@****************************************************************************** @* boot.S f�r AT91EB63 @* Es wurde die @* AT91 Assembler Code Startup Sequence for C Code Applications Software @* als Vorlage genutzt. @* von: Manfred Pester @* vom: 17.12.2003 @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "../h/aic.inc" #include "../h/ebi.inc" @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @- Area Definition @----------------- @- Must be defined as function to put first in the code as it must be mapped @- at SRAM. @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .section .text .code 32 .global _start @****************************************************************************** @* Einsprungpunkt wird wohl auch die Adresse 0 RESET sein @****************************************************************************** _start: Reset: B InitReset @ reset undefvec: B undefvec @ Undefined Instruction swivec: B swivec @ Software Interrupt pabtvec: B pabtvec @ Prefetch Abort dabtvec: B dabtvec @ Data Abort rsvdvec: B rsvdvec @ reserved irqvec: B irqvec @ reserved fiqvec: B fiqvec @ reserved InitTableEBI: .word EBI_CSR_0 .word EBI_CSR_1 .word EBI_CSR_2 .word EBI_CSR_3 .word EBI_CSR_4 .word EBI_CSR_5 .word EBI_CSR_6 .word EBI_CSR_7 .word 0x00000001 @ REMAP command .word 0x00000006 @ 6 memory regions, standard read PtEBIBase: .word EBI_BASE @ EBI Base Address @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @- The reset handler before Remap @-------------------------------- @- From here, the code is executed from SRAM address @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ InitReset: @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @- Speed up the Boot sequence @---------------------------- @- After reset, the number os wait states on chip select 0 is 8. All AT91 @- Evaluation Boards fits fast flash memories, so that the number of wait @- states can be optimized to fast up the boot sequence. @- ICE note :For ICE debug no need to set the EBI value these values already set @- by the boot function. @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @- Load System EBI Base address and CSR0 Init Value ldr r0, PtEBIBase ldr r1, [pc,#-(8+.-InitTableEBI)] @ values (relative) @- Speed up code execution by disabling wait state on Chip Select 0 str r1, [r0] @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @- low level init @---------------- @ Call __low_level_init to perform initialization before initializing @ AIC and calling main. @---------------------------------------------------------------------- @ bl __low_level_init @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @- Reset the Interrupt Controller @-------------------------------- @- Normally, the code is executed only if a reset has been actually performed. @- So, the AIC initialization resumes at setting up the default vectors. @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @- Load the AIC Base Address and the default handler addresses add r0, pc,#-(8+.-AicData) @ @ where to read values (relative) ldmia r0, {r1-r4} @- Setup the Spurious Vector str r4, [r1, #AIC_SPU] @ r4 = spurious handler @- Set up the default interrupt handler vectors str r2, [r1, #AIC_SVR] @ SVR[0] for FIQ add r1, r1, #AIC_SVR mov r0, #31 @ counter LoopAic1: str r3, [r1, r0, LSL #2] @ SVRs for IRQs subs r0, r0, #1 @ do not save FIQ bhi LoopAic1 b EndInitAic @- Default Interrupt Handlers AicData: .word AIC_BASE @ AIC Base Address @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @- Default Interrupt Handler @--------------------------- @- These function are defined in the AT91 library. If you want to change this @- you can redifine these function in your appication code @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PtDefaultHandler: .word at91_default_fiq_handler .word at91_default_irq_handler .word at91_spurious_handler at91_default_fiq_handler: B at91_default_fiq_handler at91_default_irq_handler: B at91_default_irq_handler at91_spurious_handler: B at91_spurious_handler EndInitAic: @****************************************************************************** @* Setup Exception Vectors in internal RAM before Remap @****************************************************************************** b SetupRamVectors VectorTable: ldr pc, [pc, #0x18] @ SoftReset ldr pc, [pc, #0x18] @ UndefHandler ldr pc, [pc, #0x18] @ SWIHandler ldr pc, [pc, #0x18] @ PrefetchAbortHandler ldr pc, [pc, #0x18] @ DataAbortHandler nop @ Reserved ldr pc, [pc,#-0xF20] @ IRQ : read the AIC ldr pc, [pc,#-0xF20] @ FIQ : read the AIC @* There are only 5 offsets as the vectoring is used. .word _SoftReset .word _UndefHandler _SWIadress: .word SWIHandler .word _PrefetchAbortHandler .word _DataAbortHandler @* Vectoring Execution function run at absolut addresss _SoftReset: b _SoftReset _UndefHandler: b _UndefHandler _SWIHandler: b _SWIHandler _PrefetchAbortHandler: b _PrefetchAbortHandler _DataAbortHandler: b _DataAbortHandler @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @- Setup Exception Vectors in Internal RAM before Remap @------------------------------------------------------ @- That's important to perform this operation before Remap in order to guarantee @- that the core has valid vectors at any time during the remap operation. @- Note: There are only 5 offsets as the vectoring is used. @- ICE note : In this code only the start address value is changed if you use @- without Semihosting. @- Before Remap the internal RAM it's 0x300000 @- After Remap the internal RAM it's 0x000000 @- Remap it's already executed it's no possible to write to 0x300000. @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @- Copy the ARM exception vectors RAM_BASE: .word 0x300000 SetupRamVectors: @ mov r8, #RAM_BASE @ @ of the hard vector after remap in internal RAM 0x0 ldr r8, [pc,#-(8+.-RAM_BASE)] @ values (relative) add r9, pc,#-(8+.-VectorTable) @ @ where to read values (relative) ldmia r9!, {r0-r7} @ read 8 vectors stmia r8!, {r0-r7} @ store them ldmia r9!, {r0-r4} @ read 5 absolute handler addresses stmia r8!, {r0-r4} @ store them @* The RAM_BASE = 0x300000 it's specific for Boot from Flash RAM_BASE = 0x300000 @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @- Initialise the Memory Controller @---------------------------------- @- That's principaly the Remap Command. Actually, all the External Bus @- Interface is configured with some instructions and the User Interface Image @- as described above. The jump "mov pc, r12" could be unread as it is after @- located after the Remap but actually it is thanks to the Arm core pipeline. @- The IniTableEBI addressing must be relative . @- The PtInitRemap must be absolute as the processor jumps at this address @- immediatly after the Remap is performed. @- Note also that the EBI base address is loaded in r11 by the "ldmia". @- ICE note :For ICE debug these values already set by the boot function and the @- Remap it's already executed it's no need to set still. @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @- Copy the Image of the Memory Controller sub r10, pc,#(8+.-InitTableEBI) @ get the address of the chip select register image ldr r12, PtInitRemap @ get the real jump address ( after remap ) @- Copy Chip Select Register Image to Memory Controller and command remap ldmia r10!, {r0-r9,r11} @ load the complete image and the EBI base stmia r11!, {r0-r9} @ store the complete image with the remap command @- Jump to ROM at its new address mov pc, r12 @ jump and break the pipeline PtInitRemap: .word InitRemap @ address where to jump after REMAP @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @- The Reset Handler after Remap @------------------------------- @- From here, the code is continous execute from its link address. @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ InitRemap: @-------------------------------- @- ARM Core Mode and Status Bits @-------------------------------- ARM_MODE_USER = 0x10 ARM_MODE_FIQ = 0x11 ARM_MODE_IRQ = 0x12 ARM_MODE_SVC = 0x13 ARM_MODE_ABORT = 0x17 ARM_MODE_UNDEF = 0x1B ARM_MODE_SYS = 0x1F I_BIT = 0x80 F_BIT = 0x40 T_BIT = 0x20 @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @- Stack Sizes Definition @------------------------ @- Interrupt Stack requires 3 words x 8 priority level x 4 bytes when using @- the vectoring. This assume that the IRQ_ENTRY/IRQ_EXIT macro are used. @- The Interrupt Stack must be adjusted depending on the interrupt handlers. @- Fast Interrupt is the same than Interrupt without priority level. @- Other stacks are defined by default to save one word each. @- The System stack size is not defined and is limited by the free internal @- SRAM. @- User stack size is not defined and is limited by the free external SRAM. @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IRQ_STACK_SIZE = (3*8*4) @ 3 words per interrupt priority level FIQ_STACK_SIZE = (3*4) @ 3 words ABT_STACK_SIZE = (1*4) @ 1 word UND_STACK_SIZE = (1*4) @ 1 word @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @- Top of Stack Definition @------------------------- @- Fast Interrupt, Interrupt, Abort, Undefined and Supervisor Stack are located @- at the top of internal memory in order to speed the exception handling @- context saving and restoring. @- User (Application, C) Stack is located at the top of the external memory. @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RAM_BASE = 0 RAM_SIZE = (2*1024) RAM_LIMIT = (RAM_BASE+RAM_SIZE) EXT_SRAM_BASE = 0x02000000 EXT_SRAM_SIZE = 0x00040000 @ 256Kbytes EXT_SRAM_LIMIT = (EXT_SRAM_BASE+EXT_SRAM_SIZE) TOP_EXCEPTION_STACK = RAM_LIMIT @ Defined in part TOP_APPLICATION_STACK = EXT_SRAM_LIMIT @ Defined in Target @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @- Setup the stack for each mode @------------------------------- ldr r0, =TOP_EXCEPTION_STACK @- Set up Fast Interrupt Mode and set FIQ Mode Stack msr CPSR_c, #ARM_MODE_FIQ | I_BIT |F_BIT mov r13, r0 @ Init stack FIQ sub r0, r0, #FIQ_STACK_SIZE @- Set up Interrupt Mode and set IRQ Mode Stack msr CPSR_c, #ARM_MODE_IRQ | I_BIT |F_BIT mov r13, r0 @ Init stack IRQ sub r0, r0, #IRQ_STACK_SIZE @- Set up Abort Mode and set Abort Mode Stack msr CPSR_c, #ARM_MODE_ABORT | I_BIT | F_BIT mov r13, r0 @ Init stack Abort sub r0, r0, #ABT_STACK_SIZE @- Set up Undefined Instruction Mode and set Undef Mode Stack msr CPSR_c, #ARM_MODE_UNDEF | I_BIT | F_BIT mov r13, r0 @ Init stack Undef sub r0, r0, #UND_STACK_SIZE @- Set up Supervisor Mode and set Supervisor Mode Stack msr CPSR_c, #ARM_MODE_SVC | I_BIT | F_BIT mov r13, r0 @ Init stack Sup @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @- Setup Application Operating Mode and Enable the interrupts @------------------------------------------------------------ @- System Mode is selected first and the stack is setup. This allows to prevent @- any interrupt occurence while the User is not initialized. System Mode is @- used as the interrupt enabling would be avoided from User Mode (CPSR cannot @- be written while the core is in User Mode). @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ msr CPSR_c, #ARM_MODE_USER @ set User mode ldr r13, =TOP_APPLICATION_STACK @ Init stack User @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @- Initialise C variables @------------------------ @- Following labels are automatically generated by the linker. @- RO: Read-only = the code @- RW: Read Write = the data pre-initialized and zero-initialized. @- ZI: Zero-Initialized. @- Pre-initialization values are located after the code area in the image. @- Zero-initialized datas are mapped after the pre-initialized. @- Note on the Data position : @- If using the ARMSDT, when no -rw-base option is used for the linker, the @- data area is mapped after the code. You can map the data either in internal @- SRAM ( -rw-base=0x40 or 0x34) or in external SRAM ( -rw-base=0x2000000 ). @- Note also that to improve the code density, the pre_initialized data must @- be limited to a minimum. @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @ IMPORT |Image$$RO$$Limit| @ End of ROM code (=start of ROM data) @ IMPORT |Image$$RW$$Base| @ Base of RAM to initialise @ IMPORT |Image$$ZI$$Base| @ Base and limit of area @ IMPORT |Image$$ZI$$Limit| @ to zero initialise @ ldr r0, =|Image$$RO$$Limit| @ Get pointer to ROM data @ ldr r1, =|Image$$RW$$Base| @ and RAM copy ldr r3, = __bss_start__ @ Zero init base => top of initialised data @ cmp r0, r1 @ Check that they are different @ beq NoRW @LoopRw: cmp r1, r3 @ Copy init data @ ldrcc r2, [r0], #4 @ strcc r2, [r1], #4 @ bcc LoopRw NoRW: ldr r1, = __bss_end__ @ Top of zero init segment mov r2, #0 LoopZI: cmp r3, r1 @ Zero init strcc r2, [r3], #4 bcc LoopZI @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @- Branch on C code Main function (with interworking) @---------------------------------------------------- @- Branch must be performed by an interworking call as either an ARM or Thumb @- main C function must be supported. This makes the code not position- @- independant. A Branch with link would generate errors @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @ IMPORT main ldr r0, =main mov lr, pc bx r0 @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @- Loop for ever @--------------- @- End of application. Normally, never occur. @- Could jump on Software Reset ( B 0x0 ). @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ End: b End .END