The Red Hat Source-NavigatorTM source code comprehension tool helps you to analyze, reuse, and develop software in C/C++, Java, Tcl, [incr Tcl], FORTRAN, Cobol, and PowerPC 601 assembly language.
Source-Navigator is based on two software components: a database engine and a graphical user interface for representing information about software projects which are held in the database. Source-Navigator has been designed to permit third parties to customize and extend Source-Navigator into specific problem domains.
With the Software Development Kit (SDK), you can:
modify the graphical user interface (see Customization).
write new parsers that allow Source-Navigator to support additional programing languages (see Adding Parsers).
query the database for specific information (see Database API).
use other applications in conjunction with Source-Navigator (see Interapplication Communication).
The graphical user interface is based on Tcl and Tk (v. 8.1). If you are not familiar with the Tcl programming language, please refer to a reference text such as Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk1 and Tcl and the Tk Toolkit 2.
This guide serves as a reference to allow the programmer to customize and extend the functionality of Source-Navigator.
Source-Navigator's documentation uses the following general conventions:
Indicates a new term that will be defined in the text and items called out for special emphasis.
Represents menus, window names, and tool buttons.
Denotes code fragments, contents of files, and command names; also indicates directory, file, and project names where they appear in body text.
Represents a variable for which an actual value should be substituted.
Indicates command lines, options, and text output generated by Source-Navigator.
Menu names and their submenus are separated by an arrow (->). For example, File -> Open means select the File menu and choose Open from its submenu.
Paths are written in UNIX notation (forward slashes) throughout; .../bin means the directory Source-Navigator is installed into, subdirectory bin.
1. Welch, Brent B. 1997. Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk. 2nd ed. ISBN 0-13-616830-2. Return to text
2. Ousterhout, John K. 1994. Tcl and the Tk Toolkit. ISBN 0-201-63337-X. Return to text