary symbol files. Load symbols for your application using the `file' command before you connect. Use `set sysroot' to locate target libraries (unless your GDB was compiled with the correct sysroot using `--with-sysroot'). The symbol file and target libraries must exactly match the executable and libraries on the target, with one exception: the files on the host system should not be stripped, even if the files on the target system are. Mismatched or missing files will lead to confusing results during debugging. On GNU/Linux targets, mismatched or missing files may also prevent `gdbserver' from debugging multi-threaded programs. Connect to your target (*note Connecting to a Remote Target: Connecting.). For TCP connections, you must start up `gdbserver' prior to using the `target remote' command. Otherwise you may get an error whose text depends on the host system, but which usually looks something like `Connection refused'. Don't use the `load' command in GDB when using `gdbserver', since the program is already on the target. 17.3.3 Monitor Commands for `gdbserver' --------------------------------------- During a GDB session using `gdbserver', you can use the `monitor' command to send special requests to `gdbserver'. Here are the available commands. `monitor help' List the available monitor commands. `monitor set debug 0' `monitor set debug 1' Disable or enable general debugging messages. `monitor set remote-debug 0' `monitor set remote-debug 1' Disable or enable specific debugging messages associated with the remote protocol (*note Remote Protocol::). `monitor exit' Tell gdbserver to exit immediately. This command should be followed by `disconnect' to close the debugging session. `gdbserver' will detach from any attached processes and kill any processes it created. Use `monitor exit' to terminate `gdbserver' at the end of a multi-process mode debug session. ---------- Footnotes ---------- (1) If you choose a port number that conflicts with another service, `gdbserver' prints an error message and exits.  File:, Node: Remote Configuration, Next: Remote Stub, Prev: Server, Up: Remote Debugging 17.4 Remote Configuration ========================= This section documents the configuration options available when debugging remote programs. For the options related to the File I/O extensions of the remote protocol, see *note system-call-allowed: system. `set remoteaddresssize BITS' Set the maximum size of address in a memory packet to the specified number of bits. GDB will mask off the address bits above that number, when it passes addresses to the remote target. The default value is the number of bits in the target's address. `show remoteaddresssize' Show the current value of remote address size in bits. `set remotebaud N' Set the baud rate for the remote serial I/O to N baud. The value is used to set the speed of the serial port used for debugging remote targets. `show remotebaud' Show the current speed of the remote connection. `set remotebreak' If set to on, GDB sends a `BREAK' signal to the remote when you type `Ctrl-c' to interrupt the program running on the remote. If set to off, GDB sends the `Ctrl-C' character instead. The default is off, since most remote systems expect to see `Ctrl-C' as the interrupt signal. `show remotebreak' Show whether GDB sends `BREAK' or `Ctrl-C' to interrupt the remote program. `set remoteflow on' `set remoteflow off' Enable or disable hardware flow control (`RTS'/`CTS') on the serial port used to communicate to the remote target. `show remoteflow' Show the current setting of hardware flow control. `set remotelogbase BASE' Set the base (a.k.a. radix) of logging serial protocol communications to BASE. Supported values of BASE are: `ascii', `octal', and `hex'. The default is `ascii'. `show remotelogbase' Show the current setting of the radix for logging remote serial protocol. `set remotelogfile FILE' Record remote serial communications on the named FILE. The default is not to record at all. `show remotelogfile.' Show the current setting of the file name on which to record the serial communications. `set remotetimeout NUM' Set the timeout limit to wait for the remote target to respond to NUM seconds. The default is 2 seconds. `show remotetimeout' Show the current number of seconds to wait for the remote target responses. `set remote hardware-watchpoint-limit LIMIT' `set remote hardware-breakpoint-limit LIMIT' Restrict GDB to using LIMIT remote hardware breakpoint or watchpoints. A limit of -1, the default, is treated as unlimited. `set remote exec-file FILENAME' `show remote exec-file' Select the file used for `run' with `target extended-remote'. This should be set to a filename valid on the target system. If it is not set, the target will use a default filename (e.g. the last program run). The GDB remote protocol autodetects the packets supported by your debugging stub. If you need to override the autodetection, you can use these commands to enable or disable individual packets. Each packet can be set to `on' (the remote target supports this packet), `off' (the remote target does not support this packet), or `auto' (detect remote target support for this packet). They all default to `auto'. For more information about each packet, see *note Remote Protocol::. During normal use, you should not have to use any of these commands. If you do, that may be a bug in your remote debugging stub, or a bug in GDB. You may want to report the problem to the GDB developers. For each packet NAME, the command to enable or disable the packet is `set remote NAME-packet'. The available settings are: Command Name Remote Packet Related Features `fetch-register' `p' `info registers' `set-register' `P' `set' `binary-download' `X' `load', `set' `read-aux-vector' `qXfer:auxv:read' `info auxv' `symbol-lookup' `qSymbol' Detecting multiple threads `attach' `vAttach' `attach' `verbose-resume' `vCont' Stepping or resuming multiple threads `run' `vRun' `run' `software-breakpoint'`Z0' `break' `hardware-breakpoint'`Z1' `hbreak' `write-watchpoint' `Z2' `watch' `read-watchpoint' `Z3' `rwatch' `access-watchpoint' `Z4' `awatch' `target-features' `qXfer:features:read' `set architecture' `library-info' `qXfer:libraries:read' `info sharedlibrary' `memory-map' `qXfer:memory-map:read' `info mem' `read-spu-object' `qXfer:spu:read' `info spu' `write-spu-object' `qXfer:spu:write' `info spu' `get-thread-local- `qGetTLSAddr' Displaying storage-address' `__thread' variables `supported-packets' `qSupported' Remote communications parameters `pass-signals' `QPassSignals' `handle SIGNAL' `hostio-close-packet'`vFile:close' `remote get', `remote put' `hostio-open-packet' `vFile:open' `remote get', `remote put' `hostio-pread-packet'`vFile:pread' `remote get', `remote put' `hostio-pwrite-packet'`vFile:pwrite' `remote get', `remote put' `hostio-unlink-packet'`vFile:unlink' `remote delete'  File:, Node: Remote Stub, Prev: Remote Configuration, Up: Remote Debugging 17.5 Implementing a Remote Stub =============================== The stub files provided with GDB implement the target side of the communication protocol, and the GDB side is implemented in the GDB source file `remote.c'. Normally, you can simply allow these subroutines to communicate, and ignore the details. (If you're implementing your own stub file, you can still ignore the details: start with one of the existing stub files. `sparc-stub.c' is the best organized, and therefore the easiest to read.) To debug a program running on another machine (the debugging "target" machine), you must first arrange for all the usual prerequisites for the program to run by itself. For example, for a C program, you need: 1. A startup routine to set up the C runtime environment; these usually have a name like `crt0'. The startup routine may be supplied by your hardware supplier, or you may have to write your own. 2. A C subroutine library to support your program's subroutine calls, notably managing input and output. 3. A way of getting your program to the other machine--for example, a download program. These are often supplied by the hardware manufacturer, but you may have to write your own from hardware documentation. The next step is to arrange for your program to use a serial port to communicate with the machine where GDB is running (the "host" machine). In general terms, the scheme looks like this: _On the host,_ GDB already understands how to use this protocol; when everything else is set up, you can simply use the `target remote' command (*note Specifying a Debugging Target: Targets.). _On the target,_ you must link with your program a few special-purpose subroutines that implement the GDB remote serial protocol. The file containing these subroutines is called a "debugging stub". On certain remote targets, you can use an auxiliary program `gdbserver' instead of linking a stub into your program. *Note Using the `gdbserver' Program: Server, for details. The debugging stub is specific to the architecture of the remote machine; for example, use `sparc-stub.c' to debug programs on SPARC boards. These working remote stubs are distributed with GDB: `i386-stub.c' For Intel 386 and compatible architectures. `m68k-stub.c' For Motorola 680x0 architectures. `sh-stub.c' For Renesas SH architectures. `sparc-stub.c' For SPARC architectures. `sparcl-stub.c' For Fujitsu SPARCLITE architectures. The `README' file in the GDB distribution may list other recently added stubs. * Menu: * Stub Contents:: What the stub can do for you * Bootstrapping:: What you must do for the stub * Debug Session:: Putting it all together  File:, Node: Stub Contents, Next: Bootstrapping, Up: Remote Stub 17.5.1 What the Stub Can Do for You ----------------------------------- The debugging stub for your architecture supplies these three subroutines: `set_debug_traps' This routine arranges for `handle_exception' to run when your program stops. You must call this subroutine explicitly near the beginning of your program. `handle_exception' This is the central workhorse, but your program never calls it explicitly--the setup code arranges for `handle_exception' to run when a trap is triggered. `handle_exception' takes control when your program stops during execution (for example, on a breakpoint), and mediates communications with GDB on the host machine. This is where the communications protocol is implemented; `handle_exception' acts as the GDB representative on the target machine. It begins by sending summary information on the state of your program, then continues to execute, retrieving and transmitting any information GDB needs, until you execute a GDB command that makes your program resume; at that point, `handle_exception' returns control to your own code on the target machine. `breakpoint' Use this auxiliary subroutine to make your program contain a breakpoint. Depending on the particular situation, this may be the only way for GDB to get control. For instance, if your target machine has some sort of interrupt button, you won't need to call this; pressing the interrupt button transfers control to `handle_exception'--in effect, to GDB. On some machines, simply receiving characters on the serial port may also trigger a trap; again, in that situation, you don't need to call `breakpoint' from your own program--simply running `target remote' from the host GDB session gets control. Call `breakpoint' if none of these is true, or if you simply want to make certain your program stops at a predetermined point for the start of your debugging session.  File:, Node: Bootstrapping, Next: Debug Session, Prev: Stub Contents, Up: Remote Stub 17.5.2 What You Must Do for the Stub ------------------------------------ The debugging stubs that come with GDB are set up for a particular chip architecture, but they have no information about the rest of your debugging target machine. First of all you need to tell the stub how to communicate with the serial port. `int getDebugChar()' Write this subroutine to read a single character from the serial port. It may be identical to `getchar' for your target system; a different name is used to allow you to distinguish the two if you wish. `void putDebugChar(int)' Write this subroutine to write a single character to the serial port. It may be identical to `putchar' for your target system; a different name is used to allow you to distinguish the two if you wish. If you want GDB to be able to stop your program while it is running, you need to use an interrupt-driven serial driver, and arrange for it to stop when it receives a `^C' (`\003', the control-C character). That is the character which GDB uses to tell the remote system to stop. Getting the debugging target to return the proper status to GDB probably requires changes to the standard stub; one quick and dirty way is to just execute a breakpoint instruction (the "dirty" part is that GDB reports a `SIGTRAP' instead of a `SIGINT'). Other routines you need to supply are: `void exceptionHandler (int EXCEPTION_NUMBER, void *EXCEPTION_ADDRESS)' Write this function to install EXCEPTION_ADDRESS in the exception handling tables. You need to do this because the stub does not have any way of knowing what the exception handling tables on your target system are like (for example, the processor's table might be in ROM, containing entries which point to a table in RAM). EXCEPTION_NUMBER is the exception number which should be changed; its meaning is architecture-dependent (for example, different numbers might represent divide by zero, misaligned access, etc). When this exception occurs, control should be transferred directly to EXCEPTION_ADDRESS, and the processor state (stack, registers, and so on) should be just as it is when a processor exception occurs. So if you want to use a jump instruction to reach EXCEPTION_ADDRESS, it should be a simple jump, not a jump to subroutine. For the 386, EXCEPTION_ADDRESS should be installed as an interrupt gate so that interrupts are masked while the handler runs. The gate should be at privilege level 0 (the most privileged level). The SPARC and 68k stubs are able to mask interrupts themselves without help from `exceptionHandler'. `void flush_i_cache()' On SPARC and SPARCLITE only, write this subroutine to flush the instruction cache, if any, on your target machine. If there is no instruction cache, this subroutine may be a no-op. On target machines that have instruction caches, GDB requires this function to make certain that the state of your program is stable. You must also make sure this library routine is available: `void *memset(void *, int, int)' This is the standard library function `memset' that sets an area of memory to a known value. If you have one of the free versions of `libc.a', `memset' can be found there; otherwise, you must either obtain it from your hardware manufacturer, or write your own. If you do not use the GNU C compiler, you may need other standard library subroutines as well; this varies from one stub to another, but in general the stubs are likely to use any of the common library subroutines which `GCC' generates as inline code.  File:, Node: Debug Session, Prev: Bootstrapping, Up: Remote Stub 17.5.3 Putting it All Together ------------------------------ In summary, when your program is ready to debug, you must follow these steps. 1. Make sure you have defined the supporting low-level routines (*note What You Must Do for the Stub: Bootstrapping.): `getDebugChar', `putDebugChar', `flush_i_cache', `memset', `exceptionHandler'. 2. Insert these lines near the top of your program: set_debug_traps(); breakpoint(); 3. For the 680x0 stub only, you need to provide a variable called `exceptionHook'. Normally you just use: void (*exceptionHook)() = 0; but if before calling `set_debug_traps', you set it to point to a function in your program, that function is called when `GDB' continues after stopping on a trap (for example, bus error). The function indicated by `exceptionHook' is called with one parameter: an `int' which is the exception number. 4. Compile and link together: your program, the GDB debugging stub for your target architecture, and the supporting subroutines. 5. Make sure you have a serial connection between your target machine and the GDB host, and identify the serial port on the host. 6. Download your program to your target machine (or get it there by whatever means the manufacturer provides), and start it. 7. Start GDB on the host, and connect to the target (*note Connecting to a Remote Target: Connecting.).  File:, Node: Configurations, Next: Controlling GDB, Prev: Remote Debugging, Up: Top 18 Configuration-Specific Information ************************************* While nearly all GDB commands are available for all native and cross versions of the debugger, there are some exceptions. This chapter describes things that are only available in certain configurations. There are three major categories of configurations: native configurations, where the host and target are the same, embedded operating system configurations, which are usually the same for several different processor architectures, and bare embedded processors, which are quite different from each other. * Menu: * Native:: * Embedded OS:: * Embedded Processors:: * Architectures::  File:, Node: Native, Next: Embedded OS, Up: Configurations 18.1 Native =========== This section describes details specific to particular native configurations. * Menu: * HP-UX:: HP-UX * BSD libkvm Interface:: Debugging BSD kernel memory images * SVR4 Process Information:: SVR4 process information * DJGPP Native:: Features specific to the DJGPP port * Cygwin Native:: Features specific to the Cygwin port * Hurd Native:: Features specific to GNU Hurd * Neutrino:: Features specific to QNX Neutrino  File:, Node: HP-UX, Next: BSD libkvm Interface, Up: Native 18.1.1 HP-UX ------------ On HP-UX systems, if you refer to a function or variable name that begins with a dollar sign, GDB searches for a user or system name first, before it searches for a convenience variable.  File:, Node: BSD libkvm Interface, Next: SVR4 Process Information, Prev: HP-UX, Up: Native 18.1.2 BSD libkvm Interface --------------------------- BSD-derived systems (FreeBSD/NetBSD/OpenBSD) have a kernel memory interface that provides a uniform interface for accessing kernel virtual memory images, including live systems and crash dumps. GDB uses this interface to allow you to debug live kernels and kernel crash dumps on many native BSD configurations. This is implemented as a special `kvm' debugging target. For debugging a live system, load the currently running kernel into GDB and connect to the `kvm' target: (gdb) target kvm For debugging crash dumps, provide the file name of the crash dump as an argument: (gdb) target kvm /var/crash/bsd.0 Once connected to the `kvm' target, the following commands are available: `kvm pcb' Set current context from the "Process Control Block" (PCB) address. `kvm proc' Set current context from proc address. This command isn't available on modern FreeBSD systems.  File:, Node: SVR4 Process Information, Next: DJGPP Native, Prev: BSD libkvm Interface, Up: Native 18.1.3 SVR4 Process Information ------------------------------- Many versions of SVR4 and compatible systems provide a facility called `/proc' that can be used to examine the image of a running process using file-system subroutines. If GDB is configured for an operating system with this facility, the command `info proc' is available to report information about the process running your program, or about any process running on your system. `info proc' works only on SVR4 systems that include the `procfs' code. This includes, as of this writing, GNU/Linux, OSF/1 (Digital Unix), Solaris, Irix, and Unixware, but not HP-UX, for example. `info proc' `info proc PROCESS-ID' Summarize available information about any running process. If a process ID is specified by PROCESS-ID, display information about that process; otherwise display information about the program being debugged. The summary includes the debugged process ID, the command line used to invoke it, its current working directory, and its executable file's absolute file name. On some systems, PROCESS-ID can be of the form `[PID]/TID' which specifies a certain thread ID within a process. If the optional PID part is missing, it means a thread from the process being debugged (the leading `/' still needs to be present, or else GDB will interpret the number as a process ID rather than a thread ID). `info proc mappings' Report the memory address space ranges accessible in the program, with information on whether the process has read, write, or execute access rights to each range. On GNU/Linux systems, each memory range includes the object file which is mapped to that range, instead of the memory access rights to that range. `info proc stat' `info proc status' These subcommands are specific to GNU/Linux systems. They show the process-related information, including the user ID and group ID; how many threads are there in the process; its virtual memory usage; the signals that are pending, blocked, and ignored; its TTY; its consumption of system and user time; its stack size; its `nice' value; etc. For more information, see the `proc' man page (type `man 5 proc' from your shell prompt). `info proc all' Show all the information about the process described under all of the above `info proc' subcommands. `set procfs-trace' This command enables and disables tracing of `procfs' API calls. `show procfs-trace' Show the current state of `procfs' API call tracing. `set procfs-file FILE' Tell GDB to write `procfs' API trace to the named FILE. GDB appends the trace info to the previous contents of the file. The default is to display the trace on the standard output. `show procfs-file' Show the file to which `procfs' API trace is written. `proc-trace-entry' `proc-trace-exit' `proc-untrace-entry' `proc-untrace-exit' These commands enable and disable tracing of entries into and exits from the `syscall' interface. `info pidlist' For QNX Neutrino only, this command displays the list of all the processes and all the threads within each process. `info meminfo' For QNX Neutrino only, this command displays the list of all mapinfos.  File:, Node: DJGPP Native, Next: Cygwin Native, Prev: SVR4 Process Information, Up: Native 18.1.4 Features for Debugging DJGPP Programs -------------------------------------------- DJGPP is a port of the GNU development tools to MS-DOS and MS-Windows. DJGPP programs are 32-bit protected-mode programs that use the "DPMI" (DOS Protected-Mode Interface) API to run on top of real-mode DOS systems and their emulations. GDB supports native debugging of DJGPP programs, and defines a few commands specific to the DJGPP port. This subsection describes those commands. `info dos' This is a prefix of DJGPP-specific commands which print information about the target system and important OS structures. `info dos sysinfo' This command displays assorted information about the underlying platform: the CPU type and features, the OS version and flavor, the DPMI version, and the available conventional and DPMI memory. `info dos gdt' `info dos ldt' `info dos idt' These 3 commands display entries from, respectively, Global, Local, and Interrupt Descriptor Tables (GDT, LDT, and IDT). The descriptor tables are data structures which store a descriptor for each segment that is currently in use. The segment's selector is an index into a descriptor table; the table entry for that index holds the descriptor's base address and limit, and its attributes and access rights. A typical DJGPP program uses 3 segments: a code segment, a data segment (used for both data and the stack), and a DOS segment (which allows access to DOS/BIOS data structures and absolute addresses in conventional memory). However, the DPMI host will usually define additional segments in order to support the DPMI environment. These commands allow to display entries from the descriptor tables. Without an argument, all entries from the specified table are displayed. An argument, which should be an integer expression, means display a single entry whose index is given by the argument. For example, here's a convenient way to display information about the debugged program's data segment: `(gdb) info dos ldt $ds' `0x13f: base=0x11970000 limit=0x0009ffff 32-Bit Data (Read/Write, Exp-up)' This comes in handy when you want to see whether a pointer is outside the data segment's limit (i.e. "garbled"). `info dos pde' `info dos pte' These two commands display entries from, respectively, the Page Directory and the Page Tables. Page Directories and Page Tables are data structures which control how virtual memory addresses are mapped into physical addresses. A Page Table includes an entry for every page of memory that is mapped into the program's address space; there may be several Page Tables, each one holding up to 4096 entries. A Page Directory has up to 4096 entries, one each for every Page Table that is currently in use. Without an argument, `info dos pde' displays the entire Page Directory, and `info dos pte' displays all the entries in all of the Page Tables. An argument, an integer expression, given to the `info dos pde' command means display only that entry from the Page Directory table. An argument given to the `info dos pte' command means display entries from a single Page Table, the one pointed to by the specified entry in the Page Directory. These commands are useful when your program uses "DMA" (Direct Memory Access), which needs physical addresses to program the DMA controller. These commands are supported only with some DPMI servers. `info dos address-pte ADDR' This command displays the Page Table entry for a specified linear address. The argument ADDR is a linear address which should already have the appropriate segment's base address added to it, because this command accepts addresses which may belong to _any_ segment. For example, here's how to display the Page Table entry for the page where a variable `i' is stored: `(gdb) info dos address-pte __djgpp_base_address + (char *)&i' `Page Table entry for address 0x11a00d30:' `Base=0x02698000 Dirty Acc. Not-Cached Write-Back Usr Read-Write +0xd30' This says that `i' is stored at offset `0xd30' from the page whose physical base address is `0x02698000', and shows all the attributes of that page. Note that you must cast the addresses of variables to a `char *', since otherwise the value of `__djgpp_base_address', the base address of all variables and functions in a DJGPP program, will be added using the rules of C pointer arithmetics: if `i' is declared an `int', GDB will add 4 times the value of `__djgpp_base_address' to the address of `i'. Here's another example, it displays the Page Table entry for the transfer buffer: `(gdb) info dos address-pte *((unsigned *)&_go32_info_block + 3)' `Page Table entry for address 0x29110:' `Base=0x00029000 Dirty Acc. Not-Cached Write-Back Usr Read-Write +0x110' (The `+ 3' offset is because the transfer buffer's address is the 3rd member of the `_go32_info_block' structure.) The output clearly shows that this DPMI server maps the addresses in conventional memory 1:1, i.e. the physical (`0x00029000' + `0x110') and linear (`0x29110') addresses are identical. This command is supported only with some DPMI servers. In addition to native debugging, the DJGPP port supports remote debugging via a serial data link. The following commands are specific to remote serial debugging in the DJGPP port of GDB. `set com1base ADDR' This command sets the base I/O port address of the `COM1' serial port. `set com1irq IRQ' This command sets the "Interrupt Request" (`IRQ') line to use for the `COM1' serial port. There are similar commands `set com2base', `set com3irq', etc. for setting the port address and the `IRQ' lines for the other 3 COM ports. The related commands `show com1base', `show com1irq' etc. display the current settings of the base address and the `IRQ' lines used by the COM ports. `info serial' This command prints the status of the 4 DOS serial ports. For each port, it prints whether it's active or not, its I/O base address and IRQ number, whether it uses a 16550-style FIFO, its baudrate, and the counts of various errors encountered so far.  File:, Node: Cygwin Native, Next: Hurd Native, Prev: DJGPP Native, Up: Native 18.1.5 Features for Debugging MS Windows PE Executables ------------------------------------------------------- GDB supports native debugging of MS Windows programs, including DLLs with and without symbolic debugging information. There are various additional Cygwin-specific commands, described in this section. Working with DLLs that have no debugging symbols is described in *note Non-debug DLL Symbols::. `info w32' This is a prefix of MS Windows-specific commands which print information about the target system and important OS structures. `info w32 selector' This command displays information returned by the Win32 API `GetThreadSelectorEntry' function. It takes an optional argument that is evaluated to a long value to give the information about this given selector. Without argument, this command displays information about the six segment registers. `info dll' This is a Cygwin-specific alias of `info shared'. `dll-symbols' This command loads symbols from a dll similarly to add-sym command but without the need to specify a base address. `set cygwin-exceptions MODE' If MODE is `on', GDB will break on exceptions that happen inside the Cygwin DLL. If MODE is `off', GDB will delay recognition of exceptions, and may ignore some exceptions which seem to be caused by internal Cygwin DLL "bookkeeping". This option is meant primarily for debugging the Cygwin DLL itself; the default value is `off' to avoid annoying GDB users with false `SIGSEGV' signals. `show cygwin-exceptions' Displays whether GDB will break on exceptions that happen inside the Cygwin DLL itself. `set new-console MODE' If MODE is `on' the debuggee will be started in a new console on next start. If MODE is `off'i, the debuggee will be started in the same console as the debugger. `show new-console' Displays whether a new console is used when the debuggee is started. `set new-group MODE' This boolean value controls whether the debuggee should start a new group or stay in the same group as the debugger. This affects the way the Windows OS handles `Ctrl-C'. `show new-group' Displays current value of new-group boolean. `set debugevents' This boolean value adds debug output concerning kernel events related to the debuggee seen by the debugger. This includes events that signal thread and process creation and exit, DLL loading and unloading, console interrupts, and debugging messages produced by the Windows `OutputDebugString' API call. `set debugexec' This boolean value adds debug output concerning execute events (such as resume thread) seen by the debugger. `set debugexceptions' This boolean value adds debug output concerning exceptions in the debuggee seen by the debugger. `set debugmemory' This boolean value adds debug output concerning debuggee memory reads and writes by the debugger. `set shell' This boolean values specifies whether the debuggee is called via a shell or directly (default value is on). `show shell' Displays if the debuggee will be started with a shell. * Menu: * Non-debug DLL Symbols:: Support for DLLs without debugging symbols  File:, Node: Non-debug DLL Symbols, Up: Cygwin Native Support for DLLs without Debugging Symbols ................................................... Very often on windows, some of the DLLs that your program relies on do not include symbolic debugging information (for example, `kernel32.dll'). When GDB doesn't recognize any debugging symbols in a DLL, it relies on the minimal amount of symbolic information contained in the DLL's export table. This section describes working with such symbols, known internally to GDB as "minimal symbols". Note that before the debugged program has started execution, no DLLs will have been loaded. The easiest way around this problem is simply to start the program -- either by setting a breakpoint or letting the program run once to completion. It is also possible to force GDB to load a particular DLL before starting the executable -- see the shared library information in *note Files::, or the `dll-symbols' command in *note Cygwin Native::. Currently, explicitly loading symbols from a DLL with no debugging information will cause the symbol names to be duplicated in GDB's lookup table, which may adversely affect symbol lookup performance. DLL Name Prefixes .......................... In keeping with the naming conventions used by the Microsoft debugging tools, DLL export symbols are made available with a prefix based on the DLL name, for instance `KERNEL32!CreateFileA'. The plain name is also entered into the symbol table, so `CreateFileA' is often sufficient. In some cases there will be name clashes within a program (particularly if the executable itself includes full debugging symbols) necessitating the use of the fully qualified name when referring to the contents of the DLL. Use single-quotes around the name to avoid the exclamation mark ("!") being interpreted as a language operator. Note that the internal name of the DLL may be all upper-case, even though the file name of the DLL is lower-case, or vice-versa. Since symbols within GDB are _case-sensitive_ this may cause some confusion. If in doubt, try the `info functions' and `info variables' commands or even `maint print msymbols' (*note Symbols::). Here's an example: (gdb) info function CreateFileA All functions matching regular expression "CreateFileA": Non-debugging symbols: 0x77e885f4 CreateFileA 0x77e885f4 KERNEL32!CreateFileA (gdb) info function ! All functions matching regular expression "!": Non-debugging symbols: 0x6100114c cygwin1!__assert 0x61004034 cygwin1!_dll_crt0@0 0x61004240 cygwin1!dll_crt0(per_process *) [etc...] Working with Minimal Symbols ..................................... Symbols extracted from a DLL's export table do not contain very much type information. All that GDB can do is guess whether a symbol refers to a function or variable depending on the linker section that contains the symbol. Also note that the actual contents of the memory contained in a DLL are not available unless the program is running. This means that you cannot examine the contents of a variable or disassemble a function within a DLL without a running program. Variables are generally treated as pointers and dereferenced automatically. For this reason, it is often necessary to prefix a variable name with the address-of operator ("&") and provide explicit type information in the command. Here's an example of the type of problem: (gdb) print 'cygwin1!__argv' $1 = 268572168 (gdb) x 'cygwin1!__argv' 0x10021610: "\230y\"" And two possible solutions: (gdb) print ((char **)'cygwin1!__argv')[0] $2 = 0x22fd98 "/cygdrive/c/mydirectory/myprogram" (gdb) x/2x &'cygwin1!__argv' 0x610c0aa8 : 0x10021608 0x00000000 (gdb) x/x 0x10021608 0x10021608: 0x0022fd98 (gdb) x/s 0x0022fd98 0x22fd98: "/cygdrive/c/mydirectory/myprogram" Setting a break point within a DLL is possible even before the program starts execution. However, under these circumstances, GDB can't examine the initial instructions of the function in order to skip the function's frame set-up code. You can work around this by using "*&" to set the breakpoint at a raw memory address: (gdb) break *&'python22!PyOS_Readline' Breakpoint 1 at 0x1e04eff0 The author of these extensions is not entirely convinced that setting a break point within a shared DLL like `kernel32.dll' is completely safe.  File:, Node: Hurd Native, Next: Neutrino, Prev: Cygwin Native, Up: Native 18.1.6 Commands Specific to GNU Hurd Systems -------------------------------------------- This subsection describes GDB commands specific to the GNU Hurd native debugging. `set signals' `set sigs' This command toggles the state of inferior signal interception by GDB. Mach exceptions, such as breakpoint traps, are not affected by this command. `sigs' is a shorthand alias for `signals'. `show signals' `show sigs' Show the current state of intercepting inferior's signals. `set signal-thread' `set sigthread' This command tells GDB which thread is the `libc' signal thread. That thread is run when a signal is delivered to a running process. `set sigthread' is the shorthand alias of `set signal-thread'. `show signal-thread' `show sigthread' These two commands show which thread will run when the inferior is delivered a signal. `set stopped' This commands tells GDB that the inferior process is stopped, as with the `SIGSTOP' signal. The stopped process can be continued by delivering a signal to it. `show stopped' This command shows whether GDB thinks the debuggee is stopped. `set exceptions' Use this command to turn off trapping of exceptions in the inferior. When exception trapping is off, neither breakpoints nor single-stepping will work. To restore the default, set exception trapping on. `show exceptions' Show the current state of trapping exceptions in the inferior. `set task pause' This command toggles task suspension when GDB has control. Setting it to on takes effect immediately, and the task is suspended whenever GDB gets control. Setting it to off will take effect the next time the inferior is continued. If this option is set to off, you can use `set thread default pause on' or `set thread pause on' (see below) to pause individual threads. `show task pause' Show the current state of task suspension. `set task detach-suspend-count' This command sets the suspend count the task will be left with when GDB detaches from it. `show task detach-suspend-count' Show the suspend count the task will be left with when detaching. `set task exception-port' `set task excp' This command sets the task exception port to which GDB will forward exceptions. The argument should be the value of the "send rights" of the task. `set task excp' is a shorthand alias. `set noninvasive' This command switches GDB to a mode that is the least invasive as far as interfering with the inferior is concerned. This is the same as using `set task pause', `set exceptions', and `set signals' to values opposite to the defaults. `info send-rights' `info receive-rights' `info port-rights' `info port-sets' `info dead-names' `info ports' `info psets' These commands display information about, respectively, send rights, receive rights, port rights, port sets, and dead names of a task. There are also shorthand aliases: `info ports' for `info port-rights' and `info psets' for `info port-sets'. `set thread pause' This command toggles current thread suspension when GDB has control. Setting it to on takes effect immediately, and the current thread is suspended whenever GDB gets control. Setting it to off will take effect the next time the inferior is continued. Normally, this command has no effect, since when GDB has control, the whole task is suspended. However, if you used `set task pause off' (see above), this command comes in handy to suspend only the current thread. `show thread pause' This command shows the state of current thread suspension. `set thread run' This command sets whether the current thread is allowed to run. `show thread run' Show whether the current thread is allowed to run. `set thread detach-suspend-count' This command sets the suspend count GDB will leave on a thread when detaching. This number is relative to the suspend count found by GDB when it notices the thread; use `set thread takeover-suspend-count' to force it to an absolute value. `show thread detach-suspend-count' Show the suspend count GDB will leave on the thread when detaching. `set thread exception-port' `set thread excp' Set the thread exception port to which to forward exceptions. This overrides the port set by `set task exception-port' (see above). `set thread excp' is the shorthand alias. `set thread takeover-suspend-count' Normally, GDB's thread suspend counts are relative to the value GDB finds when it notices each thread. This command changes the suspend counts to be absolute instead. `set thread default' `show thread default' Each of the above `set thread' commands has a `set thread default' counterpart (e.g., `set thread default pause', `set thread default exception-port', etc.). The `thread default' variety of commands sets the default thread properties for all threads; you can then change the properties of individual threads with the non-default commands.  File:, Node: Neutrino, Prev: Hurd Native, Up: Native 18.1.7 QNX Neutrino ------------------- GDB provides the following commands specific to the QNX Neutrino target: `set debug nto-debug' When set to on, enables debugging messages specific to the QNX Neutrino support. `show debug nto-debug' Show the current state of QNX Neutrino messages.  File:, Node: Embedded OS, Next: Embedded Processors, Prev: Native, Up: Configurations 18.2 Embedded Operating Systems =============================== This section describes configurations involving the debugging of embedded operating systems that are available for several different architectures. * Menu: * VxWorks:: Using GDB with VxWorks GDB includes the ability to debug programs running on various real-time operating systems.  File:, Node: VxWorks, Up: Embedded OS 18.2.1 Using GDB with VxWorks ----------------------------- `target vxworks MACHINENAME' A VxWorks system, attached via TCP/IP. The argument MACHINENAME is the target system's machine name or IP address. On VxWorks, `load' links FILENAME dynamically on the current target system as well as adding its symbols in GDB. GDB enables developers to spawn and debug tasks running on networked VxWorks targets from a Unix host. Already-running tasks spawned from the VxWorks shell can also be debugged. GDB uses code that runs on both the Unix host and on the VxWorks target. The program `gdb' is installed and executed on the Unix host. (It may be installed with the name `vxgdb', to distinguish it from a GDB for debugging programs on the host itself.) `VxWorks-timeout ARGS' All VxWorks-based targets now support the option `vxworks-timeout'. This option is set by the user, and ARGS represents the number of seconds GDB waits for responses to rpc's. You might use this if your VxWorks target is a slow software simulator or is on the far side of a thin network line. The following information on connecting to VxWorks was current when this manual was produced; newer releases of VxWorks may use revised procedures. To use GDB with VxWorks, you must rebuild your VxWorks kernel to include the remote debugging interface routines in the VxWorks library `rdb.a'. To do this, define `INCLUDE_RDB' in the VxWorks configuration file `configAll.h' and rebuild your VxWorks kernel. The resulting kernel contains `rdb.a', and spawns the source debugging task `tRdbTask' when VxWorks is booted. For more information on configuring and remaking VxWorks, see the manufacturer's manual. Once you have included `rdb.a' in your VxWorks system image and set your Unix execution search path to find GDB, you are ready to run GDB. From your Unix host, run `gdb' (or `vxgdb', depending on your installation). GDB comes up showing the prompt: (vxgdb) * Menu: * VxWorks Connection:: Connecting to VxWorks * VxWorks Download:: VxWorks download * VxWorks Attach:: Running tasks  File:, Node: VxWorks Connection, Next: VxWorks Download, Up: VxWorks Connecting to VxWorks .............................. The GDB command `target' lets you connect to a VxWorks target on the network. To connect to a target whose host name is "`tt'", type: (vxgdb) target vxworks tt GDB displays messages like these: Attaching remote machine across net... Connected to tt. GDB then attempts to read the symbol tables of any object modules loaded into the VxWorks target since it was last booted. GDB locates these files by searching the directories listed in the command search path (*note Your Program's Environment: Environment.); if it fails to find an object file, it displays a message such as: prog.o: No such file or directory. When this happens, add the appropriate directory to the search path with the GDB command `path', and execute the `target' command again.  File:, Node: VxWorks Download, Next: VxWorks Attach, Prev: VxWorks Connection, Up: VxWorks VxWorks Download ......................... If you have connected to the VxWorks target and you want to debug an object that has not yet been loaded, you can use the GDB `load' command to download a file from Unix to VxWorks incrementally. The object file given as an argument to the `load' command is actually opened twice: first by the VxWorks target in order to download the code, then by GDB in order to read the symbol table. This can lead to problems if the current working directories on the two systems differ. If both systems have NFS mounted the same filesystems, you can avoid these problems by using absolute paths. Otherwise, it is simplest to set the working directory on both systems to the directory in which the object file resides, and then to reference the file by its name, without any path. For instance, a program `prog.o' may reside in `VXPATH/vw/demo/rdb' in VxWorks and in `HOSTPATH/vw/demo/rdb' on the host. To load this program, type this on VxWorks: -> cd "VXPATH/vw/demo/rdb" Then, in GDB, type: (vxgdb) cd HOSTPATH/vw/demo/rdb (vxgdb) load prog.o GDB displays a response similar to this: Reading symbol data from wherever/vw/demo/rdb/prog.o... done. You can also use the `load' command to reload an object module after editing and recompiling the corresponding source file. Note that this makes GDB delete all currently-defined breakpoints, auto-displays, and convenience variables, and to clear the value history. (This is necessary in order to preserve the integrity of debugger's data structures that reference the target system's symbol table.)  File:, Node: VxWorks Attach, Prev: VxWorks Download, Up: VxWorks Running Tasks ...................... You can also attach to an existing task using the `attach' command as follows: (vxgdb) attach TASK where TASK is the VxWorks hexadecimal task ID. The task can be running or suspended when you attach to it. Running tasks are suspended at the time of attachment.  File:, Node: Embedded Processors, Next: Architectures, Prev: Embedded OS, Up: Configurations 18.3 Embedded Processors ======================== This section goes into details specific to particular embedded configurations. Whenever a specific embedded processor has a simulator, GDB allows to send an arbitrary command to the simulator. `sim COMMAND' Send an arbitrary COMMAND string to the simulator. Consult the documentation for the specific simulator in use for information about acceptable commands. * Menu: * ARM:: ARM RDI * M32R/D:: Renesas M32R/D * M68K:: Motorola M68K * MIPS Embedded:: MIPS Embedded * OpenRISC 1000:: OpenRisc 1000 * PA:: HP PA Embedded * PowerPC Embedded:: PowerPC Embedded * Sparclet:: Tsqware Sparclet * Sparclite:: Fujitsu Sparclite * Z8000:: Zilog Z8000 * AVR:: Atmel AVR * CRIS:: CRIS * Super-H:: Renesas Super-H  File:, Node: ARM, Next: M32R/D, Up: Embedded Processors 18.3.1 ARM ---------- `target rdi DEV' ARM Angel monitor, via RDI library interface to ADP protocol. You may use this target to communicate with both boards running the Angel monitor, or with the EmbeddedICE JTAG debug device. `target rdp DEV' ARM Demon monitor. GDB provides the following ARM-specific commands: `set arm disassembler' This commands selects from a list of disassembly styles. The `"std"' style is the standard style. `show arm disassembler' Show the current disassembly style. `set arm apcs32' This command toggles ARM operation mode between 32-bit and 26-bit. `show arm apcs32' Display the current usage of the ARM 32-bit mode. `set arm fpu FPUTYPE' This command sets the ARM floating-point unit (FPU) type. The argument FPUTYPE can be one of these: `auto' Determine the FPU type by querying the OS ABI. `softfpa' Software FPU, with mixed-endian doubles on little-endian ARM processors. `fpa' GCC-compiled FPA co-processor. `softvfp' Software FPU with pure-endian doubles. `vfp' VFP co-processor. `show arm fpu' Show the current type of the FPU. `set arm abi' This command forces GDB to use the specified ABI. `show arm abi' Show the currently used ABI. `set debug arm' Toggle whether to display ARM-specific debugging messages from the ARM target support subsystem. `show debug arm' Show whether ARM-specific debugging messages are enabled. The following commands are available when an ARM target is debugged using the RDI interface: `rdilogfile [FILE]' Set the filename for the ADP (Angel Debugger Protocol) packet log. With an argument, sets the log file to the specified FILE. With no argument, show the current log file name. The default log file is `rdi.log'. `rdilogenable [ARG]' Control logging of ADP packets. With an argument of 1 or `"yes"' enables logging, with an argument 0 or `"no"' disables it. With no arguments displays the current setting. When logging is enabled, ADP packets exchanged between GDB and the RDI target device are logged to a file. `set rdiromatzero' Tell GDB whether the target has ROM at address 0. If on, vector catching is disabled, so that zero address can be used. If off (the default), vector catching is enabled. For this command to take effect, it needs to be invoked prior to the `target rdi' command. `show rdiromatzero' Show the current setting of ROM at zero address. `set rdiheartbeat' Enable or disable RDI heartbeat packets. It is not recommended to turn on this option, since it confuses ARM and EPI JTAG interface, as well as the Angel monitor. `show rdiheartbeat' Show the setting of RDI heartbeat packets.  File:, Node: M32R/D, Next: M68K, Prev: ARM, Up: Embedded Processors 18.3.2 Renesas M32R/D and M32R/SDI ---------------------------------- `target m32r DEV' Renesas M32R/D ROM monitor. `target m32rsdi DEV' Renesas M32R SDI server, connected via parallel port to the board. The following GDB commands are specific to the M32R monitor: `set download-path PATH' Set the default path for finding downloadable SREC files. `show download-path' Show the default path for downloadable SREC files. `set board-address ADDR' Set the IP address for the M32R-EVA target board. `show board-address' Show the current IP address of the target board. `set server-address ADDR' Set the IP address for the download server, which is the GDB's host machine. `show server-address' Display the IP address of the download server. `upload [FILE]' Upload the specified SREC FILE via the monitor's Ethernet upload capability. If no FILE argument is given, the current executable file is uploaded. `tload [FILE]' Test the `upload' command. The following commands are available for M32R/SDI: `sdireset' This command resets the SDI connection. `sdistatus' This command shows the SDI connection status. `debug_chaos' Instructs the remote that M32R/Chaos debugging is to be used. `use_debug_dma' Instructs the remote to use the DEBUG_DMA method of accessing memory. `use_mon_code' Instructs the remote to use the MON_CODE method of accessing memory. `use_ib_break' Instructs the remote to set breakpoints by IB break. `use_dbt_break' Instructs the remote to set breakpoints by DBT.  File:, Node: M68K, Next: MIPS Embedded, Prev: M32R/D, Up: Embedded Processors 18.3.3 M68k ----------- The Motorola m68k configuration includes ColdFire support, and a target command for the following ROM monitor. `target dbug DEV' dBUG ROM monitor for Motorola ColdFire.  File:, Node: MIPS Embedded, Next: OpenRISC 1000, Prev: M68K, Up: Embedded Processors 18.3.4 MIPS Embedded -------------------- GDB can use the MIPS remote debugging protocol to talk to a MIPS board attached to a serial line. This is available when you configure GDB with `--target=mips-idt-ecoff'. Use these GDB commands to specify the connection to your target board: `target mips PORT' To run a program on the board, start up `gdb' with the name of your program as the argument. To connect to the board, use the command `target mips PORT', where PORT is the name of the serial port connected to the board. If the program has not already been downloaded to the board, you may use the `load' command to download it. You can then use all the usual GDB commands. For example, this sequence connects to the target board through a serial port, and loads and runs a program called PROG through the debugger: host$ gdb PROG GDB is free software and ... (gdb) target mips /dev/ttyb (gdb) load PROG (gdb) run `target mips HOSTNAME:PORTNUMBER' On some GDB host configurations, you can specify a TCP connection (for instance, to a serial line managed by a terminal concentrator) instead of a serial port, using the syntax `HOSTNAME:PORTNUMBER'. `target pmon PORT' PMON ROM monitor. `target ddb PORT' NEC's DDB variant of PMON for Vr4300. `target lsi PORT' LSI variant of PMON. `target r3900 DEV' Densan DVE-R3900 ROM monitor for Toshiba R3900 Mips. `target array DEV' Array Tech LSI33K RAID controller board. GDB also supports these special commands for MIPS targets: `set mipsfpu double' `set mipsfpu single' `set mipsfpu none' `set mipsfpu auto' `show mipsfpu' If your target board does not support the MIPS floating point coprocessor, you should use the command `set mipsfpu none' (if you need this, you may wish to put the command in your GDB init file). This tells GDB how to find the return value of functions which return floating point values. It also allows GDB to avoid saving the floating point registers when calling functions on the board. If you are using a floating point coprocessor with only single precision floating point support, as on the R4650 processor, use the command `set mipsfpu single'. The default double precision floating point coprocessor may be selected using `set mipsfpu double'. In previous versions the only choices were double precision or no floating point, so `set mipsfpu on' will select double precision and `set mipsfpu off' will select no floating point. As usual, you can inquire about the `mipsfpu' variable with `show mipsfpu'. `set timeout SECONDS' `set retransmit-timeout SECONDS' `show timeout' `show retransmit-timeout' You can control the timeout used while waiting for a packet, in the MIPS remote protocol, with the `set timeout SECONDS' command. The default is 5 seconds. Similarly, you can control the timeout used while waiting for an acknowledgement of a packet with the `set retransmit-timeout SECONDS' command. The default is 3 seconds. You can inspect both values with `show timeout' and `show retransmit-timeout'. (These commands are _only_ available when GDB is configured for `--target=mips-idt-ecoff'.) The timeout set by `set timeout' does not apply when GDB is waiting for your program to stop. In that case, GDB waits forever because it has no way of knowing how long the program is going to run before stopping. `set syn-garbage-limit NUM' Limit the maximum number of characters GDB should ignore when it tries to synchronize with the remote target. The default is 10 characters. Setting the limit to -1 means there's no limit. `show syn-garbage-limit' Show the current limit on the number of characters to ignore when trying to synchronize with the remote system. `set monitor-prompt PROMPT' Tell GDB to expect the specified PROMPT string from the remote monitor. The default depends on the target: pmon target `PMON' ddb target `NEC010' lsi target `PMON>' `show monitor-prompt' Show the current strings GDB expects as the prompt from the remote monitor. `set monitor-warnings' Enable or disable monitor warnings about hardware breakpoints. This has effect only for the `lsi' target. When on, GDB will display warning messages whose codes are returned by the `lsi' PMON monitor for breakpoint commands. `show monitor-warnings' Show the current setting of printing monitor warnings. `pmon COMMAND' This command allows sending an arbitrary COMMAND string to the monitor. The monitor must be in debug mode for this to work.  File:, Node: OpenRISC 1000, Next: PA, Prev: MIPS Embedded, Up: Embedded Processors 18.3.5 OpenRISC 1000 -------------------- See OR1k Architecture document (`') for more information about platform and commands. `target jtag jtag://HOST:PORT' Connects to remote JTAG server. JTAG remote server can be either an or1ksim or JTAG server, connected via parallel port to the board. Example: `target jtag jtag://localhost:9999' `or1ksim COMMAND' If connected to `or1ksim' OpenRISC 1000 Architectural Simulator, proprietary commands can be executed. `info or1k spr' Displays spr groups. `info or1k spr GROUP' `info or1k spr GROUPNO' Displays register names in selected group. `info or1k spr GROUP REGISTER' `info or1k spr REGISTER' `info or1k spr GROUPNO REGISTERNO' `info or1k spr REGISTERNO' Shows information about specified spr register. `spr GROUP REGISTER VALUE' `spr REGISTER VALUE' `spr GROUPNO REGISTERNO VALUE' `spr REGISTERNO VALUE' Writes VALUE to specified spr register. Some implementations of OpenRISC 1000 Architecture also have hardware trace. It is very similar to GDB trace, except it does not interfere with normal program execution and is thus much faster. Hardware breakpoints/watchpoint triggers can be set using: `$LEA/$LDATA' Load effective address/data `$SEA/$SDATA' Store effective address/data `$AEA/$ADATA' Access effective address ($SEA or $LEA) or data ($SDATA/$LDATA) `$FETCH' Fetch data When triggered, it can capture low level data, like: `PC', `LSEA', `LDATA', `SDATA', `READSPR', `WRITESPR', `INSTR'. `htrace' commands: `hwatch CONDITIONAL' Set hardware watchpoint on combination of Load/Store Effective Address(es) or Data. For example: `hwatch ($LEA == my_var) && ($LDATA < 50) || ($SEA == my_var) && ($SDATA >= 50)' `hwatch ($LEA == my_var) && ($LDATA < 50) || ($SEA == my_var) && ($SDATA >= 50)' `htrace info' Display information about current HW trace configuration. `htrace trigger CONDITIONAL' Set starting criteria for HW trace. `htrace qualifier CONDITIONAL' Set acquisition qualifier for HW trace. `htrace stop CONDITIONAL' Set HW trace stopping criteria. `htrace record [DATA]*' Selects the data to be recorded, when qualifier is met and HW trace was triggered. `htrace enable' `htrace disable' Enables/disables the HW trace. `htrace rewind [FILENAME]' Clears currently recorded trace data. If filename is specified, new trace file is made and any newly collected data will be written there. `htrace print [START [LEN]]' Prints trace buffer, using current record configuration. `htrace mode continuous' Set continuous trace mode. `htrace mode suspend' Set suspend trace mode.  File:, Node: PowerPC Embedded, Next: Sparclet, Prev: PA, Up: Embedded Processors 18.3.6 PowerPC Embedded ----------------------- GDB provides the following PowerPC-specific commands: `set powerpc soft-float' `show powerpc soft-float' Force GDB to use (or not use) a software floating point calling convention. By default, GDB selects the calling convention based on the selected architecture and the provided executable file. `set powerpc vector-abi' `show powerpc vector-abi' Force GDB to use the specified calling convention for vector arguments and return values. The valid options are `auto'; `generic', to avoid vector registers even if they are present; `altivec', to use AltiVec registers; and `spe' to use SPE registers. By default, GDB selects the calling convention based on the selected architecture and the provided executable file. `target dink32 DEV' DINK32 ROM monitor. `target ppcbug DEV' `target ppcbug1 DEV' PPCBUG ROM monitor for PowerPC. `target sds DEV' SDS monitor, running on a PowerPC board (such as Motorola's ADS). The following commands specific to the SDS protocol are supported by GDB: `set sdstimeout NSEC' Set the timeout for SDS protocol reads to be NSEC seconds. The default is 2 seconds. `show sdstimeout' Show the current value of the SDS timeout. `sds COMMAND' Send the specified COMMAND string to the SDS monitor.  File:, Node: PA, Next: PowerPC Embedded, Prev: OpenRISC 1000, Up: Embedded Processors 18.3.7 HP PA Embedded --------------------- `target op50n DEV' OP50N monitor, running on an OKI HPPA board. `target w89k DEV' W89K monitor, running on a Winbond HPPA board.  File:, Node: Sparclet, Next: Sparclite, Prev: PowerPC Embedded, Up: Embedded Processors 18.3.8 Tsqware Sparclet ----------------------- GDB enables developers to debug tasks running on Sparclet targets from a Unix host. GDB uses code that runs on both the Unix host and on the Sparclet target. The program `gdb' is installed and executed on the Unix host. `remotetimeout ARGS' GDB supports the option `remotetimeout'. This option is set by the user, and ARGS represents the number of seconds GDB waits for responses. When compiling for debugging, include the options `-g' to get debug information and `-Ttext' to relocate the program to where you wish to load it on the target. You may also want to add the options `-n' or `-N' in order to reduce the size of the sections. Example: sparclet-aout-gcc prog.c -Ttext 0x12010000 -g -o prog -N You can use `objdump' to verify that the addresses are what you intended: sparclet-aout-objdump --headers --syms prog Once you have set your Unix execution search path to find GDB, you are ready to run GDB. From your Unix host, run `gdb' (or `sparclet-aout-gdb', depending on your installation). GDB comes up showing the prompt: (gdbslet) * Menu: * Sparclet File:: Setting the file to debug * Sparclet Connection:: Connecting to Sparclet * Sparclet Download:: Sparclet download * Sparclet Execution:: Running and debugging  File:, Node: Sparclet File, Next: Sparclet Connection, Up: Sparclet Setting File to Debug .............................. The GDB command `file' lets you choose with program to debug. (gdbslet) file prog GDB then attempts to read the symbol table of `prog'. GDB locates the file by searching the directories listed in the command search path. If the file was compiled with debug information (option `-g'), source files will be searched as well. GDB locates the source files by searching the directories listed in the directory search path (*note Your Program's Environment: Environment.). If it fails to find a file, it displays a message such as: prog: No such file or directory. When this happens, add the appropriate directories to the search paths with the GDB commands `path' and `dir', and execute the `target' command again.  File:, Node: Sparclet Connection, Next: Sparclet Download, Prev: Sparclet File, Up: Sparclet Connecting to Sparclet ............................... The GDB command `target' lets you connect to a Sparclet target. To connect to a target on serial port "`ttya'", type: (gdbslet) target sparclet /dev/ttya Remote target sparclet connected to /dev/ttya main () at ../prog.c:3 GDB displays messages like these: Connected to ttya.  File:, Node: Sparclet Download, Next: Sparclet Execution, Prev: Sparclet Connection, Up: Sparclet Sparclet Download .......................... Once connected to the Sparclet target, you can use the GDB `load' command to download the file from the host to the target. The file name and load offset should be given as arguments to the `load' command. Since the file format is aout, the program must be loaded to the starting address. You can use `objdump' to find out what this value is. The load offset is an offset which is added to the VMA (virtual memory address) of each of the file's sections. For instance, if the program `prog' was linked to text address 0x1201000, with data at 0x12010160 and bss at 0x12010170, in GDB, type: (gdbslet) load prog 0x12010000 Loading section .text, size 0xdb0 vma 0x12010000 If the code is loaded at a different address then what the program was linked to, you may need to use the `section' and `add-symbol-file' commands to tell GDB where to map the symbol table.  File:, Node: Sparclet Execution, Prev: Sparclet Download, Up: Sparclet Running and Debugging .............................. You can now begin debugging the task using GDB's execution control commands, `b', `step', `run', etc. See the GDB manual for the list of commands. (gdbslet) b main Breakpoint 1 at 0x12010000: file prog.c, line 3. (gdbslet) run Starting program: prog Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0xeffff21c) at prog.c:3 3 char *symarg = 0; (gdbslet) step 4 char *execarg = "hello!"; (gdbslet)  File:, Node: Sparclite, Next: Z8000, Prev: Sparclet, Up: Embedded Processors 18.3.9 Fujitsu Sparclite ------------------------ `target sparclite DEV' Fujitsu sparclite boards, used only for the purpose of loading. You must use an additional command to debug the program. For example: target remote DEV using GDB standard remote protocol.  File:, Node: Z8000, Next: AVR, Prev: Sparclite, Up: Embedded Processors 18.3.10 Zilog Z8000 ------------------- When configured for debugging Zilog Z8000 targets, GDB includes a Z8000 simulator. For the Z8000 family, `target sim' simulates either the Z8002 (the unsegmented variant of the Z8000 architecture) or the Z8001 (the segmented variant). The simulator recognizes which architecture is appropriate by inspecting the object code. `target sim ARGS' Debug programs on a simulated CPU. If the simulator supports setup options, specify them via ARGS. After specifying this target, you can debug programs for the simulated CPU in the same style as programs for your host computer; use the `file' command to load a new program image, the `run' command to run your program, and so on. As well as making available all the usual machine registers (*note Registers: Registers.), the Z8000 simulator provides three additional items of information as specially named registers: `cycles' Counts clock-ticks in the simulator. `insts' Counts instructions run in the simulator. `time' Execution time in 60ths of a second. You can refer to these values in GDB expressions with the usual conventions; for example, `b fputc if $cycles>5000' sets a conditional breakpoint that suspends only after at least 5000 simulated clock ticks.  File:, Node: AVR, Next: CRIS, Prev: Z8000, Up: Embedded Processors 18.3.11 Atmel AVR ----------------- When configured for debugging the Atmel AVR, GDB supports the following AVR-specific commands: `info io_registers' This command displays information about the AVR I/O registers. For each register, GDB prints its number and value.  File:, Node: CRIS, Next: Super-H, Prev: AVR, Up: Embedded Processors 18.3.12 CRIS ------------ When configured for debugging CRIS, GDB provides the following CRIS-specific commands: `set cris-version VER' Set the current CRIS version to VER, either `10' or `32'. The CRIS version affects register names and sizes. This command is useful in case autodetection of the CRIS version fails. `show cris-version' Show the current CRIS version. `set cris-dwarf2-cfi' Set the usage of DWARF-2 CFI for CRIS debugging. The default is `on'. Change to `off' when using `gcc-cris' whose version is below `R59'. `show cris-dwarf2-cfi' Show the current state of using DWARF-2 CFI. `set cris-mode MODE' Set the current CRIS mode to MODE. It should only be changed when debugging in guru mode, in which case it should be set to `guru' (the default is `normal'). `show cris-mode' Show the current CRIS mode.  File:, Node: Super-H, Prev: CRIS, Up: Embedded Processors 18.3.13 Renesas Super-H ----------------------- For the Renesas Super-H processor, GDB provides these commands: `regs' Show the values of all Super-H registers.  File:, Node: Architectures, Prev: Embedded Processors, Up: Configurations 18.4 Architectures ================== This section describes characteristics of architectures that affect all uses of GDB with the architecture, both native and cross. * Menu: * i386:: * A29K:: * Alpha:: * MIPS:: * HPPA:: HP PA architecture * SPU:: Cell Broadband Engine SPU architecture * PowerPC::  File:, Node: i386, Next: A29K, Up: Architectures 18.4.1 x86 Architecture-specific Issues --------------------------------------- `set struct-convention MODE' Set the convention used by the inferior to return `struct's and `union's from functions to MODE. Possible values of MODE are `"pcc"', `"reg"', and `"default"' (the default). `"default"' or `"pcc"' means that `struct's are returned on the stack, while `"reg"' means that a `struct' or a `union' whose size is 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes will be returned in a register. `show struct-convention' Show the current setting of the convention to return `struct's from functions.  File:, Node: A29K, Next: Alpha, Prev: i386, Up: Architectures 18.4.2 A29K ----------- `set rstack_high_address ADDRESS' On AMD 29000 family processors, registers are saved in a separate "register stack". There is no way for GDB to determine the extent of this stack. Normally, GDB just assumes that the stack is "large enough". This may result in GDB referencing memory locations that do not exist. If necessary, you can get around this problem by specifying the ending address of the register stack with the `set rstack_high_address' command. The argument should be an address, which you probably want to precede with `0x' to specify in hexadecimal. `show rstack_high_address' Display the current limit of the register stack, on AMD 29000 family processors.  File:, Node: Alpha, Next: MIPS, Prev: A29K, Up: Architectures 18.4.3 Alpha ------------ See the following section.  File:, Node: MIPS, Next: HPPA, Prev: Alpha, Up: Architectures 18.4.4 MIPS ----------- Alpha- and MIPS-based computers use an unusual stack frame, which sometimes requires GDB to search backward in the object code to find the beginning of a function. To improve response time (especially for embedded applications, where GDB may be restricted to a slow serial line for this search) you may want to limit the size of this search, using one of these commands: `set heuristic-fence-post LIMIT' Restrict GDB to examining at most LIMIT bytes in its search for the beginning of a function. A value of 0 (the default) means there is no limit. However, except for 0, the larger the limit the more bytes `heuristic-fence-post' must search and therefore the longer it takes to run. You should only need to use this command when debugging a stripped executable. `show heuristic-fence-post' Display the current limit. These commands are available _only_ when GDB is configured for debugging programs on Alpha or MIPS processors. Several MIPS-specific commands are available when debugging MIPS programs: `set mips abi ARG' Tell GDB which MIPS ABI is used by the inferior. Possible values of ARG are: `auto' The default ABI associated with the current binary (this is the default). `o32' `o64' `n32' `n64' `eabi32' `eabi64' `auto' `show mips abi' Show the MIPS ABI used by GDB to debug the inferior. `set mipsfpu' `show mipsfpu' *Note set mipsfpu: MIPS Embedded. `set mips mask-address ARG' This command determines whether the most-significant 32 bits of 64-bit MIPS addresses are masked off. The argument ARG can be `on', `off', or `auto'. The latter is the default setting, which lets GDB determine the correct value. `show mips mask-address' Show whether the upper 32 bits of MIPS addresses are masked off or not. `set remote-mips64-transfers-32bit-regs' This command controls compatibility with 64-bit MIPS targets that transfer data in 32-bit quantities. If you have an old MIPS 64 target that transfers 32 bits for some registers, like SR and FSR, and 64 bits for other registers, set this option to `on'. `show remote-mips64-transfers-32bit-regs' Show the current setting of compatibility with older MIPS 64 targets. `set debug mips' This command turns on and off debugging messages for the MIPS-specific target code in GDB. `show debug mips' Show the current setting of MIPS debugging messages.  File:, Node: HPPA, Next: SPU, Prev: MIPS, Up: Architectures 18.4.5 HPPA ----------- When GDB is debugging the HP PA architecture, it provides the following special commands: `set debug hppa' This command determines whether HPPA architecture-specific debugging messages are to be displayed. `show debug hppa' Show whether HPPA debugging messages are displayed. `maint print unwind ADDRESS' This command displays the contents of the unwind table entry at the given ADDRESS.  File:, Node: SPU, Next: PowerPC, Prev: HPPA, Up: Architectures 18.4.6 Cell Broadband Engine SPU architecture --------------------------------------------- When GDB is debugging the Cell Broadband Engine SPU architecture, it provides the following special commands: `info spu event' Display SPU event facility status. Shows current event mask and pending event status. `info spu signal' Display SPU signal notification facility status. Shows pending signal-control word and signal notification mode of both signal notification channels. `info spu mailbox' Display SPU mailbox facility status. Shows all pending entries, in order of processing, in each of the SPU Write Outbound, SPU Write Outbound Interrupt, and SPU Read Inbound mailboxes. `info spu dma' Display MFC DMA status. Shows all pending commands in the MFC DMA queue. For each entry, opcode, tag, class IDs, effective and local store addresses and transfer size are shown. `info spu proxydma' Display MFC Proxy-DMA status. Shows all pending commands in the MFC Proxy-DMA queue. For each entry, opcode, tag, class IDs, effective and local store addresses and transfer size are shown.  File:, Node: PowerPC, Prev: SPU, Up: Architectures 18.4.7 PowerPC -------------- When GDB is debugging the PowerPC architecture, it provides a set of pseudo-registers to enable inspection of 128-bit wide Decimal Floating Point numbers stored in the floating point registers. These values must be stored in two consecutive registers, always starting at an even register like `f0' or `f2'. The pseudo-registers go from `$dl0' through `$dl15', and are formed by joining the even/odd register pairs `f0' and `f1' for `$dl0', `f2' and `f3' for `$dl1' and so on.  File:, Node: Controlling GDB, Next: Sequences, Prev: Configurations, Up: Top 19 Controlling GDB ****************** You can alter the way GDB interacts with you by using the `set' command. For commands controlling how GDB displays data, see *note Print Settings: Print Settings. Other settings are described here. * Menu: * Prompt:: Prompt * Editing:: Command editing * Command History:: Command history * Screen Size:: Screen size * Numbers:: Numbers * ABI:: Configuring the current ABI * Messages/Warnings:: Optional warnings and messages * Debugging Output:: Optional messages about internal happenings  File:, Node: Prompt, Next: Editing, Up: Controlling GDB 19.1 Prompt =========== GDB indicates its readiness to read a command by printing a string called the "prompt". This string is normally `(gdb)'. You can change the prompt string with the `set prompt' command. For instance, when debugging GDB with GDB, it is useful to change the prompt in one of the GDB sessions so that you can always tell which one you are talking to. _Note:_ `set prompt' does not add a space for you after the prompt you set. This allows you to set a prompt which ends in a space or a prompt that does not. `set prompt NEWPROMPT' Directs GDB to use NEWPROMPT as its prompt string henceforth. `show prompt' Prints a line of the form: `Gdb's prompt is: YOUR-PROMPT'  File:, Node: Editing, Next: Command History, Prev: Prompt, Up: Controlling GDB 19.2 Command Editing ==================== GDB reads its input commands via the "Readline" interface. This GNU library provides consistent behavior for programs which provide a command line interface to the user. Advantages are GNU Emacs-style or "vi"-style inline editing of commands, `csh'-like history substitution, and a storage and recall of command history across debugging sessions. You may control the behavior of command line editing in GDB with the command `set'. `set editing' `set editing on' Enable command line editing (enabled by default). `set editing off' Disable command line editing. `show editing' Show whether command line editing is enabled. *Note Command Line Editing::, for more details about the Readline interface. Users unfamiliar with GNU Emacs or `vi' are encouraged to read that chapter.  File:, Node: Command History, Next: Screen Size, Prev: Editing, Up: Controlling GDB 19.3 Command History ==================== GDB can keep track of the commands you type during your debugging sessions, so that you can be certain of precisely what happened. Use these commands to manage the GDB command history facility. GDB uses the GNU History library, a part of the Readline package, to provide the history facility. *Note Using History Interactively::, for the detailed description of the History library. To issue a command to GDB without affecting certain aspects of the state which is seen by users, prefix it with `server ' (*note Server Prefix::). This means that this command will not affect the command history, nor will it affect GDB's notion of which command to repeat if is pressed on a line by itself. The server prefix does not affect the recording of values into the value history; to print a value without recording it into the value history, use the `output' command instead of the `print' command. Here is the description of GDB commands related to command history. `set history filename FNAME' Set the name of the GDB command history file to FNAME. This is the file where GDB reads an initial command history list, and where it writes the command history from this session when it exits. You can access this list through history expansion or through the history command editing characters listed below. This file defaults to the value of the environment variable `GDBHISTFILE', or to `./.gdb_history' (`./_gdb_history' on MS-DOS) if this variable is not set. `set history save' `set history save on' Record command history in a file, whose name may be specified with the `set history filename' command. By default, this option is disabled. `set history save off' Stop recording command history in a file. `set history size SIZE' Set the number of commands which GDB keeps in its history list. This defaults to the value of the environment variable `HISTSIZE', or to 256 if this variable is not set. History expansion assigns special meaning to the character `!'. *Note Event Designators::, for more details. Since `!' is also the logical not operator in C, history expansion is off by default. If you decide to enable history expansion with the `set history expansion on' command, you may sometimes need to follow `!' (when it is used as logical not, in an expression) with a space or a tab to prevent it from being expanded. The readline history facilities do not attempt substitution on the strings `!=' and `!(', even when history expansion is enabled. The commands to control history expansion are: `set history expansion on' `set history expansion' Enable history expansion. History expansion is off by default. `set history expansion off' Disable history expansion. `show history' `show history filename' `show history save' `show history size' `show history expansion' These commands display the state of the GDB history parameters. `show history' by itself displays all four states. `show commands' Display the last ten commands in the command history. `show commands N' Print ten commands centered on command number N. `show commands +' Print ten commands just after the commands last printed.  File:, Node: Screen Size, Next: Numbers, Prev: Command History, Up: Controlling GDB 19.4 Screen Size ================ Certain commands to GDB may produce large amounts of information output to the screen. To help you read all of it, GDB pauses and asks you for input at the end of each page of output. Type when you want to continue the output, or `q' to discard the remaining output. Also, the screen width setting determines when to wrap lines of output. Depending on what is being printed, GDB tries to break the line at a readable place, rather than simply letting it overflow onto the following line. Normally GDB knows the size of the screen from the terminal driver software. For example, on Unix GDB uses the termcap data base together with the value of the `TERM' environment variable and the `stty rows' and `stty cols' settings. If this is not correct, you can override it with the `set height' and `set width' commands: `set height LPP' `show height' `set width CPL' `show width' These `set' commands specify a screen height of LPP lines and a screen width of CPL characters. The associated `show' commands display the current settings. If you specify a height of zero lines, GDB does not pause during output no matter how long the output is. This is useful if output is to a file or to an editor buffer. Likewise, you can specify `set width 0' to prevent GDB from wrapping its output. `set pagination on' `set pagination off' Turn the output pagination on or off; the default is on. Turning pagination off is the alternative to `set height 0'. `show pagination' Show the current pagination mode.  File:, Node: Numbers, Next: ABI, Prev: Screen Size, Up: Controlling GDB 19.5 Numbers ============ You can always enter numbers in octal, decimal, or hexadecimal in GDB by the usual conventions: octal numbers begin with `0', decimal numbers end with `.', and hexadecimal numbers begin with `0x'. Numbers that neither begin with `0' or `0x', nor end with a `.' are, by default, entered in base 10; likewise, the default display for numbers--when no particular format is specified--is base 10. You can change the default base for both input and output with the commands described below. `set input-radix BASE' Set the default base for numeric input. Supported choices for BASE are decimal 8, 10, or 16. BASE must itself be specified either unambiguously or using the current input radix; for example, any of set input-radix 012 set input-radix 10. set input-radix 0xa sets the input base to decimal. On the other hand, `set input-radix 10' leaves the input radix unchanged, no matter what it was, since `10', being without any leading or trailing signs of its base, is interpreted in the current radix. Thus, if the current radix is 16, `10' is interpreted in hex, i.e. as 16 decimal, which doesn't change the radix. `set output-radix BASE' Set the default base for numeric display. Supported choices for BASE are decimal 8, 10, or 16. BASE must itself be specified either unambiguously or using the current input radix. `show input-radix' Display the current default base for numeric input. `show output-radix' Display the current default base for numeric display. `set radix [BASE]' `show radix' These commands set and show the default base for both input and output of numbers. `set radix' sets the radix of input and output to the same base; without an argument, it resets the radix back to its default value of 10.  File:, Node: ABI, Next: Messages/Warnings, Prev: Numbers, Up: Controlling GDB 19.6 Configuring the Current ABI ================================ GDB can determine the "ABI" (Application Binary Interface) of your application automatically. However, sometimes you need to override its conclusions. Use these commands to manage GDB's view of the current ABI. One GDB configuration can debug binaries for multiple operating system targets, either via remote debugging or native emulation. GDB will autodetect the "OS ABI" (Operating System ABI) in use, but you can override its conclusion using the `set osabi' command. One example where this is useful is in debugging of binaries which use an alternate C library (e.g. UCLIBC for GNU/Linux) which does not have the same identifying marks that the standard C library for your platform provides. `show osabi' Show the OS ABI currently in use. `set osabi' With no argument, show the list of registered available OS ABI's. `set osabi ABI' Set the current OS ABI to ABI. Generally, the way that an argument of type `float' is passed to a function depends on whether the function is prototyped. For a prototyped (i.e. ANSI/ISO style) function, `float' arguments are passed unchanged, according to the architecture's convention for `float'. For unprototyped (i.e. K&R style) functions, `float' arguments are first promoted to type `double' and then passed. Unfortunately, some forms of debug information do not reliably indicate whether a function is prototyped. If GDB calls a function that is not marked as prototyped, it consults `set coerce-float-to-double'. `set coerce-float-to-double' `set coerce-float-to-double on' Arguments of type `float' will be promoted to `double' when passed to an unprototyped function. This is the default setting. `set coerce-float-to-double off' Arguments of type `float' will be passed directly to unprototyped functions. `show coerce-float-to-double' Show the current setting of promoting `float' to `double'. GDB needs to know the ABI used for your program's C++ objects. The correct C++ ABI depends on which C++ compiler was used to build your application. GDB only fully supports programs with a single C++ ABI; if your program contains code using multiple C++ ABI's or if GDB can not identify your program's ABI correctly, you can tell GDB which ABI to use. Currently supported ABI's include "gnu-v2", for `g++' versions before 3.0, "gnu-v3", for `g++' versions 3.0 and later, and "hpaCC" for the HP ANSI C++ compiler. Other C++ compilers may use the "gnu-v2" or "gnu-v3" ABI's as well. The default setting is "auto". `show cp-abi' Show the C++ ABI currently in use. `set cp-abi' With no argument, show the list of supported C++ ABI's. `set cp-abi ABI' `set cp-abi auto' Set the current C++ ABI to ABI, or return to automatic detection.  File:, Node: Messages/Warnings, Next: Debugging Output, Prev: ABI, Up: Controlling GDB 19.7 Optional Warnings and Messages =================================== By default, GDB is silent about its inner workings. If you are running on a slow machine, you may want to use the `set verbose' command. This makes GDB tell you when it does a lengthy internal operation, so you will not think it has crashed. Currently, the messages controlled by `set verbose' are those which announce that the symbol table for a source file is being read; see `symbol-file' in *note Commands to Specify Files: Files. `set verbose on' Enables GDB output of certain informational messages. `set verbose off' Disables GDB output of certain informational messages. `show verbose' Displays whether `set verbose' is on or off. By default, if GDB encounters bugs in the symbol table of an object file, it is silent; but if you are debugging a compiler, you may find this information useful (*note Errors Reading Symbol Files: Symbol Errors.). `set complaints LIMIT' Permits GDB to output LIMIT complaints about each type of unusual symbols before becoming silent about the problem. Set LIMIT to zero to suppress all complaints; set it to a large number to prevent complaints from being suppressed. `show complaints' Displays how many symbol complaints GDB is permitted to produce. By default, GDB is cautious, and asks what sometimes seems to be a lot of stupid questions to confirm certain commands. For example, if you try to run a program which is already running: (gdb) run The program being debugged has been started already. Start it from the beginning? (y or n) If you are willing to unflinchingly face the consequences of your own commands, you can disable this "feature": `set confirm off' Disables confirmation requests. `set confirm on' Enables confirmation requests (the default). `show confirm' Displays state of confirmation requests. If you need to debug user-defined commands or sourced files you may find it useful to enable "command tracing". In this mode each command will be printed as it is executed, prefixed with one or more `+' symbols, the quantity denoting the call depth of each command. `set trace-commands on' Enable command tracing. `set trace-commands off' Disable command tracing. `show trace-commands' Display the current state of command tracing.  File:, Node: Debugging Output, Prev: Messages/Warnings, Up: Controlling GDB 19.8 Optional Messages about Internal Happenings ================================================ GDB has commands that enable optional debugging messages from various GDB subsystems; normally these commands are of interest to GDB maintainers, or when reporting a bug. This section documents those commands. `set exec-done-display' Turns on or off the notification of asynchronous commands' completion. When on, GDB will print a message when an asynchronous command finishes its execution. The default is off. `show exec-done-display' Displays the current setting of asynchronous command completion notification. `set debug arch' Turns on or off display of gdbarch debugging info. The default is off `show debug arch' Displays the current state of displaying gdbarch debugging info. `set debug aix-thread' Display debugging messages about inner workings of the AIX thread module. `show debug aix-thread' Show the current state of AIX thread debugging info display. `set debug event' Turns on or off display of GDB event debugging info. The default is off. `show debug event' Displays the current state of displaying GDB event debugging info. `set debug expression' Turns on or off display of debugging info about GDB expression parsing. The default is off. `show debug expression' Displays the current state of displaying debugging info about GDB expression parsing. `set debug frame' Turns on or off display of GDB frame debugging info. The default is off. `show debug frame' Displays the current state of displaying GDB frame debugging info. `set debug infrun' Turns on or off display of GDB debugging info for running the inferior. The default is off. `infrun.c' contains GDB's runtime state machine used for implementing operations such as single-stepping the inferior. `show debug infrun' Displays the current state of GDB inferior debugging. `set debug lin-lwp' Turns on or off debugging messages from the Linux LWP debug support. `show debug lin-lwp' Show the current state of Linux LWP debugging messages. `set debug observer' Turns on or off display of GDB observer debugging. This includes info such as the notification of observable events. `show debug observer' Displays the current state of observer debugging. `set debug overload' Turns on or off display of GDB C++ overload debugging info. This includes info such as ranking of functions, etc. The default is off. `show debug overload' Displays the current state of displaying GDB C++ overload debugging info. `set debug remote' Turns on or off display of reports on all packets sent back and forth across the serial line to the remote machine. The info is printed on the GDB standard output stream. The default is off. `show debug remote' Displays the state of display of remote packets. `set debug serial' Turns on or off display of GDB serial debugging info. The default is off. `show debug serial' Displays the current state of displaying GDB serial debugging info. `set debug solib-frv' Turns on or off debugging messages for FR-V shared-library code. `show debug solib-frv' Display the current state of FR-V shared-library code debugging messages. `set debug target' Turns on or off display of GDB target debugging info. This info includes what is going on at the target level of GDB, as it happens. The default is 0. Set it to 1 to track events, and to 2 to also track the value of large memory transfers. Changes to this flag do not take effect until the next time you connect to a target or use the `run' command. `show debug target' Displays the current state of displaying GDB target debugging info. `set debugvarobj' Turns on or off display of GDB variable object debugging info. The default is off. `show debugvarobj' Displays the current state of displaying GDB variable object debugging info. `set debug xml' Turns on or off debugging messages for built-in XML parsers. `show debug xml' Displays the current state of XML debugging messages.  File:, Node: Sequences, Next: Interpreters, Prev: Controlling GDB, Up: Top 20 Canned Sequences of Commands ******************************* Aside from breakpoint commands (*note Breakpoint Command Lists: Break Commands.), GDB provides two ways to store sequences of commands for execution as a unit: user-defined commands and command files. * Menu: * Define:: How to define your own commands * Hooks:: Hooks for user-defined commands * Command Files:: How to write scripts of commands to be stored in a file * Output:: Commands for controlled output  File:, Node: Define, Next: Hooks, Up: Sequences 20.1 User-defined Commands ========================== A "user-defined command" is a sequence of GDB commands to which you assign a new name as a command. This is done with the `define' command. User commands may accept up to 10 arguments separated by whitespace. Arguments are accessed within the user command via `$arg0...$arg9'. A trivial example: define adder print $arg0 + $arg1 + $arg2 end To execute the command use: adder 1 2 3 This defines the command `adder', which prints the sum of its three arguments. Note the arguments are text substitutions, so they may reference variables, use complex expressions, or even perform inferior functions calls. In addition, `$argc' may be used to find out how many arguments have been passed. This expands to a number in the range 0...10. define adder if $argc == 2 print $arg0 + $arg1 end if $argc == 3 print $arg0 + $arg1 + $arg2 end end `define COMMANDNAME' Define a command named COMMANDNAME. If there is already a command by that name, you are asked to confirm that you want to redefine it. The definition of the command is made up of other GDB command lines, which are given following the `define' command. The end of these commands is marked by a line containing `end'. `document COMMANDNAME' Document the user-defined command COMMANDNAME, so that it can be accessed by `help'. The command COMMANDNAME must already be defined. This command reads lines of documentation just as `define' reads the lines of the command definition, ending with `end'. After the `document' command is finished, `help' on command COMMANDNAME displays the documentation you have written. You may use the `document' command again to change the documentation of a command. Redefining the command with `define' does not change the documentation. `dont-repeat' Used inside a user-defined command, this tells GDB that this command should not be repeated when the user hits (*note repeat last command: Command Syntax.). `help user-defined' List all user-defined commands, with the first line of the documentation (if any) for each. `show user' `show user COMMANDNAME' Display the GDB commands used to define COMMANDNAME (but not its documentation). If no COMMANDNAME is given, display the definitions for all user-defined commands. `show max-user-call-depth' `set max-user-call-depth' The value of `max-user-call-depth' controls how many recursion levels are allowed in user-defined commands before GDB suspects an infinite recursion and aborts the command. In addition to the above commands, user-defined commands frequently use control flow commands, described in *note Command Files::. When user-defined commands are executed, the commands of the definition are not printed. An error in any command stops execution of the user-defined command. If used interactively, commands that would ask for confirmation proceed without asking when used inside a user-defined command. Many GDB commands that normally print messages to say what they are doing omit the messages when used in a user-defined command.  File:, Node: Hooks, Next: Command Files, Prev: Define, Up: Sequences 20.2 User-defined Command Hooks =============================== You may define "hooks", which are a special kind of user-defined command. Whenever you run the command `foo', if the user-defined command `hook-foo' exists, it is executed (with no arguments) before that command. A hook may also be defined which is run after the command you executed. Whenever you run the command `foo', if the user-defined command `hookpost-foo' exists, it is executed (with no arguments) after that command. Post-execution hooks may exist simultaneously with pre-execution hooks, for the same command. It is valid for a hook to call the command which it hooks. If this occurs, the hook is not re-executed, thereby avoiding infinite recursion. In addition, a pseudo-command, `stop' exists. Defining (`hook-stop') makes the associated commands execute every time execution stops in your program: before breakpoint commands are run, displays are printed, or the stack frame is printed. For example, to ignore `SIGALRM' signals while single-stepping, but treat them normally during normal execution, you could define: define hook-stop handle SIGALRM nopass end define hook-run handle SIGALRM pass end define hook-continue handle SIGALRM pass end As a further example, to hook at the beginning and end of the `echo' command, and to add extra text to the beginning and end of the message, you could define: define hook-echo echo <<<--- end define hookpost-echo echo --->>>\n end (gdb) echo Hello World <<<---Hello World--->>> (gdb) You can define a hook for any single-word command in GDB, but not for command aliases; you should define a hook for the basic command name, e.g. `backtrace' rather than `bt'. If an error occurs during the execution of your hook, execution of GDB commands stops and GDB issues a prompt (before the command that you actually typed had a chance to run). If you try to define a hook which does not match any known command, you get a warning from the `define' command.  File:, Node: Command Files, Next: Output, Prev: Hooks, Up: Sequences 20.3 Command Files ================== A command file for GDB is a text file made of lines that are GDB commands. Comments (lines starting with `#') may also be included. An empty line in a command file does nothing; it does not mean to repeat the last command, as it would from the terminal. You can request the execution of a command file with the `source' command: `source [`-v'] FILENAME' Execute the command file FILENAME. The lines in a command file are generally executed sequentially, unless the order of execution is changed by one of the _flow-control commands_ described below. The commands are not printed as they are executed. An error in any command terminates execution of the command file and control is returned to the console. GDB searches for FILENAME in the current directory and then on the search path (specified with the `directory' command). If `-v', for verbose mode, is given then GDB displays each command as it is executed. The option must be given before FILENAME, and is interpreted as part of the filename anywhere else. Commands that would ask for confirmation if used interactively proceed without asking when used in a command file. Many GDB commands that normally print messages to say what they are doing omit the messages when called from command files. GDB also accepts command input from standard input. In this mode, normal output goes to standard output and error output goes to standard error. Errors in a command file supplied on standard input do not terminate execution of the command file--execution continues with the next command. gdb < cmds > log 2>&1 (The syntax above will vary depending on the shell used.) This example will execute commands from the file `cmds'. All output and errors would be directed to `log'. Since commands stored on command files tend to be more general than commands typed interactively, they frequently need to deal with complicated situations, such as different or unexpected values of variables and symbols, changes in how the program being debugged is built, etc. GDB provides a set of flow-control commands to deal with these complexities. Using these commands, you can write complex scripts that loop over data structures, execute commands conditionally, etc. `if' `else' This command allows to include in your script conditionally executed commands. The `if' command takes a single argument, which is an expression to evaluate. It is followed by a series of commands that are executed only if the expression is true (its value is nonzero). There can then optionally be an `else' line, followed by a series of commands that are only executed if the expression was false. The end of the list is marked by a line containing `end'. `while' This command allows to write loops. Its syntax is similar to `if': the command takes a single argument, which is an expression to evaluate, and must be followed by the commands to execute, one per line, terminated by an `end'. These commands are called the "body" of the loop. The commands in the body of `while' are executed repeatedly as long as the expression evaluates to true. `loop_break' This command exits the `while' loop in whose body it is included. Execution of the script continues after that `while's `end' line. `loop_continue' This command skips the execution of the rest of the body of commands in the `while' loop in whose body it is included. Execution branches to the beginning of the `while' loop, where it evaluates the controlling expression. `end' Terminate the block of commands that are the body of `if', `else', or `while' flow-control commands.  File:, Node: Output, Prev: Command Files, Up: Sequences 20.4 Commands for Controlled Output =================================== During the execution of a command file or a user-defined command, normal GDB output is suppressed; the only output that appears is what is explicitly printed by the commands in the definition. This section describes three commands useful for generating exactly the output you want. `echo TEXT' Print TEXT. Nonprinting characters can be included in TEXT using C escape sequences, such as `\n' to print a newline. *No newline is printed unless you specify one.* In addition to the standard C escape sequences, a backslash followed by a space stands for a space. This is useful for displaying a string with spaces at the beginning or the end, since leading and trailing spaces are otherwise trimmed from all arguments. To print ` and foo = ', use the command `echo \ and foo = \ '. A backslash at the end of TEXT can be used, as in C, to continue the command onto subsequent lines. For example, echo This is some text\n\ which is continued\n\ onto several lines.\n produces the same output as echo This is some text\n echo which is continued\n echo onto several lines.\n `output EXPRESSION' Print the value of EXPRESSION and nothing but that value: no newlines, no `$NN = '. The value is not entered in the value history either. *Note Expressions: Expressions, for more information on expressions. `output/FMT EXPRESSION' Print the value of EXPRESSION in format FMT. You can use the same formats as for `print'. *Note Output Formats: Output Formats, for more information. `printf TEMPLATE, EXPRESSIONS...' Print the values of one or more EXPRESSIONS under the control of the string TEMPLATE. To print several values, make EXPRESSIONS be a comma-separated list of individual expressions, which may be either numbers or pointers. Their values are printed as specified by TEMPLATE, exactly as a C program would do by executing the code below: printf (TEMPLATE, EXPRESSIONS...); As in `C' `printf', ordinary characters in TEMPLATE are printed verbatim, while "conversion specification" introduced by the `%' character cause subsequent EXPRESSIONS to be evaluated, their values converted and formatted according to type and style information encoded in the conversion specifications, and then printed. For example, you can print two values in hex like this: printf "foo, bar-foo = 0x%x, 0x%x\n", foo, bar-foo `printf' supports all the standard `C' conversion specifications, including the flags and modifiers between the `%' character and the conversion letter, with the following exceptions: * The argument-ordering modifiers, such as `2$', are not supported. * The modifier `*' is not supported for specifying precision or width. * The `'' flag (for separation of digits into groups according to `LC_NUMERIC'') is not supported. * The type modifiers `hh', `j', `t', and `z' are not supported. * The conversion letter `n' (as in `%n') is not supported. * The conversion letters `a' and `A' are not supported. Note that the `ll' type modifier is supported only if the underlying `C' implementation used to build GDB supports the `long long int' type, and the `L' type modifier is supported only if `long double' type is available. As in `C', `printf' supports simple backslash-escape sequences, such as `\n', `\t', `\\', `\"', `\a', and `\f', that consist of backslash followed by a single character. Octal and hexadecimal escape sequences are not supported. Additionally, `printf' supports conversion specifications for DFP ("Decimal Floating Point") types using the following length modifiers together with a floating point specifier. letters: * `H' for printing `Decimal32' types. * `D' for printing `Decimal64' types. * `DD' for printing `Decimal128' types. If the underlying `C' implementation used to build GDB has support for the three length modifiers for DFP types, other modifiers such as width and precision will also be available for GDB to use. In case there is no such `C' support, no additional modifiers will be available and the value will be printed in the standard way. Here's an example of printing DFP types using the above conversion letters: printf "D32: %Hf - D64: %Df - D128: %DDf\n",1.2345df,1.2E10dd,1.2E1dl  File:, Node: Interpreters, Next: TUI, Prev: Sequences, Up: Top 21 Command Interpreters *********************** GDB supports multiple command interpreters, and some command infrastructure to allow users or user interface writers to switch between interpreters or run commands in other interpreters. GDB currently supports two command interpreters, the console interpreter (sometimes called the command-line interpreter or CLI) and the machine interface interpreter (or GDB/MI). This manual describes both of these interfaces in great detail. By default, GDB will start with the console interpreter. However, the user may choose to start GDB with another interpreter by specifying the `-i' or `--interpreter' startup options. Defined interpreters include: `console' The traditional console or command-line interpreter. This is the most often used interpreter with GDB. With no interpreter specified at runtime, GDB will use this interpreter. `mi' The newest GDB/MI interface (currently `mi2'). Used primarily by programs wishing to use GDB as a backend for a debugger GUI or an IDE. For more information, see *note The GDB/MI Interface: GDB/MI. `mi2' The current GDB/MI interface. `mi1' The GDB/MI interface included in GDB 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3. The interpreter being used by GDB may not be dynamically switched at runtime. Although possible, this could lead to a very precarious situation. Consider an IDE using GDB/MI. If a user enters the command "interpreter-set console" in a console view, GDB would switch to using the console interpreter, rendering the IDE inoperable! Although you may only choose a single interpreter at startup, you may execute commands in any interpreter from the current interpreter using the appropriate command. If you are running the console interpreter, simply use the `interpreter-exec' command: interpreter-exec mi "-data-list-register-names" GDB/MI has a similar command, although it is only available in versions of GDB which support GDB/MI version 2 (or greater).  File:, Node: TUI, Next: Emacs, Prev: Interpreters, Up: Top 22 GDB Text User Interface ************************** * Menu: * TUI Overview:: TUI overview * TUI Keys:: TUI key bindings * TUI Single Key Mode:: TUI single key mode * TUI Commands:: TUI-specific commands * TUI Configuration:: TUI configuration variables The GDB Text User Interface (TUI) is a terminal interface which uses the `curses' library to show the source file, the assembly output, the program registers and GDB commands in separate text windows. The TUI mode is supported only on platforms where a suitable version of the `curses' library is available. The TUI mode is enabled by default when you invoke GDB as either `gdbtui' or `gdb -tui'. You can also switch in and out of TUI mode while GDB runs by using various TUI commands and key bindings, such as `C-x C-a'. *Note TUI Key Bindings: TUI Keys.  File:, Node: TUI Overview, Next: TUI Keys, Up: TUI 22.1 TUI Overview ================= In TUI mode, GDB can display several text windows: _command_ This window is the GDB command window with the GDB prompt and the GDB output. The GDB input is still managed using readline. _source_ The source window shows the source file of the program. The current line and active breakpoints are displayed in this window. _assembly_ The assembly window shows the disassembly output of the program. _register_ This window shows the processor registers. Registers are highlighted when their values change. The source and assembly windows show the current program position by highlighting the current line and marking it with a `>' marker. Breakpoints are indicated with two markers. The first marker indicates the breakpoint type: `B' Breakpoint which was hit at least once. `b' Breakpoint which was never hit. `H' Hardware breakpoint which was hit at least once. `h' Hardware breakpoint which was never hit. The second marker indicates whether the breakpoint is enabled or not: `+' Breakpoint is enabled. `-' Breakpoint is disabled. The source, assembly and register windows are updated when the current thread changes, when the frame changes, or when the program counter changes. These windows are not all visible at the same time. The command window is always visible. The others can be arranged in several layouts: * source only, * assembly only, * source and assembly, * source and registers, or * assembly and registers. A status line above the command window shows the following information: _target_ Indicates the current GDB target. (*note Specifying a Debugging Target: Targets.). _process_ Gives the current process or thread number. When no process is being debugged, this field is set to `No process'. _function_ Gives the current function name for the selected frame. The name is demangled if demangling is turned on (*note Print Settings::). When there is no symbol corresponding to the current program counter, the string `??' is displayed. _line_ Indicates the current line number for the selected frame. When the current line number is not known, the string `??' is displayed. _pc_ Indicates the current program counter address.  File:, Node: TUI Keys, Next: TUI Single Key Mode, Prev: TUI Overview, Up: TUI 22.2 TUI Key Bindings ===================== The TUI installs several key bindings in the readline keymaps (*note Command Line Editing::). The following key bindings are installed for both TUI mode and the GDB standard mode. `C-x C-a' `C-x a' `C-x A' Enter or leave the TUI mode. When leaving the TUI mode, the curses window management stops and GDB operates using its standard mode, writing on the terminal directly. When reentering the TUI mode, control is given back to the curses windows. The screen is then refreshed. `C-x 1' Use a TUI layout with only one window. The layout will either be `source' or `assembly'. When the TUI mode is not active, it will switch to the TUI mode. Think of this key binding as the Emacs `C-x 1' binding. `C-x 2' Use a TUI layout with at least two windows. When the current layout already has two windows, the next layout with two windows is used. When a new layout is chosen, one window will always be common to the previous layout and the new one. Think of it as the Emacs `C-x 2' binding. `C-x o' Change the active window. The TUI associates several key bindings (like scrolling and arrow keys) with the active window. This command gives the focus to the next TUI window. Think of it as the Emacs `C-x o' binding. `C-x s' Switch in and out of the TUI SingleKey mode that binds single keys to GDB commands (*note TUI Single Key Mode::). The following key bindings only work in the TUI mode: Scroll the active window one page up. Scroll the active window one page down. Scroll the active window one line up. Scroll the active window one line down. Scroll the active window one column left. Scroll the active window one column right. `C-L' Refresh the screen. Because the arrow keys scroll the active window in the TUI mode, they are not available for their normal use by readline unless the command window has the focus. When another window is active, you must use other readline key bindings such as `C-p', `C-n', `C-b' and `C-f' to control the command window.  File:, Node: TUI Single Key Mode, Next: TUI Commands, Prev: TUI Keys, Up: TUI 22.3 TUI Single Key Mode ======================== The TUI also provides a "SingleKey" mode, which binds several frequently used GDB commands to single keys. Type `C-x s' to switch into this mode, where the following key bindings are used: `c' continue `d' down `f' finish `n' next `q' exit the SingleKey mode. `r' run `s' step `u' up `v' info locals `w' where Other keys temporarily switch to the GDB command prompt. The key that was pressed is inserted in the editing buffer so that it is possible to type most GDB commands without interaction with the TUI SingleKey mode. Once the command is entered the TUI SingleKey mode is restored. The only way to permanently leave this mode is by typing `q' or `C-x s'.  File:, Node: TUI Commands, Next: TUI Configuration, Prev: TUI Single Key Mode, Up: TUI 22.4 TUI-specific Commands ========================== The TUI has specific commands to control the text windows. These commands are always available, even when GDB is not in the TUI mode. When GDB is in the standard mode, most of these commands will automatically switch to the TUI mode. `info win' List and give the size of all displayed windows. `layout next' Display the next layout. `layout prev' Display the previous layout. `layout src' Display the source window only. `layout asm' Display the assembly window only. `layout split' Display the source and assembly window. `layout regs' Display the register window together with the source or assembly window. `focus next' Make the next window active for scrolling. `focus prev' Make the previous window active for scrolling. `focus src' Make the source window active for scrolling. `focus asm' Make the assembly window active for scrolling. `focus regs' Make the register window active for scrolling. `focus cmd' Make the command window active for scrolling. `refresh' Refresh the screen. This is similar to typing `C-L'. `tui reg float' Show the floating point registers in the register window. `tui reg general' Show the general registers in the register window. `tui reg next' Show the next register group. The list of register groups as well as their order is target specific. The predefined register groups are the following: `general', `float', `system', `vector', `all', `save', `restore'. `tui reg system' Show the system registers in the register window. `update' Update the source window and the current execution point. `winheight NAME +COUNT' `winheight NAME -COUNT' Change the height of the window NAME by COUNT lines. Positive counts increase the height, while negative counts decrease it. `tabset NCHARS' Set the width of tab stops to be NCHARS characters.  File:, Node: TUI Configuration, Prev: TUI Commands, Up: TUI 22.5 TUI Configuration Variables ================================ Several configuration variables control the appearance of TUI windows. `set tui border-kind KIND' Select the border appearance for the source, assembly and register windows. The possible values are the following: `space' Use a space character to draw the border. `ascii' Use ASCII characters `+', `-' and `|' to draw the border. `acs' Use the Alternate Character Set to draw the border. The border is drawn using character line graphics if the terminal supports them. `set tui border-mode MODE' `set tui active-border-mode MODE' Select the display attributes for the borders of the inactive windows or the active window. The MODE can be one of the following: `normal' Use normal attributes to display the border. `standout' Use standout mode. `reverse' Use reverse video mode. `half' Use half bright mode. `half-standout' Use half bright and standout mode. `bold' Use extra bright or bold mode. `bold-standout' Use extra bright or bold and standout mode.  File:, Node: Emacs, Next: GDB/MI, Prev: TUI, Up: Top 23 Using GDB under GNU Emacs **************************** A special interface allows you to use GNU Emacs to view (and edit) the source files for the program you are debugging with GDB. To use this interface, use the command `M-x gdb' in Emacs. Give the executable file you want to debug as an argument. This command starts GDB as a subprocess of Emacs, with input and output through a newly created Emacs buffer. Running GDB under Emacs can be just like running GDB normally except for two things: * All "terminal" input and output goes through an Emacs buffer, called the GUD buffer. This applies both to GDB commands and their output, and to the input and output done by the program you are debugging. This is useful because it means that you can copy the text of previous commands and input them again; you can even use parts of the output in this way. All the facilities of Emacs' Shell mode are available for interacting with your program. In particular, you can send signals the usual way--for example, `C-c C-c' for an interrupt, `C-c C-z' for a stop. * GDB displays source code through Emacs. Each time GDB displays a stack frame, Emacs automatically finds the source file for that frame and puts an arrow (`=>') at the left margin of the current line. Emacs uses a separate buffer for source display, and splits the screen to show both your GDB session and the source. Explicit GDB `list' or search commands still produce output as usual, but you probably have no reason to use them from Emacs. We call this "text command mode". Emacs 22.1, and later, also uses a graphical mode, enabled by default, which provides further buffers that can control the execution and describe the state of your program. *Note GDB Graphical Interface: (Emacs)GDB Graphical Interface. If you specify an absolute file name when prompted for the `M-x gdb' argument, then Emacs sets your current working directory to where your program resides. If you only specify the file name, then Emacs sets your current working directory to to the directory associated with the previous buffer. In this case, GDB may find your program by searching your environment's `PATH' variable, but on some operating systems it might not find the source. So, although the GDB input and output session proceeds normally, the auxiliary buffer does not display the current source and line of execution. The initial working directory of GDB is printed on the top line of the GUD buffer and this serves as a default for the commands that specify files for GDB to operate on. *Note Commands to Specify Files: Files. By default, `M-x gdb' calls the program called `gdb'. If you need to call GDB by a different name (for example, if you keep several configurations around, with different names) you can customize the Emacs variable `gud-gdb-command-name' to run the one you want. In the GUD buffer, you can use these special Emacs commands in addition to the standard Shell mode commands: `C-h m' Describe the features of Emacs' GUD Mode. `C-c C-s' Execute to another source line, like the GDB `step' command; also update the display window to show the current file and location. `C-c C-n' Execute to next source line in this function, skipping all function calls, like the GDB `next' command. Then update the display window to show the current file and location. `C-c C-i' Execute one instruction, like the GDB `stepi' command; update display window accordingly. `C-c C-f' Execute until exit from the selected stack frame, like the GDB `finish' command. `C-c C-r' Continue execution of your program, like the GDB `continue' command. `C-c <' Go up the number of frames indicated by the numeric argument (*note Numeric Arguments: (Emacs)Arguments.), like the GDB `up' command. `C-c >' Go down the number of frames indicated by the numeric argument, like the GDB `down' command. In any source file, the Emacs command `C-x ' (`gud-break') tells GDB to set a breakpoint on the source line point is on. In text command mode, if you type `M-x speedbar', Emacs displays a separate frame which shows a backtrace when the GUD buffer is current. Move point to any frame in the stack and type to make it become the current frame and display the associated source in the source buffer. Alternatively, click `Mouse-2' to make the selected frame become the current one. In graphical mode, the speedbar displays watch expressions. If you accidentally delete the source-display buffer, an easy way to get it back is to type the command `f' in the GDB buffer, to request a frame display; when you run under Emacs, this recreates the source buffer if necessary to show you the context of the current frame. The source files displayed in Emacs are in ordinary Emacs buffers which are visiting the source files in the usual way. You can edit the files with these buffers if you wish; but keep in mind that GDB communicates with Emacs in terms of line numbers. If you add or delete lines from the text, the line numbers that GDB knows cease to correspond properly with the code. A more detailed description of Emacs' interaction with GDB is given in the Emacs manual (*note Debuggers: (Emacs)Debuggers.).  File:, Node: GDB/MI, Next: Annotations, Prev: Emacs, Up: Top 24 The GDB/MI Interface *********************** Function and Purpose ==================== GDB/MI is a line based machine oriented text interface to GDB and is activated by specifying using the `--interpreter' command line option (*note Mode Options::). It is specifically intended to support the development of systems which use the debugger as just one small component of a larger system. This chapter is a specification of the GDB/MI interface. It is written in the form of a reference manual. Note that GDB/MI is still under construction, so some of the features described below are incomplete and subject to change (*note GDB/MI Development and Front Ends: GDB/MI Development and Front Ends.). Notation and Terminology ======================== This chapter uses the following notation: * `|' separates two alternatives. * `[ SOMETHING ]' indicates that SOMETHING is optional: it may or may not be given. * `( GROUP )*' means that GROUP inside the parentheses may repeat zero or more times. * `( GROUP )+' means that GROUP inside the parentheses may repeat one or more times. * `"STRING"' means a literal STRING. * Menu: * GDB/MI Command Syntax:: * GDB/MI Compatibility with CLI:: * GDB/MI Development and Front Ends:: * GDB/MI Output Records:: * GDB/MI Simple Examples:: * GDB/MI Command Description Format:: * GDB/MI Breakpoint Commands:: * GDB/MI Program Context:: * GDB/MI Thread Commands:: * GDB/MI Program Execution:: * GDB/MI Stack Manipulation:: * GDB/MI Variable Objects:: * GDB/MI Data Manipulation:: * GDB/MI Tracepoint Commands:: * GDB/MI Symbol Query:: * GDB/MI File Commands:: * GDB/MI Target Manipulation:: * GDB/MI File Transfer Commands:: * GDB/MI Miscellaneous Commands::  File:, Node: GDB/MI Command Syntax, Next: GDB/MI Compatibility with CLI, Up: GDB/MI 24.1 GDB/MI Command Syntax ========================== * Menu: * GDB/MI Input Syntax:: * GDB/MI Output Syntax::  File:, Node: GDB/MI Input Syntax, Next: GDB/MI Output Syntax, Up: GDB/MI Command Syntax 24.1.1 GDB/MI Input Syntax -------------------------- `COMMAND ==>' `CLI-COMMAND | MI-COMMAND' `CLI-COMMAND ==>' `[ TOKEN ] CLI-COMMAND NL', where CLI-COMMAND is any existing GDB CLI command. `MI-COMMAND ==>' `[ TOKEN ] "-" OPERATION ( " " OPTION )* `[' " --" `]' ( " " PARAMETER )* NL' `TOKEN ==>' "any sequence of digits" `OPTION ==>' `"-" PARAMETER [ " " PARAMETER ]' `PARAMETER ==>' `NON-BLANK-SEQUENCE | C-STRING' `OPERATION ==>' _any of the operations described in this chapter_ `NON-BLANK-SEQUENCE ==>' _anything, provided it doesn't contain special characters such as "-", NL, """ and of course " "_ `C-STRING ==>' `""" SEVEN-BIT-ISO-C-STRING-CONTENT """' `NL ==>' `CR | CR-LF' Notes: * The CLI commands are still handled by the MI interpreter; their output is described below. * The `TOKEN', when present, is passed back when the command finishes. * Some MI commands accept optional arguments as part of the parameter list. Each option is identified by a leading `-' (dash) and may be followed by an optional argument parameter. Options occur first in the parameter list and can be delimited from normal parameters using `--' (this is useful when some parameters begin with a dash). Pragmatics: * We want easy access to the existing CLI syntax (for debugging). * We want it to be easy to spot a MI operation.  File:, Node: GDB/MI Output Syntax, Prev: GDB/MI Input Syntax, Up: GDB/MI Command Syntax 24.1.2 GDB/MI Output Syntax --------------------------- The output from GDB/MI consists of zero or more out-of-band records followed, optionally, by a single result record. This result record is for the most recent command. The sequence of output records is terminated by `(gdb)'. If an input command was prefixed with a `TOKEN' then the corresponding output for that command will also be prefixed by that same TOKEN. `OUTPUT ==>' `( OUT-OF-BAND-RECORD )* [ RESULT-RECORD ] "(gdb)" NL' `RESULT-RECORD ==>' ` [ TOKEN ] "^" RESULT-CLASS ( "," RESULT )* NL' `OUT-OF-BAND-RECORD ==>' `ASYNC-RECORD | STREAM-RECORD' `ASYNC-RECORD ==>' `EXEC-ASYNC-OUTPUT | STATUS-ASYNC-OUTPUT | NOTIFY-ASYNC-OUTPUT' `EXEC-ASYNC-OUTPUT ==>' `[ TOKEN ] "*" ASYNC-OUTPUT' `STATUS-ASYNC-OUTPUT ==>' `[ TOKEN ] "+" ASYNC-OUTPUT' `NOTIFY-ASYNC-OUTPUT ==>' `[ TOKEN ] "=" ASYNC-OUTPUT' `ASYNC-OUTPUT ==>' `ASYNC-CLASS ( "," RESULT )* NL' `RESULT-CLASS ==>' `"done" | "running" | "connected" | "error" | "exit"' `ASYNC-CLASS ==>' `"stopped" | OTHERS' (where OTHERS will be added depending on the needs--this is still in development). `RESULT ==>' ` VARIABLE "=" VALUE' `VARIABLE ==>' ` STRING ' `VALUE ==>' ` CONST | TUPLE | LIST ' `CONST ==>' `C-STRING' `TUPLE ==>' ` "{}" | "{" RESULT ( "," RESULT )* "}" ' `LIST ==>' ` "[]" | "[" VALUE ( "," VALUE )* "]" | "[" RESULT ( "," RESULT )* "]" ' `STREAM-RECORD ==>' `CONSOLE-STREAM-OUTPUT | TARGET-STREAM-OUTPUT | LOG-STREAM-OUTPUT' `CONSOLE-STREAM-OUTPUT ==>' `"~" C-STRING' `TARGET-STREAM-OUTPUT ==>' `"@" C-STRING' `LOG-STREAM-OUTPUT ==>' `"&" C-STRING' `NL ==>' `CR | CR-LF' `TOKEN ==>' _any sequence of digits_. Notes: * All output sequences end in a single line containing a period. * The `TOKEN' is from the corresponding request. If an execution command is interrupted by the `-exec-interrupt' command, the TOKEN associated with the `*stopped' message is the one of the original execution command, not the one of the interrupt command. * STATUS-ASYNC-OUTPUT contains on-going status information about the progress of a slow operation. It can be discarded. All status output is prefixed by `+'. * EXEC-ASYNC-OUTPUT contains asynchronous state change on the target (stopped, started, disappeared). All async output is prefixed by `*'. * NOTIFY-ASYNC-OUTPUT contains supplementary information that the client should handle (e.g., a new breakpoint information). All notify output is prefixed by `='. * CONSOLE-STREAM-OUTPUT is output that should be displayed as is in the console. It is the textual response to a CLI command. All the console output is prefixed by `~'. * TARGET-STREAM-OUTPUT is the output produced by the target program. All the target output is prefixed by `@'. * LOG-STREAM-OUTPUT is output text coming from GDB's internals, for instance messages that should be displayed as part of an error log. All the log output is prefixed by `&'. * New GDB/MI commands should only output LISTS containing VALUES. *Note GDB/MI Stream Records: GDB/MI Stream Records, for more details about the various output records.  File:, Node: GDB/MI Compatibility with CLI, Next: GDB/MI Development and Front Ends, Prev: GDB/MI Command Syntax, Up: GDB/MI 24.2 GDB/MI Compatibility with CLI ================================== For the developers convenience CLI commands can be entered directly, but there may be some unexpected behaviour. For example, commands that query the user will behave as if the user replied yes, breakpoint command lists are not executed and some CLI commands, such as `if', `when' and `define', prompt for further input with `>', which is not valid MI output. This feature may be removed at some stage in the future and it is recommended that front ends use the `-interpreter-exec' command (*note -interpreter-exec::).  File:, Node: GDB/MI Development and Front Ends, Next: GDB/MI Output Records, Prev: GDB/MI Compatibility with CLI, Up: GDB/MI 24.3 GDB/MI Development and Front Ends ====================================== The application which takes the MI output and presents the state of the program being debugged to the user is called a "front end". Although GDB/MI is still incomplete, it is currently being used by a variety of front ends to GDB. This makes it difficult to introduce new functionality without breaking existing usage. This section tries to minimize the problems by describing how the protocol might change. Some changes in MI need not break a carefully designed front end, and for these the MI version will remain unchanged. The following is a list of changes that may occur within one level, so front ends should parse MI output in a way that can handle them: * New MI commands may be added. * New fields may be added to the output of any MI command. * The range of values for fields with specified values, e.g., `in_scope' (*note -var-update::) may be extended. If the changes are likely to break front ends, the MI version level will be increased by one. This will allow the front end to parse the output according to the MI version. Apart from mi0, new versions of GDB will not support old versions of MI and it will be the responsibility of the front end to work with the new one. The best way to avoid unexpected changes in MI that might break your front end is to make your project known to GDB developers and follow development on and . There is also the mailing list , hosted by the Free Standards Group, which has the aim of creating a more general MI protocol called Debugger Machine Interface (DMI) that will become a standard for all debuggers, not just GDB.  File:, Node: GDB/MI Output Records, Next: GDB/MI Simple Examples, Prev: GDB/MI Development and Front Ends, Up: GDB/MI 24.4 GDB/MI Output Records ========================== * Menu: * GDB/MI Result Records:: * GDB/MI Stream Records:: * GDB/MI Out-of-band Records::  File:, Node: GDB/MI Result Records, Next: GDB/MI Stream Records, Up: GDB/MI Output Records 24.4.1 GDB/MI Result Records ---------------------------- In addition to a number of out-of-band notifications, the response to a GDB/MI command includes one of the following result indications: `"^done" [ "," RESULTS ]' The synchronous operation was successful, `RESULTS' are the return values. `"^running"' The asynchronous operation was successfully started. The target is running. `"^connected"' GDB has connected to a remote target. `"^error" "," C-STRING' The operation failed. The `C-STRING' contains the corresponding error message. `"^exit"' GDB has terminated.  File:, Node: GDB/MI Stream Records, Next: GDB/MI Out-of-band Records, Prev: GDB/MI Result Records, Up: GDB/MI Output Records 24.4.2 GDB/MI Stream Records ---------------------------- GDB internally maintains a number of output streams: the console, the target, and the log. The output intended for each of these streams is funneled through the GDB/MI interface using "stream records". Each stream record begins with a unique "prefix character" which identifies its stream (*note GDB/MI Output Syntax: GDB/MI Output Syntax.). In addition to the prefix, each stream record contains a `STRING-OUTPUT'. This is either raw text (with an implicit new line) or a quoted C string (which does not contain an implicit newline). `"~" STRING-OUTPUT' The console output stream contains text that should be displayed in the CLI console window. It contains the textual responses to CLI commands. `"@" STRING-OUTPUT' The target output stream contains any textual output from the running target. This is only present when GDB's event loop is truly asynchronous, which is currently only the case for remote targets. `"&" STRING-OUTPUT' The log stream contains debugging messages being produced by GDB's internals.  File:, Node: GDB/MI Out-of-band Records, Prev: GDB/MI Stream Records, Up: GDB/MI Output Records 24.4.3 GDB/MI Out-of-band Records --------------------------------- "Out-of-band" records are used to notify the GDB/MI client of additional changes that have occurred. Those changes can either be a consequence of GDB/MI (e.g., a breakpoint modified) or a result of target activity (e.g., target stopped). The following is a preliminary list of possible out-of-band records. In particular, the EXEC-ASYNC-OUTPUT records. `*stopped,reason="REASON"' REASON can be one of the following: `breakpoint-hit' A breakpoint was reached. `watchpoint-trigger' A watchpoint was triggered. `read-watchpoint-trigger' A read watchpoint was triggered. `access-watchpoint-trigger' An access watchpoint was triggered. `function-finished' An -exec-finish or similar CLI command was accomplished. `location-reached' An -exec-until or similar CLI command was accomplished. `watchpoint-scope' A watchpoint has gone out of scope. `end-stepping-range' An -exec-next, -exec-next-instruction, -exec-step, -exec-step-instruction or similar CLI command was accomplished. `exited-signalled' The inferior exited because of a signal. `exited' The inferior exited. `exited-normally' The inferior exited normally. `signal-received' A signal was received by the inferior.  File:, Node: GDB/MI Simple Examples, Next: GDB/MI Command Description Format, Prev: GDB/MI Output Records, Up: GDB/MI 24.5 Simple Examples of GDB/MI Interaction ========================================== This subsection presents several simple examples of interaction using the GDB/MI interface. In these examples, `->' means that the following line is passed to GDB/MI as input, while `<-' means the output received from GDB/MI. Note the line breaks shown in the examples are here only for readability, they don't appear in the real output. Setting a Breakpoint -------------------- Setting a breakpoint generates synchronous output which contains detailed information of the breakpoint. -> -break-insert main <- ^done,bkpt={number="1",type="breakpoint",disp="keep", enabled="y",addr="0x08048564",func="main",file="myprog.c", fullname="/home/nickrob/myprog.c",line="68",times="0"} <- (gdb) Program Execution ----------------- Program execution generates asynchronous records and MI gives the reason that execution stopped. -> -exec-run <- ^running <- (gdb) <- *stopped,reason="breakpoint-hit",bkptno="1",thread-id="0", frame={addr="0x08048564",func="main", args=[{name="argc",value="1"},{name="argv",value="0xbfc4d4d4"}], file="myprog.c",fullname="/home/nickrob/myprog.c",line="68"} <- (gdb) -> -exec-continue <- ^running <- (gdb) <- *stopped,reason="exited-normally" <- (gdb) Quitting GDB ------------ Quitting GDB just prints the result class `^exit'. -> (gdb) <- -gdb-exit <- ^exit A Bad Command ------------- Here's what happens if you pass a non-existent command: -> -rubbish <- ^error,msg="Undefined MI command: rubbish" <- (gdb)