;Register definition for AT91M40400
; name: user defined name of the register
; type: the type of the register
;	GPR	general purpose register
;	MM	memory mapped register
;	DMMx	direct memory mapped register with offset
;		x = 1..4
;		the base is defined in the configuration file
;		e.g. DMM1 0x02200000
; addr:	the number, adddress or offset of the register
; size	the size of the register (8,16 or 32)
;name		type	addr		size
sp		GPR	13
lr		GPR	14
pc		GPR	15
; External Bus Interface (EBI) Registers
csr0		MM	0xFFE00000	32
csr1		MM	0xFFE00004	32
csr2		MM	0xFFE00008	32
csr3		MM	0xFFE0000c	32
csr4		MM	0xFFE00010	32
csr5		MM	0xFFE00014	32
csr6		MM	0xFFE00018	32
csr7		MM	0xFFE0001c	32
rcr		MM	0xFFE00020	32
mcr		MM	0xFFE00024	32